Holy Prison

Chapter 934: Join the Black Blood Platform

"Senior, it is estimated that we are lucky, and we haven't encountered any evil power from behind!" Chu Feng turned his head and said loudly.

Miao Feiying whispered: "Chu Feng, why didn't you tell him?" "This guy is not a good thing, he came up in such a hurry, I guess he didn't have a good idea in his heart!" Chu Feng also whispered, that one The powerhouse of Dzogchen is the powerhouse who killed hundreds of people who had been killed by the corpse in the palace before. Chu Feng can see some of his information. The value of sin is much higher than the value of goodness!

The strong man who respected the gods and Dzogchen was suspicious: "Little friend Chu Feng, there is less evil behind this?" "It's possible, but I can't say, we haven't encountered much." Chu Feng said.

There was a flash of light in his eyes, and the strong man who had a great perfection of the gods immediately rushed upwards, but he stopped shortly after rushing out of the hundred ranks, and the golden flower in his hand had completely lost its strength and withered. !

"Little friend Chu Feng, surely you have some ways to resist the power of evil? Do you a favor, the deity is grateful, if you go out of this underground palace, you will definitely repay you!" The person said solemnly.

"Senior, I'm so sorry, if I can help, I won't postpone it. I am really powerless! We can come up, that is the power of the golden flower that we rely on."

The power of the **** Dzogchen had a strong heart, but he and Chu Feng were separated by more than a thousand levels. This distance is basically impossible without a golden flower in his hand!

It is estimated that the attack will not be reached at such a distance!

Below "Master", Rankin whispered, Chu Feng and the others got to the top and stopped on top, which gave Rankin and the others some hope.

Lan Xiudao: "Get ready, let's start going up too. Brother Jiang, don't know if you are going up too?" "Of course, you will go up in the morning and evening. Staying here for a long time may be dangerous. We will soon Go up too." Jiang Hanhong looked at Chu Feng, who had reached a higher place, and said indifferently.

He Feng and Sun Cheng looked at each other and their brows were frowning. Each of them had a flower, but it was just a green flower. It was impossible to support it on the top of the Black Blood Ten Thousand Evil Platform!

"Chu Feng, what is that?" Miao Feiying suddenly pointed in one direction. Chu Feng looked in the direction that Miao Feiying was pointing, because the distance was so far, and they couldn't see clearly, Chu Feng just looked As far as the large white area is towards the area below Rankin and they are approaching!

"That is, that is," Chu Feng muttered and his face suddenly changed, "corpse-eating ants, those are corpse-eating ants, and countless corpse-eating ants are gathered together! Heaven, such a large white area, the number is estimated to be Tens of millions!"

Hearing what Chu Feng said, Miao Feiying's expression also changed: "With so many corpse-eating ants, the people below simply can't resist!"

"Little nine!" Chu Feng called out loudly.

Below, Rankin heard Chu Feng's cries and quickly said: "Brother Chu, what's the matter?" "'Good thing'! Tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of corpse-eating ants have gathered around you to see you." Chu Feng shouted. Tao.

Hearing Chu Feng’s voice, everyone underneath changed their expressions. Some strong men immediately scattered to check the situation. The situation was quickly verified. Needless to say, Chu Feng didn’t read it wrong, there are indeed countless corpses. Ants gathered around them!

"He, what the hell, there is no way out, there are still so many corpse-eating ants appearing to send us to the stage of the black blood!"

"This is good, everyone doesn't need to think about it. If you don't get on the stage of the Black Blood Ten Thousand Evils, you can only be intimate with countless corpse ants!"

"It's good, so that we don't need to worry about whether to go up! The strong man who arranged this place is deliberate, and even this has been considered for us!"

One by one the strong talked, Lan Xiudao: "Okay, needless to say, everyone go up!"

The corpse-eating ants approached, and under the gaze of Chu Feng and the others, all the powerhouses below had reached the Black Blood Ten Thousand Evil Platform! Over 600 individuals, some of them were so lucky that they instantly turned into a pool of black blood when they arrived on the stage of Black Blood and Myriad Evil!

The corpse ants came assaulting like ocean waves, but they did not rush into the Black Blood Platform. All the people were on the Black Blood Platform. They came and went fast, and disappeared in a short time. not see!

"The **** thing, it came out to drive us to this stage of the Black Blood and Myriad Evils, and it is impossible to go down here!" Someone cursed, if they were outside, everyone here would be strong. People with lower strength will pay attention to the manners of the strong, but at this time, how can some people pay attention to what kind of **** manners!

