After thinking over the entire battle process, Wu Wudi was very satisfied with his body.

Although the Wu Clan cultivates the physical body and cannot cultivate the soul.

But from the perspective of the physical body alone, it is still very strong.

You must know that Ya Zi is one realm higher than himself, and he also uses a companion acquired treasure.

Even so, it is impossible for him to pierce through himself easily.

If he hadn't used something similar to the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Method, which instantly increased his strength tenfold, he might not be able to hurt himself if he stood there.

One billion Wu Clan practiced thousands of martial arts, is this a joke?

"If Ya Zi can find this place, it is possible that other monsters can also find this place."

"Judging from the current strength of the Wu tribe in Baiyili, it is completely possible to take action."

Wu Wudi's plan is to build a plank road in the open and sneak into Chencang.

Of course, the plank road in the open must be removed. His plan only sneaks into Chencang.

That is, use the novel he wrote, copy countless copies and distribute them to the Wu tribes in the entire Northern Wilderness.

Anyway, except for the Wu tribe, others will not gain anything from reading it.

Develop quietly and then surprise all the monster tribes.

Now it seems that this method may not work.

"Ya Zi is a middle-stage Taiyi Golden Immortal. It is said that the Red Flame Demon Ape guarding the gate here is only at the peak of the late Taiyi Golden Immortal stage."

"With my current background, I wouldn't say it's easy to kill him, but if I fight him to the death, he will definitely die."

"In this case, it seems that we have to change the plan."

"Use your own strength to build a plank road to attract the attention of all the monsters."

"Then he continued to distribute novels and secretly tried to see if he could reach the level of a Great Wizard."The level of a Great Wizard is also called the Golden Immortal. This level is strictly speaking a watershed in the prehistoric world.

Only when you reach this level can you barely be considered a 'first-class master' in the prehistoric world.

So before he reaches the level of a Great Wizard, Wu Wudi didn't want to attract more attention from the demon clan and the Heavenly Court. This is because the demon clan is also very powerful now, not to mention the saint Nuwa who has become a saint. The

Emperor of Heaven Di Jun and the Emperor of the East Taiyi are definitely the first echelon of the demon clan.

The second echelon is the Demon King Fuxi, the Demon Master Kunpeng, the Demon Queen Xihe, and the Moon God Changxi.

The third echelon is the Ten Great Demon Generals of the Heavenly Court, they are Ji Meng, Ying Zhao, Fei Dan, Fei Lian, Jiuying, Shang Yang, Bai Ze, Qin Yuan, Chi Tie, and Gui Che.

Any demon from any of the above echelons can beat Wu Wudi back to his original form.

So even if he could kill the Red Flame Demon Ape, Wu Wudi would never kill him.

"Wu Fan, Wu Kong, Chai Zhi, Chai Wan, Ni You, Ni Huo, come to see me immediately."

Now that we have a plan, we need people to execute it.

""Subordinates, pay homage to the leader!!"

The six people were the first to follow Wu Wudi in a nomadic community.

Among them, Wu Fan and Wu Kong had the closest relationship with Wu Wudi.

So whenever there was a new book, they were the first to read it.

Of course.

They were also very competitive and obtained countless skills from the ten novels.

Their realm was far ahead of other witch tribes, especially Wu Kong.

Because he had obtained the Yi Jin Jing before, he had been improving his physique and talent.

Later, he obtained the second supreme treasure book of Shaolin, Xi Sui Jing, and the Vajra Indestructible Divine Art of Shaolin's 72 unique skills.

Now he has reached the realm of the early stage of the Golden Witch, and is the second Golden Witch of the Wudi tribe after Wu Wudi.

The other five witches are all in the late stage of the Mysterious Witch.

"Everyone, how is your training of the Dog Beating Formation?"

The Dog Beating Formation is a formation of the Beggar Gang in the Eight Steps of the Heavenly Dragon. The stick technique in this formation is very simple.

