Holy Prison

Chapter 880: Superpower

"Chu Feng, wake up soon, Wei Rong is going to go out to meet with the other three bandits." Miao Xian'er's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind, in the holy prison space, Chu in training. Feng slowly opened his eyes.

Inside the Wei Family Manor, Wei Rong sent a message: "Several masters, miss you, gather together in the same place!" Wei Rong's message was sent, and it didn't take long for all three lights to come on and light up. All the lights are green, which means that the three of them have agreed. If they disagree, then the red lights will light up.

When he left, Wei Rong's divine sense once again scanned and confirmed that his cultivation level in Jinluo City was the highest. Except that he no longer had a god-level powerhouse, there was one emperor-level powerhouse. He is a member of the Wei family.

When Wei Rong left, Chu Feng didn't immediately let the other Tianwei leave. This was the site of the Wei family. If he left immediately, then Wei Rong might be suspicious of something.

Three minutes later, Wei Rong had already arrived in another city. Chu Feng ordered that the outside heaven guard started to move. He arrived at the teleportation formation and sent away, but the goal of the teleportation was not Wei. The city Rong had just visited was another city.

Wei Rong kept teleporting forward, the same sky guard was teleporting forward, but the city he was teleporting forward was different from Wei Rong. To track a strong man like Wei Rong, then you must not be careless. Rong found it difficult.

After the upgrade of SkyEye's scanning ability weakened, but SkyEye has the ability to remotely lock, Chu Feng was rather depressed at the beginning, but now, he prefers the upgraded SkyEye. This remote lock is really powerful. It's great to track the strong!

Wei Rong passed the teleportation one by one, and it didn't take long for him to leave the country of Mir. His old place with the other bandits was not in the country of Mir.

Constantly teleporting, constantly changing appearances, this is also due to the fact that the lock of the sky eye is very strong now, otherwise Wei Rong would have already thrown Chu Feng out of nowhere.

After turning a lot of places, Wei Rong was sure that no one should spy on him secretly. He quickly turned around one place after another, and the other party was a strong man who respected the gods and reached perfection, and could not always follow him without letting him discover it! Sometimes the feeling of being peeped still seems to exist, but Wei Rong has not taken it to heart. If he is sure that no one is peeping secretly, then he will not scare himself.

Most of the day passed in a blink of an eye, Chu Feng was still staring at the beginning, and then he went to practice after making Miao Xian'er stare.

"Chu Feng, stop, Wei Rong stopped." Miao Xian'er's voice sounded, and Chu Feng quickly regained consciousness without entering the deep level of training.

"What's the situation, did Skyeye sense the other bandits?" Chu Feng said, "The image is displayed in my mind!"

Soon an image of ten meters around Wei Rong appeared in Chu Feng’s mind. The place where Wei Rong was located should be a restaurant. Now Wei Rong stays in a room, except for him at this time. No one else.

"Chu Feng, I haven't sensed the other bandit leaders yet. I probably haven't arrived yet." Miao Xianer said. Wei Rong set off after sending out the invitation. The rest of the people may have to work on some things before they can set off. He is the first It's normal to arrive here.

Chu Feng did not practice any more. He paid attention to Wei Rong's situation. Wei Rong was drinking quietly. After about half an hour passed, Miao Xian'er's voice sounded: "Chu Feng, there is a situation. In the city."

Chu Feng's spirit was lifted. At this time, the one who had reached the god-excellent rank powerhouse in this city was one of the other three bandits in all likelihood.

Sure enough, that god-level powerhouse went towards the restaurant and quickly arrived in that restaurant. "Second master, what's going on today, how do you want to get together with us?" Knocked on the door and entered, Qin Shu, dressed as a turbulent son, smiled and said to Wei Rong.

"I miss you, can't it?" Wei Rong chuckled lightly. They gathered together because of their interests, but after so many years, they had some feelings.

"Sure, it's okay to drink, drink, kill, kill, and do women, this is life!" Qin Shu sat down at the window, "Hey, that girl is not bad, she will be the only one tonight!"

Wei Rong smiled faintly. He knows this Qin Shu very well. Although he is not a wicked ghost, he likes women and likes it very much!

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng ordered Miao Xian'er to make Tianyan mark the Qin book. If he was marked, even if he left, Chu Feng could determine his position from a long distance. !

