Holy Prison

Chapter 916: Chu Feng's worries

The death of three god-level powerhouses is not over. It didn’t take long for several god-level powerhouses to break in. Needless to say, those god-level powerhouses were also present. At the beginning, there were only a dozen children, but now there are more than 20 abnormal children gathered in that place!

"It's sad, the powerhouses of the god-exalted level came in, but one by one became their food!" Chu Feng said. Rankin frowned and said: "This world is so cruel, so we must try our best to climb up, as long as we reach a higher status, we will be safer!"

He Feng said: "Even low-level saints may not be able to completely control their own destiny. We estimate that there will never be a day in which they will control their own lives. For me, it would be good if one day can be a god, if it can reach the king **** Grade, that's thank goodness!"

Chu Feng and Lan Jin shook their heads slightly when they looked at each other. They are both powerful at the Kings God level, and they are very powerful at the Kings God level, but they also feel that they are too weak! "He Feng, if you reach the Kings God level by that time, you will think of higher." Chu Feng smiled, "The practice is endless. It is more important to cherish everything you currently have."

"Senior Chu, you don't know what kind of cultivation level it is?" Sun Cheng asked this question that he wanted to ask. "Shenzhen King, we are all." Chu Feng said.

Sun Cheng and the others showed a look of surprise, "Senior Chu, you are much better than the average King God-level powerhouse. We have also encountered many powerhouses, that is, some King God-level powerhouses, I Not as good as you guys." Sun Chengdao.

"Hehe, our strength is also average, just like now, if we go out, it will be the end of being eaten." Chu Feng glanced outside again. The open space outside is now full of blood, and it is dead there. There are twenty or so god-exalted powerhouses. If those god-exalted powerhouses come together, they can still have a fight. They come three or five, then there are so many weird children. Opponent.

As time passed by, Chu Feng and the others stared out the window, and the sun was gradually setting west. Twenty or thirty children were walking around the clearing in excitement. Today they shared a total of forty gods The strong! It is estimated that these god-level powerhouses came over as soon as they got the news, but they came over excitedly and filled the belly of those children!

"Howl!" "Howl!"

When the night came, all kinds of screams rang, the corpse beasts and the corpse men appeared from the hiding places, the terrible double-headed snakes came out of the cave, and the swarms of corpse ants began to move.

Under the gaze of Chu Feng and the others, a corpse man soon appeared in the clearing. The corpse man threw on the ground excitedly. There were no corpses on the ground, but there was a lot of blood. The corpse man stretched out his long tongue and licked the blood on the ground!

"Fortunately, I don’t have to eat now. Otherwise, I really don’t have any appetite to watch such a scene." Sun Cheng said lightly. They are all **** people who have seen a lot of blood, but some of the pictures they saw today still make them feel a little bit. Uncomfortable!

Before long, there were a lot of corpse people and corpse beasts on the clearing ground. They were all excitedly sucking the blood, and the blood on the ground was licked clean before long. But that **** air is not so easy to eliminate!

"It is estimated that some people will come in at night here. In this situation, it is estimated that no one who comes in can live!" He Feng said.

Both Chu Feng and Lan Jin frowned. They didn't want some acquaintances to be here at this time! He Feng and the others didn't worry much about this, because they didn't have very powerful acquaintances, but Chu Feng and Rankin had many very powerful acquaintances.

There are a lot of powerhouses in Orga Village who have reached the exalted **** level and the emperor **** level. People who have gone out of the first academy have a lot of emperor **** level and exalted **** level strength. Miao Feiying also has the strength of exalted **** level!

What Chu Feng was most worried about was that Miao Feiying would come over. If Miao Feiying came over during the day, it would be better. He might take some risks and save Miao Feiying. If he came over this evening, so many monsters surrounded him. There, even if Chu Feng wanted to get close, it was impossible!

"Fei Ying, you woman, don't come here to join in the fun. People from the Fei family, from the Feng Clan, come here as much as possible!" Chu Feng muttered inwardly.

The roar of the corpse was endless, and there were many corpses, corpses, beasts, and other monsters gathered near the clearing. The palace of Chu Feng and the others was on the edge of the clearing. The gate of the palace was often hit by some monsters. It was trembling, and Chu Feng and the four of them said that they were not nervous at this time. It was a fake. If so many monsters attacked the palace with all their strength, even if the palace was left by a saint, it might be destroyed!

"Finally come in, ha" a voice sounded, and a powerful god-exalted powerhouse came in. He was blasted into scum by many attacks before he finished speaking!

