Holy Prison

Chapter 917: A large number of strong people enter

"Brother Chu, I guess you are too worried, too anxious, that's why you feel this way." Rankin said, "We are in this ghost place, although we should be very close to the Shishui Lake, but we want to sense the situation outside. easy."

Chu Feng didn't say anything. Of course it's not easy for ordinary people to feel it, but he has a merit crown, which has some good little abilities. There is one danger of sensing oneself, and it is also one to enhance his intuition! "Brother Chu, don't worry too much, fortune can't stop it or misfortune can't hide it!" Rankin said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Xiao Jiu, thank you very much." "Brother Chu, what you said, among friends, you don't need to have too many words of thanks." Lan Jin smiled.

"Well, I've lost a word." Chu Feng said. He could feel that Rankin really wanted to make a friend with him. At this moment, Chu Feng was already a friend of Rankin!

"Stupid woman, even if you come down, don't come down at night, I don't want to see you" Chu Feng said in his heart, a little bit dare not say anything, if Miao Feiying came down, then the corpse beasts would give After sharing the food, Chu Feng estimated that it would be impossible for a long time to show a smile on his face!

Outside, Miao Feiying was hesitating at this moment in her heart, but at this moment not only she was hesitating, but there are also many strong men who are also hesitating. Everyone knows the rumors of the corpse water lake. The people have never come up. For many years, this corpse water lake has wisely turned the billions of years of power into nothingness!

"Chu Feng, you little man, don’t be so stupid that you can go down there. This fellow Chu Feng is not a person who likes to take such an adventure. His parents are still in the Academy, and a wife is still in the Feng Clan. It's impossible to go down rashly!" Miao Feiying secretly said in her heart.

Not to mention, Miao Feiying is very accurate about Chu Feng's thoughts, but she doesn't know something. This time Chu Feng has a reason to go down, so Chu Feng is already in the underground palace. .

By the side of the corpse water lake, many powerful men discussed that the large forces have not taken action yet, but some people couldn’t help entering the corpse water lake. As soon as they entered, they involuntarily sank down. Some of them Maybe they died in the corpse water lake, and some people were lucky enough to find the entrance into the underground palace.

However, good luck will end immediately after entering the underground palace. In that clearing area, there are now about 200 corpses with hundreds of corpses, thirty or forty double-headed snakes, and about thirty terrifying cannibals. , The corpse-eating ants gathered in a pile, Chu Feng and the others couldn't figure it out, but preliminary estimate is not less than 500,000!

With such a powerful force, even if several powerful people who respect the gods and Dzogchen enter together, they will be eaten in a short time so that there is not even a little scum left!

"Xiao Jiu, we have to do something." Chu Feng said. Rankin looked out the window and said helplessly: "Brother Chu, I also think, I don't want to see my acquaintances come in and die, but in this case, what can we do? As long as we open the door, I guarantee that we are all Soon it will become a good meal for those guys! Let's pray that those guys don't destroy this palace. If the palace is destroyed, we will be the same as the strong ones outside."

What Rankin said was right, but Chu Feng couldn't calm down. "Feiying, when did I care about this woman so much?" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart. If it weren't for Miao Feiying, Chu Feng knew that he would not be so uneasy. What about the strong who left Shenchu ​​City? What about the strong people in Aojia Village, those people Chu Feng are not familiar with them now!

"Miao Xian'er, is there any way?" Chu Feng said in his mind. "Chu Feng, in the face of absolute strength, nothing is going to work." Miao Xian'er said.

Now those corpse beasts and other monsters outside represent absolute strength. If the strong outside does not come in in large numbers, coming in little by little will definitely be the end of all death!

"Chu Feng, you are also confused when you care, and you also know how fast such news will spread. According to you, how many people are there now by the Shishui Lake?" Miao Xianer said.

"Thousands." Chu Feng said. "That's not enough. Those people are not brainless. Those who come in now are a small number of people. A small number of people will naturally be slaughtered if they come in. But if a large number of strong people enter, the corpse beasts may not be able to bear it. !" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng breathed a sigh of relief in his heart: "It seems that I am indeed a little concerned and confused. Miao Feiying, a silly girl, should not be a particularly impulsive person. Even if she comes down, she should also come down with the big army. Will come down impulsively because of the treasure!"

