Holy Prison

Chapter 887: Recalled feelings

Feng Bingning appeared, her eyes flashed with longing, and then she became emotional again. Although Feng Man is a powerful person at the venerable **** level, she still has relatively little understanding of the Phoenix divine veins. She thinks it is profound. The hypnosis and the fruit of forgetfulness can make Feng Bingning no longer remember the feelings with Chu Feng, but she failed.

At the very beginning, Feng Bingning had indeed forgotten the relationship with Chu Feng, but her strength continued to improve, the bloodline and divine veins and time abilities interacted with each other, and she slowly remembered something.

After remembering something, Feng Bingning didn't show it. She knew in her heart that if she showed it, she would be deeply hypnotized again and might give her another fruit of forgetfulness.

For a while before, she had forgotten her relationship with Chu Feng. How could Feng Bingning still want to forget and not show it, then she could still think in her heart, although she had to bear the pain of longing, Feng Bingning was willing to bear it. "Feng, where are you now? Bing Ning missed you!" Feng Bing Ning said silently. She wanted to leave Phoenix Mountain to find Chu Feng, but she knew that she didn't have the ability to leave.

Even if it did, Feng Bingning knew that she could not leave at this time. If she did not leave, perhaps Chu Feng and the others would be fine. If they left, some Feng Clan members would be furious, and it is likely that Chu Feng and the others would be dead. Feng Man often talks to her, so Feng Bingning has a better understanding of the ways that big clans like the Feng clan handle things.

Feng Bingning left this flame cave with a slight flash. She has been practicing in this flame cave for some time. She believes that she is now capable of cultivating in the upper flame cave. practice.

There are many flame caves on the Immortal Phoenix Mountain. The place where Feng Bingning is now is already relatively high. If you go up, the fire in the flame cave will increase a lot, but if you can bear it. , The effect of training will be better!

Entering the flame cave, Feng Bingning let out a painful hum. She has the Phoenix Divine Veins and is very capable of withstanding fire. But at this time, there was also a painful hum in her mouth. How terrible, such a place, even the powerhouse of the Emperor God among the Feng Clan might not have the ability to enter!

"Feng Bingning, you can, you can definitely bear it!" If it hadn't been for remembering some feelings with Chu Feng, Feng Bingning would definitely not practice hard like this, but remembered some feelings with Chu Feng , She eagerly hopes that her strength will become stronger, so that she can know more about Chu Feng's memory, and then she will be able to leave the Feng Clan more quickly and return to Chu Feng's side!

Feng Bingning turned into a pale golden flame with difficulty, and the pale golden flame was trembling slightly under the burning of flames spouting from the surrounding area, which showed that Feng Bingning was suffering a powerful force at this moment. pain!

With such a desperate practice, if Feng Bingning does not possess a high concentration of Phoenix divine veins, it will not take long for her body to collapse. However, even if Feng Bingning possesses such Phoenix divine veins, such training will slowly The body will also accumulate some dark injuries.

But at this moment, Feng Bingning can't care if she will accumulate a little bit of hidden wounds, all she wants is to increase her strength quickly! As long as she can return to Chu Feng's side, she believes that there will always be a way to solve the hidden injury at that time!

Chu Feng looked into the distance blankly at the Academy of Holy Spirit, that direction was the Feng Clan's direction. "Brother Feng, what's the matter? Do you miss Sister Bing Ning?" Lan Wen said softly, holding Chu Feng's hand.

"Bing Ning doesn't know what's going on." Chu Feng sighed authentically. Lan Wen said: "Brother Feng, or where do we go over? Maybe it's possible to see Sister Bing Ning."

Chu Feng shook his head slightly. If Feng Bingning can remember him, then he might pass, but he knows that Feng Bingning was deeply hypnotized and he also ate the fruit of forgetfulness, even if he saw him, Feng Bingning If he is a passerby, it will make him more uncomfortable!

It's better not to see each other now. This is Chu Feng's thoughts, but if he knew that Feng Bingning remembered the feelings with him, then this thought might have changed.

"Wen'er, in the next few hours, will you practice here at the Academy of God, or follow me?" Chu Feng said. "Brother Feng, you can't leave me behind, of course I'm following you." Lan Wen said, "I can't leave the world of both parents to disturb my parents!"

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Okay, you just follow me. Anyway, after you enter the Great Witch Pagoda, even if you practice in the space inside, it won't affect your speed."

Like Chu Zhen and the others, if they practice in the sacred prison space, it will affect their speed, but Lan Wen can enter the Taiwu Tower. The power of the Taiwu Tower is even if the Taiwu Tower is in the holy prison space. In the middle, Lan Wen's speed at entering Taiwu Pagoda training will not be slower than when Taiwu Pagoda is outside.

