Holy Prison

Chapter 829: Sense of scandal

It took nearly half a year for the Black Sky Empire, the city of Zarro, to reach the city of Zarro safely. If nothing happened, it would normally take about two months to get from Hongye City to Dazaro City, but along the way, Chu Long encountered three times when the teleportation array was broken. On average, it was delayed for one month at a time and teleported three times. There is a problem, this is three months.

Zaluo City, this city is not far from Chu Feng's target location, the target location is not in the city but outside the city.

"Brother, we have already arrived in Zaluo City, not far from the target location." Chu Long's voice sounded in his own spatial ring.

In the space ring, Chu Feng opened his eyes: "Little Dragon, leave the city and go to the wild, we use the teleport charm to teleport over." "Brother, the distance is closer if you reach Delem City through the teleportation array." Chu Long Biography Soundtrack.

"No, it doesn't take much transmission charm." Chu Feng said in the space ring. Chu Long quickly left Zarro City, and immediately after he left, several people left Zarro City. "Brother, I seem to have been followed." Chu Long transmitted the sound to Chu Feng.

"Don't worry, if they come, let me come out immediately." Chu Feng said.

Chu Long hurriedly left. Behind him, a few people followed quickly. The high cultivation bases reached the Kings God Great Perfection, and the low ones reached the top of the Kings God. Without Chu Long using the space talisman, they followed There is nothing wrong with Jin Chulong.

"Several people, what do you mean by following me?" Chu Long stopped at the top of a mountain and said in a loud voice. "Your Excellency, please come with us." Those few king-shen-level experts quickly stepped forward and surrounded Chu Long with Tuantuan.

"Why?" Chu Long said solemnly.

Among those few people, the powerful man of Kingshen Great Perfection said solemnly: "We suspect that your Excellency is related to a murder incident. It would be better for your Excellency to go back and explain with us."

Chu Long frowned slightly. These people were probably from Wang Yuan Mansion, but people from Wang Yuan Mansion shouldn't find him so easily.

"I don't know how many people I killed. I don't know which one you are talking about?" Chu Long said indifferently. If it was just him, he would still be a little worried. He couldn't handle these people, but Chu Feng is now in his In the space ring, with Chu Feng's strength, Chu Long believed that it should not be particularly difficult to get these guys.

"Five people, with god-level strength!" said the powerful man who had achieved great success.

Chu Long immediately thought of the five people that the Shi family had helped arrest. He thought that Chu Feng was just putting them away, but after hearing them say that, Chu Feng was afraid that he would kill them!

"Why do you think I killed the person?" Chu Long frowned, "I just got here." "You have the strength of the King God level and it's the same direction that comes to this side at this time." Wangshen Dazuo's strong way.

In the Chulong space ring, Chu Feng also knew the words of the Great Perfection guy outside, and he had some ominous premonitions in his heart.

"Little dragon, let me out." Chu Feng said.

Chu Long thought, Chu Feng immediately appeared outside. "Dead!" Chu Feng came out without any unnecessary nonsense. He uttered a destructive sword and used it. If the shadowy black small sword appeared, a small hole appeared in the forehead of the powerful man who had great perfection. , With an unbelievable look in his eyes, he immediately fell down, and the black destruction sword shot the strong man at the peak of the king **** after beheading the strong man at the peak of the king god, immediately The strong man at the pinnacle of King God also lost his life!

There were a total of four people who followed Chu Long, the peak of the king **** and the death of the strong man who had reached the perfection of the king god, and the remaining two top king **** figures.

"Damn it!" The two kings' top powerhouses reacted and immediately launched an attack. Chu Feng's attack was quite terrifying, but they also recognized that Chu Feng's true self skills were used. Generally speaking, After using the true self skills, your strength will drop greatly!

One of the top powers of King God attacked Chu Feng, and the other top power of King God was attacking Chu Long. The weapon of the strong man who was attacking Chu Feng was a bone spear. The bone spear was pale in color. I don't know how many bones of the strong man were used to refine it.

The light flashed in Chu Feng's eyes, and he allowed the powerful bone spear to pierce him directly. Heavenly Guards played a role, and one of his defensive treasures also played a role. The crown of merit in his mind It also exuded some brilliance, and the attack of the bone spear did not cause Chu Feng to suffer any harm.

Chu Feng let out a deep cry, and the space confinement was used. He grabbed the hand of the top powerhouse who had attacked him, and then Hei Ming appeared in his right hand and pierced that powerhouse's chest viciously!