"Go up!" Lan Xiu said in a deep voice. Some of these people don't have such flowers. Most of those who have flowers are green flowers. If you get together like this, it is very likely that some trouble will occur!

Lan Xiu and the others kept going up, and Miao Feiying of Chu Feng and the powerful man who worshipped the Great Perfection below them all stopped and watched.

Of the six hundred people, some of them were greatly reduced by the evil forces, some of their bodies became much larger than before, and some of them became very small. Chu Feng and the others saw a strong man who was two meters tall. Han actually became a dwarf less than ten centimeters in height. After he became a dwarf, the man couldn't jump very high. If it weren't for the help of his friends, he couldn't go up on that step!

Someone became a terrifying living corpse in an instant when the evil power was hit, and the living corpse opened its mouth and bit a friend beside him!

"It's so miserable!" Miao Feiying said softly, Chu Feng nodded slightly, it was indeed miserable. Those evil powers are too weird, with some evil powers, it really makes people worse than death!

People went up one by one, and in just half a minute, only half of the six hundred people were left. The remaining three hundred people, some of them turned into corpses and then died, and some were on their bodies. Separating from the head, some of the strange powers turned into stones, and in a short time the stones became a pool of black blood!

The two god-level powerhouses in Lanjin Lanxiu Orga Village both had golden flowers, and of course they did not die in this short half-minute time!

He Feng and Sun Cheng, the two of them have two green flowers, the energy of the green flowers is exhausted, but they stopped at more than two hundred levels, so they did not die in the past half a minute!

Chu Feng looked at He Feng and Sun Cheng and sighed slightly. The two of them were acquaintances, but he was unable to save them now!

"Brother, it is estimated that we will die here." Sun Cheng said softly. "We won't go up yet, just wait here. If you go up, you will die. If you wait, there may be a little bit of survival!" He Feng said.

"Well, I don't know if Senior Chu can get to the top. If they can get to the top, maybe we are not completely out of chance." Sun Chengdao.

"Senior Chu, their chances are also slim."

Sun Cheng and the others stopped, and some people also chose to stop just like Sun Cheng and the others. The Black Blood Ten Thousand Evil Platform was too weird, and they really lost the confidence to keep going up!

"Hand over your purple flower, or die immediately!" The terrifying Black Blood Ten Thousand Evil Platform finally made some powerful people unable to bear it. He was talking about a god-level powerhouse. He has a purple flower, but he Also fancy a purple flower of another person. "Put your shit, robbery and hit this seat, I want to see what kind of ability you have!"

The cold light flashed, and the strength of the robbing god-level powerhouse was still much more powerful. He shot with all his strength, a powerful disposable weapon took the life of a god-level powerhouse in the blink of an eye!

Chu Feng looked at him blankly. He had guessed this scene a long time ago. Fortunately, they were already above here. If they were below, someone would definitely attack him right now.

A golden flower, the temptation is much higher than a purple flower!

"Why so, even if you grab a purple flower, not to mention a few purple flowers, just a few golden flowers are probably not safe for people to reach the top!" Miao Feiying said.

"One more flower, one more sense of security." Chu Feng sighed lightly.

With the first strong man, there will be a second and third. In a short period of time, there are thirty or forty people. There were only three hundred people left, but the killing was together, and soon it was again. Dozens of people died unexpectedly, Lan Xiu and the others were fast and they went up quickly, so no one robbed them. He Feng and Sun Cheng had no green flowers in their hands, so naturally no one robbed them!

Under the gaze of Chu Feng and the others, Rankin and the others quickly reached the level of more than 3,000, and the powerful man who was at the level of more than 3,000 spoke up: "Everyone, little friend Chu Feng seems There are some ways to go up relatively safely."

"Little friend Chu Feng, no, Brother Chu, if there is a way, let us share how we can share it. If we can leave here, we will not forget your kindness, Brother Chu!" said a strong man who respected the pinnacle of God. Chu Feng is secretly funny, he is just the cultivation base of the peak of the king god, a strong man who respects the peak of the **** actually called him Brother Chu at this time!

Those who have reached more than three thousand levels are those who have golden flowers, and the other strong ones who have grabbed other people’s purple flowers are only at two thousand levels. The ability of purple flowers is much weaker than that of golden flowers. The three powerhouses of the Fei family grabbed two purple flowers and a total of four. At this time, it was only over 1,800. The purple flowers in their hands were almost completely exhausted and they dared not move forward!

When they reached the three-thousand-storey powerhouse, they slowed down one by one. They wanted to know if Chu Feng really had any way to save energy. If so, then moving forward quickly is not a waste of energy. it is good.

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