Chu Feng and Lan Jin smiled bitterly. At this time, if someone they knew came in, they wouldn't be able to help. "Xiao Jiu, do you have anyone who is particularly worried?" Chu Feng said with a solemn atmosphere.

"Yes, my master, he is a strong man at the god-exalable level." Rankin said, "I hope he won't come here. Brother Chu, how about you, do you?"

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Well, a silly woman." "Chu Feng, you said that to Miao Feiying, and I will tell her hehe at that time." Miao Xian'er said in Chu Feng's mind.

"Am I wrong, she is a stupid woman, she has the strength of the god-exalted level, and she has been hurt again and again." Chu Feng said in his mind.

"You woman?" Rankin said in surprise. Chu Feng nodded slightly. Although his cultivation level is still not as good as Miao Feiying's, but now that such a relationship has occurred, he will regard Miao Feiying as his own woman. Miao Feiying does not agree with this point, but this is just Sooner or later, Miao Feiying's woman Chu Feng still knows something about it. If he had such a relationship with him, if he didn't die, the possibility of Miao Feiying cuckolding him is very low.

"Brother Chu, it's amazing. Is the opponent of the Emperor God level or the Exalted God level?" Rankin smiled. Chu Feng curled his lips: "Xiao Jiu, you don't seem to be such a gossip."

"Hey, that also depends on what kind of person you are in front of. Ordinary people, I don't treat them as friends. Naturally, there is no need to gossip with them, but I am interested in your gossip, Brother Chu." Lan Jin laughed. Talking to Chu Feng like this, Lan Jin felt very comfortable, this kind of feeling seldom had before.

"God-respecting." Chu Feng said, "Xiao Jiu, I don't seem to have heard the gossip between you and any woman. Could it be you?" Chu Feng said, moving away from Rankin a little bit in fear. "Bah, baah, you're so male, I'm not interested in men! The exercises I practice should be forbidden before the Emperor God level. If that happens, then the speed of practice will be affected. Influence." Rankin said.

"He Feng, Sun Cheng, you now know which aspect of yourself is better than Xiao Jiu, haha! I didn't expect Xiao Jiu you to be a pure and innocent little virgin, it's really rare." Chu Feng laughed.

Rankin's old face flushed: "You fellow, I will definitely find more women than you by that time! He Feng, Sun Cheng, you guys laugh."

"Ah, don't laugh, we don't laugh!" Sun Chengqiang said with a smile. "Senior, this is not shameful, really." He Feng said. "You two guys, let me practice the avatar technique. This is a life-saving thing." Rankin said with a finger and swept Sun Cheng and He Feng to the side of the hall.

Outside the underground palace, flying boat domain. "Didn't you hear that Chu Feng is here? Where did he go, I haven't touched it in a few days." Miao Feiying hummed in her heart, her face showed some childish goddess, so if you let her Some acquaintances would be very surprised when they saw it. This was really the demon Miao Feiying.

"Brother, the entrance to the underground palace has been discovered now, let's go right away."

"It is estimated that many strong people have passed away. It may be too late now, but let's try our luck in the past. Maybe it really gave us the key to the flying boat."

"Flying boat key is not an extravagant expectation, but there may be other treasures in the underground palace. This time so many powerful people pass by, the danger should not be too high."

Two people in a place not too far away from Miao Feiying were talking, they were not voice-transmitting, so Miao Feiying heard their words clearly.

"In the underground palace, many people in this underground palace have already talked about it. Is Chu Feng on that side?" Miao Feiying asked in secret, "If he does go, then this guy is really bold. On that side is now a god-level person. It is estimated that the strong have gone to thousands!"

At this time, there were a lot of people gathered on the side of the corpse water lake. Now here, the emperor-level powerhouses can only carefully condense their aura. There are a lot of god-level powerhouses here, if you collide with it. Some bad-tempered ones have no good fruit!

"Fortunately, there are so many people." Miao Feiying also got to the side of Shishui Lake. There are experts from the Fei family on this side. She had known the news of the underground palace a long time ago, so she didn't come over immediately because there were fees. The strong of the family, many of the strong here are very confused now, and the strong of the Fei family wanted to find that she had no possibility that Miao Feiying was relieved.

Inside the underground palace, Chu Feng was a little restless, "Brother Chu, what's wrong?" Rankin said. Chu Feng shook his head: "Some of them feel bad, maybe some acquaintances have reached Shishui Lake."

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