Holy Prison

Chapter 923: Flower allocation

Golden flowers, purple flowers, and green flowers add up to more than a hundred, and there are thousands of people here. No matter how Chu Feng distributes it, the result of the distribution will make many people feel unhappy. This distribution matter, Chu Feng will never do it!

When Chu Feng said this, the golden-robed strong man showed a wry smile on his face for a moment: "Little friend Chu Feng, you are cunning. This is how the stabbing ball was thrown out!"

"Senior, I'm just a small god-level figure. Although the flowers belong to me, it is really embarrassing for me to distribute them. I need two golden flowers. If you have a good distribution of the rest, As a result, I will give it all." Chu Feng said. Of the two golden flowers, one naturally needs to be used by yourself, and one is for Miao Feiying, needless to say.

"Little friend Chu Feng is still from Ming and Dali."

"Yes, but this allocation needs to be discussed carefully!"

A lot of people who fell short of Chu Feng's voice talked about it, and Chu Feng smiled and said: "Everyone quickly research out a good result, let me put those flowers here, but I feel hot."

"Little friend Chu Feng, there are many people and few flowers. There are still many flowers in the garden that are blooming beautifully. We will definitely not get the flowers inside when we enter. I don’t know if Little Friend Chu Feng can help. Get some flowers out?" said the strong man in the golden robe. There are now no golden flowers in the garden. There is only one purple flower, but there are many green flowers and other colors!

Chu Feng hesitated for a while and nodded slightly: "I can give it a try, but I don't know if I can get it. If you are greedy, not only people don't like it, but maybe even the flowers."

"Little friend Chu Feng, please try it. No matter what the result of the allocation is at that time, little friend Chu Feng's two golden flowers will not be grabbed. If there are, then they are my enemy!" The strong golden robe said in a deep voice. Dao, with his cultivation base, he knew that those golden flowers must have his own, so he is very polite to Chu Feng at the moment.

"Thank you senior." Chu Feng saluted slightly.

The crowd walked, without the obstruction of corpses, corpses, and beasts, so Chu Feng and the others could easily reach the garden. Of course, Chu Feng would not enter the deity, he thought, and a clone that was exactly the same as his deity appeared next to him. "Everyone, wait a moment." Chu Feng said as he entered the garden.

Divine Sense could not penetrate into the garden. Chu Feng cloned into it and looked at each place carefully. There must be something weird in this garden. Taking this opportunity, Chu Feng just took a look.

"Did not attack him, really did not attack him, weird!"

"Chu Feng has never been to this underground palace before. It's weird that those safflowers didn't attack him!"

Quite a few people around the garden were discussing, Chu Feng strolled around, and from time to time he picked the flowers into the ring of space. After half an hour, Chu Feng picked more than 600 flowers. He traveled all over the garden, and Chu Feng didn't find the key, but Chu Feng discovered one thing. All the red flowers grew on a vine, and the main root of that vine was in the center of the entire garden!

There are dozens of safflowers, each of which possesses powerful power. These safflowers are actually flowers bloomed by the same plant. This discovery shocked Chu Feng. That plant was really strong. terrible!

"Everyone, fulfill your mission!" After leaving the garden, Chu Feng smiled and said, "Excluding the two golden flowers I want, the total number of golden flowers available for distribution is ten, the total number of purple flowers is forty-two, and the green flowers are six. A hundred and twenty-five flowers. Did you think of a way to distribute it? If you figure it out, then Chu Feng will bring out the flowers."

Chu Feng said that he glanced at some of the strong people around him. They all wanted them very much, but in a short time, no one spoke.

"The strong in the cultivation world are respected! Everyone is entangled. According to Lao Tzu, everyone starts with ten golden flowers. You can't ask for the ones you already have. The others can say what they want. The strong get the purple flowers. , And then there is the green flower!" A powerful man who looks like an orangutan, Dzogchen, waved the sledgehammer in his hand and said politely. If you think Lao Tzu is not qualified, then come out and eat Lao Tzu!"

Although the appearance is indeed not good, but the gorilla-like guy is a strong man who respects the great perfection. He swings his sledgehammer. At this time, no one raises objections.

"The deity thinks this method is good, the deity wants a golden flower!" Another strong person who respects the gods and perfection said, "Little friend Chu Feng, golden flower is really hard to get without you. If you get a golden flower , It can also be considered that the deity owes you a favor, as long as it does not go against the will of the deity too much, if you find it with the deity’s token, the deity will return your favor!"

Chu Feng was calm on the surface, but he was not quite at peace. Last time, many strong people in the ancient mansion owed him favors. Those favors Chu Feng had never used. At this time, if you can get a lot of strong people's favors. In terms of favor, this time you might be able to reach the Defeng Clan and let Feng Bingning return to him!

