Holy Prison

Chapter 975: Dragon Maiden

"Chu Feng, take a look at it again." Miao Xian'er's somewhat delighted voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. Chu Feng refreshed for a moment and quickly.


"Hahahaha!" Within the dragon veins, Chu Feng laughed wildly. He couldn't be agitated. You know, he just saw his fate number, half a second ago, it was only 995.15!

After spending 20 million dollars, the number of life points increased by 17.39. This sale is worthwhile, absolutely worthwhile! One hundred thousand catties of the best spar can get a little money when it is dead, and 20 million gold points need to die as two trillion catties of the best spar. The double consumption is only 4 trillion catties. I also used these things before. After a dragon vein consumed 15.12 life grids, he obtained more than eleven trillion catties of standard super spar!

Even if he doesn't change anymore, he can still make a lot of money according to this standard. What if he changes something? For example, if only one dragon ball is given, if it is given a reduction in half, will the growth of life size not be reduced by half? For example, if no dragon ball is given, only the holy light stone, will the dragon ball not play much role, it is holy light stone It worked!

Also, Chu Feng's thinking has expanded. Will he get better Dragon Balls and better Holy Light Stones? Or even worse ones? Or, if there is something else for those dragon veins to get him Fate points increased!

Chu Feng was excited, no, he could be said to be half crazy, his brain was rapidly turning and thinking about countless possibilities. "Xiaolong, set out to find the next dragon vein. It's still like this." Chu Feng danced with excitement. At this time, he was like a kid who got his beloved toy.

For a strong man like Chu Feng, it is extremely difficult for him to be moved by ordinary things, but even a strong man with a god-exalted level cannot be calm when he is like this!

With a partner like Xiaolong, a holy prison to buy dragon **** and other items, Chu Feng seemed to see the countless spars in the holy prison space piled up into mountains!

"Chu Feng, image, image!" Miao Xian'er said in Chu Feng's mind, "You have something like the holy prison, just a few spars, is it worth your trouble?"

"Khan, what do you call some spar, it is countless spar, with a huge amount of spar, I can let the blood flower continue to evolve, when the time comes, even ordinary saints can call him? There is no return!" Chu Feng said in his mind.

Miao Xian'er poured cold water and said: "Chu Feng, don't be too happy. The flower in the blood recognizes you as the master. It will be limited by your master. If you can't improve your cultivation level, it is very likely. It will not take long to reach the limit of improvement!"

Chu Feng calmed down a bit, but the excitement did not completely subside. If there are infinite spar, it is not only useful for the flower in the blood!

Massive spar can be dead to get a lot of money, the things in the holy prison shop can be bought if he wants to buy; the mass spar is smashed out, it is not difficult for him to take someone's life, not this year Lack of killers!

A few minutes later, Xiaolong surrounded a dragon vein again. Chu Feng first gave that dragon vein a holy light stone. After checking the fate, Chu Feng found that the fate number had increased a little, but not much, just zero. Just point five, and give another one, it hasn't grown much faster than the previous one.

"It seems that the main thing is not the holy light stone but the dragon ball!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, a dragon ball was sent to the dragon vein at this time, and soon Chu Feng happily discovered that his life status had increased by almost fourteen points. !

"Jie Jie, it really is a Dragon Ball!" Chu Feng smiled in his mind, "Miao Xian'er, give this dragon vein one more, and see how much the second one can increase!"

If it’s someone else, it’s difficult to feed the dragon veins with the dragon veins as jelly beans, but Chu Feng has a holy prison. This problem is not a problem for him at all. Chu Feng doesn’t know the specific principles of the holy prison shop, but he does. One point, as long as he wants to buy a certain item in the empty holy prison shop, that is absolutely impossible!

Another dragon ball entered the dragon vein, and Chu Feng found that his life rate had increased again, but this time it only increased by more than four points, which was far behind the first one.

"You can't pay for two dragon balls." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart that this dragon ball is not cheap. It is a one trillion catty crystal stone. Since a dragon vein can be found in a few minutes, there is no need to give it like this.

The lucky dragon who left this one and got two dragon **** quickly found another one. Chu Feng tried a total of ten things, some of which had certain effects, and some of them had a counterproductive effect. Forget it, I'm too lazy to try it, Dragon Ball is very good, let's use Dragon Ball!" Chu Feng muttered, a dragon ball was given to this dragon vein, and his life style has been improved.

"Xiaolong, I have to work hard for you for some time. How about running more in the past few years?" Chu Feng coaxed the little dragon in front of him like a child. This dragon vein must have existed for many years, but there are some aspects of Dragon Spirit. His wisdom is not much stronger than that of a child!

