Holy Prison

Chapter 895: Win or lose?

Yan Yu’s father had sent five trillions of money and things before, plus the five trillions brought here, that’s already one trillion, and Chu Feng’s face in the holy prison space was light. Smile, if you win this time, you can win a lot! If you lose, if you can catch Jin Ke, you won't lose money.

"Brother Feng, you are not afraid to lose then? If you lose, it will be hundreds of billions!" Zhou Wen said. "If you lose, run away!" Tang Wan smiled.

Zhou Wenbai gave Tang Wan a look: "Running, you think it is such an easy thing, that is to irritate Qisele and the Overlord League, Brother Feng, Qiseye know your identity?"

Chu Feng said: "I don't know for the time being, but if you check it, you can find out. If you lose, then you can only give out the property honestly. Then Qi Seye won't publish our information. If you don't give it, then we It can only be a desperate world, such a thing cannot be done."

"Chu Feng, you are really a gambler. If you lose so much money, it will be enough for your heartache for a while." Tang Wan smiled and said, "Sister Lan Wen, you have to take care of Chu Feng, don't you He lost all the training spars!" "If you lose, you lose. As long as we are still there, what does it matter?" Lan Wen looked at Chu Feng with a light smile.

Outside, the auction price of that golden gun continued to rise, and Chu Feng let Miao Xian'er invade the intelligent system of this auction house, "Miao Xian'er, my identity shouldn't be discovered yet, right?" Chu Feng said. Road in my mind.

"Not yet. Your VIP card has only one serial number, which does not record your personal information. If Qi Seye wants to find out where your VIP card was made and find it on your head, it will take at least ten days. Time!" Miao Xianer said. "Hehe, that's good, in ten days, I don't even know where I am." Chu Feng smiled in his mind.

Chu Feng's identity is somewhat inconsistent with the large amount of money. Qi Seye may have some trouble if he knows Chu Feng's identity now, so of course I don't know at this time!

Time passed by, and the auction house was shrouded in a tense and enthusiastic atmosphere. When an hour passed, the auction price of that golden gun climbed to one trillion jin. The high position of the best spar! In Yan Yu’s VIP room, Yan Yu’s grandfather came and left immediately. He came and delivered items worth eight million billion catties of top grade spar. Those items even contained dozens of ships. War mothership!

A total of 18 trillion jin of top-grade spar items were sent here. If more time is given, the Yan family can collect more things, but the time is not too sufficient. The Yan family will do it in a short time. There is not much money left, Yan Yu's grandfather left there to find some friendly forces to borrow money and things!

In the VIP room where Chu Feng and the others were before, the previous President Liang and another person entered. The two of them came in and found that there was only "Chu Feng" in the room, but this did not surprise them. What is happening now is not small. It is normal for Chu Feng and the others to make some adjustments here. One less person is here. Outside, then one less danger!

"My friend, I'm sorry, I think you know why we came. Introduce myself, my surname is Xia, the person in charge of Qiseye in Baizhou in Central Earth!" The person next to President Liang smiled authentically. This is a person who looks like forty. The year-old middle-aged man, dressed in white, with a slight smile on his body, is very kind.

In the sacred prison space, Tang Ming said: "He is Xia Shuang, and he is indeed the person in charge of Qise Ye in the middle-earth hundred states. He is an intermediate-level god-respecting god. With the collected data, he is a very good person without disturbing him. A talkative person, but if someone provokes him, then there is absolutely no good fruit! In fact, many people are not too afraid of him, but he has a big brother, who is also a god-level cultivation Because, and it is rumored that the cultivation base of the peak of the gods still possesses the true self skills, it is a terrifying character!"

"Please check." Outside Tianwei said faintly, he said that a spatial ring appeared in his hand. Among the spatial rings was still a treasure mountain, but compared with the previous one, this treasure mountain was much taller and bigger. ! A look of surprise appeared on Xia Shuang's face. He didn't immediately draw a conclusion, but quickly checked and judged the value of those treasures.

Three minutes later, Xia Shuang said: "My estimate is not accurate, but there must be a four-trillion-jin super spar. Friends, you are really a wealthy man."

"Your Excellency is joking, my little money is probably not a big deal in your eyes, Qi Se Ye is a day of Jin Dou Jin." Wei said with a soft smile outside that day.

"This is not a small money anymore. I have the idea of ​​stealing things from my friends, but my friends still have to be careful. The Decepticons are now raising money everywhere. It is not so easy for a friend to win!" Xia Shuang jokes typical. "As long as Qi Seye doesn't borrow money, you will lose if you lose." Wei said that day.

