Holy Prison

Chapter 915: Scary kid

"Brother Chu, let's forget that. You may not be dangerous if you take it. If we take that thing, it will be dangerous. We and that red flower are not relatives haha!" Rankin laughed.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Okay, I'm not sure that the thing is safe, I don't bother to take it out if it's not a last resort! Xiao Jiu, what are your plans now? Let's start exploring this underground palace?"

"If you don't go out today, let's try if the flowers are effective. If it works, we can act a little bolder. If there is no effect, we must act more carefully." Rankin said.

Chu Feng nodded. It was noon, and there was no corpse beast action outside. Chu Feng and the others opened the small door a little bit, and then Chu Feng went out and took a golden flower and a purple flower. A green flower was placed at the intersections where the corpse beasts passed more at night.

"Finished, rest, and see how the effect of the evening is." Chu Feng cloned back and said. "Let's replenish your energy and act tomorrow. It is estimated that people may come in from outside tomorrow." Rankin said.

Chu Feng and the others were practising quietly, the day time passed in an instant, and the night in the underground palace came, and the roar of the corpse beast began to sound.

"Watching the show." Sun Cheng smiled, Chu Feng and their eyes opened, and the four of them quickly got to the window where you could see three intersections with flowers.

"Look there, a corpse beast is here!" He Feng said in a low voice. It was a corpse dog, but it was as strong as a tiger. The specific strength of Chu Feng is not clear to them, but it should be of the Emperor God level. .

The corpse dog passed by the intersection with a green flower. "It stopped." He Feng said. The corpse dog felt the green flower, and he hesitated a little and walked over from a place about three or four meters away from the green flower.

"The effect is somewhat." Chu Feng smiled. The corpse dog continued to move forward, and soon it came to the intersection with the purple flower.

"Roar!" The corpse dog, with a little fear in its pale eyes, it walked to the side of the road and passed the intersection close to the roadside.

The corpse dog at the intersection with the golden flower has not passed by, but there are many individual corpse beasts blocked at the intersection with the golden flower. The road is unobstructed, but there is that golden flower there, those corpses The beast did not dare to pass through that intersection!

"The power of the golden flower is indeed the most powerful, and the green flower is the worst." Rankin said. "Woo!" A cry came into Chu Feng's ears, and a child appeared in Chu Feng's sight. It was a child who seemed to be about four years old. He appeared first. Next to that green flower.

Seeing the green flower, the child stopped crying and showed a little curiosity in his eyes. He approached the green flower, then picked it up and stuffed it into his mouth, "Woo! "The child screamed in pain. Green flowers are not so delicious. In a short time, his mouth was burned. It was as if what he just put in his mouth was not a flower but a flower. A hot red soldering iron!

Screaming in pain, the child quickly reached the intersection with purple flowers. He saw the purple flowers, but this time he didn't come close to eat the purple flowers!

There were a dozen corpse beasts and corpses gathered in Jinhua. They could not pass through that intersection. The child with a broken mouth reached the intersection with golden flowers. There was a little fear in his eyes, and he leaned on the road. On the side, it carefully passed through that intersection.

Time continued to pass. Within a few hours, many corpse beasts and other monsters arrived near the two flowers. At the intersection of Jinhua, none of the corpse beasts and corpses passed, but those children could pass, but They are more afraid of getting close.

Two-headed snakes can pass through the intersection, they are a little eager, but in the end there is no two-headed snake to destroy the golden flowers.

In the purple flower, some corpse beasts with weak strength cannot pass, but some corpse beasts with stronger strength can pass. It has not been destroyed like the golden flower overnight, but Chu Feng and the others know that its deterrence is compared to The golden flower is much worse!

The shadows of various monsters disappeared, and sunlight reappeared in the underground palace. "Two seniors, I have a guess." Sun Cheng's voice broke the silence in the palace.

"Say." Chu Feng and Lan Jin said in the same voice.

