Holy Prison

Chapter 937: A key

"Senior, don't know what I can help?" Chu Feng respectfully said. The middle-aged man smiled slightly: "Young man, I can't help you much, but someone might help you. Young man, I want to ask what is your relationship with Nuwa?"

This middle-aged man was not surprised when he talked about Nuwa Chufeng. If the water had sensed the breath of Nuwa, he would not appear here!

Without much deception, Chu Feng honestly said: "I have benefited from Senior Nuwa, learned the Dao Merit Sutra, and formed my own Merit Crown."

"You entered here, but to help Nuwa?" The middle-aged man suddenly said coldly. His expression made Chu Feng's heart feel a little bit cold, even though this middle-aged man was just that one. A remnant knowledge of an immortal saint strong, but in this place, Chu Feng knew that if the other party wanted to kill him, it would be easy!

"Yes!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

The middle-aged man laughed wildly and said: "Hahaha, do you know why I became like this, it's Nuwa, it's Nuwa hahaha!" "Senior don't have to lie to me, seniors are not." Chu Feng took a deep breath. .

The middle-aged man's laughter stopped: "Oh? Let's listen." Chu Feng must have said in his heart: "Senior, I only appeared in this underground palace after sensing the breath of Senior Nuwa, Senior Nuwa's body Part of it is estimated that in this underground palace, Senior Nuwa, like her, can’t be the one who started on Senior! Moreover, Senior Nuwa is practicing Dao Merit Sutra, I don’t think she will plant such evil as the Black Blood and Ten Thousand Evil Platforms. s things."

"You have countless hundreds of millions of years, Nuwa can actually count that there will be a destined person to save herself in the future, really amazing!" The middle-aged man's voice returned to calm, "Young man, I think you should not have a god-level cultivation base. Unexpectedly, the cultivation base of the Emperor God level was just a little guy of the King God level."

"Senior, I have some questions I want to ask Senior." Chu Feng said.

The middle-aged man nodded slightly: "Ask, if I can tell you, I will tell you everything." "Senior, who are you, what kind of relationship do you have with Senior Nuwa? Why did you become like this? Who built the Black Blood Ten Thousand Evil Platform? Is a part of Senior Nuwa's body inside the Black Blood Ten Thousand Evil Platform? How to get out of here? There should be a key to the flying boat in it, where, and also, the hint outside What's wrong with the information? What happened to this underground palace?"

After Chu Feng finished speaking, he was embarrassed and said, "Senior, am I asking too many questions at once?"

"It's okay, you ask so many at one time, I can also reply more at one time to save some time." The middle-aged humanity said, "After I became a holy, the holy name Daoxuan, and Nu Wa are friends, but my Xiu It's much lower than her! Why is it like this? That's because I know something that I can't know, and I can't tell you about it. Otherwise, if you tell you, you will die because you know it. Although countless years have passed, without the strength of a saint, you can't bear the curse of that matter at all. If you can become a saint one day, you may know, but after knowing it, there may not be good things waiting for you."

"You don’t need to know the arranger of the Black Blood Ten Thousand Evil Platform. Knowing the same is not good. Your strength is too low and many secrets are not suitable to know. Part of Nu Wa's body is indeed inside the Black Blood Ten Thousand Evil Platform. But I don’t know where it is. When you jump into the black blood pool, the black blood in the black blood pool is used to contaminate Nu Wa. Following the black blood, you should be able to get to the place where part of Nu Wa’s body is. ."

"There are two keys to the flying boat. Of the two flying boats, one is mine and the other is Nuwa. The flying boat is the saint's main means of passage. I can give you my key to the flying boat now, but I can It depends on your luck if you can’t get my flying boat! As for Nuwa’s flying boat, even if you get the key, it’s useless. Only she can use Nuwa’s flying boat!” The middle-aged man said a piece of silver. The token appeared in his hands.

Stroking the silver token lightly, the middle-aged man said softly, "This is the key to my flying boat. There is a space inside the flying boat that can hold my flying boat. Remember, the flying boat cannot enter ordinary space items. It’s best to enter this key, where some of the damage it has suffered can slowly recover. After so many years, I don’t know what my flying boat has become, maybe the damage is very serious. !"

"Young man, with your strength, you may only be able to use a little bit of the flying boat's power, but even a little bit of power should be good for you. If you get my flying boat, please treat it well."