Xia Shuang said: "Friends, don’t worry, Qise Ye will not help anyone. The Decepticons are not easy to provoke. Friends, here, I don’t see where to provoke them. Friends, if the Decepticons gather more than four trillion Fortune I will come again, if there is not, then friend you won!"

Xia Shuang left after speaking. In the holy prison space, Chu Feng frowned slightly, "If it reaches 35 trillion, then increase the price increase!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

The price of the golden gun is more than one trillion yuan. Yan Yu is quite nervous. He has only eight trillion yuan. If it were the beginning, he believes that eight trillion yuan can definitely be done. But now, he doesn’t. Such confidence! "Damn it, is it possible that such a thing will happen so you have prepared so much money? It shouldn't be possible to carry so much money with you normally!" Yan Yu cursed secretly in his heart.

Eleven trillion, twelve trillion, and thirteen trillion.

Under the bids of the two parties, the price of the golden gun is constantly rising. At this time everyone knows that the two parties have completely joined the fight. Each party can only try their best to not withdraw. Withdrawal means loss. More than one trillion!

Eight trillion yuan, this is a huge amount of wealth, but the eight trillion yuan in the current auction houses did not allow Yan Yu and the others to hold on for too long. Fortunately, Yan Yu's grandfather has risen to almost one in price. They came back when they reached 8 trillion, otherwise Yan Yu and the others would have to admit defeat.

Earlier, Yan Yu said that President Liang could allow him to overdraft by tens of trillions of dollars with the credibility of the Tyrant League, but at this point, Qiseye Auction will not allow Yan Yu and the others to overdraw because they owe it. In the end, Qise Ye must pay to Chu Feng when he loses, and the Tyrant League loses out. Only in the year of the monkey can the debt be paid off?

At the very beginning, most people thought that the Decepticon Alliance would win. After all, they knew that the Decepticon Alliance was a very powerful force, but slowly, many people changed their views, because Yan Yu The bid is slower, but Chu Feng's bid here is faster!

A slow bid indicates that the funds in hand may not be too sufficient, while a fast bid is naturally the opposite. This is a struggle for financial resources, not to mention that the more sufficient funds in the hand dominate.

Such a change made Yan Yu’s grandfather’s loan this time not very smooth. He thought it would be no problem to borrow 25 trillion yuan, but he did not expect to borrow a few good places and borrowed 20 trillion yuan. Looks like!

"Grandpa, it's time for you to come back, and we won't be able to support it anymore. I didn't expect that this dog day guy actually has such a huge wealth in his hands!" Yan Yu checked some of the space rings that his grandfather had thrown over. Excited and authentic. "Father, the loan didn't go well?" Yan Yu's father said cautiously.

Grandpa Yan Yu nodded slightly: "Well, I have seen some guys through them. I called them brothers and sisters on weekdays. I borrowed some money today. I didn't expect that some of them could not be contacted, and some of them were connected but I borrowed a little bit. Fortunately, there are a few people who are still friends and I am not too disappointed."

"Father, the value of these money should be two trillion, and it should be able to win the opponent!" Yan Yu's father said. Grandpa Yan Yu nodded: "I'll leave it to you here. I need to stare at that side. It's good if I win. If I lose, as long as there is nothing wrong with that side, I won't lose money!"

Yan Yu said in surprise: "Grandpa, what if the other party is higher than 38 trillion?" "If the other party has so much money, then this time we will accept it!" Grandpa Yan Yu said solemnly.

"Grandpa, if that's the case, wouldn't it be Qise Ye who is doing the trick?" Yan Yu said through sound transmission. "At that time, let the other party show off the property, it is best to be able to see the other party! Qise Ye should not do this. If this is known, then Qise Ye does not have to exist!" Grandpa Yan Yu is also a sound transmission. Tao.

A smile appeared at the corner of Chu Feng's mouth in the sacred prison space. The items he took out were worth more than four trillion yuan, and the Tyrant League gathered only 38 trillion yuan. This time it should be a win!

Chu Feng didn't want to waste any more time, outside Tianwei immediately raised the price by one trillion yuan, "Damn it, I don't believe you have more than 38 trillion yuan!" Yan Yu sneered and immediately increased the price. Yes, but his price increase is only ten trillion. "Tyrant League, is there no money left?" Tianwei's laughter spread outside.

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