In a dilapidated cave, a rough man was lying on a stone bed.

"I actually became a witch!!!"

Wu Di was confused.

He just accepted a huge order that he couldn't refuse.

Because the other party had several people, they were afraid that their fighting power would be insufficient.

So to be on the safe side, he took 100 million blue pills.

After a fierce battle, he relied on the blue divine power to make them unable to walk.

But when he woke up, he unexpectedly traveled through time!!! It would be fine if he traveled to other places, but he actually traveled to the prehistoric world.

The key is that they are the witch clan.

The witch clan looks very powerful, what Pangu is authentic, the twelve witch ancestors, the laws are added to the body, and the physical body is the best in the world.

In fact, it is nothing more than that after Pangu opened the sky, a filter was needed to balance the evil spirits between heaven and earth.

In modern terms, the witch clan is this device.

Of course, this kind of evil spirit is not ordinary evil spirit.

When Pangu opened the sky, the clear air went straight up to the sky, and the turbid air went down to the underworld.

And this kind of evil spirit is the turbid air formed by the opening of the sky. It is the most yin, evil, poisonous, filthy, and evil karma miasma between heaven and earth.

It is all the negative The source of the Qi of the face is not an exaggeration to be called the source of all evil.

Even if a saint came, he would avoid it.

You must know that Hongjun practiced the way of the soul of the pure Qi of all immortals, not to mention that after the integration of the Tao, the pure Qi became the protagonist of this world.

As for the turbid Qi, it is impossible to cultivate the soul, and it will be eliminated sooner or later!!

What makes Wu Di even more helpless is that you said to travel through time, so you can travel through time, at least you can be the ancestor witch.

If it doesn't work, it's not bad to play with a great witch.

At least you can gain a foothold in this prehistoric world full of dangers and make yourself I want to let this descendant of mine experience what it's like to be a beautiful woman in the prehistoric world.

After all, we will die sooner or later, so why not die on a woman's belly?

As the saying goes, dying under a peony flower makes you a romantic ghost!! But the reality is that I am not even a witch soldier, let alone a great witch.

I am just a mortal witch at the lowest level.

According to the existing knowledge of this body, I know the realms of practitioners in the world since Hongjun Hedao.

Mortal realm, human immortal, earth immortal, celestial immortal, mysterious immortal, golden immortal, Taiyi Jinxian, Daluo, quasi-sage, saint

All witches, witch soldiers, earth witches, sky witches, mysterious witches, gold witches, Taiyi gold witches, great witches, ancestor witches, witch saints.

And the tribe where Wu Di is, what the hell is this tribe.

You should know that for the witch clan to be called a tribe, the minimum requirement is that there must be a witch at the level of earth witch to be in charge. Those without a witch at the level of earth witch are all called free-range witch people.

The witch clan has a population of billions, scattered all over the prehistoric world.

Although the demon clan controls the sky and the witch clan controls the land.

But witches and demons regard each other as livestock to fill their stomachs, and often hunt each other.

The reason why Wu Di was able to travel through time was because he was injured by the hunted demons.

"According to the novels I read in my previous life, the Twelve Ancestral Witches were formed from the essence and blood of Pangu."

"The Great Shaman is divided into the Innate and Acquired Great Shaman."

"Great innate wizards like Xingtian and Houyi either attacked the heavens or shot down the sun. They were really powerful!!"

"But what about yourself? ?"

"Others traveled through time and space, either becoming immortals or having an amazing background."

"I don't have anything, but I have parents and children to take care of."

"You know, even in the blessed society of 007, I can feed the whole family with one person's fullness."

"When I arrived in the prehistoric times, not only did I not have any benefits, I also had two more burdens."

"Thank you so much, Wu Wudi!!!"

Yes, the original body's name is Wu Wudi.

The name is cool, but the strength is extremely poor.

Because he was born into the Wu clan, his roots are not good, and his talent is also extremely poor.

He is an adult, but he can't even reach the level of a wizard soldier.

Just when Wu Di was lamenting that there was no hope for the life of a wizard, the voice of"Hongmeng" rang in his mind.

【Congratulations to the host Wu Wudi for obtaining the Hongmeng Novel System. With this system, as long as you write novels, you can become stronger!!】

【Warm reminder: In this era, a wisp of Hongmeng purple air can create a saint. Because this Hongmeng system is too awesome, please write novels according to your own situation and proceed step by step.】

"Golden Finger!"

"Sure enough, the time travelers never lied to me!!"

"It is actually named Hongmeng. You should know that this is the prehistoric period."

"Before the chaos, there was a period of chaos, that is, the era before Pangu created the world."

"Hongmeng is even older than Chaos, and can be said to be something from the previous infinite kalpa."

"Doesn't it mean that the origin of this thing is more awesome than Hongjun, the most powerful person of this era, or even Pangu, the creator of the world?"

"I've made a fortune. I can become stronger just by writing novels. You know, when I was on Blue Star, my favorite thing was to read novels."

"There are Five White Emperors, Twelve Heavenly Kings, Number One on the Heavenly Ranking, Wireless God, etc. There are more than the several terabytes of action movies on my USB drive."

"But we can't be too greedy, let's try the red-haired monster's Sugarcane Heaven Trilogy and see the effect first."

As he said, Wu Wudi thought about picking up a pen and starting to write a novel.

But it seems that there is no pen and paper in this era, and even words have not been created.

But as a tribe, there are still a lot of animal skins and charcoal.

As for words?

I write novels to become stronger, as long as I write it down, I don't care what words it is.

Picking up the charcoal, Wu Wudi started writing immediately.

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