Holy Prison

Chapter 883: Hell

Mo Luo hated the strong man in the dark, but now, he knew he could not resist the command of the strong man. The strong man said that his great-granddaughter was cute is a threat. If he does not obey the command If so, maybe the little girl he likes very much will become a corpse in the next moment. Of course, this is just Mo Luo's idea, and Chu Feng would definitely not do that.

"The force behind me is called the underground palace." Mo Luo said. Chu Feng was taken aback for a moment, but he was very familiar with the name, "Netherworld? There will be no ten temples, right?" Chu Feng jokingly said.

A look of surprise flashed in Mo Luo's eyes: "Do you know this? There are ten halls of Yama in the underworld, the four ghost emperors above the ten halls of Yama, and the palace master above the four ghost emperors!"

"Ten Temple Yama, Sifang Ghost Emperor." Chu Feng muttered, and his eyes were as surprised as Mo Luo. "Let's talk about this mansion in detail." Chu Feng said lightly. Although he was surprised in his heart, Chu Feng would not show it at this time.

Mo Luo said: "I don't know much. I only know that the power of the underworld is huge, and the Sifang bandits are not weak, but compared with the underworld, they are strong men and babies. The underworld controls many forces like the Sifang bandits. , And the Ten Halls of Yama and the Sifang ghost emperors have super powers that they personally control!"

"What is the order given to you by the underground palace?" Chu Feng asked.

"Development, development within the prescribed territory, some tasks can be carried out outside, but recruiting members can only be within the territory!" Mo Luo said, "Among the four bandits, I am the only one from the underworld. I am a second-level ghost general in the underworld, Wei Rong and the others have not really joined the underworld!"

Chu Feng said: "What kind of cultivation level are the Ten Hall Yama and Sifang Ghost Emperors?" "I don't know this." Mo Luo said, he didn't say panic, he was not qualified to know those.

"What is the hierarchy of the underworld?" Chu Feng said.

"Ghost soldiers, ghost generals, ghost commanders, ten halls of Yama, four ghost kings, palace masters. Ghost soldiers are some low-end forces that belong directly to the underworld, and ghosts are divided into three levels. Like me, if the strength of the control can be increased If there are many, then you can reach the first level of ghost generals. The ghost commander is in charge of many ghost generals. The one who contacts me in the underworld is a ghost commander, but he rarely gives me orders, usually developing his own power!" Mo Luo calmly typical.

Chu Feng was very shocked. The power of this underworld must be stronger than that of the Feng Clan! "Mo Luo, the underworld is so powerful, why don't you stand upright?" Chu Feng said.

Mo Luo shook his head: "This is not something I can know!" "Who is the ghost commander who contacted you." Chu Feng said, about this underworld, he wanted to know the better, nothing else. It was time to provoke such a terrifying force and I didn't know it, and then he was killed unexplainably!

"Ming Bai, this is the name he himself said, so I don't know if this is the real name." Mo Luo said. Chu Feng said this name silently twice in his heart, and then said: "The way to cut off the breath, is it passed from the underworld or is it unique to the Sifang bandits"

Mo Luo said: "That is the reward I got when I joined the underworld. There must be someone in the underworld, but there should be no one in the underworld!"

Hearing what Mo Luo said, the shock in Chu Feng's heart was getting deeper and deeper. The strength of this underworld was truly unfathomable. Such a powerful technique was actually used as a reward to the people below!

"That method hasn't been spread from Quartet bandits in these years, is there anything special?" Chu Feng said. Mo Luo said indifferently: "That is a kind of child-mother method. I control the mother method. If I break the connection between the child method and the mother method, then the rest of the people who get the child method can no longer have that ability!"

Chu Feng asked Miao Xian'er in his mind: "Miao Xian'er, there is no such thing in the holy prison store?" "Why don't they have it, yes, but the ability is much weaker than this, for you For those who don't have much effect!" Miao Xianer said.

Such a method can cut off the breath, and the most useful thing is that after doing something, it won't let others fortune tell! For example, if a person of the Emperor God level kills another person, if the relatives of that person find a powerful fortune-teller, then it is very likely that they can be counted as the Emperor God level through the secret connection. However, if the emperor god-level powerhouse possesses such a technique, it is difficult for the emperor god-level powerhouse to act as the emperor god-level powerhouse.

Chu Feng wanted to embrace that discipline very much, but he knew that he was afraid that it was impossible to have the mother discipline, and it would be useless to possess the sub discipline, and he might be found again.

