Holy Prison

Chapter 938: Snake tail

"Huh!" Chu Feng looked at the Heishui Lake behind him and let out a sigh, "A terrible little thing. Fortunately, I still have some possessions!"

When he was five or six meters away from the shore, Chu Feng used the light armor. Those creatures like locusts absorbed energy, but it was good that I couldn’t break the light armor at once, even though it consumed Chu. The peak had a lot of spar energy, but the last five or six meters of Chu Feng passed safely and reached the shore.

"Have you hurt?" Miao Feiying quickly said. "It's okay, it's just a waste of spar energy. What about you, why do you look so weak?" Chu Feng cared.

"I was not injured, but most of the energy in the body was sucked away, and it will take some time to replenish it." Miao Feiying said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly and glanced at Rankin and the others: "Xiao Jiu, are the three of you okay?" "Not bad, Brother Chu, after caring about the beauty, remember to care about us." Rankin laughed. , "We were fine. When we appeared inside, those little things had many targets. Although it took some effort, they were not injured."

"Chu Feng, what's the matter with you before? There is no life aura, but Fairy Miao is very scared!" Jiang Bai said. Chu Feng shook his head and didn't say anything. There was no need to let more people know about talking with that immortal saint powerhouse.

"Feiying, you need to regain your strength first. It is not safe here." Chu Feng glanced around and said. Next to him is a black water pool with stone walls on three sides, and a small river on the other side, which flows into the distance. I don't know where to go.

Bi Shi's eyes condensed: "We must go now, look there!" Chu Feng and the others looked in the direction Bi Shi pointed out. There is a rock wall with many black holes on the rock wall, one of them A blood-red head had already crawled out of the cave! "Go!" Chu Feng said solemnly, that thing didn't look like a kind thing.

Chu Feng said that without discussing with Miao Feiying and the others, he immediately walked along the small river flowing with black water, "Shoo!" After walking a short distance, a silver bone fish hurried towards Chu Feng. He shot it over, "Ding!" Bi Shi snorted softly, and the bone fish with no meat but bones immediately settled in the air!

Chu Feng's black sword was in his hand, and the bone fish was smashed into pieces with a single sword! "It's a hard bone." Chu Feng said in surprise. Although a sword has such an effect, it does not mean that the fish bones are not hard! In fact, Chu Feng's sword slashed up and his hands felt a little numb. If the bone fish were not under the static state of time, his sword would not have such an effect!

"Brother Chu, where are we going?" Rankin asked. "To destroy this black blood ten thousand evil array, as long as the black blood ten thousand evil array destroys, then we can all leave this ghost place!" Chu Feng said.

Rankin was a little excited and said: "Brother Chu, what about the people outside? They can also leave." "Maybe, it depends on luck, but there should be no problem with your master's strength." Chu Feng said.

Bi Shi smiled and said: "Chu Feng, if you can rescue those strong ones, it would be great. Several strong men who respect the gods and great perfections have said that they will follow you for ten thousand years, and there are still many strong ones who have promised. Ten of you are affectionate!" "These are things for the future, and now we have to survive before talking." Chu Feng said.

"Be careful!" Miao Feiying exclaimed, a red shadow hurriedly towards Chu Feng and the others in the direction they had just come. Chu Feng and the others could see clearly that the red shadow was a big red centipede, more than ten meters in length, and there were estimated to be two to three hundred pairs of feet on the body!

"Slow!" Bi Shiqing drank the big centipede's forward speed suddenly a lot slower!

The centipede arrives, and some bone fish are also joining in the fun at this time. Those gray-white bone fish are okay. The strength is generally the **** level king **** level, but the silver bone fish reaches the emperor **** level strength, and the golden bone fish reaches the emperor level. God-level strength, among the bony fish shot out, there is also a black one, and the aura that erupts from it will not be weaker than the aura of this high-level god-respecting power!

"Fuck!" Jiang Bai became majestic, and the jade ruler that appeared in his hand became much larger and slapped it fiercely towards the flying fish! "Go!" Chu Feng thought, the silver knife appeared on the head of the red centipede and stabbed it in the head!

The red centipede screamed, and the silver knife injured some of it, and it retreated a little quickly with great recognition. "Goo!" The red centipede made a sound, its mouth opened, and hundreds of smaller red centipedes suddenly rushed out of its mouth!