Chu Feng took the token and nodded heavily: "Senior, I must be kind. If it is damaged, I will repair it." "Well, your other problems. You said there is information outside, then It's not about me or Nuwa's arrangement. As for who it is, I can't figure it out in my current state. What kind of information is it?" The middle-aged humanity.

Chu Feng said: "It's a little bit of information to remind the entrance of the underground palace, and also said what kind of things in the underground palace are dangerous. For example, dark red is the most dangerous, red is the next, yellow is general, and green is safe." The middle-aged man frowned: "I can't deduce who got this information."

"Senior, what happened to this underground palace? Also, that plant with red flowers actually helped me, why?" Chu Feng asked.

The middle-aged humanity said: "Young man, I hope you don’t have more questions. I don’t have much power to answer more questions. There should be many dead people in the underground palace. This should be the setting for the Black Blood Ten Thousand Evil Platform. People deliberately made it, and every time one more person dies, the evil spirit in the underground palace will become stronger! Red plants, are they like flowers?" The middle-aged man said, turning into a red flower. Chu Feng nodded quickly: "Yes, it's such a safflower."

"This is a flower in blood. If it is not wrong, it should have absorbed Nuwa's blood. Boy, the flower in blood is a good thing. You can see if you can find its body at that time. After so many years, The flower in the blood should be able to accept the master again. You can drop the blood on its body to make it recognize the master. After the master is recognized, you bury it in the soil and drip the blood again, and it will begin to grow there. Remember Choose a place to live, because the blood flower is fixed and it cannot be moved easily. The blood flower is a good product for the saint to defend his own residence. If you use it, the saint can’t prevent it. People may not be too difficult!"

Chu Feng clasped his fist and said, "Thank you, Senior, how do you leave this underground palace?" "If you can find where that part of Nu Wa's body is and find a way to remove it, this black blood and evil platform will collapse. At that time, the underground palace will collapse, and everything that originally belonged to it will be wiped out!"

"Young man, my strength is insufficient. I will send you away. Young man, I will send you a word. In the case of insufficient strength, it is best not to have too much curiosity, remember!" The middle-aged man said that Chu Feng felt right in front of him. Huan has already left that space.

"Chu Feng, Smelly Chufeng, Silly Chufeng, wake up!" Chu Feng's consciousness returned to his body, Miao Xian'er's anxious voice was immediately received by him.

Chu Feng said in his mind: "Miao Xian'er, what is my name? Smelly Chufeng, silly Chufeng, is it itchy?" "Ah, Chufeng, you are finally normal! Just now your soul was frozen, why? You didn't even react at all to call you, you are really anxious! By the way, Miao Feiying and the others have been sucked into this pool of black blood." Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng glanced at the black blood pool, and as soon as he gritted his teeth, he jumped into the black blood pool, "Not dead, okay!" Chu Feng calmed down a bit.

Entering the Black Blood Pool, Chu Feng felt that his body was attracted by a force, and he did not resist and let the force lead him forward. "Wow!" With the sound of water, Chu Feng popped his head out of a black water pool.

"Chu Feng! Be careful!!" At the edge of the Black Water Pool, Miao Feiying's yelling sounded in Chu Feng's mind. Chu Feng's heart was not good, and the merit crown in his mind was shaking violently at this time. Now!

"Time accelerates!" Bi Shi Shen yelled. Time acceleration used Chu Feng's body. Chu Feng's own speed was faster, and he suddenly felt that everything around him was much slower.

There was no danger on the water. Chu Feng knew that the danger was probably underwater. Chu Feng tried to fly but failed. As soon as he bowed his head, Chu Feng plunged into the water.

"Good fellow!" Although it was Black Water, Chu Feng could still see some clearly under the water. At this time, a lot of locust-like creatures appeared around him. Those creatures Chu Feng felt that their strength should not be too high, but they were actually quite a lot. There were thousands of creatures that Chu Feng saw, and I don't know how many there are in this black water pool.

"Drink!" As soon as Chu Feng thought, Hei Ming held the destruction sword in his hand and immediately sent it out. This time the power of the destruction sword did not move away from Chu Feng's body but appeared beside Chu Feng, and the locust-like creatures approached. It was shattered by the power of Destruction Sword!

Protected by the power of the Destruction Sword, coupled with the powerful defensive items on his body, Chu Feng quickly approached the shore. Under the acceleration of time, Chu Feng quickly approached the shore five or six meters in a short time! At this point, the power of the Destruction Sword was removed, and a powerful defensive item on his body was absorbed by those things in a short time!

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