Holy Prison

Chapter 996: Poison is hard to make

In the beginning, more than ten poisons were collected in half a day, and then 20 or so were collected in three hours. Chu Feng received as much as 3,000 poisons in three days of alchemy and half a month of training. !

Three thousand copies, many of them are capable of poisoning ordinary god-level powerhouses, but what makes Chu Feng helpless is that there are no top-level poisons among them. Seven colors leaves, blood killing pavilion, such forces actually did not send them. Come over the top poison!

Since there is no top-notch poison that can be used directly, it is natural that some poisons must be used to refine fusion poisons. There are more than 3,000 kinds of poisons, and Chu Feng will naturally not only have more than 30 kinds at a time. Chu Feng put two hundred kinds of poisons into the pill furnace in the second refining!

The pill furnace exploded, and a terrible force was transmitted to Chu Feng. If it weren't for a red flower that appeared in front of Chu Feng instantly and blocked it, Chu Feng would definitely suffer serious injuries!

Refining a pill, this is dangerous, refining a powerful poison, this is even more dangerous, if the furnace explodes naturally, it will hurt the alchemist!

Chu Feng cursed secretly in his heart, the furnace exploded, and the furnace was not broken, but the poison in the furnace, needless to say, was completely broken, and the more than 300 kinds of poison that had been thrown in all hit the pool!

"Chu Feng, fusion of poisons, this is a normal phenomenon. One out of a hundred times without frying, a high-quality poison out of a thousand times is pretty good!" Miao Xian'er laughed. In Chu Feng's mind. "I know." Chu Feng said as he quickly played the magic trick to calm down the pill furnace.

The pill was calm, and Chu Feng's second group of 300 kinds of poisons poured in.

In the alchemy room where Chu Feng was located, the sound of the fryer continued to sound. During the first refining, a pill that could improve cultivation was produced, but in the next month or so, there was no success!

"Fifty-nine times, fifty-ninth times. I rely on it. Except for the first successful refining of things, nothing has been refined successfully." Chu Feng is extremely helpless, if the next fifty times can It would be okay to refine something, but nothing was refined!

Phoenix Ridge. "Chu Feng is collecting poison wildly?" Feng Yi frowned slightly. He just received a message from one of his servants. As the elder of the Feng clan, Feng Yi naturally possesses a lot of money among the Feng clan. Power can command many people, but he still has private servants outside, and Feng Man doesn't even know these private servants.

"Chu Feng didn't die, huh, he's fate!" Feng Yi's face was not good-looking. He didn't expect to use something like Poison of Degeneration to kill Chu Feng, and Feng Bingning and the others were not dead either. However, Miao Feiying did not appear, it is very likely that Miao Feiying is already dead.

"I received so many poisons, do you want to return the color? The idea is good, but what is the use if the determined goal is?" Feng Yi sneered. He didn't think Chu Feng could find his head on this matter!

A crisp voice sounded, "Come in." Feng Yi frowned slightly. He is now in the Dongfu where he is practicing. This "Didi" sound is the sound made after pressing an emergency contact button. , Without using the divine sense to check, Feng Yi could also guess that Feng Qingyang should be outside.

With Feng Yi’s permission, Feng Qingyang quickly entered the cave where Feng Yi was practicing. All the way forward, Feng Qingyang saw a lot of women, and all of them were from Feng Yi to the cave. From the inside, Feng Qingyang had a very high vision, but he was moved by seeing some of the women.

Although his heart moved, Feng Qingyang didn't dare to show it on his face. These women, if Feng Yi rewarded him, it would be no problem, but if Feng Yi didn't reward him, if he dared to move around, it would be death. He knew clearly above, thinking that back then, one of his uncles took away a woman without permission, and Feng Yi was directly torn in half!

"Grandpa." Feng Qingyang said respectfully.

Feng Yi nodded slightly: "Not bad, I finally reached the Emperor God's Great Perfection, and strive to reach the Emperor God level as soon as possible! Qing Yang, do you know that Chu Feng already has the strength of the Emperor God elementary level, if you are not progressing fast If that happens, he will probably surpass you by that time!" Feng Yi's face changed slightly: "Grandpa, he is still only a junior emperor god, from junior emperor **** to emperor great perfection, this difficulty is not low!" "For others For him, it may not be so, so you finally reach the Emperor God level earlier! If the ten-thousand-year period comes, your cultivation base is lower than him, are you embarrassed to fight with him again?" Feng Yi Faintly authentic.