Sun Chengdao: "Two seniors, those corpse beasts, they may all be blind. They determine everything around them through the induction of corpse energy! And those little children, double-headed snakes, they may have a little vision. , But the eyesight is very weak, the corpse ants, they should also determine the surrounding environment based on the corpse qi.

Chu Feng and the others nodded slightly. They observed this all night and came to this conclusion in their hearts. Chu Feng said: "I guess those corpse beasts are more dependent on corpse qi. There is no corpse qi in that garden so they don't enter, not just because of the red flower."

"Golden flowers can completely disperse the corpse energy around, so the corpse beasts are very afraid, while the purple flowers, although it disperses the corpse energy, are not 100%, so the corpse beasts are not so afraid. Can pass by. As for the double-headed snakes and the children, not all of them are corpse qi in their bodies. This is why they behave better than those corpse beasts!" Chu Feng said.

He Feng smiled and said, "Those flowers are very useful. This is good news for us. They won't have such flowers even if someone comes in later."

"He Feng, your green flowers are gone. I'll let a clone come over and get some. There is no need to get too many green flowers. Just get a little bit and keep some for the latecomers." Chu Feng Tao.

When it was ten o'clock in the morning, Chu Feng opened the small door, and then a clone quickly reached the garden side. This time, Chu Feng's clone was picked boldly, and it only took half a minute. In the time I picked forty green flowers and then I harvested the golden flower and the purple flower back.

When they arrived at the palace, Chu Feng was about to speak, and a sound of something falling into Chu Feng's ears. "Haha, the underground palace, finally came in!" a person laughed authentically.

"Mute!" the other person said.

Chu Feng and the others leaned in front of the window, and three people appeared in the place where they appeared before. All three of them exuded a relatively strong aura. Chu Feng judged from his heart that these three people are probably powers at the respected **** level.

"Mag, do you need to be so careful? Together, the three of us, even the strong man who respects the gods and perfections, is not afraid. Even if there is danger in it, we can still escape."

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and find the key. If you get to this place, you don't have to think about going out without the key!"

As the three people spoke, a red-haired child appeared within their sight. "Where did the baby come from?" said the boldest guy.

"Be careful, red!"

One of the three people reminded that the red-haired child moved, and his figure was incredibly fast and rushed towards the three.

Chu Feng could not see clearly, but the three of them could see clearly. The three of them were shocked, and they quickly defended, "Bang!" The three combined defenses, and the red-haired child did not take much advantage. But it didn't suffer. "Woohoo!" the child cried.

"What a perverted kid, the strength is estimated to have reached the peak of the gods, in such an environment, it is equivalent to a general **** of great perfection and power!"

"We flashed, he didn't know if he had any companions."

Those people quickly knew if the child had a companion. In just a few seconds, a dozen children appeared around. Six of them had red hair, and the other four had hair. Red and yellow colors. "These three guys are over." Chu Feng said, all four of them didn't intend to open the palace to save the three people. That way, they wouldn't be able to save people. It's estimated that they would also die.

Moreover, this world has a lot of revenge and revenge. The three unknown people were saved in such a place. God knows if they will be disadvantaged by the time. In this, perhaps the most dangerous person is not the corpse. The corpse beast is just like Chu Feng and the others!

Ten children appeared all at once, and the faces of the three god-level powerhouses became very ugly. If ten children appeared in other places, they would not be afraid at all, but ten people appeared in such a place. Come to a weird kid, it's weird that they are not afraid!

"Brothers, hold on for a while, there will be other people coming down at that time!" Among the three people, the one who looked most Shen Yin said solemnly.

A dozen children moved, and long fingertips appeared on all of their fingers. The fingertips were definitely harder than some magic weapons.

The strength of the three god-level powerhouses is good, but in just three seconds, in just three seconds, the three god-level powerhouses were killed by those a dozen weird children and then dismembered. !

"Oh!" Lan Jin sighed slightly, Chu Feng and the others didn't look away. Outside, a dozen strange children actually ate the bodies of the three god-level powerhouses! "They seem to have strengthened a little bit, and the corpse energy on their bodies has faded a little bit." Chu Feng frowned.

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