Holy Prison

Chapter 933: The light of merit

"Okay!" Miao Feiying said and took Chu Feng's arm. If at other times, perhaps she would not do it in front of so many people, but in this underground palace, it is likely to be Will die, what's the point of being more intimate at this time?

Chu Feng smiled and stepped forward, Miao Feiying followed Chu Feng with a slight smile on her face. "Feiying, are you afraid?" Chu Feng whispered under the black blood and evil spirits.

"Fortunately, I am just a little afraid that if I die, a lot of the Red Moon Empire will probably suffer." Miao Feiying said softly. "You stupid woman, at this time, what are you still concerned about doing? Nothing would happen to them without you taking care of it. The Red Moon Empire is not the only one who is strong." Chu Feng said.

Miao Feiying nodded slightly: "Well, what about you, are you afraid of death?" "I'm afraid, I'm terribly afraid." Chu Feng said, "This world has too much concern so I can't die, and neither will you Dead, go up!"

Chu Feng thought that the golden flower appeared in his hands. On the first step, Chu Feng and the others didn't react to the golden flower. They looked at each other and smiled, and Chu Feng continued to climb.

The second, the third, and the fourth quickly walked over Chu Feng within ten or twenty steps. They did not encounter any evil power!

"On the Black Blood Ten Thousand Evil Platform, there is no possibility of turning back. I want to see how you died! It's best to show us something before you die!" One of the three powerful Fei family secretly said with his face revealed in his heart. A little smile. "Brother Bin, what do you think, it is really evil to laugh." Fei Bin, one of the powerful people in the team, said.

Fei Bin coughed lightly: "I'm thinking, Chu Feng and others must not encounter the power of desire, otherwise we won't see something we shouldn't see, right?"

"Humph!" Someone snorted coldly, "Fei Bin, you have long seen that you seem to be hostile to Chu Feng and the others, but Chu Feng is kind to us all. It is best not to have any evil thoughts in your heart, otherwise there will be no good fruit. !"

Fei Bin was furious, but on the surface he looked sincere: "What the brother said, but I don't have any evil thoughts in my heart. I just pray for Chu Feng and the others."

"What is it? I don't know what I think. I'm still here to pretend to say me!" Fei Bin sneered in his heart. The person who just spoke was stronger than Fei Bin, but Fei Bin is not afraid. There are three of Fei's family here. A god-level powerhouse!

Some of the voices below, Chu Feng, could also be heard, but at this time they didn't pay any attention. When they reached the twenty-third level, the golden flowers in Chu Feng's hand were rippling slightly, and the golden light entered Miao Feiying's body. "Chu Feng, it seems that my luck is worse." Miao Feiying said, "Chu Feng, if you are alone, it is definitely easier to get to the top than two, or else"

"Stop!" Chu Feng said hurriedly, "If I take the golden flower and abandon you below here, then I will be shameless to live. Although I really want to live, but abandon you, it is nothing I can do. You can't do it! Don't think too much, let's go up slowly, Jinhua's ability is not small, maybe it can protect us to the top!"

"Chu Feng, if we go out alive, do you think Feng Bingning and Lan Wen can accept us?" Miao Feiying whispered and felt nervous. They have already reached the stage of the black blood , You can hear it when you speak loudly, but people who speak softly cannot hear it.

Chu Feng smiled and nodded: "Don't worry, they should accept it, but the first one is the bigger one, but you are younger than them!" "Devil, we are not equal, are we divided into big and small?" Miao Fei Yingbai Chu Feng glanced at him.

"This, naturally I treat you equally, but you always score a big sister, a second sister or something." Chu Feng laughed, the Black Blood Wanxie Platform was terribly abnormal, but the two of them were talking about love while they were on the same side.

"Then I should be the eldest sister, I am the oldest, and the highest cultivation base." Miao Feiying hummed. Chu Feng said: "Fei Ying, age is really nothing. If you have a cultivation base, you have to come on. Their cultivation level may surpass yours!"

Miao Feiying said in surprise: "It's not possible, right? I'm already a primary cultivation base for gods. What kind of cultivation base do they have now?" "There is nothing impossible. We all passed by in the beginning of Enlightenment Tianbi. The talents there have been improved a lot. The talents of today are not weaker than Rankin. Bing Ning’s cultivation base is not clear to me now, but even if there is no Kingshen Dzogchen, there should be the peak of Kingshen. Lan Wen's words are now at the top of Kingshen. , It shouldn’t take too long to reach the peak of King God.” Chu Feng said.

