Holy Prison

Chapter 936: Black Blood Pool

At level six thousand, level seven thousand, level 14,000, level 15,000, level 16,000, and level 16,30, Chu Feng said: "Among the first red petals The energy is consumed, the energy in the second red petal should be able to make us all up!"

"At more than 16,000 level, the energy in the red petals is rich." Rankin smiled authentically.

Chu Feng secretly smiled bitterly, his fart is rich, this is all the light of his merit, the light of merit accumulated over the years has been consumed more than half!

"I hope our luck will not go bad next." Bi Shi said.

The Black Blood Ten Thousand Evil Platform was about 245,000 level, and Chu Feng quickly ascended. In just a few minutes, Chu Feng and the others were only a hundred ranks from the top of the Black Blood Ten Thousand Evil Platform.

"Brother Chu, can we make it all together? If you can't, you can go up first, just a little bit, don't fail this last little bit!" Rankin said, if you get here, Rankin still pays. Sometimes they slowed down by coincidence! "Don't worry, there should be no problem. Everyone, be careful. It may not be safe to reach the top." Chu Feng said in a deep voice. At this time, the crown of merit was shaking in his mind, indicating that the above is not safe!

Slowly climbed up one level, finally, Chu Feng and the others finished the last step to the top of the Black Blood Platform!

"Black Blood Pool!"


Before finishing the last step, Chu Feng and the others hadn't seen the black blood pool or anything else, but when they got to the top, Chu Feng and the others immediately saw a black blood pool!

The area on the top of the Black Blood Platform is not large. The top is triangular, with a square pond in the middle. The side of the pond is three or four meters long. A cross is erected in the center of the pond. A saint is tied to the cross!

The saint was the saint Chu Feng they had seen before. The head was cut off, and the hands and feet were separated from the body. "Ding!" A slight voice sounded, and a drop of black blood came out of that saint's eyes. In that black blood pool.

The black blood dripped in, and the pool of black blood was rippling slightly, Chu Feng and the others felt that their souls seemed to be frozen at that moment! "Puff!" Rankin's weakest blood spurted out without holding back. Chu Feng and the others were shocked. Several people simultaneously shot and refined the blood!

If Chu Feng and the others don't take action, then the blood spewed out by Lan Jin is likely to enter the black blood pool, and any mutation will be a big problem at that time!

"Sorry, I didn't hold back." Rankin glanced at Chu Feng, "Brother Chu, are you okay? I feel a great shock to my body!"

"Fortunately, my physical body is stronger." Chu Feng said, and he looked around carefully. From them, you can no longer see the following situation. In addition to the black blood pool and the cross, the Black Blood Wanxie Platform There is nothing else with the corpse of the saint on the cross!

Miao Feiying frowned slightly and said, "What should we do now? There seems to be no way out here, and the key is not found!"

"Senior, excuse me!" Jiang Bai respectfully saluted the saint's body at this time. Jiang Bai's actions reminded Chu Feng and the others that the corpse in front of them was the saint's body. Although the corpse has been chopped into several pieces now, there may still be some power, and it should be no harm to give something.

Chu Feng Miao Feiying Bi Shi Rankin also saluted. "Life is gone, and the corpse will not be destroyed. This saint is an immortal strong saint! I didn't expect that the immortal strong saint would become like this." He looked at the saint's body and sighed.

"On top of the immortality, there are only the strong of the indestructible saint. He must have been made like this by the strong of the indestructible saint." Rankin said.

Miao Feiying frowned and said: "Those things are not what we care about. What do we do when we get here? If we don't move here, we can't leave, nor can we save the people below!"

"Miao Xian'er, do you have some understanding of the Black Blood Ten Thousand Evil Formation?" Chu Feng said in his mind. "Chu Feng, there is no such information." Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng frowned secretly, the current situation really makes them a little difficult to deal with, this is not an ordinary place, if you randomly mess around, it may cause big problems!

"Everyone express their opinions." Chu Feng said. "Let's take a closer look before talking." Bi Shi moved his steps and looked at the saint's corpse and the road of the cross from all directions.

Chu Feng and the others looked at it at the same time. After ten minutes, Chu Feng and the others looked at each other and shook their heads. They didn't understand the Black Blood Ten Thousand Evil Formation, so they didn't find anything at this time!

