[Warning, warning!!】

【With the support of the Hongmeng system, this novel has exceeded the host's current tolerance. Please proceed step by step according to the current situation. 】

When writing a novel, you naturally have to write a title and introduction first.

But when Wu Wudi started writing, he found that he couldn't write the title no matter how he wrote it.

Wu Wudi, who didn't believe in evil, turned around and wrote the introduction.

It still didn't work.

Then just rush into the content.

It still didn't work.

The Red Hair Monster's Sugarcane Sky Trilogy was directly aborted, and even ended up with a warning from the system.

Then change to something else.

Thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west, don't bully the young and poor Dou Po Cangqiong

【Warning, warning!! 】

Friends come from afar, Dawang will kill them even though they are far away.

【Warning, warning!!]

I, Chen Beixuan, have done everything in my life, so why should I explain to you the King of Metropolis Cultivation?

【Warning, warning!!】

"Damn it, they are all red card warnings!!"

Wu Wudi's head was buzzing, but after thinking about it, he became happy instead.

"This is good, it proves that with the blessing of this system, if it is really written, the power will definitely be more terrifying than the original"

"You know, a wisp of Hongmeng purple energy can create a saint, it seems that the system is not exaggerating."

"After all, the system is named after Hongmeng, so the novels written by it must also be blessed by Hongmeng purple energy."

"At the very least, it is the power of the era in which Hongmeng lives. It is not too much to say that it is a billion billion times stronger than in the original work."

"Since these fantasy novels don’t work, I can only try martial arts novels."

"Jin, Gu, Liang, Wen, let's start with the most famous Mr. Jin"

"Flying snow and shooting white deer, Xiaoshu Shenxia Yibiyuan, let's start writing from Tianlong Babu."

Charcoal wrote, and the title of the book was completed.

A murderous spirit rose in the body, originally in the middle stage of ordinary witch, and rushed directly to the peak of the middle stage of ordinary witch.

"Wow, that's awesome!!"

"A book title, just four words, has surpassed Wu Wudi's hundreds of years of hard work."

The original Wu Wudi was not young, according to memory, he was already hundreds of years old.

But at this age, he barely reached the realm of just entering the middle stage of the mortal witch.

Of course, this is the prehistoric world, hundreds of years are actually just a short time in everyone's eyes.

Wu Wudi, who got the benefit, immediately wrote furiously.

Then the introduction was also completed.

The realm of the peak of the middle stage of the mortal witch directly broke through to the late stage of the mortal witch!!

"It was so cool!!!"

"Martial arts novels have reached this level under the support of the Hongmeng system. No wonder I am not allowed to write fantasy novels. It really makes sense."

"The system is really awesome. I would like to call you the most awesome system."

Although a peak mortal wizard in the middle stage is a scumbag in the prehistoric world, if it is placed in a martial arts novel, it is definitely a god-like figure.

The strongest Tianlong Eight Steps is inseparable from birth, aging, sickness and death. Even if the Eight Desolations and Six Directions is the only one who is supreme, which is known as the eternal and eternal Changchun Gong, it takes thirty years to rejuvenate once.

Not to mention the destructive power and physical strength, Wu Wudi, who is in the middle stage of the mortal wizard, has lived for hundreds of years.

But just such a martial arts novel, with the blessing of the Hongmeng novel system, the name and introduction alone have made Wu Wudi a qualitative improvement.

Looking forward to it!

Wu Wudi is very much looking forward to the next writing.

Wu Wudi, who is full of motivation, is directly addicted to writing novels and can't extricate himself.

There is no Jiazi in the prehistoric world, and the cold is over and the years are unknown!!

After Wu Wudi's sleepless efforts day and night, he finally wrote Tianlong Eight Steps.

It also raised his realm from the middle stage of the mortal wizard to the peak of the wizard soldier realm.

Old Jin Grandpa has fourteen representative works, and he has only written one, which has crossed a great realm.

If he can finish writing the remaining thirteen books!!!

With an excited heart, Wu Wudi is more and more yearning for the future.

Although he still cannot cultivate his soul, if he can really prove his truth with force, wouldn’t it be even more awesome!!

Of course, the soul has many wonderful things, but the physical body also has many magical places.

For example, Wu Wudi’s organs now, although they have only been upgraded to a higher realm, are extremely sensitive.

With a pair of eyes, ants a few miles away can be clearly seen in his eyes.

With a pair of ears, he can hear the slightest movement within a radius of several miles.

With a nose, he can distinguish all kinds of smells in the air.

These are just the five senses, and the organs in the body are also quietly undergoing unpredictable changes.

So when a witch enters the cave, even if Wu Wudi writes wholeheartedly, he still finds out early

"I'm busy now, please stay aside."

This witch is not any other witch, but Wu Kong, the younger brother of Wu Wudi.

Wu Kong is tall and strong, and his appearance is extremely handsome.

In this free-range area, he is definitely considered a beautiful witch.

But standing in front of Wu Wudi, he is dwarfed.

Not only is his body smaller, but his appearance is even more eclipsed.

If Wu Kong's name is only spread in this free-range area, then Wu Wudi's reputation is spread throughout the witch clan.

Unfortunately, beauty is not popular in this prehistoric world.

Or in other words, in the witch clan, fists are more important.

So these two brothers are often given the title of vases in this free-range witch group.

Wu Wudi was seriously injured, and the two grandfathers had no choice but to turn Wu Wudi into this cave.

Now, a few years have passed, and not only has his brother not died, but his injuries have recovered.

But he...what is he doing?

Curious Wu Kong looked at Wu Wudi, who was concentrating on the animal skin.

When he wanted to get closer, an astonishing momentum directly forced him back.

"I'll say it again, stay aside"

"If you have anything to say, wait till I finish writing The Legend of Flying Tiger."

Wu Kong was shocked.

The realm of a wizard soldier.

And it's the peak!!!

Isn't his brother Wu Wudi in the middle stage of a mortal wizard?

He got injured in the past few years. Could it be a blessing in disguise?

With Wu Wudi's warning, Wu Kong no longer dared to make trouble.

Instead, he became curious. Seeing Wu Wudi busy, he couldn't help but pick up the animal skin scroll under his feet.

Wu Wudi, who was concentrating on writing The Legend of Flying Tiger, noticed Wu Kong's behavior, but didn't care at all.

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