One by one the gods and great perfection experts spoke up. There were the examples of the first two people first, and the strong man who spoke at the back was embarrassed to take Chu Feng’s things without expressing it. All the strong men who opened their mouths all promised. If they get the golden flower , Then I owe Chu Feng a favor!

There are a total of twelve powerful masters in the underground palace. Chu Feng only took out ten golden flowers here, but Lan Xiu had his own, and he also gave two golden flowers to two deities. The power of the Dzogchen, so in fact only nine powers who respect the Dzogchen have asked for golden flowers.

There are ten golden flowers, and nine powerful men who have the deity of Dzogchen open their mouths. No one has objections. Those who can reach the Dzogchen Dzogchen are all terrifying old monsters. When there are ten golden flowers, no one opposes their possession. A golden flower.

"The tenth golden flower, I want it!" a middle-aged man who looks like a forty-year-old said in a deep voice, "I am slaying the sky and cultivating the pinnacle of the gods. My true skill is slashing the sky. Which friend wants to try a bit?"

In addition to this middle-aged person, there are more than 20 people who respect the peak of gods. Hearing this middle-aged man say so, an old man who respects the peak of gods hehe smiles: "True self skills, that's rare. If a friend really knows my skills, I won’t compete for that golden flower. If not, then I’ll try my best.”

"Hmph! Slaughter the sky with a knife!" With a move of Jitian slaughter's mind, a long knife was in his hand, and the long knife was held high. A terrible power burst out from his body. The blood was rolling around him, and that knife seemed to condense the world. The murderous in between is average! "Friend, do you want me to send it out?" Ji Tianlian said coldly.

"No need!" The old man who just spoke hurriedly said, both are the pinnacles of the gods, but whether they will be true self skills, this difference is very big, the Jitian slaughter true self skills have not been released yet, but everyone’s eyesight is superb. With his current performance, it is certain that he will realize his skills!

"Drink!" Jitian Liao snorted, the condensed Shocking Sword was forcibly taken back by him, and his figure trembled slightly. Because of the forcibly gathering strength, Jitian Liao suffered some injuries, but at this time he suffered some injuries. It is better to lose most of the power.

"Awesome, eh" Chu Feng's eyes showed a look of surprise, he discovered one thing, this Jitian Slaughter was actually a member of the Sky-Swallowing Beast clan!

Chu Feng practiced the Northern Underworld Swallowing Technique, and he naturally understood the Northern Underworld Swallowing Technique and the Heaven Swallowing Beast. This Shanty Slaughter did not practice the Northern Underworld Swallowing Beast, but he belongs to the Celestial Swallowing Beast clan, so he is also here. He managed to recover the power of his true self skills, but compared with Chu Feng, because he did not practice the Beiming Heaven Swallowing Technique, Jitian Lun couldn't control it well when he recovered his power and suffered some injuries.

"Brother Jitian slaughter is so powerful, the true self skills that he wanted to send out were so forcibly collected!" A strong man who respects God Dzogchen praised. A strong man like Jitian slaughter is also a strong man who respects God Dzogchen. Befriend it and don’t want to be an enemy with it.

"So so." Jitian Lun said in a cold tone, "but there are still people who have objections. If so, you can fight with Jiu!"

No one made a sound, and the tenth golden flower was also attributable. "Everyone, if you have no objections, then I will give ten golden flowers to ten seniors." Chu Feng said.

Chu Feng waited for three seconds. No one spoke. Chu Feng thought, ten golden flowers appeared in front of him, "Ten seniors, please collect them." Chu Feng said with a wave of his ten golden flowers that they reached nine. A strong man who respected the gods and Dzogchen was in front of Jitian Lun.

"With this token, you can go to any Qiseye branch and ask to see me. Remember, I am Venerable Qiye!" An old man in a green robe said lightly a piece of jade leaf in seven colors and arrived in front of Chu Feng.

Chu Feng was shocked. This old man in green robe did not expect that he was actually a person from Qi Se Ye, called Venerable Qi Se Ye, and his position in Qi Se Ye might be extremely respected!

"Thank you Venerable." Chu Feng said respectfully and put away the colorful leaf. "Take it, hold it and go to the Yuquan Empire to find the emperor to contact me. Remember, it's just a favor, not an important thing. It's best not to use it." A blue-robed aunt smiled and said a piece of jade to Chu. In front of the peak.

"Thank you senior!"

"Junior, although I basically don’t care about the blood killing pavilion, you can take this token to any branch of the blood killing pavilion to make a blood killing order for free. Of course, you can also ask to see me, but it’s better not to do ordinary things. Bother me!" An old man with white eyebrows smiled honestly. He looked very kind, but he did not expect that he was an important figure in the Blood Kill Pavilion!

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