Holy Prison

Chapter 974: Robbery in partnership again

"Feng, it's done?" Feng Bingning smiled authentically. After spending a lot of time in that manor, Chu Feng finally finished it and returned to the Seminary.

Chu Feng nodded: "Well, it's done."

At this time, three days have passed since the clone test. During these three days, Chu Feng conducted a lot of tests. In the beginning, Chu Feng tested whether the two sides could teleport to each other, but the clone teleported to the side of Orga Village and successfully teleported back.

Then, Chu Feng tested how many people could be teleported from Shenchu ​​City to that side this time. The limit of the test was ten people. However, for safety, Chu Feng decided that the teleportation formation would never transmit ten people at a time. Only nine! On the second day, Chu Feng first let Leng Li teleport over, and after successfully teleporting, he teleported it himself.

After that, Chu Feng tested how many people could be teleported from that side to Shenchu ​​City at a time. Many people in Aojia Village learned the technique of clone, and many people were asked to help. The test results came out as well. , The highest limit measured is 11,032 people. However, for safety, Chu Feng set the maximum number of teleporters to be 11 thousand. If this number is exceeded, the teleportation array will automatically Call the police!

"Feng'er, what's done?" Mo Xiu walked over and asked. "Mom, don't worry about it, it's nothing." Chu Feng said, hurriedly transferred to mention that the teleportation formation and Orga Village are not suitable for Mo Xiu. They know that their cultivation base is too low. , It’s easy for others to destroy them or search for their memories, although their memories are cold and stern. This powerhouse at the pinnacle of gods helped lock them!

"Feng, you have to accompany Feiying more. You and her are about to get married and haven't been with her for a long time." Mo Xiu left and Feng Bingning whispered.

"Hey!" Chu Feng hugged Feng Bingning and kissed Feng Bingning's cheek heavily. "I didn't accompany you and Wen'er during this period. Call Wen'er and Feiying. Your husband will accompany you out shopping. I have a good time with you these few days, and then I will be busy again, and I am struggling to accept your husband!"

Chu Feng's next hard work is to rob other dragon veins with Xiaolong. If other practitioners know that he regards such things as hard work, then it is estimated that he will be drowned alive by countless people's spitting stars!

After three days of refreshing play, Chu Feng and Longmai Xiaolong left Shenchu ​​City, while Feng Bingning and the others started to do something. It is not realistic to hold a wedding in the small manor inside the Shenchu ​​Academy. Yes, so they need to have a manor outside the Academy of Divinity. Feng Bingning and the others don't want to buy a ready-made manor, so they plan to design their own and build a brand new manor completely according to their own imagination!

When Feng Bingning and the others were enthusiastically preparing a piece of land to build a manor, Chu Feng and that dragon vein had already left Shenchu ​​City far away.

"It's not a small dragon vein, Xiaolong, can you get it done?" Chu Feng said with excitement. At this time, a dragon vein appeared in front of him. It was a dragon vein that was 60 kilometers long, not much weaker than the current dragon!

If the spar in the dragon vein is 60 kilometers long, if the spar in its body is not taken out, then according to Chu Feng's estimation, the value of the spar in the dragon vein will not be less than ten trillion catties of the best spar! If it is a dragon vein that is a hundred kilometers long, the value of the spar in the body will not be less than one hundred billion jin. It is just that such a dragon vein cannot be entangled by the power of the dragon, and the dragon cannot be entangled well. It is not easy for Chu Feng to let Heavenly Hand take the spar.

"Yes!" The little dragon in front of Chu Feng was connected to his head again and again. Under its control, the body that was sixty to seventy kilometers long hurriedly approached the dragon vein that was sixty kilometers long!

The 60-kilometer-long dragon vein clearly felt the danger. It wanted to escape quickly, but the speed was slower than that of the dragon. It didn’t take long for the dragon to overtake it. Two huge dragon veins. It was entangled in the deep underground.

"Miao Xian'er, can you sense that those crystals can be collected by the Heavenly Hand?" Chu Feng said in his mind a little nervously. Now, some aspects of the sky's eyes are much weaker. If you can't sense those crystals, then If you let Tianshou collect it, it will be a big cup. Although he has the cultivation base of the Emperor God level now, let alone the Emperor God level, when the dragon veins are not fixed, it is a powerful person of the **** god level entering There is also a high possibility that it will be over in an instant.

Miao Xian'er's crisp voice sounded: "Chu Feng, it is possible to be able to, but although your life rating has improved a lot due to the improvement of strength, your life rating now is only a thousand points."

