Holy Prison

Chapter 935: Promise of the strong

"Little friend Chu Feng, if there is a way, please do me a favor." Jiang Hanhong also spoke at this time. As for Rankin, they did not speak at this time.

Chu Feng looked down: "Everyone, I don't have any hatred with you. You still owe my favor. If you can leave here, I will definitely have no good or no harm."

"It's true, little friend Chu Feng, if that's the case, just say it straight. You only have one golden flower, so that two people can reach the level of five thousand. This should not be just luck." Venerable Qiye Haha Smiled.

Chu Feng said, "Everyone, it's not just luck. I still have two red petals. They can add some energy to that golden flower, so my golden flower still has some energy."

Hearing Chu Feng's answer, the expressions of the strong men were not very good. The energy in the safflower must be limited, and the possibility of Chu Feng being able to distinguish it to them is extremely low!

"Everyone, you must be aware that the energy in the safflower is limited, and even the two of us may not be able to reach the top."

"Brother Chu, can you replenish energy for our golden flower from a distance? If you can, if you replenish some energy for my golden flower, then when I owe Brother Chu you ten affection!" The ten personal affections of a strong person who respects God and Dzogchen are extremely precious!

Chu Feng also wanted to try if he could replenish Rankin and their golden flowers from a long distance. He quickly said in his mind: "Miao Xian'er, try to let a light of merit enter Rankin from a distance through the holy prison. Among the golden flowers."

"Okay." Miao Xian'er said.

As soon as Chu Feng's mind moved a light of merit, it immediately entered the holy prison space. The light of merit entered the holy flame space and then appeared on the edge of a gold lace held by Rankin and was touched by his golden flower. absorb!

"Master." Rankin gently touched Lan Xiu next to him. Lan Xiu turned his head and his eyes immediately showed a look of surprise. Others could not see the change of the Rankin flower, but Lan Jin beside him You can see it if you repair nature!

Without Miao Xian'er replying, Chu Feng, who paid attention to Rankin and the others, knew that there was no problem with the transmission of the light of merit. "Miao Xian'er, is there any loss of energy?"

"Yes, but the loss is not much, about 3%." Miao Xian'er said, "Chu Feng, do you want to rescue Rankin and the others? If there are a few people, it will cost a lot of merit!"

Chu Feng glanced at Lan Jin and then scanned them. The others didn't matter, but Lan Jin and the two god-level powerhouses in Orga Village needed to be saved! As for the rescue of Lan Jin, I am afraid that his master will have to save him. As for other people, even Lan Xiu's friend is not within Chu Feng's consideration.

"Xiao Jiu, go on." Chu Feng said that a piece of jade slip appeared in his hand and then threw it towards Rankin. The jade slip had no attack power, so it was easier to throw it into Rankin's hands.

Divine consciousness cannot be separated, but Rankin can read the information in the jade slip, "Little Jiu, the energy is very limited. I can help you and your master, but I can’t help you with the rest of your friends. Help me."

The information in the jade slip was very short. After reading the information, Rankin showed Lan Xiu the information in the jade slip. "Rankin, you have a good vision. Your friend, Chu Feng, treats you very well. I didn't expect to follow you as a teacher. But you can go up alone. Although Chu Feng has some energy in the two petals, Energy is also limited. If there is one more person, there will be more danger. Maybe they won't be able to reach the top!" Lan Xiu said quietly, he said light enough, so only Rankin around him could hear him. speak.

"Master, no, I can't abandon you, Master!"

"Rankin, do you want to disobey the order of being a teacher?" Lan Xiu said in a deep voice, "Your golden flower still has some energy. You can go where the rest of the people can't reach it! When you get there, maybe you can find a way to save it. Click us!"

Rankin wanted to say something, but facing Lan Xiu's gaze, he opened his mouth and didn't say anything. "Go up as a teacher immediately, otherwise the teacher does not have you as an apprentice!"

"Master, if we can get to the top, we will definitely find a way to save you!" Rankin said that he was connected to dozens of floors in a short time, and there was another god-level powerhouse in Orga Village. Jinhua's energy has also increased a bit, and they have also connected many layers in a short period of time, leaving some of the other strong players below.

"It can increase energy, Chu Feng has the ability to increase the energy of our flowers at a long distance!" A strong man who respects the **** Dzogchen said loudly, and most of them have the strength of the **** Dzogchen, but even It is the strength of the deity's great perfection that they also felt a wave of weakness.