Feng Yi said with a sullen face: "Grandpa, I will work hard. I am confident that I will reach the junior level of Emperor God in a thousand years. When ten thousand years have passed, I should be able to reach the senior level of Emperor God! Grandpa, I heard some The news is that Chu Feng is collecting a lot of poisons. Will he use it to deal with us? The quality of the poisons he collects is not low, and there is absolutely no problem with many of them poisoning someone with a cultivation level like me."

"I already know the news. He collects him and has something to do with us. With his character, he will check it out before doing it. We haven't dealt with him, so it won't reach us." Feng Yi said indifferently.

Feng Qingyang said anxiously: "Grandpa, our relationship with him is not good. He collects such a large amount of poison, and we have no reaction? By then, these poisons may be used on our bodies."

"Qingyang, you are not a small person anymore. You are so uncomfortable in the event of trouble. Although Chu Feng is much younger, he is much calmer than you in the event of trouble!" Feng Yi said solemnly, "We Feng Clan has just met He has an agreement, make it clear, can you say it will work?"

"This is definitely not possible." Feng Qingyang said. He still knows a little bit. His grandfather's power in the Feng clan is still lower than that of Feng Man. Because of Chu Feng's affairs, even some people who originally tended to Feng Yi now They are all inclined to Fengman! "Grandpa, we can let people deal with it in secret!" Feng Qingyang said.

"Where is he?" Feng Yi said flatly.

"Shenchu ​​City." Feng Qingyang said without thinking, he knew this very well. "How do you deal with him in Shenchu ​​City?" Feng Yi frowned. He hoped that Feng Qingyang's grandson would have a good idea, but seeing Feng Qingyang's appearance, Feng Qingyang didn't have any good ideas. "Okay, okay, let's go, and quickly break through to the Emperor God level. Don't bother me for a while, I have the feeling of breaking through to the perfection of the god." Feng Yi waved his hand.

Feng Qingyang's eyes lit up: "Grandson congratulates Grandpa on his breakthrough in advance!"

"Well, those women, who are you fancy, take one!" Feng Yi said indifferently. For him, women are just playthings. If he has played with them, there is nothing to Feng Qingyang!

"Thank you, grandpa." Feng Qingyang said with excitement. In fact, most women can get it in his capacity, but every time he plays with a woman he gets from Feng Yi, he feels very excited. This may be Therefore, Feng Yi has a lot of authority. Only when it comes to that aspect can he feel that he is not weaker than this grandfather!

Feng Qingyang left with a woman. After Feng Yi pondered for a while, he quietly fell into practice. To the point where he was like him, he knew that many things were imaginary, and only his own strength was real. If he can have the cultivation base of respecting the gods and reaching perfection, then many things will be much easier to do!

Feng Yi is the cultivation base of the peak of the gods. He knows that Fengman is also the cultivation base of the peak of the gods, and that both of them have true self skills. Feng Yi knows that if he can reach the perfection of the gods, he will be very strong. It may be better than Fengman. At that time, if he was given some opportunities, he might be able to hold the power of the Feng clan!

If he was in charge of the Feng Clan's power, Feng Yi would have the confidence to deal with Chu Feng easily!

Time passed quickly. In a blink of an eye, half a year passed. In half a year, Chu Feng opened the furnace to make alchemy hundreds of times, but after the first time a good alchemy was refined by the difference between the yin and the yang, the following was huge. Part of the refining failed, even if the refining was successfully refined, Chu Feng couldn't laugh or cry.

In half a year, Chu Feng refined a poison powder that could poison an ordinary mouse, refined a good aphrodisiac, refined a pastry that could be used as breakfast.

"Miao Xian'er, how are things this time?" Chu Feng quickly said in his mind as he opened the stove again, just installed the things. "Uh, Brother Feng, respect you, you have refined poison!" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng had no surprises: "Poison? How effective is it?" In half a year's countless failures, Chu Feng could only get excited at the moment the furnace was opened. Once that moment passed, Chu Feng would completely calm down.

"Chu Feng, there is progress. The poison refined this time can definitely kill a silver rank person." Miao Xian'er said with a smile. The muscles on Chu Feng’s face twitched. This time around 300 pieces of poison were used. The worst piece can also poison a general Emperor God level powerhouse, and the most powerful one can poison a Venerable God level figure, but it is refined. Something out.

"Chu Feng, don't be discouraged, isn't there a saying on your earth, failure is the mother of success, right?" Miao Xian'er grinned.

"Miao Xian'er, it’s not easy for me to have extra meals for people who have exchanged my poison refining skills. Such an ability can actually reach the level of a holy art master. How many times will I fail?" Chu Feng With great emotion.

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