Holy Prison

Chapter 882: Mo Luo surrendered

As the master of the Sifang Bandit, Moluo had the information of all the people of the Sifang Bandit. Of course Miao Xian'er could not figure out the information of all the people of the Sifang Bandit in a short period of time, but Chu Feng was in the place where Moluo was. After staying in the city for half a month, all the information was clarified by Chu Feng.

The information is clear, Chu Feng heard good news from Miao Xian'er. Part of the mission was completed. His 20,000 Merit Points have already been credited, plus the more than 20,000 Merit Points he obtained before. Find a more powerful Emperor God-level entourage among the domain towers, if Chu Feng can find such an Emperor God-level entourage!

"Mo Luo, Mo Luo, I hope you don't let me down." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart. He is ready to have a certain degree of contact with Mo Luo. He wants to secretly control the Sifang bandits. If it succeeds, this is naturally a good thing. If not If it succeeds, then Wei Rong and the others will receive news soon, and it will be a lot more difficult to kill them by then!

The ancient holy city, this is the city where Mo Luo is and the city where his ancient family is located. The ancient family is a hidden family. In some people’s opinion, the ancient family is not powerful, which means it occupies the ancient holy city. , But these days of investigation, Chu Feng, it is clear that the ancient family is a big family, and there are more than ten god-exalted powerhouses, and there are not many infinite families with such strength!

In a manor in the ancient holy city, Mo Luo preached to some of his juniors. He now looks like an old man in his sixties and seventies on the earth, his face with a kind of kindness is completely different than before as a Sifang bandit. Domineering.

"Well, let's stop here today, you go back and understand it!" Mo Luo smiled authentically. "Yes, thank you three elders!" Mo Luo's juniors stood up and said.

"Grandpa, we will come again tomorrow!" said a little girl. She is only more than ten years old and very cute. Chu Feng saw through the eyes of the sky and liked such an innocent girl.

"Okay, if you don't come here tomorrow!" Mo Luo smiled authentically, cruel and merciless to outsiders, and treats his family well. This is Mo Luo. On this point, Chu Feng is more similar to Mo Luo, but there are some differences. , Chu Feng will not be cruel to those who have not provoked himself or his relatives and friends, but Mo Luo, for the benefit of him, can slaughter trillions of creatures!

All the juniors left, and there was only Mo Luo in the yard. He lay down on a recliner to enjoy the sun for a while. He liked to lie down and enjoy while thinking about things.

"Mo Luo, it's very comfortable." A faint voice sounded in the courtyard of Mo Luo. Of course Chu Feng said this, but the voice was changed and different from his own.

With a startled thought in Ma Luo's heart, an enchantment immediately enveloped the entire courtyard. "Who?" Mo Luo said calmly, able to reach a high level of respect and control the Sifang bandits, his control of his own emotions must have reached a very high level.

"You don't have to know me, it's enough that I know you." Chu Feng continued. At this moment, Mo Luo felt even more surprised. He didn't feel any information passing through the barrier, but the voice came in. "Your Excellency came to me, don't know any advice?" Mo Luo said calmly and did not get up.

"From now on, take orders from me." Chu Feng was very direct.

Mo Luo smiled, "Hahaha, your Excellency came to me to make a joke, is it interesting?" Mo Luo smiled, "If you want me to take orders from you, how about showing my true body?"

"Master, don't you want to?" Chu Feng said lightly.

Mo Luo's expression has not changed, but a huge wave is set off in his heart. He is the master of the Quartet bandits. Only a limited number of people know this one, and the person who speaks will definitely not be one of those few people.

Mo Luo's divine sense instantly expanded, and in the blink of an eye, his powerful divine sense spread to the entire ancient holy city and then spread far outside.

"Mo Luo, want to find me, you are still a little bit." Chu Feng said. Mo Luo was shocked. He didn't notice anything. Soon another god-excellent powerhouse in the ancient holy city came over: "Three Elders, why use God's consciousness like this?"

"Sixth, it's okay, just find someone." Mo Luo responded, only the god-level powerhouse had discovered the spread of his divine consciousness, as for the rest of the people did not have that strength.

After receiving Mo Luo's response, the god-level powerhouse did not ask any more. This is the ancient holy city, the ancient family's territory, and generally no one came to make trouble.

"Your Excellency, what do you want?" Mo Luo also said more directly. Chu Feng's voice with a chuckle sounded: "What I mean is very simple, you are obedient to me, and the Quartet bandits are secretly controlled by me. Or, if you die, the ancient family will be ruined. In addition, Wei Rong, the second master, Qin Shu, the third master Master Fei Yu, all dead!"