"What should we do? We can't consume like this, can we?" Rankin frowned, "Brother Chu, you don't have a big idea. Is there any way?"

Chu Feng looked directly at the wide-eyed eyes of the immortal saint: "I want to try a method, it may be dangerous." "If we can take a closer look at the immortal saint powerhouse, this life is not a waste of life. Brother Chu, you brought us to this place, even death is nothing." Rankin smiled slightly.

"Just figure it out." Bi Shi said, Jiang Bai didn't speak but nodded. "Chu Feng, how sure are you?" Miao Feiying asked.

Chu Feng said softly: "I don't have a good idea, maybe we will die in the next moment." Chu Feng said, there were countless pictures flashing in his mind. He really didn't want to die, but to such a point. , He didn't have too many choices.

"I believe you. Even if you die, it's not bad to die together." Miao Feiying said softly. "Please, there are outsiders like us here, Brother Chu, you have to be jealous of us!" Rankin said helplessly.

Chu Feng ignored Rankin's teasing, "I'm starting!" Chu Feng said in a deep voice, breaking his finger and a drop of blood immediately flowed out.

Chu Feng gave a soft drink and waved his hand. The drop of blood immediately flew to the eyes of that immortal saint strong who had just shed a drop of black blood!

The blood accurately fell into the eyes of that immortal sage expert in Rankin's horrified eyes, "Om!" The black blood pool trembled in an instant, and Rankin's face became pale, it was Miao Feiying and the others. Their cultivation base has also become a little pale!

Rankin sprayed out another mouthful of blood. After him, Miao Feiying and Jiang Bai all sprayed out blood in a short period of time. The powerful power of the black blood pool made them unable to withstand it!

When Rankin spewed blood, the rest of them refined the blood. This time Rankin and the four of them all spurted blood. All four of them could not help but watch the blood mist towards the black blood pool. Falling in!

"Chu Feng!" Miao Feiying yelled in her heart. She found that Chu Feng didn't know why there was no aura of life on her body at this time. Chu Feng stood there as if he were a dead person!

The blood mist fell into the black blood pool within a second, and the black blood pool suddenly burst out with a terrible suction. Under the suction, Chu Feng did not move, but Miao Feiying and the four moved. The four of them fell to the black blood pool!

"It's over!" Miao Feiying's thoughts flashed through their hearts. The black blood was definitely a terrifying thing. Entering it, it might turn into blood in an instant.

Miao Feiying and the others fell into the black water without splashing any splashes. All four of their figures disappeared on the surface of the black pool!

At this time, Chu Feng had no vitality in his body, but he was not dead. He felt that his soul had been pulled to a place where he couldn't see anything in the dark, couldn't feel anything.

"Are there any people?" Chu Feng called, even if he cultivated with his mind, the darkness still made him feel a little horrible.

Chu Feng tried to make a flame to illuminate this place, but the use of the fire element ability did not have any effect. "Miao Xian'er!" Chu Feng called in his heart. Miao Xian'er's voice did not appear, and the power of the holy prison here was inaccessible!

"He, where is this? I can't even make a fire!" Chu Feng cursed in his heart, "Fire, by the way, ordinary fires can't appear, maybe the Holy Flame of Merit!"

Chu Feng tried to use the power of the sacred flame of merit, the transfer of the sacred flame of merit was very slow, but what made Chu Feng's heart was overjoyed that the power of the sacred flame of merit could be used!

Time passed a little bit, and Chu Feng didn't know how long had passed in this darkness. "Holy Flame of Merit, appear!" Chu Feng secretly drank in his heart, and a little bean-sized flame appeared on the tip of his right index finger.

The light of the sacred flame of merit pierced the darkness here in an instant. The surrounding area was dark, but it became bright in an instant.

"Holy flame of merit, it is really holy flame of merit, young man, you don't know how long I have been waiting, if you don't come again, I won't be able to wait for you." A voice rang, and Chu Feng was horrified. A middle-aged man appeared in front of him silently, and that middle-aged man was the immortal saint!

"Senior, is this place?" Chu Feng endured the horror in his heart and bowed respectfully. "Young man, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. You think well. I'm already dead. This is my sacred heart. Now that you are here, my sacred sense is very It will be destroyed soon!" The middle-aged man said softly.

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