Chu Feng reluctantly said in his mind: "I know this. Fate is really a big problem. There is no other good way to increase fate. It is really depressing. By the way, Miao Xian'er, these years My fate seems to be growing faster than ordinary people. What is the reason?"

"Because of the little dragon, destroying the dragon veins is detrimental to the virtues of heaven, so your life rating has been lowered a lot. The dragon is also a dragon vein. Because of your reasons, you can grow quickly, and naturally you can get some benefits." Miao Xianer said.

"Unexpectedly, sharing with Xiaolong would also have such benefits." Chu Feng smiled in his mind. Those spars that Xiaolong divided for growth can basically make up for the life he consumes because of it, and there is no need to divide it for Xiaolong. The dropped part of the spar consumes life, which is very good.

Tenth-level Tianshou took up the spar much faster, but because there were many spars in this dragon vein, it took more time to collect the spar in this dragon vein. Ninety-nine.

Keeping one from nine to nine, which consumes the least amount of life, Chu Feng naturally remembered this. "Miao Xian'er, throw the ten holy light stones and the dragon ball into the dragon veins." Chu Feng said in his mind.

The holy light stone, this is used to heal the wound. Now that the dragon vein is not injured, the holy light stone cannot play any role, but the dragon vein may be injured in the future. After the injury, if it absorbs the power in the holy light stone, Then the speed of injury recovery can be increased many times!

One holy light stone is worth a million gold points, and ten is 10 million gold points, plus a dragon ball worth 10 million gold points, Chu Feng has given a lot!

The dragon vein training has reached a high depth and can be transformed into a dragon that travels between heaven and earth. The dragon ball that Chu Feng bought from the holy prison shop is not the top stuff, but it still has a function. It can give a certain dragon vein a certain spirit. , To make it easier to practice!

This fellow Chu Feng is not a philanthropist. He did so naturally with his intentions. Since Xiaolong grows up and he gets the reward of his life, then if other dragon veins grow up, if there is his credit, will he also get a certain amount of credit? One dragon vein may not pay much, but ten, a hundred, and thousands of dragon veins add up to get a lot of rewards!

The holy light stone and the dragon ball entered the dragon vein. The dragon spirit of that dragon vein was stunned. Its originally very angry heart was calmed down. The spar is very important to it, but the dragon ball has a greater effect on it. , And the holy light stone, it can also feel its effect, if you get injured in the future, it will be much easier to recover!

If the spar is gone, it can be accumulated again, but things like Dragon Ball are something to be encountered but not available to it, "Little Dragon, let's go." Chu Feng said.

Xiaolong exclaimed excitedly, giving up the entanglement with that dragon vein and leaving instantly, "Miao Xian'er, how many top-grade crystals are equivalent to the obtained spar, and how many lifespans did it consume?" Chu Feng said in his mind.

"I got a spar equivalent to 112,600 billion catties of the best spar, and consumes 15.12 lifespan." Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng showed a look of surprise in his heart, and the consumption of life style was much less than he estimated, "If it is such a consumption, then I will have no problem robbing fifty or sixty dragon veins, fifty or sixty, one hundred thousand. , That is also five or six million catties of the best spar, so that the blood flower can absorb five or six red flowers!"

"It shouldn't be possible because my cultivation base is high, so my life rating has slowed down. The reason is probably due to the dragon ball and the holy light stone. If I give some dragon vein dragon **** and holy light stone, but I don't take the crystal. Shi's words" Chu Feng felt his heart beat banging, this is probably a way to strengthen his life!

"Little dragon, I found a weaker dragon vein. I don't take its spar and entangle it, but it's best not to scare it." Chu Feng took a deep breath.

Xiaolong's little longan looked at Chu Feng with some doubts. It didn't know why Chu Feng asked him to do this. However, since Chu Feng had such an order, it would just execute it.

With the little dragon’s current perception and speed, it only took a few minutes to discover the 20-kilometer-long dragon vein surrounding it. Surrounded by it, the weaker dragon vein can only stay honestly. Still, it can sense that this senior is not malicious, but it can't figure out why this senior is surrounding itself.

"Miao Xian'er, ten holy light stones, one dragon ball!" Chu Feng said in his mind. He was a little nervous at this time. If his idea is right, then maybe he will have inexhaustible crystals in the future. Shi, if the idea is wrong, then because of limited life, it is impossible to get too many spars this time!

Ten holy light stones and one dragon ball went directly into the dragon vein from the holy prison space. "Not up?" Chu Feng refreshed his own information, but his fate did not move. Such a discovery made his heart feel. The son sank.

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