Holy Prison

Chapter 976: Spar harvest

"This earth eye, I don't know what's magical!" Chu Feng thought to himself that the earth eye on his forehead that had become unpretentious suddenly burst out with a strong light. At this time, the dragon vein where Chu Feng was located was still far away from a dragon vein. , If there is no earth eye, then it is impossible for Chu Feng to sense the existence of that dragon vein, but now that the earth eye is formed, his earth eye actually has the induction, Chu Feng looks in that direction, one line is three or four long. Ten kilometers of dragon veins sleep on that side!

"Awesome, really worthy of being a **** eye that can only be possessed by a dragon vein master. With such an eye, a dragon vein master wants to find the dragon vein and get the spar in the dragon vein. It is definitely much easier than a senior dragon vein master!" A little excited, compared with other people who have just become a dragon vein master, he is definitely many times calmer!

The little dragon hurriedly approached, and the sleeping dragon vein woke up, "Give it to me!" Chu Feng shouted in his heart, a faint yellow light shot out from his divine eyes, and the yellow light extended above that dragon vein. A dragon vein that originally wanted to escape was immediately fixed by Chu Feng, but Chu Feng, who had fixed the dragon vein, felt that the essence of the earth in his own eyes was consumed very quickly.

Being frozen, Tianshou collected the spar countless times faster, but within a short period of ten seconds, all the spars in that dragon vein were already collected!

A dragon vein gave that dragon vein, and the little dragon hurriedly left. This time the plunder was the fastest piece of plunder, and it robbed three trillion catties of standard top-grade spar in just ten seconds!

"With my current Earth Eye's ability, it is estimated that I can activate this way three times in one day, but it is pretty good. If the cultivation base is higher, then it should be possible to activate more times!"

Chu Feng secretly commented that the eyes here are really very good Dongdong, not particularly powerful dragon veins, if they are discovered by the dragon vein geomaster, then the hope of escaping will not be high. Today, the little dragon is stronger, but if you encounter a more powerful Dragon Vein Earth Master, it is estimated that you will not be able to escape!

For other people, it is not easy to obtain a large amount of spar with something like earth eyes. There are two reasons. One is that the dragon veins are not easy to find, and the distance that the dragon vein geomaster can sense is also limited. ; The second is the Dragon Vein Earth Master, they also have to consider a problem, if they randomly grab the dragon veins, they may die one day!

These two problems are not a problem for Chu Feng, so after owning the earth, the speed at which Chu Feng can obtain spars has increased many times!

Before, if it was a relatively powerful dragon vein, it would take about three days for Tianshou to collect the spar within the dragon vein. Now, with the dragon vein anchored, Chu Feng only needs ten seconds! Although you can use the earth eye two or three times a day, there is no doubt that this will increase the speed of obtaining spars several times!

When Chu Feng and Xiaolong left the Shenchu ​​Academy, there were still almost four years before their marriage with Miao Feiying. Now almost two years have passed, and Chu Feng has obtained the appearance of two trillion catties of the best spar. In the eyes of the earth, Chu Feng is confident that he can get at least 100 million jin of standard top-grade spar in the remaining year or two years!

One hundred million million catties of standard top-grade spar can make the flower in blood strengthen hundreds of flowers. If the flower in blood can strengthen that much, it will be more than a hundred strong gods who are succumbing to the gods. Come to Chucheng!

One hundred million billion, this was Chu Feng's initial estimate, but after only one year has passed since the possession of the earth's eye, the value of the spar in the space of Chu Feng's holy prison has exceeded 120 trillion catties of the best spar! The earth's eye will be strengthened, and the level of Chu Feng's use of the earth's eye will also be improved. This is why Chu Feng can harvest so much in advance!

"Eleven months, and only eleven months is the day to marry Feiying." Chu Feng within the dragon vein said softly, "Linglong, go back to the Shenchu ​​Academy, yes, if on the way When you encounter a more powerful dragon vein, I will get closer. I will provide them with dragon **** and spars, and let them practice in another place. I believe they will not object?"

"Good Brother Chu." The little dragon in front of Chu Feng lighted his head and said. After spending a few years with Chu Feng, it absorbed the power of a dragon ball. At this time, his intelligence level improved slightly. It won't be as intermittent as it is.

Chu Feng left a long way away. Two months later, he and Xiaolong returned to the vicinity of Shenchu ​​City, and there were nine dragon veins that were fifty to sixty kilometers long.

The dragon ball tempted him, and then the little dragon appeared to say that the nine dragon veins did not waste much of Chu Feng's saliva and followed him to this side eagerly.

