"Haha, don't be afraid"

"If you join me, you will become a spy in the Wu clan."

"You will be a great help in the future, and it is not a problem to let you be the ancestor witch in the future."

Ya Zi wanted to leave, but suddenly he had an idea.

Looking at Wu Wudi in front of him, he suddenly had countless ideas.


Unfortunately, his idea was good, but it touched Wu Wudi's reverse scale. He did not hold back the peak power of the early stage of Taiyi Jinwu, and did not give the opponent any time to react.

Once he got close to the opponent, he pushed all the 72 Shaolin skills to the extreme.

The Yijin Sutra was the bone, the Xisui Sutra was the blood, the Da Guangming Sutra was the spirit, and the Vajra Indestructible Divine Art was the body.

With a lion's roar, he attacked with the most brutal and cruel of the 72 Shaolin skills, the Jiemie Claw.

"You are just an early stage Taiyi Jinxian, and you dare to attack me?"

"Do you want to die? ? ?"

Looking at Wu Wudi's claws full of flaws, Ya Zi's face was full of disdain.

However, as a Taiyi Golden Immortal at the peak of the middle stage, and also the son of Zulong, he is also extremely powerful and has experienced hundreds of battles.

Even if he looked down on him, he did not underestimate him in his actions.

He took out his innate magical powers, the Lu Ya Knife and the Sha Zi Sword.

The Lu Ya Knife has the energy of the White Tiger Gold Essence, and its main feature is its sharpness. The

Sha Zi Sword is full of evil and has a monstrous nature.

The knife and the sword are his companions. Although they are not innate spiritual treasures, they are also rare magic weapons among the acquired treasures.

But as soon as he took out his knife and sword, his head started buzzing. , was actually frightened by Wu Wudi's lion roar.

Fortunately, he reacted in time, and when Wu Wudi's claws touched him, he suddenly attacked.

One knife and one sword, directly stabbed Wu Wudi's chest.

I thought it would be a blow that would chill him to the bone, but I didn't expect that.

His own companion acquired treasure only pierced the opponent's skin and couldn't go any further.

But at this moment, Wu Wudi's claws had already grabbed it.


Ya Zi roared angrily, and quickly burned the demonic energy in his body.

Even if his realm regressed afterwards and he needed a million years to rebuild, he didn't dare to hesitate any more.


One knife and one sword, only then could Wu Wudi be barely penetrated.

"Why, you don't dodge!!!"

Ya Zi was confused.

According to his combat experience, Wu Wudi had enough time to dodge his attack.

But he didn't dodge, and when he stabbed his sword into his body, he also grabbed himself with his claws.

Feeling the tremendous power contained in the claws, Ya Zi was immediately horrified.

He wanted to die together with him!!

As soon as this reaction came to mind, he saw Wu Wudi's two arms like iron clamps tightly grasping his arms.

The feeling of his body being torn apart made him completely understand that Wu Wudi really wanted to die with him.

"Boy, what do you want to do? ? ?"

Ya Zi was panicking at this moment, frantically exploding his demonic energy to resist the tearing force in his body.

"Don't you know exactly what I want to do?"

Wu Wudi was determined to take down Ya Zi.

"Don't even think about it!"

Ya Zi was really scared at this moment, because the destructive power brought by Wu Wudi's claws had made him feel that his body was beginning to split apart.

"If changing back to the original form would be useful, why would I fight you to death!!"Ya Zi wanted to change back to his original form with a leopard body and a dragon head, but how could Wu Wudi let him do so? With the physical strength of Taiyi Jinwu, he forcibly suppressed his transformation. Even if the other party transformed into a demon body, Wu Wudi would show his Dharma body and suppress him tightly.

"You are crazy. Even if you kill me, you will not survive."

"We are all destined to be immortal, so why fight so hard!!"

After transforming back into his original form and being suppressed, Ya Zi could only desperately activate his life-defining magic weapon.

""If you want to blame someone, blame him. You shouldn't be here."

Wu Wudi snorted coldly, and Ya Zi screamed.


With his hands raised, Ya Zi's body split apart. His internal organs were scattered all around, and blood rained all over the sky.

Ya Zi died, and he died with his eyes open.

He didn't understand why a wizard in the early stage of Taiyi Jinwu could suppress him just from the strength.

Even if he had the blessing of two life-saving magic weapons, the Lu Ya Knife and the Sha Zi Sword, his strength was not as good as the other party.

This feeling is like a student trying to stab two knives into the body of a warrior in armor.

Ya Zi is the elementary school student, and Wu Wudi is the armored warrior.

The most terrifying thing is, The opponent is so powerful, but he still wants to fight with me to the death.

Is his brain broken? How can he fight like this?

Even a witch who is known as a battle maniac should not be like this.

To death.

Ya Zi doesn't understand either!!

The fight between the two ended in an instant, even if other witches found out.

When they arrived, all traces here had been wiped out by Wu Wudi.


He pulled out a knife and a sword, and the hot blood spilled on the ground, and the ground immediately burned.

Taiyi Jinwu's body, even a drop of blood was like a volcano.

Looking at the two terrifying holes on his chest, Wu Wudi didn't even frown.

""Shenzhaojing, don't let me down!!"

Muttering, Wu Wudi immediately activated the Shenzhaojing.

He dared to risk his life like this, that is, he believed in the power of Shenzhaojing.

Pulling out the Luya Knife and the Shazi Sword and throwing them on the ground, Wu Wudi's face was pale at this time.

These two knives are the companions of the evil seed Yazi.

You must know that their father is Zulong, a behemoth in the last infinite calamity.

Even if they are hybrids, they have benefited from Zulong.

The two magic weapons are full of boundless evil and sharp power.

Although he is now at the level of Taiyi Jinwu, he was hit by these two knives for no reason.

If there is no other means, relying solely on his own witch clan body.

He will not die, but it will be extremely difficult to recover.

And if there is someone at this time, they will find that a blood-colored energy is rising in Wu Wudi's body.

The injuries caused by the Luya Knife and the Shazi Sword have recovered visibly.

An hour later

"Awesome. So fucking awesome."

"In the future, I will not be afraid of anything when I fight!!"

Touching his chest, there was no wound, not even a mark left.

"The Shenzhaojing is already so awesome, what about the Jiuyangzhenjing? ? ?"

The Shenzhaojing can bring the dead back to life, and the Jiuyangzhenjing is known as the world's strongest endurance technique.

If you get both, then there will be no taboos in the battle.

This battle can be said to be carefully designed by Wu Wudi.

Even if he is one realm weaker than Yazi, if he plays by the rules and fights steadily, relying on the thousands of martial arts in his mind to strengthen his physical body, he will definitely win him.

This can be proved by the fact that he couldn't pierce his body with one blow.

Moreover, the speed of flying in the sky makes the opponent feel at a loss, not to mention all kinds of strange martial arts. But the bad thing is... Wu Wudi was afraid that he would use some means to leak the information of the Wudi tribe.

So he relied on the Shenzhaojing and came up with the most unstoppable fighting method.

First, he used the lion's roar to shock the opponent's mind, and then blessed the 72 Shaolin skills with his physical body to get close.

In the end, Wu Wudi did not choose the most exquisite flower-picking finger of the 72 skills, nor did he use the most domineering Vajra Palm, but chose the most murderous and cruel Jiemie Claw.

The purpose was naturally to tear Jiaozi apart alive.

The result was obvious, just as Wu Wudi imagined.

Not only did Jiaozi tear apart alive, but even his soul failed to escape, and was torn to pieces along with his physical body.

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