Holy Prison

Chapter 865: Enter the domain tower

"Many, many, the masters of the previous holy prisons, the people they arrested are not just you. Those criminals have many offspring! There are many creatures in each layer, but what is it? I don't know much about the situation, and I can't tell you if I understand some things." Miao Xianer said.

"I'll go and take a look in the domain tower." Chu Feng said. "Chu Feng, wait, there is one thing you might want to know. Some people have come outside, and they are approaching those islands!" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng said in surprise, "Can the Sky Eye sense that far?" Chu Feng knew that the outermost island was far away from him, and the Sky Eye could not scan outside at all.

"Well, sensing is not the same as scanning. Scanning is very fine, but it may be affected a lot, but sensing is less affected." Miao Xianer said.

"It's pretty good news." Chu Feng said. Chu Feng checked the information of several people he had sensed, and he was able to check it, indicating that those people were not kind people. "It's actually just a few names. It seems that these people have at least the strength of the Emperor God level!" Chu Feng said.

Miao Xian'er said: "Chu Feng, it is not the strength of the Emperor God level, but the strength of the Exalted God level. The sky-eye scan is weakened, but the induction is enhanced. If it is a criminal of the Emperor God level, you can find more detailed information about them. It’s not just a name!" "Papa! Papa!" Chu Feng turned Miao Xian'er over and stretched out his hand and slapped Miao Xian'er with care: "Xiao Nizi, you said it in more detail before. Yes, but now I find that the important information that you are not good has no explanation!"

Miao Xian'er said authentically: "Chu Feng's rotten egg, don't stop, otherwise I won't say it." "I will not end up threatening your master." Chu Feng said, slapped a few more times, "Well, feels Yes, well, I will go to the domain tower to have a look."

When Chu Feng finished speaking, he disappeared in the same place, leaving Miao Xian'er stomping there. The next moment, Chu Feng's figure appeared under a domain tower. This domain tower is the eighth domain tower, which is a total of eight. The shortest of the domain towers. Its previous founder was the weakest among the eight domain towers, but it was much stronger than Chu Feng. Now this domain tower is also Towering into the clouds, Chufeng simply doesn't know how high it is!

"Chu Feng bad guy, you will deduct the value of the domain tower by pressing your hand on the door of the domain tower for three seconds, and you need to find the second-tier tower door yourself when you enter it." Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind .

Chu Feng smiled slightly and pressed his hand on the huge silver gate of the domain tower. After three seconds passed, the silver light of the gate flashed. Chu Feng took a step forward and immediately passed through the gate and entered the space inside the domain tower. Among.

Appearing in the domain tower, Chu Feng found that the place where he was located was a golden desert. Before he could take a closer look, the sense of danger in the crown of merit in his mind immediately passed from behind!

Chu Feng turned around and punched a big golden claw hard. It was a crab-like creature that attacked Chu Feng, but its size was much larger than that of a crab. The golden big claws were very hard, and Chu Feng was shocked. If it weren’t for this kind of increase in strength and much stronger body If times, he will definitely suffer serious damage this time!


The crab-like creature’s mouth made a sound, and what made Chu Feng’s scalp numb was that within a short period of time, his spiritual consciousness had awakened many such creatures. When these creatures lurked, his spiritual consciousness was unexpectedly awake. They are not found, only when they move.

"It seems that I really relied on the eyes of the sky before. With my current strength, if I exercise more divine consciousness, I shouldn't be able to find any clues." Chu Feng reviewed in his heart and immediately attacked him. The crab monster launched an attack. The big claws of the monster were very hard, but Chu Feng quickly found out that their abdomens were not as hard as the crabs. They found the crab’s weakness, which took less than two seconds. At that time, Chu Feng killed the crab monster!

That crab monster died, and Chu Feng was surrounded by many crab monsters, but the space was used for teleportation. Chu Feng teleported out of the encircled circle at once. When the holy prison was upgraded, it was connected with many spaces. , A lot of energy entered Chu Feng's body, and Chu Feng's spatial ability was greatly improved.

"Go to hell!"

At this time, Chu Feng didn't use the Black Ming Sword, he swiped his right hand forcefully, and a crab monster in front of him was instantly cut in half by the power of Space Slash!

Space slash, space teleportation, these abilities Chu Feng didn't feel so easy to use, but these abilities were very powerful, and there was no problem killing one or two crab monsters in one move.

