Holy Prison

Chapter 997: Top Poison

Chu Feng asked Miao Xian'er to have a meal. A criminal in the holy prison was inexplicable. The criminals in the holy prison knew that the dining hall in the holy prison could eat top-notch food, but such food was definitely not easy to eat. Yes, the criminal thought about it, as if he really didn't do anything worthy of this sumptuous meal.

After thinking about it, the criminal had no results, so he could only eat a meal happily according to the doubts in his heart. Even if it was given him a lifetime, he probably wouldn't have thought that the reason for this delicious meal was because of Chu. After Feng Lian Poison failed many times, he sighed with emotion.

"Huh" just failed once. Chu Feng drank tea and prepared to relax. The Blood Flower actually sent a message that a very powerful person appeared in the teleportation formation.

"This breath seems to be Venerable Qiye." Chu Feng stood up with a surprise in his eyes, and in the next moment he had reached the gate of Chu Mansion.

As soon as Chu Feng came out, Venerable Qiye appeared outside the gate of Chu Mansion. "Little friend Chu Feng, want to go out?" Venerable Qiye smiled authentically. "Senior!" Chu Feng's deity and the clone saluted at the same time. Seeing this, the guarding guards naturally saluted even more quickly. They knew some of the capabilities of their own master. If they weren't a real big man, their own master would never call seniors respectfully.

"Forget it, come here today, I want to disturb one or two." Venerable Qiye waved his hand. "Senior. Please inside." Chu Feng said hurriedly. At this time, he was a little excited. People like Venerable Qiye wouldn't come to him if he didn't have a big deal. It's probably because he is here now. The poison thing!

Entering the mansion with Venerable Qiye, the two sat down, and the maid quickly offered tea. Chu Feng is not a person who does not know how to enjoy, and he has a lot of crystal stones in his hand. This tea is the best tea. Shi Hua grows tea by himself at the back of his house. The tea is very good, but it is a little bit worse than that of Chu Feng. For this reason, Shi Hua’s old dean often goes to Chu Feng to find Chu Feng’s clone. Tea drinking.

"Good tea." Venerable Qiye took a sip of the tea and his eyes lit up and praised, "Little friend Chu Feng, this tea needs one or two trillion jin of top-grade spar, right?"

"Senior, you can just drink it smoothly." Chu Feng's eyes were somewhat expectant. It was related to Miao Feiying's life. He couldn't help but look forward to it. Although there was still a bit of poison in the green robe, it would not last long! Half a year later, Chu Feng asked a Miao Feiying a few days ago, and Miao Feiying said that she felt a little hungry faintly.

Venerable Qiye said amusedly: "Don't look at me like that, I'm not a peerless beauty haha." "Ah, Senior said and laughed." Chu Feng coughed slightly and closed his mind.

"Senior, this time I came to Shenchu ​​City, maybe it wasn't because I heard that I had good tea here, so I came here to drink tea?" Chu Feng chuckled.

"Well, I really came here to drink tea. One or two of tea with a trillion catties of top grade spar, I am not very willing to drink it." Venerable Qiye smiled.

Chu Feng rolled his eyes: "Senior Qiye, I am in a good mood today. I actually made a joke of my junior." "The mood is pretty good. Okay, I won't tease you, otherwise you will get angry. Whether you can leave Shenchu ​​City alive is a problem haha." Venerable Qiye laughed.

Chu Feng's eyes lit up, and a jade plate suddenly appeared on the tea table in front of them. In the jade plate were more than ten large and small jade bottles.

Jade is a good jade. Among them, there are top-quality Wen jade and hundreds of millions of years of cold jade. Not to mention the contents, these more than ten bottles are also very valuable.

"Little friend Chu Feng, I have spent a lot of effort in the past six months, but I just got so many dozen poisons after tossing and tossing. You can see if you can use it." Venerable Qiye sipped. Tea smiles authentically.

"Miao Xian'er, take a look." Chu Feng quickly said in his mind. "Chu Feng, thirteen samples, of which seven can be judged for their specific value, and the other six have exceeded the limit of grade judgment!" Miao Xian'er said in Chu Feng's mind.

Chu Feng's heart jumped, but he knew the limit that the holy prison can judge now, the limit that can be judged is probably one trillion catties of the best spar. In other words, among these 13 things, six of them are worth more than One trillion catties of the best spar!

"Where are the other seven?" Chu Feng quickly asked in his mind. "The lowest is more than 160 trillion, and the highest is more than 800 trillion!" Miao Xianer said.

Miao Xian'er couldn't make a complete judgment, so I had to introduce the owner Qiye Venerable. "Senior, can you please introduce me?" Chu Feng said with excitement.

