Holy Prison

Chapter 896: End of auction

"Fart, hurry up!" Yan Leng said angrily in his heart when he heard the voice of his opponent. "2200 trillion! If the Decepticons don’t have any money, then don’t follow them. Otherwise, all will be lost. It is estimated that the Decepticons will not have a good life in the future." Tianwei said, of course what he said. Chu Feng asked him to say it.

"Since your Excellency wants to be fast, then speed up the bidding rate! 2210 trillion!" Yan Yu said.




At this time, both of them thought that it would be over soon, so the bidding speed was very fast, but the price rushed to 30 million in less than ten seconds. At this time, Chu Feng asked the outside Tianwei to bid The rate has been reduced a bit. Each price increase is only 10 trillion catties. However, because the two parties are bidding very quickly at this time, the auction price of the golden gun is still rising rapidly. In three minutes, the price of the golden gun It has reached 3600 trillion!

"Father, we might have a hard time winning!" Sweat appeared on Yan Yu's forehead, more than three thousand trillion yuan. If the output goes and the Jinke is not caught in the end, then the next days of the Tyrant League will definitely It will be very sad that I have lost 18 trillion and still owe a debt of 2 trillion!

"Look at God's will, it's time, it's impossible not to persist until the end, maybe the other party can't bear it!" Yan Yu's father said solemnly, "Your grandfather arranged it, and then he will be caught. There should be no problem with Ke. As long as Jin Ke can be caught, then we will have no loss this time!"

Yan Yu nodded: "I hope there won't be any problems with Grandpa!"

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng knew Yan Yu and the others clearly. Yan Yu's sin value exceeded the kindness value by a lot, and his eyes could be scanned ten meters around him.

Chu Feng checked Jin Ke's situation again. Jin Ke was still in the manor far away from Qiseye Auction House. His expression was also a little nervous at this time. It is estimated that he also knows the situation of Qiseye Auction House! This manor has a strong defense, and a one-time powerful small teleportation array was placed in the manor.

"Master Jin Ke, it is already 3,600 trillion!" A beautiful woman smiled authentically. Jin Ke was also moved when he heard this figure. He did not expect that his gun would have been sold for such a price. Although the two were competing, it is true that the competition was his stuff. Qi Color Leaf Auction The money will be paid to him at the time of the trip. "With this money, there will be no shortage of money for research by then!" Jin Ke showed a faint smile on his face.

"Nina, you stay, tell Qiseye's people when that time comes, I will contact Qiseye and get back the auction money!" Jin Ke decided to go, and if the auction money is no problem, Qiseye should not be greedy. If you don't leave at this time, you may not be able to leave.

Na Nina smiled and nodded: "Yes, Master Jin Ke!" The voice fell, and the moment Jin Ke turned around, Nina slapped Jin Ke's back with a palm!

The electric light flickered, Jin Ke received a little shock, and Nina's entire arm turned into coke in the electric light flicker! "You" Nina's eyes were full of shock. She is an Emperor God level cultivation base, but this palm didn't hurt Jin Ke the slightest, and Jin Ke did not use her own power. That electric light was part of him. A piece of clothing came out.

"Nina, I am very disappointed!" Jin Ke's face showed a trace of pain. This Nina was a person he saved back then. After so many years, she has not become his woman, but Jin Ke has always treated her. It is excellent.

A small pistol appeared in his hand, Jin Ke fired a shot, and a net shot out immediately trapped Nina! "I always thought you were my daughter." Jin Ke sighed and said that he was on the teleportation formation instantly. When he was on the teleportation formation, he corrected a little bit. He had already discovered that Nina had moved. His teleportation formation, if Nina didn't do it in the end, then he would assume that everything hadn't happened, but he didn't expect Nina to do it to him.

Everything happened in a very short time, the light of the teleportation formation was shining, Jin Ke had disappeared in the teleportation formation, and that teleportation formation was destroyed immediately after he left. This is a one-time teleportation formation. After transmission, it will be destroyed naturally!

The manor where Jin Ke was just now underwent a powerful attack. Several experts in the Tyrannical League felt an abnormality. The manor’s defenses could not stand the attack and broke all at once, but at this time only the manor was trapped by the light net. There is no Jinke in Nina who lives.

"Nina, what about people" Grandpa Yan Yu asked sternly when he broke open the optical net. They hadn't been around here before, so they would be stunned. I didn't expect that the people who came to Jin Ke would disappear!

Nina smiled bitterly: "Go, I couldn't keep him!" "Why don't you leave with him" Grandpa Yan Yu said with a sullen face.