If the large force comes down, Chu Feng knows that the dangers in the corpse water lake are not considered dangerous. Many god-level powerhouses take action, and the corpse beasts and corpses in the corpse water lake simply cannot resist. The corpse water lake is more dangerous because their strength is too weak!

"Brother Chu, have you figured it out?" Rankin smiled, seeing Chu Feng's expression a little more relaxed. Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Well, you are right. Fortune cannot be stopped, but misfortune cannot be avoided. I believe she is not a lifeless person."

"Brother Chu just figured it out."

Chu Feng and Lan Jin were chatting, and Sun Cheng and He Feng were practicing the technique of avatar. Nowadays, under such an environment, their psychological pressure is relatively high. Under such pressure, the speed of their practice is improved. It's not bad. In two days, the technique of avatar is also decent. Although the avatar is not particularly real, it is somewhat real. Perhaps at the critical moment, you can really rely on this to save your own life!

The night passed, although the corpse beasts did not want to leave, but after the sun in the underground palace came out, the corpse beasts and corpses disappeared one by one. They were more afraid of the sun. Under the sun, their strength was reduced and the possibility of death Sex increased!

The corpse beasts left, the corpse-eating insects also disappeared, the children did not leave, as for the two-headed monster snakes, part of them left, and part of them stayed just like the children.

"It's daytime. It should be daytime outside at this time. It's a good idea now. It's probably the daytime to act today." Rankin said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly. The people outside knew that some people had already entered, and they would not wait any longer. In human psychology, it is better to act during the day than in the night.

By the side of the Shishui Lake, a strong man with a golden robe said in a deep voice: "Everyone, everyone knows the situation of the Shishui Lake. If you want to enter the Shishui Lake, everyone will enter it together. If there is any danger to deal with together, there will be no life problem. Before we can talk about winning the treasure! The entrance to the underground palace should be under this Shishui Lake, we first go to the bottom of the Deshishui Lake! All those who want to enter the underground palace are ready!"

"Chu Feng, you enemy, are you among these people!" Miao Feiying hated her secretly, Chu Feng was worried about her, and she was also worried about Chu Feng in her heart. Although Miao Feiying is called a demon girl by many people, she values ​​her first time very much. She gave it to Chu Feng for the first time, and Chu Feng rescued her twice. Her heart for Chu Feng It must be false if there is no feeling.

Miao Feiying knew that if Chu Feng was alone, he would not easily enter the underground palace to take risks, but if there were so many people, then the possibility of Chu Feng entering the underground palace was still relatively high!

Miao Feiying thought, a small jade card appeared in her hand. This is a top-level communication jade card. The top-level communication jade card is relatively rare. Miao Feiying has two pieces in her hand. Fei Ying input a message inside: Chu Feng little man, you haven't entered the underground palace, have you? If not, then reply to a message, that the underground palace is not fun, behave, listen to my sister, don't enter the underground palace, otherwise my sister will not let you go to bed in the future!

After a message was lost, Miao Feiying's face blushed slightly, "Little man Chufeng, if you die, my old lady won't shed a tear for you!" Miao Feiying cursed in her heart feeling her own situation.

The top-level communication jade card is powerful, even if the jade card enters a different space from a long distance, you can feel the aura of the target. If you don’t feel the target, the jade card will return to the hand of the sender. The jade card will be destroyed immediately after returning!

Miao Feiying's jade card was sent out. It didn't take long for her face to change slightly. The jade card returned to her and turned into useless jade in her hands!

"Obviously the news is about the arrival of the Ark Region. With the top-level ability to transmit the jade card, it shouldn't be possible that the transmission will fail, isn't it?" Miao Feiying thought of a possibility that his face is ugly, that is that Chu Feng has entered In the underground palace!

"How come, Chu Feng shouldn't be so impulsive, did he leave the Ark Domain?" Miao Feiying thought wildly.

"Everyone, prepare, and enter the corpse water lake in three minutes!" the strong golden robe said loudly. Miao Feiying looked at the golden robe powerhouse and made up his mind. "Little enemy, I will go down and take a look this time, I hope you don't get below!" Miao Feiying secretly said in her heart.

Three minutes passed quickly, "Those who want to enter the underground palace, let's go!" The golden-robed strong man said that he was the first to jump into the corpse water lake. After him, hundreds of strong men gathered together. Jumping into it, after the hundreds of strong, more people continue to jump down, Miao Feiying is also one of them!

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