Holy Prison

Chapter 922: Time capacity

In the underground palace, the area not covered by fog is not too big. Thousands of strong men acted and killed more than 2,000 corpses and corpse beasts in the daytime. The area where there is no fog, except for some inaccessible places. Thousands of strong men cleared it all out.

When the day was about to pass and the night was about to arrive, thousands of powerful men returned to the palace where they had stayed before, "It's a lot quieter than last night!"

"Indeed, if you kill about two thousand in a day, it is estimated that it will be completely cleared in ten days."

Chu Feng listened quietly to the situation outside while listening to the talks of those strong men. The corpse beasts howling outside seemed to be a lot less than last night!

"Little man Chu Feng, what are your plans? With so many powerhouses, there may not be many who can leave this underground palace by then!" Miao Feiying asked via voice transmission.

"Are you talking about the number of places left, or will there be fewer deaths?" Chu Feng said with a light smile. "It's impossible for these people to die so little, but there are not many people who can leave." Miao Feiying said.

Rankin leaned closer at this time: "Brother Chu, have you noticed a problem? Since these powerful men entered, no one has entered this underground palace. Day and night have passed. This is not normal."

"How can we not find it, but we don't understand the situation outside in this underground palace. We can only protect ourselves as much as possible and live." Chu Feng said solemnly. At the same time as Rankin was talking, Chu Feng and Miao Feiying spoke: "I think that not many of these people will survive, Feiying, be careful and be careful, well, practice and rest."

Rankin sighed slightly: "Is the entrance closed? If there are no strong people to continue to enter, we may not have many thousands of strong people here."

"Practice." Chu Feng said.

The zombies and zombies are active everywhere. At night, many zombies and zombies enter the fog-free area. As soon as the sun comes out the next day, the strong in the hall attacked. Thousands of strong attacked, for half a day More than two hundred zombie beasts in the fog-free area were killed!

"It's just that more than two hundred have been killed. Those corpses, corpses, and beasts can't get mist. We seem to be going inside!"

"I'm afraid the inside is much safer than the outside."

"It's estimated that the key is in the inner area, except for the garden, but there are no keys."

"I don't know if there is a key in that garden."

Outside the mist-shrouded area, many powerful men gathered in threes and fives to discuss. Chu Feng and Miao Feiying also got together to talk, but they did not let people know that they knew each other before.

"Little friend Chu Feng, take a step to speak." An old man in yellow robe with a goatee came to De Chu Feng and smiled. "Little man Chu Feng, this guy is very cunning, not a good thing, he may not be a good thing to you, be careful." Miao Feiying's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

"Senior, if you have something to say straight." A cold light flashed deep in Chu Feng's eyes. He saw this person approaching Sun Cheng and the others, and he already knew some information in all likelihood.

"Five golden flowers, ten purple flowers!" The yellow robe elder spoke through the voice, and he smiled on the surface, but the voice was very cold, "Chu Feng, I am not the fool of Takan, if you don't give it My stuff, now I can guarantee that you will die!"

Chu Feng smiled and said, "I don't know what senior name is?"

"This deity, Shan Dehai, don't want to calculate the deity, this deity won't be stimulated by you like Takan." The first sentence of the yellow robe elder spoke out, and the last sentence was a voice transmission.

Lan Jin and his master Lan Xiu arrived at Chu Feng's side at this time, and many people were also looking at Chu Feng. "Senior Lan Xiu." Chu Feng bowed slightly to Lan Xiu.

Lan Xiu nodded and didn't say anything. He was called by Rankin. Shan Dehai is only an intermediate-level cultivation base of the gods. Chu Feng looked at Shan Dehai with murderous intent and said solemnly: "I have some golden flowers and the news that many purple and green flowers must be known to everyone. Now , Who killed Shan Dehai, I will give him three golden flowers and five purple flowers, and I will never break my promise."

Shan Dehai's face turned slightly and sneered and said: "The junior is great, but do you think others will listen to you? A little king god-level figure, thinking that with something in his hand, he can order a god-level powerhouse to help you. If you can’t be your fellows, since the juniors like Chu Feng are ignorant, then just kill them. Then we can divide the flowers!"

"Hehe, I am dead, and all those things have entered the different space." Chu Feng said with a light smile, "Seniors, Shan Dehai is a god-level powerhouse, a god-level powerhouse, threatening me. If a junior surrendered something, I really think I’m so bullied? Shan Dehai wants me five golden flowers and ten purple flowers. If I don’t give them, I will die. I think even if I give them, it’s probably a dead word. In that case, why should I be polite to him?"

