Holy Prison

Chapter 881: The strength of the Quartet Bandit

"It's a big deal, so you shouldn't know it. If you accidentally let others know by then, we will all be in trouble!" Mo Luo said indifferently.

Qin Shu said with a smile: "The master, you can't believe the three of us, our mouths are all strict, no one else will know."

Mo Luo frowned: "The task is from the Feng Clan, well, don't talk about this one." Mo Luo simply said people, but Chu Feng's heart in the holy prison space was shocked, "Feng Clan, okay, Very good!" Chu Feng sneered. He knew that this was definitely not from Fengman's mission. If it is not mistaken, the mission should be from Feng Qingyang or Feng Yi within the Feng clan!

Feng Qingyang has thoughts about Feng Bingning. The concentration of Feng Bingning's phoenix divine veins is extremely high. If you get Feng Bingning, your blood may be improved a little by then, and the blood concentration of the offspring will definitely not be much lower. Go, this is related to the position of Feng Yi and the others within the Feng clan.

Compared with Feng Qingyang, Feng Yi is more scheming and more stable. If Chu Feng's development is slow, Feng Yi will definitely not attack Chu Feng within ten thousand years, but Chu Feng's development is too fast. !

In just two hundred years, Chu Feng reached the current peak of King God from the Silver rank. This is terrifying. At this speed, in ten thousand years, God knows what kind of strength Chu Feng was at that time! Some other people may not pay attention to the information about Chu Feng, but Feng Yi and Feng Qingyang of the Feng Clan will definitely pay attention. Except for some things that Chu Feng has deliberately concealed, they must know most of the information about Chu Feng. !

Chu Feng clenched his fists. If Feng Yi and Feng Qingyang were in front of him, he would definitely slap them to death one by one. No, it would be too cheap to slap them to death. Chu Feng would definitely trap them. After a while, they were tortured to death! Feng Bingning was trapped in the Feng Clan, and now he was killed by someone again. This is so irritating!

"Chu Feng, support you, fight, and hit Feng Clan!" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. "Am I stupid!" Chu Feng hummed in his mind, and said a word. Chu Feng gradually calmed down. Now it's useless to be angry anymore. Without strength, the anger of the small person can change nothing!

When the emperor is angry, he can bleed for thousands of miles, and he can lay a million corpses, but the anger of a flat-headed people is so great that a few people will die, and then he will be finished!

Chu Feng has always been a relatively calm person, and he will not give up revenge, but that is when he is quite sure that he will not hang up, especially his relatives will not have trouble!

Revenge, to report! However, if revenge caused the death of one's current relatives, then it would be a loss. "Miao Xian'er, they seem to have communicators on their bodies. Can they invade and obtain information about the Sifang bandits?" Chu Feng said in his mind. If the situation of the Sifang bandits can be found out, then there will be 20,000 points of merit. The reward for this is not a small number of tasks. The reward is 10,000, but the reward is doubled within ten years!

"I'm checking it. They don't communicate with others now, so it's not easy to check." Miao Xian'er said. It would be better if I could get closer and check it unscrupulously. Now I'm farther apart, and I can't let Mo Luo They realized that this is a difficult matter.

"Not bad, worthy of reward." Chu Feng smiled in his mind. Chu Feng was not angry with Miao Xian'er's self-assertion. He knew that the holy prison recognized him as the master, and Miao Xian'er could not betray him. It's coming.

Four of the four bandits were talking. The three men talked more and the poisonous lady talked less. Chu Feng overheared them. Although they were not talking about important things later, through their words Chu Feng also got some useful information.

For example, the Sifang Bandit now has a total of 2,000 people. Don't look at it there are only two thousand people. This is an official member of the Sifang Bandit. Each official member of the Sifang Bandit has at least the Emperor God level cultivation base.

Two thousand people with at least the Emperor God level cultivation base, this force is extremely terrifying, not to mention that many of these people have reached the Emperor God level cultivation base, and most of these people are in control. Power!

There are about 1,700 Emperor God level figures, about 300 Emperor God level figures, plus four bandits. This is the core strength of the Sifang Bandit. There are many informal members of the Sifang Bandit, but Those people Chu Feng hadn't paid attention to them. For him today, he didn't have the strength to reach the Emperor God level, and there were not many in his eyes!

