Holy Prison

Chapter 828: Leaving Shijiapu

"The endurance is really poor." Chu Feng said indifferently. He is standing still and cannot speak. He has only been at the Silver level for more than a hundred years, but he is a guy who has been abolished by him. It took thousands of years to have the current level of cultivation!

The results of thousands of years of training have disappeared in the blink of an eye. It is normal for that guy who is only a silver-level cultivation base and his mental endurance has declined.

With a move of Chu Feng's mind, the two awake guys separated by barriers. "The cultivation base is your own. Now, choose, or let me eliminate the cultivation base, or speak honestly! You tell lies, if someone else tells the truth, then I am embarrassed, your cultivation I'm sure it will be annihilated." Chu Feng said, his voice was heard by the two separated people.

"We still have the space coordinates of that planet."

"I have the space coordinates."

There was a slight smile on Chu Feng's face, and both of them immediately recruited, and soon both of them took out a broken stone. "This is the stone formation left when the Ascendant Well was destroyed when the Ascended Demon Well was built. There must be the space coordinates of that celestial star in the stone formation. Extract the space coordinates inside and then you can build it. The Ascendant Well has reached that sky star."

Chu Feng had collected the two broken formations, and he really felt a familiar aura in the two broken formations. "Earth, this is the breath of the earth." Chu Feng quickly judged that the breath was the breath of the earth!

"What else do you need to pay attention to when building the Ascended Devil Well? Why haven't you built the Ascended Devil Well to regain the sky star?" Chu Feng asked.

"Ascension Well is not something we can build if we want to build it. We spent a lot of money to build that Ascension Well, but now we don’t have the financial resources to build another Ascension Well! If we had that financial ability, we would have built it a long time ago. We remember the loss we ate in our hearts!"

"The Ascension Well is best built near where we built the Ascension Well. In that case, the probability of success is higher. After all, the Ascension Well was successfully established there."

The two didn't know what the other party said, so they were telling the truth at this time. It didn't take long for the two to confess all what Chu Feng asked.

"Brother, these two guys have confessed. They all gave out a broken stone, and what should be said is the truth." Chu Long came back with the two guys before, and both guys were on his body. There are a lot of wounds, it is estimated that the two of them have received a lot of entertainment from Chu Long!

Chu Feng nodded slightly and instantly put all these five people into the holy prison space. Next, Chu Feng and Chu Long naturally exchanged the results they asked.

"Xiaolong, do you want to stay here or go to the side of Wang Yuan Mansion?" Chu Feng said.

There was a hesitant look on Chu Long's face. He wanted to accompany Chu Feng to the side of the Wang Yuan Mansion. In the past, perhaps when the Ascended Demon Well was established, he could meet Chu Zhen and the others, but Shi Yan's current situation makes him reluctant to leave. .

"Brother, I will go to the side of Wang Yuan Mansion with you." Chu Long said, Shi Yan has a relatively high status in his heart, but he believes that Shi Yan will not have an accident in a short time, and they can still meet Chu Zhen. come back.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Well, leave a message for Shi Yan to say goodbye." Chu Long thought, a jade slip appeared in his hand, and his spiritual sense entered the jade slip and quickly left a lot of information in the jade slip. . After several minutes passed, Chu Long's spiritual consciousness retreated from the jade slip.

"Are you leaving?" Shi Han appeared in front of Chu Feng and the others. "Senior." Chu Feng and the others saluted. Chu Feng said, "Yes, senior, thank you for your help. Now we can't help much here. I think it's time for us to leave."

Shi Han looked at Chu Long: "Chu Long, Shi Yan has few friends. If you leave, she will probably be a little sad by then." "Senior, I will come to see Shi Yan when I finish my work." Chu Long said, he Speaking and holding it up, "Senior, please give Shi Yan this jade slip."

"Okay, little brother Chu, I wish you all the best." Shi Han waved the jade slip into his hand. "Senior, if you need our help in an urgent matter, just hang a high-priced bloodstone in the heaven trading house, and leave the name "Red Leaf"." Chu Feng said.

"Okay." Shi Han nodded.

It didn't take long for Chu Feng and the others to be sent out of Shijiapu by Shi Han. Through the teleportation formation, Chu Feng and the others immediately disappeared into Hongye City.