"Brother Feng, now Xiaobai consumes only a quarter of my mental energy recovery speed. I think I can have a more powerful witch beast!" Lan Wen said.

There are 18 floors in the Taiwu Tower, and each floor can have a powerful witch beast, and one more powerful witch beast is a relatively large improvement to Lan Wen's strength.

"Well, I will definitely find a way to get you a powerful witch beast at that time." Chu Feng said, giving Lan Wen a witch beast. Actually, there is no need to make a witch beast too powerful now, because the witch beast can be replaced in the future. The unsuitable witch beast can be let go because it is too low, but Chu Feng is not prepared to make it too bad, and the witch beast that is too bad is too bad to look down on.

Chu Feng didn’t stay in Shenchu ​​City for long. After telling Yang Haifeng and the others, Chu Feng got to Jiuxuancheng, and Lan Wen naturally entered the Taiwu Pagoda to practice now. You can improve your mood cultivation level in the Taiwu Pagoda, so even if you have been practicing in the Taiwu Pagoda, there is no big problem.

In the Nine Profound City, it didn't take long for Chu Feng to discover Duan San. His appearance was a little better than the appearance Chu Feng saw him before, but he can still use the word "fallen" to describe it. Chu Feng told him about revenge, but Duan San knew that revenge was easy to say but difficult to do!

Chu Feng didn't talk to Duan San first, he entered the holy prison space.

Pan Wu Manor, at this moment Pan Wu is practicing alchemy, there is no other person in the alchemy room except him, and Pan Wu doesn't like to be disturbed while making alchemy.

"Pan Wu!"

An old voice sounded in Pan Wu's pill room. "Who?" Pan Wu was shocked, but there was no shock on his face, and even the pill he was practicing was not destroyed. After years of pill refining, his mood was very good.

"Pan Wu, a member of the Quartet Bandit, the deity has an old relationship with the Duan family, but he didn't expect that this time he returned, but the Duan family is already." There was a little anger in the old voice.

Pan Wu couldn't keep his face calm at this time. He didn't expect that his identity as a member of the Quartet bandit would be discovered. He didn't argue, the other party directly said it, and it was useless to quibble.

"What does the predecessor want?" Pan Wu said in his heart. "This deity has no intention to provoke the Sifang bandits, but Duan San is the last bit of the Duan family's blood. If he dies, you will die!" The old voice remembered it after a while. "Senior, the younger generation will definitely not kill Duan San!" Pan said without guarantee. He left Duan San to torture him. Since there is a god-level powerhouse to protect him at this time, then he must be no longer able to deal with him.

"I hope you can count on your words, otherwise, the identity of your Quartet gang members will be known to everyone! If the deity does not take action, many people will take your life!"

"Senior don't worry, seniors have come forward, and juniors will never make any more moves. Thank you for not killing them!" Pan Wudao, he had been careful, but he didn't know where the strong was at this time. People are terrified, even if it is the same for an Emperor God level powerhouse.

"Today's things did not happen to you, if there is any leak, you die!"

After the above sentence was finished, the old voice did not ring again. At this time, there was a fine bead of sweat on Pan Wu's forehead. He touched the sweat and turned on the pill furnace, which was quickly refined in the pill furnace. Dan is already coke now.

"Damn the Duan family, I didn't expect to have a connection with a god-level powerhouse. Fortunately, the connection should be relatively weak, otherwise it must be over at this moment." Pan Wu's sweat was scared out, if If the relationship between the other party and the Duan family is better, as long as the news that he is a Sifang bandit is released, he will definitely be over!

Pan Wu is not a good thing, Chu Feng did not release the news, one is because the Sifang bandits are now under his control, and Pan Wuzonggui is also a strong strong! Second, if the news is announced, it may make Mo Luo suspect something, and there is no need to have extra branches.

Pan Wu got it done, and Chu Feng didn't go to see Duan San immediately, so more than ten days later, Chu Feng appeared in front of Duan San.

"I said Brother Duan, why are you still like this?" Chu Feng frowned. Duan San saw Chu Feng's eyes light up slightly, then turned and walked in the other direction.

"Duan San, what's the matter with you?" Chu Feng stopped in front of Duan San and said in a deep voice. "Brother Chu, you treat me as a friend, and I can't hurt you. It's better to stay away from me." Duan San smiled slightly. Now he can laugh, but the bitterness in his smile cannot be removed in a short time. .

Chu Feng didn't bother to tell him more, he smashed Duan San's back with a palm and fainted Duan San. After fainting, Duan San was received by Chu Feng in the holy prison space.

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