Donghuang Taiyi's angry shout surprised everyone.

They didn't understand why Donghuang Taiyi suddenly lost his temper.

"Bro, you don't have to be too sad."

"Xihe is the Fusang tree. As long as the Wu clan is destroyed, I can use the River Map and Luoshu to find his soul back."

"As for your nine nephews, they will not die either. With the Sun Star, as long as the Zhoutian Star Array is completed, I have a way to borrow the luck of the demon race to revive them."

Di Jun thought that his brother was blaming himself too much, so he quickly comforted him.

"Donghuang is so affectionate, we demons admire him"

"This is not Donghuang's fault, we will never blame you."

"The seven great witches of the Wu clan have been slaughtered. Donghuang has made great contributions."

The Emperor of Heaven Di Jun spoke, and the remaining demon gods quickly added

""Get out, all of you get out!!!"

Hearing these words, Donghuang Taiyi felt his cheeks flushed, which made him feel more uncomfortable than being slapped twice.

All the monsters were shocked when they heard this. Because they were scared. It was because Donghuang cursed and used all his power. The momentum was extremely terrifying.

The whole world was shaking. Fortunately, all the monsters who could be here were great gods.

If it were other creatures, they would have been killed by now.

"Dong Huang felt that he had failed in his duty, so he was furious. Please don't mind."

"Here, I apologize to everyone on behalf of Donghuang"

"Okay, let's go back!!"

Seeing this, Emperor Jun seemed to sense that something was wrong.

However, since he was able to be an emperor, in addition to the River Map and Luoshu, his character was not to be underestimated.

"Donghuang Dayi, we dare not blame"

"We are the ones who said too much. Xihe was Donghuang's sister-in-law. Her death had a huge impact on Donghuang."

"We bid farewell, and ask Donghuang and Tiandi to mourn!!!

Seeing this, the demon gods also found a staircase for themselves.

The demon gods left, leaving only the demon master and Xihuang Fuxi.

"Taiyi, you can speak now."

When Di Jun saw that there was no one around, his eyes became serious.

He knew Donghuang Taiyi's character. He was so angry that it was definitely not because of the death of Xihe and the nine little golden crows.

"I said?"

"What do you want me to say? ? ?"

Donghuang Taiyi rarely got angry at Di Jun.

"Tell me what happened."

Di Jun frowned, very dissatisfied with Taiyi's attitude.

"The ancestor witches have all broken through."

After Donghuang Taiyi finished speaking, he was like a deflated ball.

"What do you mean? ?"

Di Jun looked at Donghuang Taiyi in disbelief.

"Among the seven great witches, five of them have broken through to the realm of ancestor witches."

"My mission failed. They used me as a whetstone!!"

Donghuang Taiyi said hoarsely, almost growling.

"Impossible, how is this possible?"

Will Emperor Jun believe it at that time ?

"The strongest innate wizard is Xing Tian, but Taiyi, you have the Chaos Bell."

"As long as you shake it a few times, even the so-called God of War of the Wu Clan will be nothing but a waste in front of you."

At this time, the demon master Kunpeng stood up, with a look of dismay on his face.���Looking at Donghuang Taiyi with confidence

"Although the Great Wu of the Wu Clan is physically strong, he is more difficult to kill than the Golden Immortal of our demon clan."

"only...Taiyi, you are being a little unrealistic."

Fuxi also stood up.

In terms of combat power, except for the Saint Nuwa, Donghuang Taiyi is the strongest in the entire demon clan.

It can be said that Donghuang Taiyi is 50% of the credit for being able to compete with the twelve witch ancestors.

Now he said that he did not kill these witches, but let them break through.

Ghost believe it!!!

"Talk about it"

"Don't you want to listen?"

"What I am saying now is the truth, but why don't you believe me?"

Donghuang Taiyi clenched his fists.

He was very dissatisfied with himself in this battle, and now even his dearest brother didn't trust him.

But this was obviously the fact, and he said it only under their questioning.


Originally, this word should not appear on Donghuang Taiyi, but now he feels extremely uncomfortable.

The most important thing is that if it weren't for Tianqi, he would have a way to kill these innate great witches who had just broken through the ancestor witch.

But because he was concerned about his elder brother, he was afraid that there would be an accident in the Zhoutian Star Array, so he hurried back.

But this time, he ushered in the greatest shame in his life. But at this time, there was a monster asking him to speak out the shame clearly.

This made him more uncomfortable than killing him.

A dignified Donghuang, now there is such a time of grievance.

So in the face of everyone's incredible eyes, it broke out completely.

"Don't get excited, bro."

"I didn't say I don't believe you, it's just that what you said is too shocking."

Di Jun took a deep breath and suppressed his urge to kill someone.

He had just been tricked by the mysterious man of the Wu clan, causing the entire demon clan to be abandoned by heaven.

Now he heard this news again, and under the double blow, even he had a little indigestion.

And if it was really as Donghuang Taiyi said.

The Wu clan had five more ancestors, and this abandonment was coming for him.

He originally wanted to use Bai Ze to plot against the Wu clan, but he didn't expect to be pecked instead of catching the eagle.

"So, this plan failed."

"He also brought along two great gods, Chang Xi and Xihe, and nine little golden crows."

"Finally, it helped these innate witches achieve the realm of ancestor witches."

"and...Still five!!!"

The demon master Kunpeng was not satisfied with his awkward position.

He was called the demon master, but he had no real power.

But his position was still so high.

In fact, the demons now all regarded Donghuang Taiyi as their master.

Kunpeng had long been dissatisfied with his awkward position.

However, the two brothers had always done everything perfectly, and he had no room to play.

In addition, with the support of the Saint Nuwa, he could only hold his breath.

If it weren't for the demon flag, he would have returned to his own Beiming long ago.

Why suffer this punishment?

However, since he was controlled by the saint, Kunpeng was unwilling to be constrained all the time.

If there was an opportunity to make trouble, he wanted to fight for it.

Take the position of the third in command of the demon clan and take it over completely.

"What did you say? ? ?"

Donghuang Taiyi was furious. He had been so angry that he had no place to vent his anger. Now that Kunpeng had provoked him, how could he hold back?

"What I said is what you said."


"You did something so stupid, you won't be afraid to admit it now!"

"Just seven great witches have made you look like this."

"The Chaos Bell is in your possession, it is simply not a waste of this innate treasure."

Kun Peng spoke, showing no mercy.

"How dare you insult me!!!"

Dong Huang was furious.

"You did such a stupid thing, why don't you let me say it?"

Kunpeng narrowed his eyes slightly, and the aura around him was exhausted to the extreme.

There were countless streams of light flickering faintly behind him.

Kunpeng felt that it was not the right time to fight with Donghuang Taiyi.

But in terms of escape speed, he was definitely the first.

As long as Donghuang Taiyi dared to take action now, he would have a reason to leave the demon clan.

This was his calculation.

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