"You can reach the god-exalted level, the talent is definitely not weak, but compared to their current talent estimates, it is very likely that they will reach the god-exalted level and surpass you."

Miao Feiying said softly: "They didn't have such good talents before, but now they are better. You will also be responsible for upgrading my talents then."

Chu Feng said helplessly: "Of course I also thought about it, but it is not so easy to improve talents. At first, the enlightened sky wall flew away. If you can find the enlightened sky wall in the future, it's okay." "No matter, if you can get out alive. , I'll leave this to you." Miao Feiying hummed lightly. At this time, she was like a little woman in love, and she was like a god-level powerhouse!

"Okay, okay, leave it to me!" Chu Feng smiled. At this moment, a little bit of golden flower floated on top of the golden flower. He was also hit by evil power once, but there was that golden flower. The power of the flower protected him from any harm.

Time passed by, one hundred, two hundred, one thousand, two thousand, when Chu Feng and the others reached more than three thousand, that golden flower was already bleak and without much brilliance!

At the level of three thousand three hundred, the two of Chu Feng and the others had encountered a total of two hundred attacks of evil power. Without the protection of the golden flower, it is estimated that they would have disappeared in blood by now!

"Chu Feng, we've only passed one-eighth." Miao Feiying glanced at the dull golden flower in Chu Feng's hand and said softly.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "I don't know if the red petals will be effective, and there are two red petals, I hope they are effective!"

As Chu Feng said, a red flower petal appeared in his hand. The red petal was filled with light of merit by Chu Feng. In Chu Feng’s surprised gaze, the golden flower unexpectedly slowed down. The earth absorbed the power of the light of merit in the red petals.

The light of merit has absorbed some power, and the dim golden flower seems to have recovered a little bit. "Could it be possible that the power of the light of merit can restore the power of the golden flower" Chu Feng thought in his heart and quickly injected the power of the light of merit into that golden flower.

"Huh!" Miao Feiying looked at the golden flower in Chu Feng's hand in surprise. It actually recovered a lot in a short time. "Chu Feng, what's going on?"

"It is estimated that the golden flower has absorbed some of the power in the red petals so it has recovered some." Chu Feng said, the light of merit, it is not easy to tell Miao Feiying.

Miao Feiying's eyes lit up and she said with excitement: "Then it's not possible for us to leave this place." "It should be possible." Chu Feng smiled authentically. Although there is not much light of merit in his merit crown, these years have been Some are saved, and even if they are not inside, they can be refined!

Chu Feng turned his head and glanced below. From them, they could see Rankin more clearly, but if the people below were talking quietly, they would not be able to hear clearly.

"Fei Ying, let's stop here first to see their situation." Chu Feng said. "Are you still thinking about saving Rankin and them?" Miao Feiying frowned slightly.

"Look again, let's take a look at how the three fellows of the Fei family died!" Chu Feng said, the three of the Fei family did not get golden flowers but three of them got two purple flowers.

Miao Feiying nodded slightly: "Whatever you do, listen to you."

Chu Feng simply turned around and said loudly to the following: "Xiao Jiu, you act, let's take a break first." "Brother Chu, I don't know how many attacks you have encountered in total, and what is Jinhua's power remaining?" Lan Kim also said loudly.

"Two hundred times, there are some left."

Chu Feng and the others did not move, and the people below did not get on the Black Blood Ten Thousand Evil Stage within half a minute, "Dead early and reborn early, everyone, take care." A strong man who respected the gods moved, he instantly He reached the first level. After he reached the first level, this powerful man of great perfection moved forward quickly, reaching more than two thousand levels in just ten seconds. Jin Hua was already a little bleak, his luck was worse than that of Chu Feng and the others. At more than two thousand levels, he was hit by 130 attacks alone!

"Let's go up some more." Chu Feng said, Miao Feiying nodded, and the two of them continued to move forward, and the strong one with the deity of Dzogchen continued to rise, and Chu Feng and the others would not compare with the other deity of Dzogchen How much slower is the powerhouse? When the powerhouse of the Great Perfection reached the level of three thousand and five hundred, Chu Feng and the others had already reached the level of five thousand!

When he reached the level of three thousand and five hundred, the eyes of the strong man who had a great deity changed. He paid attention to the golden flower in his hand. There was not much power left in the golden flower!

"Little friend Chu Feng, I don't know how your golden flower can support such a long time?" The strong man who respected the gods and perfection looked up to Chu Feng and asked them loudly.

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