Holy Prison

Chapter 939: Wang Shen Dzogchen

In the explosion, the blue snake tail was only exposed a little bit, but looking at the little blue snake tail that was exposed, except for Chu Feng, Miao Feiying and the four of them stopped thinking!

Without thinking, without any distracting thoughts, in the eyes of Miao Feiying, there seemed to be only a little blue snake tail in the exploding cloth between heaven and earth!

"What are you doing here?" Chu Feng gave a bitter smile and quickly helped Miao Feiying and the others fly. If he doesn't help, it is estimated that Miao Feiying and the others will fall straight down, there is water underneath, but a lot of **** rocks appear on the water. If you fall and hit those rocks, you will probably die!

If you really fell to death, if you let others know about it, it would be famous. Throughout the ages, it is estimated that there are not many kings and gods who have been thrown to death!

"Wake up!" Chu Feng's violent drinking sounded in Miao Feiying's mind. It took several seconds for Miao Feiying and the others to slowly wake up from Chu Feng's violent drinking.

"What is that, so powerful!"

"In an instant, our souls all came to a standstill, which is terrifying!"

Rankin and the others were shocked and fearful when they woke up. If Chu Feng hadn't let them fall and awakened them, they might have hit the rocks below!

"That seems to be a snake's tail, so powerful, no wonder the black giant birds came here to suffer!" Bi Shi said softly, "but what kind of existence is it that actually locks such a snake's tail here!"

"The black water containing black blood is constantly impacting day and night, and the evil black bird catches and pecks every day. The person who locks this snake's tail hates this snake's tail!" Rankin said.

Chu Feng looked at the snake's tail carefully, "In myths and legends, is Nu Wa's head and snake body, is it really impossible?" Chu Feng secretly asked, "This snake's tail should be part of Nu Wa's body. Miao Xian. Son, can you put this snaketail into the holy prison space?"

"Chu Feng, you have to break those iron chains, otherwise you won't be able to put the tail of the snake into the holy prison space!" Miao Xianer said.

There are a total of nine iron chains, each of which passes through the snake's tail to lock the snake's tail tightly on the cliff. Some parts of the snake's tail are blue, but some parts are already Was dyed black!

"Feiying, don't move." Chu Feng said and flew slowly toward the cliff. His speed was very slow, and if something went wrong, he would immediately back off!

"Chu Feng, be careful, don't mess around." Miao Feiying said. She wanted to follow Chu Feng, but she was afraid of affecting Chu Feng, so she moved but didn't follow. "Fairy Miao, don't worry, Brother Chu will have nothing to do." Lan Jin said in his mouth, staring at Chu Feng intently.

Chu Feng approached, and he felt that his soul was shaking. "Chu Feng, be careful, don't get the black water." Miao Xian'er said in Chu Feng's mind.

"Yeah." Chu Feng didn't dare to be careful. They had entered the Black Blood Pool. The reason they weren't injured at that time was because of the protection of the immortal powerhouse. At this time, the immortal powerhouse in their bodies protected them. The power that is not harmed by black blood has long since disappeared. A few days ago, Jiang Bai among them got some black water on his body. If he hadn't been strong and reacted in time, he would have died by now!

Looking closely for a while, Chu Feng frowned secretly. Each of those iron chains had a thick bowl, and the dark chains knew that they were very strong.

"Damn it, how can this thing break them!" Chu Feng muttered in his heart. "Senior Nuwa, what can you do by yourself?" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart a light of merit shot into the snake's tail.

Under Chu Feng’s gaze, the snake's tail trembled, and light blue rays of light flew out. All four of Miao Feiying and the others were hit. When hit by the light blue light, Miao Feiying and the others Their expressions were frozen, they did not use their strength to fly, but their bodies were still in the air and did not fall.


There were sharp voices, and the **** bird that had not been away for a long time came over quickly, and the red petal in Chu Feng's heart instantly appeared in his hand. "Go!" Chu Feng sighed, the red petals turned into a huge red flower and swallowed toward the **** birds!

Chu Feng looked down, and when the red petals just appeared, he felt something attracted below. "Senior Nuwa, it's up to you." It's no problem that the red petals turn into a red flower to compete with one or two **** birds, but there are one or two dozen, which is difficult.

In just a short period of time, the red flower that the red petals turned into was torn to pieces by the crazy ten or twenty **** birds. The red flower bought Chu Feng a little time, and in this little time, Chu Feng All the light of merit remaining in the crown of merit and the holy flame of merit were injected into that snake tail.

