"Brother, how come our demon race has been abandoned by heaven for a hundred years?"

As soon as Donghuang Taiyi came back, he immediately found Di Jun.

"Taiyi, you are finally back"

"What does a hundred years of abandonment mean? As long as the seven great innate wizards are killed, everything will be worth it."

"I think the Heavenly Dao did not punish the Emperor of Heaven because of his angry scolding. It should be because Donghuang killed the Wu clan too cruelly and almost wiped out this race. The Heavenly Dao felt that it punished him."

Without waiting for Donghuang Taiyi to speak, all the demon gods communicated with each other through their divine thoughts.

Even the Heavenly Emperor Di Jun felt the same after hearing this. The

Heavenly Dao scolded everyone, but why did it punish only himself?

It must be that my second brother did too much. I said that we should wait until the Zhoutian Xingdou formation was completed before the witches and demons would have a decisive battle.

You have annihilated all the Wu clan now, which is equivalent to slapping the Heavenly Dao in the face.

No wonder he came to clean up his own demon clan, it should be so.

But I am willing to take the blame.

Even Di Jun thought of this and felt that this hundred years of abandonment by heaven was very reasonable.

After all, it was only a hundred years, which was just a blink of an eye for the prehistoric world.

Perhaps these hundred years were just the last lingering of the Wu clan.

As for his wife and children...As long as the Wu clan is destroyed, he has many ways to revive them.

Donghuang Taiyi saw the expressions of the monsters and looked extremely embarrassed.

It's not right to say this, and it's even worse not to say it.

If I say it, I'm afraid it will dampen morale.

If I don't say it ,...This witch clan seems to have an unstoppable momentum

"I say, brother, just tell everyone!!"

Di Jun sat on the throne of the Emperor of Heaven. Now the destiny of the universe was disrupted again, and his River Map and Luoshu were powerless.

Otherwise, he could have calculated the result long ago.

Why would he let his second brother play dumb?

You know, his second brother is arrogant by nature. He holds the Chaos Bell and even looks down on saints. Only his elder brother with the same spirit can suppress him. He usually speaks frankly, but today it's strange.

Could it be that he won too easily and he didn't fight happily?

You know, he used to fight with the ancestors of witches. Without four or five ancestors, they couldn't stop his Chaos Bell.

That's right.

It's really embarrassing for adults to fight with children and show off.

Di Jun seemed to understand Donghuang Taiyi's thoughts

"How about this, everyone quickly return to your own natal star and seize the time to practice"

"Now there are only twelve bachelor commanders left in the Wu clan. As soon as our Zhoutian Xingchen formation is completed, it will be their death."

"This prehistoric time belongs to our demon race, and this era is destined to be the era of our demon race."

Abandoned by heaven for a hundred years is no joke.

Once you fall into this situation, you will be abandoned by heaven.

To put it simply, you will be excluded from the time and space of the prehistoric time.

Even your understanding of the Tao and the law will be gone.

To put it more exaggeratedly, even if you go out, you may be killed inexplicably.

If they were not in the Zhoutian Star Array, they might not be in the prehistoric time now.

This is the terrifying thing about being abandoned by heaven.

There are three reasons why Di Jun asked them to return to their natal stars.

One is to use their natal stars as their own. The bunker is a bit like"crossing the bridge" to prevent oneself from being abandoned by heaven.

The second one is that the natal star is one of the important components of the prehistoric world. Even if you want to kill it, it is very difficult to kill it unless you blow up the entire planet.

You must know that this is not an ordinary star, but the main star where the heavenly way runs the world.

Staying in it, even if you are abandoned by heaven, it will be reduced to a minimum.

The third one is naturally to cultivate the Zhoutian Star Array.

Now the powerful people of the entire demon clan can be said to be gathered in the Zhoutian Star Array.

It can be said that it suppresses the luck of the clan, and at the same time it can also avoid natural disasters and man-made disasters.

"Emperor, don't worry, we want to know the fate of those great witches."

"That's right, these innate wizards are all unruly and unruly. Now we want to know how they died."

"If we hadn't been told, we would have been itching to do it."

A group of demon gods looked at Donghuang Taiyi with curiosity.

The seven innate great witches of the witch clan were all tough and thick-skinned.

In these billions of years, they didn't know how many demons they had killed.

They were also the targets of their quasi-saints.

As opponents, they didn't have any sympathy for each other, but only hated each other.

Although they were shocked by this temporary plan, they admired Di Jun and Donghuang's methods more.

After all.

Who would have thought that Donghuang Taiyi, who entered the retreat to practice the Zhoutian Star Array, would actually come directly to the Heavenly Court holding the Donghuang Bell.

You must know that this was a death order from the Taoist Ancestor, but with such courage, why worry about not being able to kill these innate great witches?

"In that case, Taiyi, please tell me."

"Although you are bullying the weak, there is nothing to be ashamed of. Sooner or later, the whole world will know about this."

Di Jun also laughed, with a hint of mockery in his smile.

"I said, what did I say? ? ?"

Donghuang Taiyi was satisfied and bitter.

He thought he could escape, but he didn't expect that he would have to say it in the end.

He was too ashamed to talk about this kind of thing!!!

He was at the peak of the quasi-saint of the Changtang Hall, and he was holding the Chaos Bell.

He couldn't even deal with the seven innate great witches of the Wu clan, and he let them use him as a whetstone.

It would be fine if one broke through the realm of the ancestor witch, but what about these one after another.

Fortunately, he finally killed two, otherwise his face would be completely lost.

But now he is asked to kill. Should he tell all the monsters that I only killed two innate great witches.

The remaining five have all broken through the realm of the ancestor witch? ? ? ?

He couldn't say this.

But facing the expectant eyes of everyone, he, Donghuang Taiyi, also had a day when he was at a loss.

"Don't be embarrassed, brother."

"How did the seven great innate witches die? Now we all want to hear it."

"With your methods, whether it is the true fire of the sun, the divine fire of the golden crow, or the fist and foot skills,"

"Killing them is a piece of cake. You don't have to be embarrassed. This is a great thing for our demon race."

Di Jun and Tai Yi are twin brothers. Their abilities are clearer than anyone else's.

""Brother, I? ?"

Donghuang Taiyi opened his mouth, but he couldn't say anything.

He was the Donghuang of the demon clan, but he was actually used as a stepping stone by these innate great witches.

If this were to get out, where would his face be, and where would the face of the demon clan be.

Saints are fighting for a breath of air, not to mention that he is not a saint.

"Dong Huang, you are usually bold and straightforward, why are you hesitant now?"

"That's right, this is too boring."

Seeing this, all the demon gods sighed.

But it was this wave of sighs that made Donghuang furious.

"Shut up, everyone shut up!"

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