Holy Prison

Chapter 866: Battle in the domain tower

The two claws waved, the giant crab monster, the two claws, greeted Chu Feng’s destruction sword, and its eyes flashed with an angry light. Chu Feng killed it more than two thousand younger brothers and finally put it out of sleep. Awakened.

There are more than half a million crab monsters. More than two thousand are nothing for that number. Every year, fighting with the rest of the surrounding monsters needs to die so many or even more, but more than two thousand. A crab monster died in the hands of Chu Feng alone, but this hatred was not small.

The destruction sword collided with the pair of claws, and the giant crab monster obviously underestimated the power of Chu Feng’s destruction sword. The true self skill of the sixth level evaluation, that is, the middle-level emperor is also very likely to die. of! The terrifying force of destruction tore the strong double claws to pieces. Amid the cry of the crab monster, the Destruction Sword opened another big hole in its body, but the force of the Destruction Sword was exhausted. The giant crab monster didn't die, it still breathed.

"It's a powerful defense." Chu Feng was surprised. He has a very strong defense now, but he is probably much weaker than the crab monster boss!


The giant crab monster boss almost died during Chu Feng’s attack. It roared angrily. Chu Feng felt his body sink. After the True Self skill was released, although he quickly extracted the Sky Swallowing Formation. However, his power was still relatively weak at this time, and he fleeed far away without immediately sending a blow. As a result, he was restrained by the giant crab monster boss.

There is not much power in his body. Chu Feng can only try to break the confinement with his tyrannical physical power. Not to mention, the confinement is almost broken under his power. After all, the crab boss is also suffering. A serious injury can't exert much power!

But at this moment, a crab monster closer to Chu Feng exploded, and its exploding power turned into a red light and shot towards Chu Feng directly.

There was blood splashing on Chu Feng's chest, and the red light opened a big hole on his chest. From that hole, you could clearly see the internal organs of Chu Feng's body!

"Aha!" Chu Feng shouted violently. Some of the power he had just absorbed in his body was extracted by him and then quickly formed a destruction sword and attacked the crab monster boss.

Although the boss of the crab monster was seriously injured, it still poses the greatest threat to Chu Feng. If it dies, the rest of the crab monsters may not have commanded him to escape, so Chu Feng's final strength draw Shi then launched an attack on that crab monster boss!

The little black sword is looming, and the speed is extremely fast. The boss of the crab monster knows that it is powerful and will dodge immediately this time, but the speed of the destruction sword is not so easy to dodge.

A big hole was opened in the body of the crab monster boss before, this time the destruction sword, which was much weaker, went straight out of that hole.

The destructive force rushed to the outside of the crab monster's body, and finally, the angry eyes of the crab monster closed its life!

When the crab monster boss died, all of the crab monsters became angry. Immediately, ten or twenty crab monsters turned into a red light and attacked towards Chu Feng.

The power that imprisoned Chu Feng disappeared, but there was no other power in Chu Feng's body except the light of merit and the holy flame of merit. Without the light of merit and holy flame of merit, Chu Feng would never escape. But now he can still use the light of merit and holy flame of merit in the merit crown!

The sacred flame of merit has a powerful force of good fortune, which can make all kinds of things, and can also destroy all things. Chu Feng's mind immediately entered his body with a sacred flame of merit.

The sacred flame of merit entered the body, and Chu Feng's empty body without power immediately gained a lot of power. With the power, Chu Feng instantly moved away, and the ten or twenty red lights did not shoot. In the middle of him, where he was just now, a huge pit with a depth of hundreds of meters and a diameter of thousands of meters appeared silently on the ground!

"Waste!" Although Chu Feng escaped his life, he was unhappy. This merit holy flame needs a lot of kindness to be transformed into it. The previous words were better, but now the kindness value must be cherished and used!

The power of the sacred flame of merit made the big hole in Chu Feng's chest disappear, but the muscle strength there could not be restored to the previous state in a short time!

Chu Feng checked his own information and killed the boss of that huge crab monster. Chu Feng's combat achievements finally reached a point!

"This achievement point is too difficult to obtain. I actually got a little achievement point after nine deaths." Chu Feng felt helpless. The achievement point can have his own follower at that time. This is good, but if a follower needs a lot of combat points. It would be too difficult to get a follower if you change it!