Ten minutes later, another god-excellent powerhouse arrived. This time it was a woman. Needless to say, Chu Feng had also guessed that she should be the only woman among the four bandits.

"Fei Yu, is it a member of the Fei family?" Chu Feng was slightly surprised when he checked the information of the poisonous lady. He knew that the Fei family's information was not one of the Fei family god-level powerhouses he knew. It's called Fei Yu, but this doesn't mean that Fei Yu can't be a member of the Fei family. The god-level powers hidden by the Fei family definitely exist!

"Four masters, come and sit here, brother." Qin Shu said with a smile. "Okay, it just happened to test out a new poison, let you taste it." Fei Yu smiled slightly. She looks like a beautiful woman now, and this smile is very charming, but Qin Shu is After a chill, the name of Poison Lady was not for nothing. He had suffered some losses in the hands of this woman before.

"Oh, no, no, the fourth master should find someone else to try the poison, the second master, drink, let's drink!" Qin Shu's words made Wei Rong laugh.

"What's the matter, so happy?" A faint voice resounded in the room, and the voice fell. A middle-aged man in a black robe appeared in the room, with a black horn on his forehead. His breath was Converged, but when he stood there, an overbearing aura still naturally revealed.


Wei Rong and the three of them all saluted quickly. The four of them are powerhouses at the venerable **** level, but the strength of the three of Wei Rong and the others is much worse than that of the middle-aged man in black robes. It is estimated that it is possible to win the black-robed middle-aged person, and if the black-robed middle-aged person has the intention to escape, they will not be trapped.

"Well, second child, why did you think about getting together?" The black-robed middle-aged man chuckled. "These days I feel restless, and I often feel like someone is peeping, but I didn't find it." Wei Rong said depressedly, "We haven't been together for a long time, so we got together!"

The middle-aged man in black robes frowned and said, "Second, among us, your perception is the most acute. If someone is really peeping, it will be troublesome!"

"It shouldn't be. I come over very fast, but that feeling still pops up often. When I come over, I also destroyed a city's teleportation array. It is impossible for a strong person to follow me like that!" Wei Rongdao. "Yeah!" The black-robed middle-aged man nodded slightly, and Wei Rong left so quickly, it was not easy to track him down.

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng checked the information of the black-robed middle-aged man at this time. The real name of the black-robed middle-aged man was Mo Luo, who was over 200 million years old. Compared with him, Chu Feng’s 200 The multi-year age is negligible. The black-robed middle-aged man’s cultivation level is not shown, nor is the goodness value and the evil value, but some information about him can be found, which shows that his evil value must exceed the goodness value!

"The second, the third, the fourth, we have been slow in absorbing new members in recent years, and we will have to speed up the absorbing of new members in some time." Mo Luo sat down and said indifferently.

Wei Rong said, "The big boss, if we expand the scope a bit, it can absorb a lot of people. Now this scope is a bit smaller! I went to Zhongzhou some time ago and found a good candidate, but that one is our current A target friend to deal with."

"What is it called?" Mo Luo said.

Wei Rong said, "He is called Tang Ming, he is the brother of Chu Feng, a target that our Quartet bandits are currently dealing with." "Chu Feng must perform this mission. This is a mission under a good client. Tang Ming has other forces. To get in touch, we have developed well over the past few years, and we have added a little bit to the site, but we can’t get involved in Zhongzhou. If it gets messed up, I won’t be able to protect you if it gets angry!” Mo Luo said.

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng was shocked. He thought that the Sifang Bandit was an independent force, but from Mo Luo's words, it was not like this at all. The Sifang Bandit seemed to be just a sub-force of a certain super power! "The Sifang Bandits are so powerful, the forces behind them" Chu Feng was horrified. The forces behind the Sifang Bandits are drawing territory for forces like the Sifang Bandits. Perhaps the entire Infinite Superpower has reached out!

"Don't worry, we won't mess around!" Wei Rong and the three of them promised. They actually don't know how powerful the power behind them is, but they vaguely know that there is such a power. Yes, the Quartet Bandit is just its branch!

"The master, I don't know who assigned Chu Feng's task? You were surprised by the master." Qin Shu said curiously.

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng lifted his spirits, and he also wanted to know this question.

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