Venerable Qiye nodded and pointed to one of the jade bottles and said: "It contains Tianxianglu, which is a top-notch perfume, but if you add a drop of blood, it will instantly become top-notch poison. If a strong person who respects God and Dzogchen drinks more for a little bit of a few seconds, his body will be wiped out, but if you want to kill people, this is not good. Tianxianglu's Youxiang will not even add blood. Disappear, the top powerhouses are afraid of death, and they basically have some understanding of powerful poisons."

"This is a red-bearded blood dragon fruit. It is a poisonous fruit. Its toxicity depends on the year. This red-bearded blood dragon fruit is more than one billion years old and was snatched from an old friend. Listen to him, there are countless strong bones around the Scarlet Bearded Blood Dragon Tree where this Scarlet Bearded Blood Dragon Fruit grows!"

"The cold jade bottle is filled with a refined poison. This is from Qi Seye's early years. I found it and kept it. I didn't expect to use it now. The poison has no name because the person who refines it is just The primary strength of the deity was refined back then, but the pill was not resisted, but the poison was retained and people died."

Venerable Qiye introduced a dozen kinds of things, each of which is a top-notch treasure. Taking one out casually can make countless people crazy, that is, only a person like Venerable Qiye can make it. I got it and I was willing to take it out.

"Senior Qiye, have you given these to me?" Chu Feng took a deep breath. Venerable Qiye nodded: "Naturally it is for you, otherwise what am I doing? Little friend Chu Feng, let's talk about it, how many favors are they worth?"

Of the thirteen things, Chu Feng determined that eight of them should be directly effective on Miao Feiying, and for the other five, adding a little bit when refining the fusion poison will increase the chance of a powerful poison.

Chu Feng got up and bowed to Venerable Qiye: "Senior Qiye, you have worked hard. These things are all good things. I should use them all. Even if all the ten affections are paid off."

Hearing what Chu Feng said, Venerable Qiye was stunned: "Chu Feng, do you know what one of my favors means? Ten favors, you just let me pay off all these things, although it is very good, but... In my opinion, they are still worthless of my ten personal feelings, you can take back some of them."

Chu Feng shook his head: "Senior Qiye, no need, they are not worth ten of you in your opinion, but they are of great use to me, so they are worth it."

"Chu Feng, you make it difficult for me. If I think they are worthless, even if you say they are worthwhile, the obsession in my heart can't be eliminated." Venerable Qiye said helplessly. Things that are hard to return, especially for people like Venerable Qiye, are even more difficult to return.

"Uh, Senior Seven Leaves, if you think they are not worth it, then help me figure out how to get some top-level poisons, but the latter poisons, I will buy them out of the spar, otherwise, I will You have to owe Senior Qiye for your favor." Chu Feng said.

Seeing that Chu Feng’s eyes were firm, Venerable Qiye nodded slightly: “If that’s the case, then okay. Little friend Chu Feng, how much more poison do you need? As far as I know, Jiang Hanhong Lanxiu and the others are all working hard. Get poison in the ground, everyone adds up, there are always so many top poisons."

"The more the better." Chu Feng said. "Can you satisfy my curiosity? There will be so many poisons that will be enough to poison countless powerful people." Venerable Qiye said.

"Senior Qiye, the specific situation is really inconvenient to say." Chu Feng said, "All I can say is that I and Feiying were tricked during the wedding banquet. These poisons were used for that matter. Senior Qiye, the last time I saw you as a doppelgänger, I didn't even apologize. It was the younger generation's rudeness. Last wedding, Fei Ying and I should have toasted everyone.

Venerable Qiye frowned slightly and said, "Last time I was there, and there were many strong men present, how did you count on you? You have been conspired, and you can’t come out. They have already apologized for you with your brother, you don’t need to apologize anymore."

"Senior Qiye, there is a poison that will only flow on the same level within a certain range after it is released. Did you know that there is such a poison?" Chu Feng said.

"A certain range, the same level?" Venerable Seven Leaves pondered. After a while, Venerable Seven Leaves' eyes lit up as if thinking of something, "I really thought of a poison with such an effect. The name seems to be called What sinking."

Chu Feng's eyes flashed, the poison of sinking, not to mention that Venerable Qiye was talking about the poison of sinking. "Little friend Chu Feng, although they are very similar, it should not be something to harm you. That kind of poison is not particularly powerful. Someone had used it at the beginning, six people of platinum level, five people of general **** level, and the result was six. All platinum-level people died, and five of the god-level people survived two." Venerable Qiye recalled.

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