When the **** birds approached Miao Feiying and the others, the blue snake's tail moved. A strong blue light hit the black giant birds. The black giant birds were extremely powerful, but they hit it. With the blue light, they became only the skeleton in a short time and then screamed and fell down!

"Chu Feng, Miao Feiying, they don't know anything that is happening now." Miao Xianer said. Chu Feng looked at Miao Feiying and he quickly descended, "Destroy!" Chu Feng's silver knife appeared, and the knife swept across the skeletons of the **** birds. The bones of the **** birds were immediately covered by Chu Feng. Cut into countless pieces!

"What attracts me?" Chu Feng wondered in his heart. The attraction was real when the red petals appeared just now. "When the red petals appear, the attraction also appears. Could it be the body of the flower in blood"

Chu Feng was slightly agitated. The flower in the blood is a treasure. If you get the flower in the blood and plant it in the place where Chu Zhen and the others live in Shenchu ​​Academy, then Chu Zhen and the others don’t leave Shenchu ​​City. It is estimated that it would be more difficult for a god-excellent powerhouse to hurt them!

"Miao Xian'er, you know the attraction just now, can you be sure where the thing is?" Chu Feng searched carefully in his mind.

Miao Xian'er said: "Chu Feng, things are under the water."

"Miao Xian'er, can the heavenly hand appear under the water to get that thing up?" Chu Feng said. Although the water below is also black, there should be nothing wrong with the evil force, but Chu Feng dare not easily. Go to the black water.

"Let me try." Miao Xian'er said that the sky hand appeared in the black water in an instant, "Chu Feng, the sky hand can appear in it, but every second needs to consume a lot of kindness."

"Get me things out."

Chu Feng waited quietly. Tianshou kept getting many things out of the water. "It's not this, it shouldn't be this." Ten minutes passed quickly, and ten minutes was consumed by Chu Feng. A lot of kindness value, suddenly, a fist-sized blood-colored stone and a lot of other stones were pulled out from the bottom of the water by the Heavenly Hand.

There were a lot of rocks this time, but Chu Feng's attention was immediately attracted by the blood-colored stone, "Yes, it should be this one!" Chu Feng showed a faint smile on his face. Chu Feng felt a little familiar aura on a blood-colored stone!

The blood-colored stone was put away, and Chu Feng quickly flew high again to be level with the blue snake tail. The blue snake tail trembled and tried to break away the iron chains, but the iron chains were extremely strong and the blue snake tail wanted to make money. There is a lot of strength missing in breaking those chains.

"Senior Nuwa, my strength is low, you can only rely on your own strength." Chu Feng looked at Miao Feiying, and they whispered with a glance. The head of Nuwa that Chu Feng had obtained before Chu Feng moved and that one. A hand appeared in front of him.

Nu Wa's head and hands appeared, and the blue snake tail stopped shaking, and Chu Feng felt that the whole world seemed to freeze at this moment!

"Xie" Nu Wa's mouth opened slightly, and a trembling voice sounded in the depths of Chu Feng's soul. Chu Feng felt that there was a warm current coming from the depths of his soul, and that warm current spread all over his body in an instant. Chu Feng's spirit was shocked, and he knew that his strength had improved a lot in this short period of time!

Before Chu Feng, it was only that the peak of King God was still some distance away from King God Dzogchen, and there was a big distance from the bottleneck of King God Dzogchen, but at this moment, he had clearly sensed the existence of that bottleneck!

When encountering a bottleneck, Chu Feng was naturally the cultivation base of the Emperor God at this time. As long as he broke the bottleneck and survived the Emperor God Tribulation, he would become a powerhouse of the Emperor God level!

The strength has improved, but Chu Feng didn't pay much attention to this at the moment. Most of his attention was focused on the three parts of Nu Wa's body.

The head, hands, snake's tail, and the three parts of Nuwa's body were all shining with little light at this time, and the little light quickly condensed into a large pair of scissors.

In Chu Feng's surprised gaze, the scissors flew in front of him. "Well, let me cut those chains?" Chu Feng asked tentatively.

There was no sound, but Nu Wa's eyes blinked. "Okay!" Chu Feng responded happily, with the three parts of the body of Nuwa beside him, he believed that it was impossible for those black waters to hurt him.

Although he thought that the black water couldn't hurt himself, Chu Feng still took the defense carefully before he brought the big scissors close to an iron chain.

"Break it for me!" Chu Feng tried hard, and the two-meter-long scissors cut hard, and he immediately cut most of an iron chain!

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