Just almost died, Chu Feng was more vigilant at this time. Although he was thinking about things, the danger hit, Chu Feng had already left the place where he was just now.

After leaving there, Chu Feng looked back. At the place where he was just now, a big and ugly head emerged from the ground. The head looked like that of a certain kind of mollusk. If Chu Feng had not left there just now, it would It's probably in the huge mouth of that disgusting monster.

"How come the monsters in this ghost place have such a strong ability to hide." Chu Feng frowned. When these monsters did not launch an attack, his sense of consciousness had not found them at all. If they hadn't launched an attack, there would be one. With little fluctuations, it would be more difficult for Chu Feng to avoid their sneak attacks!

The strength of the newly emerging monster is not very strong, that is, the attack of the King God Dzogchen. If Chu Feng is not exhausted now, that thing has no ability to compete with Chu Feng, but it is not in the body now. For Chu Feng with much strength, it is better not to take risks.

The newly emerged monster screamed, and what made Chu Feng's scalp numb was that countless monsters responded to it immediately, and at least tens of thousands of monsters emerged from the ground in a short time.

"Fuck, where did I go? There are so many kinds of monsters, how come there are so many at every turn!" Chu Feng's heart was dark and furious and immediately fled without fighting. He still has the ability to fight, but the light of merit has merit. It's a pity that the Holy Flame consumes, and it will definitely not supplement him if he leaves when the time comes!

What Chu Feng didn't know was that the desert he was in was called the Golden Light Desert. It was a very dangerous area on the first floor of this domain tower. The monsters here were either powerful or numerous!

Day by day, Chu Feng earned more than 30 points of merit in the first seven days, killing countless monsters of all kinds, and his actual combat ability has also improved a lot during the battle. On the eighth day, Chu Feng’s luck was really bad. He did not encounter a large number of monsters but encountered a powerful monster. That monster was as strong as the Emperor God and even sneaked. As a result, Chu Feng was in a short time. I was killed by it!

"When encountering a high-ranking imperial god, the chance of escape is very small. Ten points will be deducted from death and resurrection!" Chu Feng appeared outside the domain tower, and Miao Xian'er appeared in front of Chu Feng.

For eight days, Chu Feng's expression was tense, and when he came out, Chu Feng suddenly sat on the ground in front of the Yuta. "Miao Xian'er, that's the first level, how come there are so many powerful monsters?" Chu Feng said helplessly. Over the past eight days, more than 10,000 monsters who have reached the level of King God level have died in his hands. Two god-level monsters died in his hands. This was only what he killed. He encountered more king-level monsters!

Miao Xian'er said: "Chu Feng, there are more powerful monsters on each floor. There are more powerful monsters in the place where you are now!"

"It's hard to get more than 30 points of merit. After deducting ten days, it is only more than 20 points." Chu Feng muttered, his merit point is now more than 20 points, and the domain tower value is now one point. There is no problem with the first floor of other domain towers. It is impossible to open the second floor of the domain tower where he is currently located. He can't even find the door of the second floor now!

He didn’t gain much combat points, but Chu Feng was not too disappointed, because in just a few days, Chu Feng felt that his strength and abilities had improved a lot. Death in there would not really die, and it was absolutely true. This is good for training actual combat capabilities.

Compared to getting some followers, in fact, your own strength improvement is the most important!

"Miao Xian'er, I also have 20 or 30 merit points, so why haven't I seen any entourage that can be summoned?" Chu Feng was a little confused and nervous when he was inside. Chu Feng didn't ask when he finally asked. It's time to ask. Miao Xian'er smiled and said: "Chu Feng, not every creature in it can be your follower. If the creature that can be your follower is within 10,000 meters, you can sense it, and at the same time it can sense it. How many merit points are needed to reach."

"Chu Feng, I suggest you don’t use up this combat merit point now, because if you use such a merit point now, you won’t be able to have a very powerful follower. When the time comes, the combat merit point will be exchanged for a follower. The entourage will change his combat points again!" Miao Xian'er said. "This is really inhumane." Chu Feng curled his lips and said, "Miao Xian'er, I also have merit points now. Can you tell me what kind of power followers can I exchange for more than 20 points?"

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