The strong man who attacked Chu Feng was terrified. He didn't expect his King God's top-level cultivation base to attack a high-level King King after using his true self skills, but he didn't cause the opponent to take any damage and he himself in a short time. It's a disadvantage!

That king god's top powerhouse resisted with all his might, but at such a close distance, Hei Ming pierced his defenses without any suspense and penetrated into his body!

"Forgive me!" The king god's top powerhouse yelled authentically. At this time, as long as Chu Feng's sword spit out his strength, he would die immediately. He estimated that the person in front of him might be more than the king god's advanced strength. , Kingshen’s advanced strength, it should be impossible to use true self skills to kill a Kingshen Dzogchen as well as a Kingshen pinnacle powerhouse!

Chu Feng hummed coldly, and in a short period of time, he sealed the cultivation base of that kingshen's top-level powerhouse when he didn't dare to resist.

At this time, Chu Long was still fighting against the top power of the King God. Although he was only a high-level cultivation base of the King God, it was him who had the upper hand in fighting against the top power of the King God. It is estimated that the top powerhouse of King God can be killed in minutes!

Chu Feng's thoughts moved, and a spatial confinement was imposed on the top powerhouse of the King God. Chu Feng's spatial confinement only exerted a slight influence, but Chu Long had the upper hand, and the opportunity appeared, and Chu Long immediately The ground was caught, and the halberd in his hand smashed the head of the top powerhouse in the blink of an eye!

Although it sounds long, all of this actually happened in just a few seconds. In a few seconds, the three kings of the gods were already dead on the spot!

Three king-shen-level powerhouses burst out two abyss crystals. Chu Feng collected two and Chu Long collected one, "Go." Chu Feng said in a deep voice, killing people here, just for a short time. The strong from Wang Yuan Mansion will come.

A space transmission talisman appeared in his hand, and Chu Feng caught the top powerhouse of the King God whose cultivation was sealed, and Chu Long immediately transmitted it away from the scene.

"Say, who are you and why are you staying here?" Chu Feng threw the top powerhouse of the King God to the ground. "You will die, you will definitely die. You actually killed our people from the Wangyuan Mansion! Do you know that the peak-level king of the King God you just killed was a member of the Wangyuan Mansion's Wang Clan, although it was just a side branch, but you killed him? The King of the Dead, a peak-level powerhouse of the King God, will not let you go!" The top-level powerhouse of the King God laughed wildly.

"Say, or I will kill you immediately!" Chu Feng said with a murderous expression in his heart.

"You said you won't let me go?" The king god's top powerhouse sneered. "If you say you don't die, what's the difference?" "The difference is, you said, we won't deal with your family and friends. , Don't tell me, when we find out, they will die." Chu Feng said solemnly.

The complexion of the top powerhouse of the king **** changed slightly. In the abyss, most of the abyss creatures were formed by demon energy. They have no parents, but this does not mean that they have no relatives or friends!

"Friend, you are going to die anyway, there is no need to be hard-mouthed. By that time, the relatives and friends who hurt yourself will also die. Tell me honestly." Chu Long said.

Rong Kechu, the top powerhouse of the King God, snorted coldly: "If I guess it is correct, you are Chu Long and Chu Feng." Both Chu Feng and Chu Long's faces changed slightly, "How did you know?" Chu Feng Shen said.

"It's really you, to tell you the bad news. You are from a heavenly star. Now I am afraid that there is already a strong man from Wang Yuan Mansion who has obtained your heavenly star. I don't know if your parents and relatives are. Still alive!" The top powerhouse of the King God sneered.

The words of the top powerhouse of the King God resounded in Chu Feng's mind like a thunder, and Chu Feng took the top powerhouse of the King God at once.

"Little dragon, go into my space, I'll go and see!" Chu Feng said solemnly, Chu Long nodded, and the next moment he disappeared in front of Chu Feng. After just a short battle, Chu Long has a clearer understanding of Chu Feng's strength. If he enters the space of Chu Feng, Chu Feng may advance faster.

Chu Long entered the sacred prison space, and Chu Feng's teleportation talisman quickly moved towards the target location. In the sacred prison space, the dragon steward interrogated the top powerhouse of the king god. They drove near the destination of Chu Feng and the others!

"Master, you have to be careful, Wang Yuan Mansion may have very powerful people on this side!" Steward Long's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

"Well, I will be careful." The ominous feeling in Chu Feng's heart rapidly expanded, and a picture appeared in his mind, and that picture was not beautiful! "Wang Yuan Mansion, if you really kill the people on the earth, the entire Wang Yuan Mansion will definitely be destroyed! It is the old and young Confucian women, and they will not stay!" Chu Feng roared in his heart.

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