Chu Feng also knows about the operation of the Sifang Bandit. The members of the Sifang Bandit, Mo Luo, the master, know all of them. The rest, Wei Rong and the three of them, only know a part but not all, this can be guaranteed. Even if one of the three of them had a problem, the entire Quartet bandit would not fall.

As for the rest of the Quartet Bandits, the most common ones are to know the identities of the other members of the Quartet Bandits.

Members of the Quartet Bandit, they join the Quartet Bandit, benefit from the Quartet Bandit, and at the same time also provide benefits for the Quartet Bandit, this is a community of interests! If there is nothing wrong with the four bandits, the Sifang Bandit model is very good, because it can keep confidential to the greatest extent, even if someone is discovered, it will not affect the Sifang Bandit much.

But if there are problems with the four bandits, then the Sifang bandits will have a big problem. This is not something that the four bandits and the Moluo leaders could not think about, but they did not think too much. If they have problems, everything in this world will They also have a bird relationship.

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng fell into contemplation. At the very beginning, he was thinking of killing the Quartet bandits, but after knowing something, Chu Feng had more ideas.

"The Sifang Bandits, can you control them?" Chu Feng said in his heart, there is no doubt that the Sifang Bandits should be killed, but they are also a powerful force. If they can be controlled in their hands, then it will be extremely for him. The big benefits. There are too many people to kill in this world. If you can’t improve your own strength, then you can’t kill the criminals even if you want to kill them. Improve your strength and establish order according to your own will. This is compared to blindly. The kill is better!

Two hours later, the four of Mo Luo and the others left one by one. The first to leave was Mo Luo. He used space to jump and appeared directly in an extremely remote place. After Mo Luo left, Qin Shu Wei Rong Fei Yu has left!

"Miao Xian'er, let the outside Tianwei chase Mo Luo." Chu Feng ordered, "By the way, did you get some information just now?"

Miao Xian'er conveyed Chu Feng's order, and the Tianwei outside immediately acted. The Sky Eye can be locked far away, so it is easier for him to follow the past.

"I have obtained some information and mastered the information of about a hundred Emperor God level powerhouses. If I can give me some more time, it would be fine. These guys, why are you leaving in a hurry?" Miao Xian'er said dissatisfied. .

"Okay, okay, they can give you two hours, which is great. Do you still think they can't drink for a few days?" Chu Feng said, "pass me those information."

Soon some of the information that Miao Xian'er had just received reached Chu Feng’s mind. Chu Feng was shocked when he checked the information. Some of those people were the king of a country, some were generals of a country, some were the head of a family, and They control a large school, some are well-known alchemists, and some are superb in the art of refining, and their identities are not simple. Such a group of people can exert tremendous energy!

"Good guy, a Sifang bandit is so powerful, the power behind it" Chu Feng couldn't imagine, the power behind it was probably stronger than the Feng Clan! Just speaking on the surface, maybe that power can't be compared with a power like Feng Clan.

Chu Feng didn't know why that power was lurking. If that power were to show off its power, the whole world would undergo earth-shaking changes!

"Chu Feng, do you want to control the Quartet bandits?" Miao Xianer said. "Why, what's the problem?" Chu Feng asked. He was really tempted. If a force like the Sifang bandits were in the hands of others, it would be a depressing thing, and if they were in their own hands, they would It is a more pleasant thing.

"If the forces behind the Quartet bandits find out, there will be big trouble." Miao Xianer said. "Let me see if I can control it secretly, if not, then I can only find a way to destroy it!" Chu Feng said.

That one Tianwei left, and after traveling between two cities, Chu Feng took him and changed to a female Tianwei to continue to follow him. It was a stupid act to let the same person follow a strong man for a long time.

Mo Luo is powerful, but his perception is not as sharp as Wei Rong, so he did not feel peeped. Two hours later, Mo Luo had already left the previous city a very long distance. At this time, Chu Feng finally did the same. Knowing Mo Luo's other identity, he is actually the elder of a big family, that is a powerful family, Mo Luo is not the big elder but only the three elders!

"There are angels in front of people, and demons in the back. There are so many people like this in the world!" Chu Feng sighed and said in some heavenly prison spaces of Mo Luo. Among this family, Mo Luo is definitely a good one. Elder, he treats people in the family very well, but he treats other people completely inappropriate!

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