Shijiapu. "Yan'er, let me tell you a piece of news, you don't have to run to Chu Long's yard in the future." Shi Han appeared in front of Shi Yan.

Shi Yan's face changed slightly: "Father, why?"

"They are gone." Shi Han said. Shi Yan stayed for a while: "Go? Why did you leave? Chu Long didn't say goodbye to me and left. Father, well, I know."

Shi Yan looked sad, and Shi Han's heart moved. Maybe Shi Yan might like Chu Long by then. If so, then Shi Yan might be able to make a sincere agreement with Chu Long!

"Yan'er, this is what Chu Long's kid left for you." Shi Han said as he took out the jade slip that Chu Long gave him. The sad color on Shi Yan's face disappeared and quickly said, "Father, give it to me."

"Yan'er, did you like Chu Long's boy?" Shi Han said, "If you like Chu Long's boy, you will not object to being together as a father. Although Chu Long boy has no background, He is very talented himself, and there is also Chu Feng's elder brother, so being together is not wrong to you."

Shi Yan's face reddened: "Father, there is nothing wrong with him. I am just friends with him. I am like this and I don't want to harm anyone."

"What are you doing like this!" Shi Han said with a deep face, "What's wrong with you like this?" Shi Yan smiled bitterly, "Father, I'm dying, right? You are like this, don't you just want to have fun in my last time? Is it true? But that is not fair to others."

Shi Han sat down on the stone chair next to him: "Who said you will die? Sit."

Shi Yan sat down opposite Shi Han, "Father, don't lie to me, you are looking for the blood of the saint for me, but my daughter also knows that the blood of the saint is not so easy to get, and I can live up to nine now. More than a year, this time is too short, it is impossible to get the blood of the saint at all." Shi Yan said.

"What are you thinking about? Chu Feng told me two ways to heal you before, one of which is to use the blood of a saint, and the other is to make an appointment with one heart and soul." Shi Han said.

Shi Yan's eyes were puzzled: "I have an appointment with my heart, what is this?" Shi Han explained the appointment with my heart, "I know why your mother asked you if you have someone you like before, right? If you truly love each other, then you can make a sincere agreement, and then you can survive!" Shi Han said.

"Father, do you miss me and Chu Long?" Shi Yan said. She shook her head as she said, "Father, our current relationship is far from reaching that point, and this is not fair to Chu Long. The curse was passed on to him. Originally, he would only die if he died. If he made a sincere agreement, he would die if something happened to me."

Shi Han said: "Yan'er, there is nothing fair or unfair. The curse you give him will not kill him. After he dies, you will die. If he really loves you, you will definitely be more willing. If you live well, then he will be willing to make a real life agreement. If he does not agree to make a real life agreement, it means that he does not really love you. What defenses should I try?"

"Father, he and I are just friends now. To say this is too far away. Father, I'm tired, I will go back to my room and rest first." Shi Yan said that she got up and quickly entered her room.

Shi Han shook his head and left. He had the strength of a god-level, but he couldn't control this emotional matter. Even if he modified the memory of affecting Shi Yan and Chu Long, he couldn't make true love.

Half a day passed, Chu Feng and Chu Long had already reached a place far away from Hongye City. "Xiaolong, still thinking about Shi Yan?" Chu Feng slapped Chu Long's shoulder in a daze.

Chu Long came back to his senses: "Brother, Shi Yan will have no trouble, right?" "I don't think Shi Yan is like a short-lived figure. Okay, this is far away from Hongye City. Don't think about it. If your spirit comes, why don't you go and practice in my space." Chu Feng said, "The exercises also work when I walk. You can't do this with your current exercises, so go and practice. "

"No, brother, you can practice in my space objects. I am more familiar with the abyss. Then we will enter the big city. There may be some powerful people in the big city. If you let them find you It’s trouble if you don’t belong to the abyss.” Chu Long said, “I’m a person of the abyss now, even if a strong person appears in front of me, there will be no trouble.”

What Chu Long said is reasonable, Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Okay, then you can cheer up a little bit." "I know." Chu Long took a deep breath.

A suction force acted on Chu Feng's body, and Chu Feng immediately disappeared in front of Chu Long. "Yan'er, I hope you won't have any trouble." Chu Long secretly said in his heart and quickly entered the teleportation formation.

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