Holy Prison

Chapter 888: Mess castle

After getting Duan San into the sacred prison space, Chu Feng arrived near the domain gate of Jiuxuan City. This time, the domain gate of Jiuxuan City was not sent to the Ten Thousand Wars of Life and Death Zone but to the hundred states in the Middle Earth.

There are two reasons for going to the Central-Tu Baizhou. First, Tang Ming and the others seem to have encountered some troubles. Although they don't necessarily need his help, if there is such a need, Chu Feng will definitely help; Second, Chu Feng received the news that Miao Feiying, a woman, appeared in the Baizhou of Central Earth a while ago.

Speaking of which, Miao Feiying is also a god-exalted powerhouse. Although it is only a god-exalted elementary level, his strength is not weaker than that of the general god-exaling advanced powerhouse, but who made this woman be saved by Chu Feng It's been twice. Although Chu Feng didn't doubt her strength, he was still worried that something might happen to her.

In his heart, he had already determined that Miao Fei was her own woman, and Chu Feng didn't want Miao Feiying to have trouble again!

The domain gate opened, and Chu Feng and many people quickly passed through the domain gate, "Wow, this is Zhongzhou? It seems to be a little different from our side!"

"That's for sure. Zhongzhou is the center of the entire infinity. The aura here is stronger, and there are many strong ones!"

Quite a lot of discussion came into Chu Feng’s mind. Chu Feng smiled. He was probably curious when he passed the domain gate the first time, but now, I don’t know how many times I have passed it and I am completely used to it. .

Needless to say, Yumen is crowded with people here, the conversation of two people suddenly came to Chu Feng's ears amid countless discussions. "Oh, it's a pity, Dou Ting probably won't be able to hold on!"

"Yes, it was okay before, but the conflict between Douting and the Zoe family is now fierce. The Zoe family is not easy to provoke. I heard that there is a powerful figure behind him. He will not be here at the moment. If he comes back , Then the total plan will be the day when Dou Ting is ruined!"

"It's a pity. I was thinking about joining Dou Ting before. The atmosphere there is very good. The owner of the court is a woman. Although the cultivation base is not particularly high, her combat skills are indeed wonderful. Many Emperor God level. The strong guys often go to ask for advice!"

Chu Feng's face changed slightly. For a while, he didn't pay much attention to Tang Ming and the others. He didn't expect that Dou Ting, founded by Han Xiang, would be in a lot of trouble now!

Chu Feng knows where the headquarters of Tang Sect and Dou Ting are. He immediately teleported to Tang Ming and the others through the teleportation array. Duan San in the holy prison space, Chu Feng is not right now or not. Kung Fu paid attention to him. Compared with Tang Ming and the others, Duan San's position in Chu Feng's heart was naturally much lower.

Chaos City, as the name suggests, this city is indeed chaotic. This kind of chaos is because this city has too much power!

Nearly hundreds of billions of people, and more than 10,000 powerful forces gathered here. Chaos City is a city that can't be chaotic. Tang Ming and the two of them built Tang Sect and Dou Ting in this chaotic city!

"Everyone, the Zoe family is strong. This matter was caused by me personally. Let's leave. It's not worth dying in the hands of the masters of the Zoe family!" Han Xiang sighed softly. What is the solution? If you can give her some more time for Tang Ming, then they are confident that they can create a more powerful force than the Zoe family, but now, the Zoe family, which has three Emperor God level powerhouses It was not something that Dou Ting and Tang Ming, who had not yet fully developed, could deal with.

"President, I have no habit of being a deserter!"

"Yes, I'll die, and I'm afraid that the Zoe family will not succeed? Lord, I still have a lot of accumulation, or everyone can pool a lot of money to **** their mothers, and offer a reward for destroying some members of the Zoe family. Know what pain is!"

"President, Douting is very good. It's a pity to dissolve, it's easy to dissolve, and it will be difficult to gather everyone's hearts again at that time!"

Han Xiang's voice fell, and everyone in Douting suddenly talked about it. Most of them said that they were on Han Xiang's side. This made her feel very comforted. The hard work over the years was finally not in vain!

"Jiejie, it's very lively here!" A strange laugh sounded, and Han Xiang and many other people's expressions changed, "The court master, it's not good, the strongman of the Zoe family has already surrounded us. !" A guy in charge of vigilance said loudly, his voice fell, and a head flew high. A strong man in the Zoe family cut his head off with the palm of his hand, "Nice taste!" There was a cruel smile on the strong man's tongue licking the blood under his palm.

The expressions of Han Xiang and Tang Ming changed drastically. They didn't expect that the powerhouse of the Zoe family would come so fast. According to the information, the powerhouse of the Emperor God peak of the Zoe family should have at least several days to come. Come back.