"Taste this." Miao Feiying smiled, and thousands of emperor lanterns appeared in front of her instantly, "The lights are brilliant!" Miao Feiying sipped, and there were thousands of emperor lanterns. The magic lamps burst out with intense flames, thousands of flames merged together, and the terrifying flames burned toward those centipedes.

The huge red centipede showed a panic in its eyes. It turned its head and ran away quickly. The smaller red centipedes wanted to escape, but the flame speed was very fast. In the blink of an eye, all the small centipedes were enveloped by terrifying flames!

The temperature of the flame is terrible, and every strength of those little centipedes is good, but in that terrifying flame, all the little centipedes are transformed into nothingness in just one second!

"Receive!" Jiang Bai Yichi stunned a lot of bone fish, and then his jade ruler exploded with strong suction and absorbed some of them into the space within that jade ruler.

After the thousands of lights were closed, Miao Feiying's body shook slightly, and Chu Feng hurriedly supported her by the side. "Fei Ying, don't use your strength for now. If you use your strength, your strength will be almost exhausted, and it will be difficult for you to recover by then." Chu Feng said.

The recovery of strength is like this. If the strength in one's own body is below a certain level, then the lower the rate of recovery, the slower! Such a degree varies from person to person. Like Chu Feng, as long as the strength in his body is not less than one-tenth of its heyday, his recovery will not be affected. If it is less than one-tenth, the speed of recovery will be Lower than the fastest recovery speed!

Miao Feiying nodded, Chu Feng and the others proceeded cautiously. There were countless attacks on the five people along the way. Fortunately, the five of them were not weak. Miao Feiying and Jiang Bai were all respected. God-level powerhouses, and although Chu Feng and Rankin are only the cultivation base of the king-level god-level, their strength is not comparable to the ordinary king-level people!

Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and Chu Feng and the others followed the creek to a place where there was an explosion. "Karma!" screamed, and many dark birds in the distant sky flew over, "Be careful." Bi Shi whispered, although there is now a strong world around them, those dark birds It is still possible to find them.

"Those things seem to be god-level strength." Rankin changed his expression slightly as he felt the momentum of the dark birds. "Yes, it is a god-level, every cultivation base will not be weaker than me!" Jiang Bai frowned, he is the top-level god, and each of those dark big birds is not weaker than him. The combined strength is extremely terrifying!

Lan Jin said with an ugly expression: "Brother Chu's two red petals won't use another petal, right?" Just yesterday, Chu Feng and the others encountered a big crisis. At the critical moment, Chu Feng used a red petal. Although Rankin and their strange red petals can still be used after they have transmitted energy to the golden flower, Chu Feng didn't explain much and they didn't ask much. It's normal for some strange things to happen in this place.

"Their target is not us." Chu Feng said solemnly, and under the explosion, Chu Feng felt a familiar aura. The **** birds approached, they grabbed something in the explosion and flew into the sky again screaming!

"What's down there? Those big birds seem to be attacking something down here, but that thing is really powerful, but those big birds have suffered!" Miao Feiying said.

Bi Shi said softly and authentically: "We have to be very careful. We can't fight against things that even those big birds can't match!" "Let's take a look." Chu Feng said.

Three more days passed quickly, and Chu Feng and the others figured it out. The **** birds came to attack on time every day, and immediately flew away after being injured.

"Brother Chu, do you have any ideas?" Lan Jin said. Chu Feng said solemnly: "Let's go down and take a look, you are waiting here!"

As soon as Chu Feng spoke, Miao Feiying and the others immediately objected, "Chu Feng, my brother and I have relatively strong cultivation bases, and we will go down if we want to go down." Bi Shi said.

"Chu Feng, I don't agree with you going down alone." Miao Feiying frowned.

"Brother Chu, we also ran so far. It is good. You can't just rush over." Rankin said this, but there was no greed in his eyes. "If you want to go down, then we all go down together!"

Chu Feng frowned and said, "Okay, let's go down together, but you have to be prepared! Act, the **** birds have just left, I hope they won't come back in a short time."

Miao Feiying and the others nodded, Chu Feng was the first to fly out of the cliff and then fell quickly, "There!" Miao Feiying, who followed Chu Feng, said that there were several black stripes in the waterfall. All those bone chains are locked on a blue snake tail!

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