"He already suspected me. I used to leave with him, but this time, he asked me to stay! I wanted to stop him and I could get the money from the auction, but he didn't expect him to be I successfully developed a defensive suit that can withstand my attacks and a light net gun that can trap the emperor-level powerhouse! I attacked him, but he did nothing at all, but I was injured and trapped by him!" Ni Na showed a trace of regret, maybe she shouldn't betray this time.

"Idiot! You should follow what he said!" Grandpa Yan Yu said coldly, "What should I do now, can I be sure where he is?"

Nina said: "He has three research bases. I know the location. He should return to those three research bases!" "What nonsense is that, please tell me the location immediately!" Grandpa Yan Yu said very politely, if not. If you have to rely on this woman to catch Jin Ke, then he will kill this woman immediately!

Jin Ke ran away, and he didn’t catch it all at once. Yan Yu’s grandfather immediately returned to Qiiseye. He didn’t pay much attention to winning or losing before, but now if he loses, then the Tyrant League will take it. The coming days will be extremely difficult!

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng watched the scene completely, "Miao Xian'er, Jin Ke's current location can still be locked." Chu Feng said in his mind.

"Yes, but he is advancing fast at this time. If he leaves too far, he will probably leave the range of sensing." Miao Xian'er said.

"With the eyes of the sky locked in, he shouldn't be able to escape. Now he won the auction first." Chu Feng said.

The auction price had already risen to RMB 3,700 trillion by this time, and Yan Yu's grandfather had arrived in the VIP room where Yan Yu was.

"Find a way to delay, we'd better win this auction!" Grandpa Yan Yu said solemnly. "Father, what's the matter?" Yan Yu's father said.

"Jin Ke ran away. It is a question whether he can be caught." Grandpa Yan Yu's face was gloomy. He was in a bad mood at this time. They lost half of this gamble. Of course, look at Grandpa Yan Yu. Come, the people who fought against them also lost half! Who can win, who can reduce some losses!

Yan Yu immediately agreed to his grandfather's request: "Grandpa, don't worry, I will delay!"

"Procrastination, do you have this capital to procrastinate?" Chu Feng smiled slightly in the holy prison space, "No. 5, an increase of one trillion yuan!" Chu Feng's voice came into the mind of Tianwei outside.

"Three thousand eight hundred and ten trillion!"

It was Chu Feng's turn to quote. On the basis of 37.1 billion, Tianyan's quote directly raised one trillion. This price increase immediately defeated Yan Yu's abacus on their side. Yan Yu's grandfather planned to go out and borrow again with an old face, but borrowing money takes time, and Chu Feng's price increase did not give him enough time.

"Grandpa!" Yan Yu said in a panic. Their property value is 38 trillion yuan, and the other party's offer has exceeded their ability to bear.

"Fine, nothing, we lost!" Grandpa Yan Yu was also a character. At this time, he waved his hand. He knew that the other party had raised the price so much at once, and it was impossible for them to win. "Master Yan, I'm sorry to bother you." Xia Shuang and Mr. Liang were in the VIP room with Yan Yu and them.

"Xia Shuang, I want to see the other side, and the other side's property needs to be verified!" Grandpa Yan Yu said solemnly. "Master Yan, it is okay to verify the other party's property, but when you see the other party, I can't guarantee that you can see it!" Xia Shuang said, "However, I can guarantee with Qi Seye's reputation that the other party is definitely a real guest, I Qi Se Ye has no involvement in this matter!"

Grandpa Yan Yu nodded slightly: "I believe in Qi Seye, Xia Shuang, it's best for me to see each other!"

"Master Yan, I'll go over and ask." Xia Shuang said.

When Xia Shuang came over, Chu Feng asked Tianwei to agree very happily. Tianwei passed by, and Yan Yu and the others wrote down Tianwei’s appearance and breath for a fart. As for moving other hands and feet, Tianwei would receive the holy It can also be found in the prison space.

The auctioneer announced that the bidding was suspended. The Tianwei followed Xia Shuang and soon arrived in the VIP room where Yan Yu and the others were. There are now ten or twenty people in this VIP room, and everyone can't wait to come in. Tianwei was torn alive and eaten!

"Everyone, hello, everyone, thank you for your kindness, but I am disrespectful." The fifth Tianwei smiled and said. "Humph!" Several people snorted coldly.

Xia Shuang said: "Master Yan, for justice, I also invited some other people over. I believe that Master Yan has no opinion!" "No opinion!" Grandpa Yan Yu said solemnly. It's okay to witness this matter. If Qi Se Ye is playing a ghost, Qi Se Ye is equal to some big forces at the same time!

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