"Brother Ming, there is no such strong man at the peak of the Emperor God, they want to surround us and not let us escape!" Han Xiang's voice sounded in Tang Ming's mind.

Tang Ming squinted, his eyes were full of murderous intent. Tang Sect is an intelligence organization, but Tang Ming also has an armed force that obeys his orders. That force is now in his personal space. If you kill it, there will be no problem with killing a lot of Zoe family members by then!

"Everyone in Douting, listen carefully. Those who surrender and join my Zoe family will not kill, otherwise we are welcome to our Zoe family!" A young man in red sneered, as he held a long knife in his hand. Amazing killing intent, "Han Xiang doesn't know good or bad, I hope you don't learn from her, a wonderful life, if you die, you won't be able to enjoy it!"

"Hehe, it's really lively here." Another voice rang, and the voice sounded, and a figure came slowly in the air toward the big manor where Tang Ming and the others were located.

Hearing that voice, both Tang Ming's and Han Xiang's eyes lit up. They didn't expect Chu Feng to come over at this moment. Whose voice was that was not Chu Feng's.

"Hey, it's really lively, I'll come over to join in the fun!" Chu Feng's voice fell, and a voice rang from the other direction. A sturdy young man appeared in the sky, the young man holding a brick. , Looks like a thug from a certain underworld. The person here is Zhou Wen. He also heard about Tang Ming and the others, so he rushed over from the Eastern Wilderness and didn't expect to arrive with Chu Feng!

Some members of the Zoe family felt a little bit bad. Although the two people who came over didn't seem to be particularly strong, their aura was not weak! Aura is something that you can't get taller if you want to be high. If you don't have a relatively strong base of strength, then the aura is imaginary, and experienced people can see through that imaginary aura at a glance!

Today, there are two Chu Feng and Zhou Wen who are here. Chu Feng gives people the feeling that it is unfathomable, and Zhou Wen, who came out in the sky with a brick, gives people a domineering feeling!

"Two, this is a matter between our Zoe family and Douting. It’s best not to take care of the two of you. When the time comes, my Zoe family will definitely entertain the two!" said a powerful emperor of the Zoe family. He is not the most powerful person in the Zoe family, but he is the most powerful person in the Zoe family here. In addition to his Zoe family, there is also an intermediate-level powerhouse in the Emperor God!

"Fuck you shit!" Zhou Wen cursed unceremoniously. "Xiao Mingzi, you guys are too bad. If something like this happened, you didn't have a message to pass. If I happened to come here, I really don't know that something happened to you here. Boss, I strongly request that Tang Ming This girl is the youngest, his second brother has to be disqualified!"

The powerful expert of the Zoe family's emperor **** snorted coldly. He saw that Zhou Wen was only a king god's high-level cultivation base, and his emperor god's high-level cultivation base was enough to save face, but he didn't expect to be in front of it. Zhou Wen scolded so many people rudely!

The dignity of the strong man made the strong man of the emperor **** an instant shot. When he snorted coldly, a giant hand appeared on Zhou Wen's head and then patted Zhou Wen fiercely.

"Old fellow, I'm afraid of you!" Zhou Wen let out a deep cry, and the brick immediately grew bigger and greeted the palm. "Bang!" Some relatively dull voices rang, Zhou Wen's body trembled and then fell several meters in an instant, and the energy palm was also destroyed by the brick's attack.

Chu Feng was surprised. He knew that the brick was originally only half a piece, but now it is complete. He didn't expect that the brick that was complete was so powerful that the powerful emperor did not have all his strength, but Zhou Wenke It was just a high-level figure of King God, with a lot of difference in cultivation base, how could Zhou Wen be able to block it to make people not surprised!

"Boss, look at the excitement, this guy is too powerful, I can't figure it out, leave it to you!" Zhou Wen space teleported to Chu Feng's side.

"Shao Wen, it seems that you have had a lot of stories in recent years." Chu Feng said with a light smile. There are two Emperor God-level characters and some who are not at the Emperor God level. Chu Feng is really not too worried!

"So-so-so-so, boss, you'd better get the two Emperor God level guys quickly, half of the Emperor God level will be handed over to me, the other half, Xiao Mingzi, you won't look at it." Zhou Wen Hehe smiled.

Chu Feng may not have many other things, but there are definitely a lot of treasures. He has obtained hundreds of space rings from god-level powerhouses. There are quite a lot of good things in those space rings. Chu Feng thought of a ring and appeared. In his hand, this ring is a curse ring, which he had refined a little before, and now it happens to be usable.

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