Mo Luo looked ugly, he remembered what Wei Rong had said before, he felt voyeuristic, but he was afraid that it was not fake, but someone was actually voyeuristic!

"Maluo master, do you choose to be loyal to the powerful force behind you, or choose to be loyal to me from now on?" Chu Feng said indifferently.

Mo Luo coldly said: "Your Excellency thinks I am loyal to you in a few words. Isn't it ridiculous?" "Mo Luo, I have all the information of the Sifang Bandit in my control. Originally, I wanted to destroy the entire Sifang Bandit, but this way It’s a shame that a force of is destroyed, don’t let me change my mind. I can tell you this, it shows that I already have enough information, those information can fully confirm your identity as a member of the Quartet. I don't need to stand up at all, as long as those materials are thrown out, you and even the entire ancient family will be ruined."

"Do you know that you are playing with fire? Since you know that there is a power behind me, you should know the consequences of angering that power!" Mo Luo said.

"Mo Luo is in charge, the forces behind you are powerful, but what's the use of not knowing who I am?" Chu Feng chuckled softly, "I have limited time. Give you a quarter of an hour to think about it. , If the Maura Grand Master’s choice is loyal to that power, then you’d better let the entire ancient family escape as soon as possible. But the sky is so big that there may be nowhere to escape by then! Oh, yes, just then. A little girl is very cute, Mo Luo did not expect you to have such a cute great-granddaughter!"

Mo Luo's face changed slightly. If he were alone, then he would definitely not succumb, but he was a person who valued his family and relatives very much.

If a person has no weaknesses, it is so difficult to deal with, and if there are obvious weaknesses, it is much easier to deal with!

"You said you have all the information of my Quartet bandit members?" Mo Luo said solemnly after three minutes. "Haha, is there a problem?" Chu Feng smiled.

"I want to hear it!"

Chu Feng said the names one by one, and he said them very quickly. Two thousand people finished it in less than a minute. At such a fast speed, ordinary people couldn't understand it at all, but Mo Luo listened. It must be clear.

Mo Luo asked Chu Feng to read these things to prove that Chu Feng was not the person behind the force who came to test him. Although he knew that the force behind him would not send someone to make such a test, it was just in case. If Chu Feng was the person sent by that force to test, then if he betrayed the ancient family, he would definitely be finished.

After listening to Chu Feng, Mo Luo was very shocked. Two of the people that Chu Feng read were from the Quartet bandits. Only he knew that others didn’t know, but those two names were also from Chu Feng’s mouth. I read it out.

"Master Mo Luo, you suspect that I am the person sent by the forces behind you to miss you. You don't have to be so suspicious, because if I am, then I can do it in secret without letting you know! I can know your every move very clearly!" Chu Feng said.

"Humph!" Mo Luo coldly snorted and felt very upset in his heart. This feeling is as if there is an eye in the sky that can see him transparently. It is estimated that no one would think this is very cool!

"I don't know what information your Excellency has to make others believe that I am the master of the Sifang bandits?" Mo Luo calmed down and said indifferently.

Chu Feng said with a chuckle: "Mo Luo, the Sifang bandits have done a lot of evil things, and they are really courageous, and some big forces dared to provoke them. Ten thousand years ago, several important disciples of Baiyuejiao died. They were Sifang bandits. Let's do it; 8 million years ago, a branch of the Xuantian Sect was slaughtered clean, which seems to be the work of the Sifang bandits; 5 million years ago, the Xihai Dragon tribe was robbed by the Sifang bandits, and the loss was not small; In other words, one hundred thousand years ago, the Black Jade Zerg died a prince. Fifty thousand years ago, the Yun Xin Sect died more than 10,000 people, but you are really careless, and only afterwards did you know that Yun Xin Sect still has a strong man who respects the peak of God. Recluse!"

"Mo Luo, do I need to say more?"

Mo Luo coldly said: "No need!" The other party knows this, even if there is no direct evidence, if these things are spread, then he and the ancient family will not feel good. If many powerful people run over, sooner or later He found it more clearly! Moreover, at this time, he still did not sense the existence of the opponent. In his opinion, the strength of the opponent is definitely much higher than that of him. If such a powerful player makes a move, the ancient family will definitely be in trouble!

"Mo Luo, tell me all you know about the forces behind you. In addition, the Sifang Bandit's method of cutting off breath is very good, don't you mind letting me learn it?" Chu Feng said, "About the Sifang Bandit. , You also tell me clearly, this will be regarded as a force under my control in the future, I want to understand a little bit more clearly! You are a smart person, don’t hide anything, otherwise, I don’t guarantee that there will be disasters. From the ancient family!"

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