However, as long as there are enough people, the power will be considerable.

In preparation for the battle, Wu Wudi arranged the Dog Beating Formation.

After all, the Dog Beating Stick Technique is not difficult and does not require much talent. As long as you are willing to practice, you can practice it successfully.

And treating the demons as dogs and beating them, this scene is very exciting.

"Our Wudi tribe has 16,000 people. After hundreds of years, all of them have learned the stick method."

"As long as the leader gives an order, the dog-beating formation can be formed"

""Chief, could it be? ? ?"

The seven people looked at Wu Wudi excitedly.

Since the day the tribe was founded, they said that the war between witches and liches was coming.

But now so many years have passed and it has not started yet. These witches can't wait any longer.

"Yes, the time is ripe."

Wu Wudi did not hide anything and casually told everyone about Ya Zi's infiltration into the Wudi tribe.

"This group of demons is becoming more and more lawless. When Hongjun merged with the Dao, he said that demons control the sky and witches control the earth."

"The heaven and earth were originally created by Pangu the Father God. We have given Hongjun face by letting them rule the heavens. We did not expect them to be so aggressive."

"The leader killed well. If we don't teach these monsters a bloody lesson, they won't cry out in pain."

The six witches were filled with righteous indignation, and they wanted to charge into the monster tribe right now and tear them into pieces.

"In this case, I will carry out a decapitation operation against the demons within 10 billion miles."

Wu Wudi was very satisfied with the cultivation of the six people.

"Please give the order, leader!!"

Seeing this, the six people were all excited.

Because they knew the war was about to begin!!

"Wu Fan, listen to my orders."

Since we are going to repair the plank road, we have to do it as fast as lightning.

""I'm here."

Wu Fan immediately accepted the order.

In private, the two were father and son, but now that the war was ahead, they were in a superior-subordinate relationship.

"The road from Qiyun Mountain to Beiyang Road is nearly 2 billion miles long, and there are nearly a thousand immortals and monsters."

"I'll give you one year, can you kill them all!!"

As the biological father of this witch body, Wu Fan, although he didn't acquire the two Shaolin sect's unique skills like Wu Kong, is also very powerful now.

He has the powerful Vajra Palm and the Bone-Dissolving Palm, two attack methods, one yin and one soft, which cooperate with each other in an extremely mysterious way.

He has the Heart, Will, Qi, Hunyuan Divine Art and the Withered and Flourishing Zen Art, which bring the power of burst and longevity to the extreme.

His body skills are capable of traveling thousands of miles in an instant, and the most important thing is that he has also acquired the Turtle Breathing Technique.

This Turtle Breathing Technique and the Withered and Flourishing Zen Art cooperate with each other, even if Taiyi Jinxian uses his divine thoughts, he can't find him.

If Wu Fan launches a sneak attack, who among the monsters in the same realm can be his opponent ?

"One year is enough time, I will definitely live up to the leader's expectations!!"

Wu Fan smiled proudly.

"Chai Zhi obeys orders...."

"Got the order!!"

"Ni You listens to the order...."

"Got the order!!"


In a blink of an eye, five of the six wizards had been arranged.

Wu Kong saw this and immediately became anxious, and shouted:"Chief, Chief, what about me?"

"Don't worry, your task is very important."

"Within 10 billion miles, there are nearly ten golden fairy monsters"

"I want you to kill them all within one year."

"Can it be done? ? ?"

Hearing Wu Wudi's words, the other six people took a deep breath. Among these ten Golden Immortals, the weakest ones were only in the early stage of Golden Immortal, and the strongest ones were at the peak of the late stage of Golden Immortal.

And Wu Kong, now was just a beginner of Golden Immortal.

"Haha, got it!!"

"If I can’t take down these ten golden immortals within a year, I will bring my head to see the leader."

Wu Kong was not only not afraid, he also immediately signed a military order.

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