Holy Prison

Chapter 924: Gain favor

Nine powerful men who respected the gods and Dzogchen, plus Jitian slaughter, ten people gave Chu Feng ten tokens. Holding those tokens, Chu Feng could find them so that each of them could pay back a favor even if they died. With these tokens, Chu Feng can also go to the powers to which these strong men belong to request a favor!

The favors of ten such powerful men are so precious, and the thousands of people on the side of the garden, even the eyes of many emperor god-level experts, also showed envy.

"Everyone, there are a total of forty-two purple flowers. Let's just say what you want." Chu Feng smiled honestly. He was in a very good mood at this time. With these favors, he is much safer here. Whoever wants to deal with him must think of the anger of the many powerful people who were found to face when he was discovered!

"I want one!"

"Golden Flower knows it can't get it. If anyone thinks I shouldn't get it, then ask my sword!"

"The emperor wants a purple flower too!"

One by one, the strong men spoke. The competition for purple flowers was much more intense than that of golden flowers. There were only 42 purple flowers, but there were more than 300 strong ones who wanted!

There are too many monks and less porridge, and fierce competition is indispensable. Some people want to own a purple flower alone, and some strong people want to own a purple flower in twos and threes. For those who are combined, if they ask for a purple flower, they will lose all Qualify for Green Flower!

There is no clear fight, but secretly, one by one the strong are engaged in a silent contest with each other. At this time, more than a dozen gods and Dzogchen strong are used as judges, judging by their cultivation level who is stronger or can Did it!

An hour later, the 42 purple flowers had their masters. They were occupied by 75 people. With the strong men who had respected the gods and Dzogchen before taking the lead, they naturally also gave a token.

"Little man Chu Feng, your mouth is grinning." Miao Feiying's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind, "This time your advantage is bigger!"

"Their lives are worth this price!" Chu Feng said through a voice. "Little man Chu Feng, with these favors, if you use them, the Feng Clan will definitely be able to get Feng Bing out by then, do you want to go?"

Feng Bingning's figure flashed in Chu Feng's mind, "I really want to, but this still needs to be seen." Chu Feng transmitted sound, he thought a lot, this is not a trivial matter, if you use it rashly If people's favor brought Feng Bingning to her side, then the trouble would be quite big.

The purple flowers had their belongings, and only 625 green flowers remained. After the 625 green flowers had their belongings, it was already evening.

Six hundred and twenty-five green flowers were obtained by 1,360 people, and Chu Feng naturally received 1,360 tokens. Holding these tokens, some could only be exchanged for favors by himself, and some It is possible to find the forces to which they belong and demand to exchange favors. Relatively speaking, the latter has a lot of gold content, because many of these people may die in this underground palace.

Most of the people who dared to enter the underground palace were the powerhouses who reached the Emperor God level strength. All of these 1,360 people were the Emperor God level powerhouses, so although they were just green flowers, they were exchanged for favors. But it is not small.

There are about 7,000 strong people who have entered the underground palace. Only more than 1,400 people get flowers individually or collectively. There are still many people who have not got them. They are depressed, but they can’t blame Chu Feng for everything. If strength speaks, but strength is not obtained, can anyone blame it?

Moreover, at this time, Chu Feng, is that so weird? Even the powerhouse of the Emperor God level dare not say anything to Chu Feng at this time. If Chu Feng is unhappy to use a favor, then there must be a strong who is willing to use the sword in his hand to pay off Chu Feng's favor. !

The night is fierce, and before the night falls, Chu Feng and the others are in the palace. "Hey, isn't that Shan Dehai?" The corpse howl sounded, and it didn't take long for a strong man by the window to suddenly say.

"It's Shan Dehai, he turned into a corpse man!"

"A living person can become a corpse, so can this dead person"

Within a short period of time, the practitioners in the palace knew that Shan Dehai, who had died before, had become a corpse man. "Brother, you should have killed him completely before, right?" the top god-excellent powerhouse in Orga Village said with some doubts.

"I can't die anymore, my soul is destroyed! However, I haven't destroyed his body much. After all, he is also a god-level powerhouse." The powerhouse with time ability frowned.

"It's just that you can't destroy the soul. Those corpses and beasts don't have real souls at all!"

"Chu Feng, kill!" "Chu Feng, kill!" Shan Dehai's roar came over. He must have lost most of his sanity when he heard his voice, but it is estimated that he still retains a little bit of deep memory. .

Chu Feng frowned slightly, "Chu Feng, this is my job that hasn't been cleaned up, and I will take care of it then." A voice came to Chu Feng's ear, and Chu Feng turned his head. The strong man in the Orga Village of Noh happened to look here. "Thank you." Chu Feng nodded slightly.