"Predecessors, everyone knows a problem. All the people who came here before have changed. I think those flowers may have a little effect."

"Junior to die!" Shan Dehai shot out angrily, and a long needle flashing with black light was nailed toward Chu Feng's head! "Bang!" Lan Xiu shot, and the long needle flashing with black light was bounced aside by him. "Shandhai, don't ignore everyone's safety!"

"Little friend Chu Feng, it's not suitable for infighting now, Shan Dehai, you sue a crime, little friend Chu Feng, Shan Dehai sue a crime, even if this matter is over, how?" said the strong golden robe.

Chu Feng originally thought that Shan Dehai had died, but the strong man in the golden robe spoke up, and he had to give him face. "Since the predecessor said so, then all right." Chu Feng nodded.

"You guys! Why be threatened by a junior like this? His things must be hidden in the treasure space. What flows into the different space is just what he said to deceive. He has no spatial ability. How to have his own private different space !" Shan Dehai regretted it secretly. If he knew that, it would be better to kill Chu Feng directly!

As soon as Chu Feng thought, his figure disappeared in place and appeared ten meters away, "Go!" Chu Feng, who had just appeared in shape, waved his right hand, and a space slash was immediately shot out!

"I think I have a different space, so no one doubts anything." Chu Feng said, people with spatial ability will basically have their own different space to a certain extent. Such a different space and spatial objects The different space in the middle is different. That kind of different space is stable. As long as the space items are not damaged, the different space will always exist, and the different space opened by the person with spatial ability will die out with the death of the creator, and the items inside are natural. Will not exist anymore.

Chu Feng showed such an ability. Some people who had thoughts and strong actions in their minds dispelled the thoughts in their hearts. If killing Chu Feng has no good and only disadvantages, then who will take the initiative?

"Die!" A faint voice rang, and a strong man arrived in front of Shan Dehai in an instant. He raised his right hand and printed it on Shan Dehai's chest. From beginning to end, Shan Dehai did not move. , He let the strong man slap him to death!

"Time ability!"

Many people exclaimed that all the people here have strong eyesight. When the strong man started his hand, some people immediately recognized that he possessed the ability of time. Just now, he fixed Shandehai with the ability of time. , Shandehai's cultivation base is lower, naturally there is no resistance!

Chu Feng was also surprised, he didn't expect that it was one of the two powerhouses in Orga Village who did it. There are two powerhouses who are at the deity level here in Orga Village, one of them is the top level cultivation base of the deity, and the other is the high level cultivation base of the deity. Time and ability to shoot, and easily kill Shan Dehai!

"The village chief, your courage is commendable, but I don't know how to keep a low profile. There are already two god-level powerhouses who have died because of you, and the trouble will not be small by then!" The hands-on god-level powerhouse was lightly Chu Feng's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. If it was not good, he might not have made a move just now, but there was a good thing, and Chu Feng was still the head of Aojia Village, so why not take it? Just kill a Shan Dehai, no one will trouble him if he wants to!

"I know what I'm doing." Chu Feng said through a voice transmission. When Shan Dehai threatened him, he sentenced this person to death in his heart. In such an environment, when Shan Dehai is alive, he may face it at any time. death!

"Thank you for this predecessor's shot. These are three golden flowers and five purple flowers." Chu Feng's mind moved, three golden flowers and five purple flowers appeared in front of him and flew towards the strong man.

No one took the initiative to snatch, snatching something from a strong man with time ability and high-level cultivation of the gods requires great courage. Even the strong men who respect the gods here are not willing to take it! If you offend such a strong man, it would be fatal to give time to pause when the time is critical!

"Brother, here." The strong man with the time ability received two golden flowers and three purple flowers, the other one and two purple flowers, and he transferred them to the other strong in Orga Village. "Thanks." The strong man took the things and nodded slightly to Chu Feng.

"Little friend Chu Feng, the remaining golden flowers and purple flowers, what do you plan to do with it?" The tone of the golden robe powerhouse is calm and authentic. If another senior god-exalted powerhouse kills, it is estimated that someone will come out for the mountain. Dehai spoke, but it was a powerful man with the time ability. Shan Dehai died when he died. Even the golden robe powerhouse was too lazy to speak for him at this time.

Chu Feng spread his hands: "Senior, I am also embarrassed. If there are many, then each one is no problem, but the total number of golden and purple flowers and green flowers is more than one hundred. Senior, it is better than you give me Think of a way."

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