"Brother Chu, they are afraid." Linglong said, the name Linglong was given to it by Chu Feng two years ago, and it has been called by Xiaolong Xiaolong. Sometimes Chu Feng still feels weird, after all, Chulong and Chufeng also Call him like that!

"Tell them that the flowers in the blood are under my control. If they don't want to enter, I don't force it." Chu Feng said. It is still relatively difficult for him to communicate with those dragon veins, but it is easy for Linglong to communicate with them.

Soon Linglong conveyed Chu Feng’s meaning. It set an example and immediately entered the Shenchu ​​city. After it entered the Shenchu ​​city, the remaining nine dragon veins quickly entered the Shenchu ​​city. Simple, they don't have so many intestines, so they believe in spirit dragons.

None of these nine dragon veins have got the dragon ball. They entered the underground of Shenchu ​​City, and Chu Feng gave them the nine dragon **** separately. "Linglong, let their dragon capitals face here." Chu Feng specified a direction. Above this point, Chu Feng was ready to establish a domain gate at that time!

Dragon veins, which are more advanced than energy channels, are supported by nine dragon veins. There is no problem in establishing a domain gate. As long as the domain gate is not opened often, it will not consume too much power of those dragon veins, which is consumption. Now, Chu Feng can replenish them in their bodies in a short time!

After getting the dragon ball, those dragon veins quickly pointed towards Chu Feng’s designated dragon head, "Ling dragon, make it clear to them, I am responsible for their promotion, they lack spar, and I will supplement their spar. , I will give them if they need Dragon Balls, but for a million years, I need them to remain motionless." Chu Feng said.

It is very difficult for other beings to do nothing for a million years, but it is not difficult for the dragon veins. Once the dragon veins fall asleep, it is very possible for thousands of years to hundreds of millions of years.

"Brother Chu, as long as there is no danger here, they can do this." Linglong said, and it quickly conveyed Chu Feng's request.

Needless to say, those dragon veins have all agreed. For them, where to find such a good thing, where they sleep is not a sleep, they sleep here, safety is responsible for them, and there are dragon **** available, and spars are provided. They grow!

"Linglong, it's not safe for you to sleep in other places. You should also sleep in Shenchu ​​City and raise it. With the protection of the flower in the blood, it is much safer." Chu Feng held the purple dragon with a smile. "Brother Chu, I'm asleep. It's been a long time since I saw you, Brother Chu." The purple little dragon said with a downcast head.

"Linglong, although you are much stronger now than before, there is still a big gap compared with those super dragon veins that are more than 150 kilometers or even more than 200 kilometers in length. You don't want to be strong anymore? Be obedient and stay strong. Brother Chu may still need your help at that time." Chu Feng smiled. He said that countless top quality crystals appeared in the body of Linglong, and the power of the top quality crystals was even greater. Purely, Linglong absorbed bigger and easier.

The amount of crystals harvested this time was extremely large. In the end, although the huge body of the Linglong was not completely filled with the top grade **** crystals, it was also filled in most of it. Of course, the remaining space was filled with the top grade **** crystals.

In the remaining nine dragon veins, Chu Feng also put a lot of spars one by one, but the nine of them were only middle-grade **** crystals, and the treatment was much worse than that of the spirit dragon.

Ten dragon veins converge. Above the ground, people in Shenchu ​​City feel that the concentration of aura in the city seems to have increased a lot. Some strong people have noticed that there seems to be an abnormal movement in the underground, but their spiritual consciousness is restricted after entering some distance underground. In the Shenchu ​​City, if Chu Feng wanted to restrict these, it would be very easy!

Leaving the ground, Chu Feng walked on the main street of Shenchu ​​City, and it didn't take long for him to turn to an area.

"Brother, you also came to attend the wedding of Senior Chu Feng and Fairy Miao?" A young man next to Chu Feng suddenly took Shandao. Chu Feng was surprised, but did not show it: "Yes, Xiongtai, why are you so early? Come here? Xiongtai has an invitation letter but it's not successful"

If Chu Feng remembered correctly, this young man must have not received the invitation letter, and his invitation letter was sent to some acquaintances. "I don't have such a life. Now that there are not many invitation letters in Shenchu ​​City. Come here early, and it won't be delayed because of certain things. Senior Chu Feng's wedding, there must be quite a few The senior expert came, come here early and have a long experience." The young man laughed.

Chu Feng frowned slightly, if a lot of people came over, then things must be a lot more complicated! "Fortunately, I got so many spars. If you want to make a ghost, let me do it at that time, I can't kill you!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart and disappeared in front of the youth next to him.

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