Half a minute passed quickly. There were already 30 or 40 crab monsters killed by Chu Feng, but Chu Feng's divine sense discovered that the number of crab monsters that had awakened was tens of thousands, and there were more of these monsters. Still waking up quickly.

"Damn, how can this be done!" Chu Feng fled quickly, occupying the space and the ability to escape was first-rate. After ten minutes, Chu Feng finally managed to escape from the group of crab monsters.

"Miao Xian'er, can you hear me?" Chu Feng said as soon as he sat on the golden sand. "Yes." Miao Xian'er appeared in front of Chu Feng, but at this time she was just a blurry image. If Chu Feng wanted to catch her and do something bad, it would not be possible!

"A few questions, first, don’t you have merit points in fighting monsters and killing monsters? Why is my merit points still zero? I have killed more than a hundred monsters like that. Second, the domain tower value. I didn't make it clear how to increase it. Is it also to kill monsters? Third, if I die here, will something happen?" Chu Feng threw it out several times and asked.

Miao Xian'er rolled her eyes and said, "You have a lot of problems. The monster you are killing now is not enough for a merit point. The merit point is like this. Only integers are displayed, not decimals. When will your merit point be reached? There will be! Territory tower value, this is related to killing monsters, it is related to the area in the Territory Tower you have been to, some special areas will increase the Territory Tower value when you arrive, in addition, if a certain character is defeated It will also increase the value of the domain tower if the opponent is defeated."

"If you die here, you won’t really die, but your merit points will be deducted. The specific deduction depends on your situation at the time. At least, at most, your merit points can be deducted as negative! There is one more you It should be noted that if some people have a faint green light display, then if you kill them, your combat merit points may be reduced. If you have a faint red light on your body, killing them will have some additional combat merit points. increase!"

Chu Feng said: "The green light shows that the kindness value is relatively high, while the red light shows that the evil value is relatively high?" "That's it, is there any problem? It's a big crime to disturb this beauty! "Miao Xian'er snorted.

"Is there a map of this space?" Chu Feng said. "I want to be beautiful, no." Miao Xian'er disappeared instantly after speaking.

Chu Feng shook his head. This housekeeper is far more disobedient than Manager Long, but it feels pretty good. If Miao Xian'er quarrels, it is often not that boring.

"Killing more than a hundred crab monsters didn't have any merit in combat. This is unreasonable." Chu Feng muttered in his heart and killed those crab monsters again.

Time passed slowly, and Chu Feng engaged in guerrilla warfare. Crab monsters were constantly dying under Chu Feng’s attack. Half an hour later, Chu Feng had already killed 2,000 crab monsters, but he still had no points of merit. Boost!

"I'm dizzy, how many monsters must be killed to improve this combat point?" Chu Feng smiled to himself, at this moment, the crown of merit in Chu Feng's mind trembled, and Chu Feng immediately teleported, but still After being attacked, a terrifying force smashed his left shoulder instantly!

"Puff!" Teleported some distance away from the place, Chu Feng immediately sprayed out a mouthful of blood. He was shocked. He knew the strength of his own body now, that is, the strong man of the Great Perfection who held the weapon. Zhan estimated that it would not be easy to hurt him, but the attack just now easily shattered his left shoulder. If it hadn't been removed a little at that time, it would not be as simple as smashing his left shoulder!

Without going too far away, he didn’t need to scan Chu Feng with divine consciousness to find the creature that had just attacked him. It was also a crab monster, but its size was several times larger than those of ordinary ones, and two big claws faintly spread out. With dark golden light, there was some blood on one of the big claws.

"Kill the little brother, the boss has come out." Chu Feng took a deep breath and calmed down the horror in his heart. If he had enough combat experience, he might be able to avoid the one just now, but his combat experience is really not counted. Many, for a long time, he has been a little too dependent on the Holy Prison.

There is no way to use the power of the holy prison, the sky eye can't use anything. Chu Feng can only judge the strength of that monster by himself. Under judgment, that monster should have the emperor god’s primary cultivation base, but it is normal. I am afraid that the junior powerhouse of the Emperor God is not its opponent!

"Destroy Sword!" First, Chu Feng didn't wait for the monster to make a move. He thought Hei Ming appeared in his hand and then his true self skills were sent out!

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