At the end of the Lanjin period, Jiang Bai, another expert in Aojia Village, went up a lot in a short time, and it was impossible for other people to stop them. Chu Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this situation.

"Chu Feng, what do you mean?" Ji Tianlian said solemnly. Chu Feng arched his hands: "Everyone, if the energy is enough, I will definitely save everyone! It's just that the energy is limited, so I'm really sorry, even if there are only five people, it's a question of whether you can reach it!"

"If we can get to the top, we will definitely find a way to save everyone." Chu Feng said.

Such a guarantee from Chu Feng could not reassure those strong, Meng Hao loudly said: "Chu, if you go up and find a way to rescue me at that time, I Meng Hao owes you ten thousand years, ten thousand years. When the time comes, I will be by your side to solve some small problems for you!"

Chu Feng is really moved. A strong man who respects God and achieves great perfection, it would be great if he could really save Menghao out by then! "Senior Meng, do you take this seriously?" Chu Feng said.

"I lied to you kid not? I swear by my soul that what I just said must be true. If it is violated, then he will never be able to become a saint!" Menghaodao.

For a strong person who respects God and perfection, becoming a saint is definitely one of the greatest hopes in his heart. If Menghao can swear this way, it means that it is definitely not a joke!

"Little friend Chu Feng, if you can save me by then, plus the previous one, I will owe you a total of ten people!" Qiye Zunshen said with a smile.

Chu Feng remained silent, and the other strong men also spoke up one by one at this time. Some expressed that they followed Wannian like Meng Hao, and some had promised ten personal affections!

"Chu Feng, if we can save the three of us, then our Fei family will definitely have a big reward. If you have any conditions, you can open it!" Fei Nian said loudly below.

Chu Feng looked at Fei Nian and they sneered and said: "The Fei family, that is such a powerful family, how dare I make a request to the Fei family? I would be grateful if the Fei family didn't chase down my woman! "

"Chu Feng, if we can save us out, our little misunderstanding between the Fei family and Fairy Miao will be eliminated!"

"If you don't want to be speculative, I can tell you with certainty that the three of you will die here!" Chu Feng said solemnly. The faces of Fei Nian and the three were very ugly, "Chu Feng, you and Fei family have a vengeance, this is of no benefit to you. Isn't it just a woman? What kind of woman can't be obtained with your cultivation base? You save us, when the time comes, my Fei family will send you thousands of beautiful women, many of whom will definitely not be inferior to Miao Feiying!" Fei Bin said.

"Chu Feng, tens of thousands of women, are you tempted?" Miao Feiying beside Chu Feng said quietly. "Slap!" Chu Feng slapped Miao Feiying's face, "Is your man such a person? You should fight!"

Many of the strong people below were watching. Miao Feiying gave Chu Feng a shy look: "So many people are watching, you actually hit me."

"I didn't see it, Brother Chu, I said I didn't see it, haha!" Rankin laughed and said, he was already over 4,000 by this time. "Brother, is this still Miao Feiying, who has made many people famous and frightened? I am not dazzled, right!" Jiang Bai smiled.

"I guess it's dazzling, but I may also be dazzling." Bi Shi smiled. Chu Feng, the village chief, still can't satisfy them, but they still admire the skill of picking up girls, it's just the strength of the king **** level , There is actually a god-exalted woman, and she is still a god-exalted woman like Miao Feiying!

Chu Feng also provided some energy to the flowers in Lan Jin's hands. With that energy, they smoothly reached the level of five thousand.

"Brother Chu, save us and go up together. If the energy is gone by then, you may not be able to reach the top." Rankin said solemnly.

Chu Feng shrugged: "So everyone prays that the energy in the red petals will let us get to the top!" "Chu Feng, you have two petals in total, if the first petal can't make us get ten thousand At the level of 5,000, you two will go up." Jiang Bai said softly, they also want to live, but when all of them are dead, Jiang Bai and the others would rather let Chu Feng go up, so everyone has a little bit Living hope!

"You don't need to say that I will do this too. Okay, maybe you will face greater danger when the time is delayed. Let's go up soon!" Chu Feng said.

The five people went up together. Rankin and their golden flowers were all put away before almost all their energy was lost. All five of them consumed the power in the golden flowers of Chu Feng, because the light of merit was constantly injected into the golden flowers. Jinhua has not become dimmed.

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