In front of Chu Feng, Xiaolong’s little head lit and quickly agreed. The Dragon Vein definitely knows more gratitude than human beings. Without Chu Feng, it would be impossible to have its present day, and its wisdom is also slightly known. Chu The better the peak is, the better it will be. To help Chu Feng is to help it.

In a blink of an eye, a month passed. In this month, Chu Feng robbed six dragon veins in total, and obtained spars equivalent to 70 trillion catties of the best spars, but the expenditure was nearly two. One hundred billion, a dragon ball needs about one trillion, two trillion, Chu Feng gave a total of two hundred dragon balls!

"Miao Xian'er, what's going on, there is no increase in fate!" Chu Feng said in surprise. His fate reached 4,678.12 before, but now he was given a dragon ball, which actually only increased to that. 4680.32, the growth is far below average, which is very abnormal.

Miao Xian'er said: "Chu Feng, the fate rating is not something that can grow indefinitely. It is estimated that you have reached the limit of the fate rating you can achieve now!"

It didn't take long for Xiaolong to discover a relatively large dragon vein. Chu Feng robbed this dragon vein and then gave the dragon ball. It really reached the average level before.

"It seems that it has indeed reached the limit of my fate, and it's nothing, it can only be improved after consumption!" Chu Feng smiled.

"Little dragon, feel the stronger dragon veins. In the next time, we will rob the stronger energy veins!" Chu Feng teased the little purple dragon on his shoulders.

Inside the underground, the dragon veins traveled quickly, time passed day by day, and various spars in the space of Chu Feng's holy prison increased rapidly!

On average, Chu Feng can rob a dragon vein in about three days, and the amount of spar obtained is about ten trillion yuan, one million billion yuan a month, and one trillion yuan a year. This is a terrible rate. No power has such a speed of accumulating money!

At the very beginning, Chu Feng was still a little excited. As there were more and more spars in the holy prison space, Chu Feng was completely unable to get excited. The dragon veins are most suitable for the training of the dragon vein master. Within the dragon veins, Chu At the same time that Feng cultivated the Dao Merit Sutra, most of his time was spent on the comprehension of "Looking for the Dragon and the Pulse".

The classification of dragon vein masters is junior dragon vein master, intermediate dragon vein master, advanced dragon vein master, dragon vein earth master, dragon vein heaven master, and dragon vein sage master. Chu Feng used to be a senior dragon vein master. As the dragon veins he encounters more and more, he makes more and more progress in finding the dragon veins. Chu Feng gradually feels that he has the feeling of striding towards a dragon vein master!

The senior dragon vein master and the dragon vein earth teacher seem to be only one step away, but in fact, the sky is far apart. A senior dragon vein teacher and a dragon vein earth teacher are very likely to be at the same time under all other conditions. It is possible to find ten times a hundred times more dragon veins than a high-level dragon vein master, and the spar you can obtain in the same time is definitely over a hundred times or even a thousand times!

There are still a few high-level Dragon Vein Masters in Infinity, but the number of Dragon Vein Earth Masters is likely to be no more than 100. Above Infinity, Dragon Vein Earth Masters have the noble status of being no less than that of a deity, great perfect and powerful person. , I am afraid that there are no more than three above countless, the status is extremely respected!

The reason why there is such a big gap between the senior dragon vein master and the dragon vein geomaster is because the earth eye, the person who opened the earth eye is called the dragon vein geomaster, and when the earth eye opens, the dragon vein geomaster finds the vein and determines the vein. It's so convenient!

On this day, Chu Feng was practicing quietly, a faint yellow light flashed on his forehead, and then the yellow light spread, and a diamond-shaped eye appeared on his forehead!

The diamond-shaped eyes appeared. At first, the eyes were very apathetic, but as time passed slowly, the bright divine light began to condense in that eye, which seemed to see through the infinite land at a glance!

"The heaven and the earth are boundless, the universe is borrowed from the law, and the earth's eyes are perfect!"

Chu Feng's low drink sounded. At the beginning, his low drink only sounded within the dragon veins, and slowly it seemed that the surrounding earth seemed to be echoing his voice, and there were quite a few in the infinite earth. The essence of the earth gathered towards Chu Feng and then entered Chu Feng's newly opened earth eye like a moth to a fire!

The time lasted for ten minutes, Chu Feng's eyes on his forehead became plain and unpretentious, and a faint smile appeared on his face. Chu Feng knew that his earth eye was finally completed, and now he has become a dragon vein land from a senior dragon vein master. division!

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