"Everyone, there are a lot of corpses and beasts coming towards this side!" A strong man by the window said loudly, "They came out of the mist, there are a lot of them!"

There were not too many people in front of the window, and a strong man who stayed in front of the window immediately formed an image of what he saw on the roof of the palace.

"There are really a lot of people. I'm afraid there are five or six thousand in number. What's the matter, they don't act indiscriminately as before following Shan Haide's orders!"

"Their goal is our palace!"

The corpse beasts and corpses came quickly. In just a short time, thousands of corpse beasts and corpses appeared around the palace where Chu Feng was located. On the other side of the mist, there were corpse beasts and corpses roaring out of the mist!

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

A series of voices came into Chu Feng's ears, and the corpse beasts and corpses outside began to madly attack the palace where Chu Feng was located!

Thousands of corpse beasts and corpses attacked, and Chu Feng in the hall felt a little trembling in this hall. "Brother Chu, this hall must have been built by a saint, but after so many years, I'm afraid" Rankin was a little worried and authentic when he arrived beside Chu Feng.

If it is a palace just built by a saint, let alone thousands, even tens of thousands of corpses, beasts, and corpses would never want to destroy it, but now a long time has passed, and there are still some problems with this underground palace!

The children's cry sounded, and some red-haired children also appeared near the palace where Chu Feng and them were located. "Everyone, you can't go on like this. If this goes on, there will be more corpse beasts on this side. If the palace is destroyed, we will have a catastrophe! Those corpse beasts seem to be controlled by Shan Dehai, and kill the mountain. Dehai, those corpses, beasts and corpses may be gone!"

"Asshole thing, some living corpses actually dare to besiege us, open the door of the palace, let's kill one haha!"

The strong in the palace knew that they couldn't wait any longer. The gate of the palace opened quickly. As soon as the gate of the palace opened, thousands of powerful attacks broke out within the palace!

"Haha, good!" "Everyone show some skills and kill these guys tonight!" "Kill!!"

Like a flash flood, thousands of powerful attacks rushed out from the palace. Under such a powerful attack, dozens of corpse beasts and two red-haired children in front of the palace gate were immediately wiped out. Dehai was near the gate of the palace, and he almost died under the huge attack torrent.

"Howl!" Shan Dehai roared and immediately wanted to retreat behind the other corpses, "Shandhai, didn't I want to kill me? Come on!" Chu Feng said loudly.

Shandehai's figure stopped, and at the moment he paused, the senior powerhouse with the time ability in Orga Village shot, and he added a time pause to Shandehai!

As a corpse man, Shan Dehai’s strength seems to have increased a bit, but his body can’t move for about one-tenth of a second after the time has passed. Thousands of strong men want to kill Shan Dehai. At this time, he It was absolutely deadly when the time stopped. The attack of a dozen or so people who respected the gods and the strongest attacked him first, and Shan Dehai and the surrounding corpses and beasts were all turned into nothingness!

"Everyone, try your best to kill, don't bear with some good things!" Someone yelled, Shan Dehai died completely, those corpses, corpses, and beasts were actually affected and attacked and messed up a lot. Those strong people on Chu Feng's side How can't you see, seeing such a scene, thousands of strong men's aura rises and powerful attacks crazily fall toward the children with red hair on the corpses and beasts.

"In the end, cooperate with me!" Chu Feng was in the mind of that powerhouse with time ability in Orga Village at this time. "You use time and ability to imprison, I am responsible for killing!"

The god-level powerhouse with the time ability in Orga Village, that is, Bi Shi slightly frowned, but he did not refuse. Chu Feng was also the village chief of Orga Village, and he wanted to see what Chu Feng had. What kind of means.

"Okay, I will pass the target into your mind!" Bi Shidao, he said that he locked a target and used the time imprisonment. A little bit before the time imprisonment was used up, he kept the target still used time imprisonment Time passed to Chu Feng. "Dead!" Chu Feng started. He used the magical silver knife, and the knife passed through the space and appeared directly on the head of the corpse beast imprisoned by time.

The silver knife fell, and the hard skull of the corpse beast did not block the knife. It was pierced by the knife. This knife was so sharp that it was stained with the blood of the saint. It pierced the head of the corpse beast. Although the strength of the corpse beast was powerful. Also killed instantly!

"Not bad!" Bi Shi's eyes lit up slightly, his voice was not bad, it said that Chu Feng had a good time, but also that the silver knife was good!

"Come again!" Chu Feng said solemnly, such an opportunity should not be missed, his knife would be even sharper if he killed a corpse beast!

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