"It's a pity." Chu Feng sighed inwardly. If there is a method like that, it will be much more convenient in many cases! "Your Excellency, is there anything else you want to ask?" Mo Luo said indifferently.

"I don't have any questions for the time being, Mo Luo, I will be more obedient in the future. I recorded these just now. You don't want the images to be known by the powerhouse, do you?" Chu Feng chuckled.

After Mo Luo's face changed slightly, he sneered and said: "Recording? I didn't see anything. I would like to ask you how to record."

"You don't need to know the method. Give you this." Chu Feng thought to move a fist-sized crystal ball out of the holy prison space to the front of Dema Luo.

Mo Luo Yiba grabbed his face and changed slightly: "True crystal?" Mo Luo's divine consciousness penetrated into the crystal. In the crystal is an image just now, from the time when Mo Luo's juniors were there. just! "Your Excellency, good means!" Mo Luo snorted, Chu Feng only recently learned about the real crystal, but Mo Luo had known it a long time ago.

Real crystals are more rare than bloodline spars. They are very rare. Even the emperor god-level figures may never have seen them in their lives. Chu Feng obtained hundreds of god-level powerful crystals from him. From one of the space stones!

The role of real crystal is very limited, it has only one role, that is, live recording. The recorded image can not be modified when it is stored in it. Once modified, the image inside will be destroyed! The Sky Eye has such a small function, that is, it can directly transmit the scanned image to the real crystal, and the natural image is successfully recorded.

"Mo Luo, I will leave that real crystal for you to play with. Whenever your head is hot and you don't want to be obedient, take a look at the real crystal!" Chu Feng said.

"Hmph, are there any orders." Mo Luo said coldly. Chu Feng can give a real crystal, which means he must still have it in his hand. If such a thing is passed on, then he and the ancient family will definitely be over. Just know one thing, a first-level ghost will betray before, and as a result, he and his entire family are completely finished!

Chu Feng said indifferently: "My first order, the Sifang bandits should do some detrimental things to me. Second, I don't have a good impression of the Feng Clan. The Feng Clan has a task for the Sifang Bandits, right? Cancel!"

Mo Luo frowned and nodded: "Okay, I will cancel that mission, and I will also restrain the Quartet bandits from doing some detrimental things!"

These two things are not very difficult things, so Mo Luo agreed without much consideration. "Third, I will try my best to inquire about the situation in the underworld. I will find you once in a while. I hope you will not let me down. Otherwise, some unpleasant things will happen between us." After Chu Feng said this sentence Speak.

After Mo Luo said a few words, Chu Feng did not respond, he knew that Chu Feng should have left. "Horrible guy!" Mo Luo lay down again, but at this time, his heart was not as peaceful as before! If you just join the netherworld, then it is a more pleasant thing, it is good to enjoy the cool under the big tree, although he is a strong god-level!

But if another strong man threatens him to betray the underworld, it will make people feel depressed. If he is betrayed, if he is found to be so ruined by the underworld, but if he does not betray, it will be the evidence that Chu Feng controls, Mo Luo And the ancient family is absolutely dead! "What a fate!" Mo Luo cursed aloud, it was really uncomfortable not to hold back the curse in his heart.

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng was very happy at this time. On the one hand, he was happy because Mo Luo had obeyed his orders. On the other hand, it was because another 400,000 merit points were received!

Mo Luo is the master of the Sifang Bandit, and he controls Mo Luo. The Holy Prison judged that Chu Feng has basically controlled the Sifang Bandit. The reward for the task of controlling the Sifang Bandit is 200,000. Because it was controlled within ten years, the task is rewarded. Doubled!

After the 200,000 reward doubled, it was 400,000. Adding to the previous one, Chu Feng now has a little more than 420,000 merit points!

Achievement points are very precious. One hundred thousand record points can be exchanged for a general god-excellent follower, and a little more than 420,000 points can be exchanged for a god-excellent or even a god-excellent follower. !

Outside, the Tianwei Chu Feng didn't let him leave the ancient holy city immediately. In the holy prison space, Chu Feng eagerly entered the domain tower. He now has a lot of points in battle. But I haven’t seen one of the minions that can be exchanged. Although Miao Xian'er said before that it’s best to keep the merit points, it is better to find some powerful minions earlier. If there is an emergency, Then you can immediately exchange merit points for entourage!

In Mo Luo's manor, Mo Luo took a short break and then passed on the order. He cancelled the mission about Chu Feng issued by the Feng clan before!

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