Either he takes over the power or he escapes.

Especially when he heard that the witch clan had five more witch ancestors, his determination became even stronger.

""Okay, okay, what do you want to do?"

At this moment, Di Jun shouted coldly.

The powerful force of the Golden Crow stopped Donghuang Taiyi and Kunpeng.

"Now is not the time to have conflicts. The most important thing is to practice the Zhoutian Star Array first."

"As long as this formation is completed, let alone five more witch ancestors in the Wu clan, even if there are ten more, we can crush them directly."

At this time, Fuxi spoke.

He is the elder brother of the saint Nuwa, and he has a very important position in the entire demon clan.

Even if the entire demon clan is in turmoil, the only person they dare not offend is Fuxi.

Of course, this includes Kunpeng.

So often, Kunpeng wants to make friends with Fuxi.

Unfortunately, Fuxi just keeps a distance from him and does not have a very deep friendship.

"Today, I will give Emperor Xi a favor"

"But... Donghuang, you should take care of yourself."

Kunpeng snorted coldly and then disappeared in front of everyone.

"The most important thing now is to revive Xihe from the Taiyin Star. Otherwise, without the Taiyin Star, the Zhoutian Star Array will not be complete."

Seeing Kunpeng leave, Fuxi looked at Dijun.

"As it should be"

"Second brother, you should take a good rest first."

"Let Fuxi and I revive Xihe!!"

Although he knew that Donghuang Taiyi was wronged, Dijun had no other choice.

After all, it was he who had lost his wife and children.

Although there was a way to revive him, that was after defeating the Wu clan.

Now...How could he have the energy to do these things?

Buzhou Nanshan.

Peach Forest.

In a special void barrier, Wu Wudi exuded an extremely terrifying aura. The power gained from the cultivation of billions of people in the Wu Clan, plus the power gained by the seven innate great witches who broke through the realm of the ancestor witch.

Directly pushed his realm again and again.

From the early stage of the ancestor witch to the current late stage of the ancestor witch. He only needed one more force to break through to the peak realm of the late stage of the ancestor witch.

And this power, Wu Wudi had already started to prepare when Xing Tian and the others came back.

"Here it comes!!"

As the voice of the Hongmeng novel system sounded in his mind, Wu Wudi looked overjoyed.

【Kuafu resonated with Uncle Lei by reading your Swords of Legends and obtained his martial arts secret book: Clavicle Soul-Stirring Heavenly Buddha Fist】

【Kuafu practiced the Clavicle Soul-Stirring Heavenly Buddha Fist....】


【Xiang Liu resonated with Ye Aichan by reading your amazing shot and obtained his martial arts secret book: Liuhe Qinglong Qiankun Dazhen】


【Xing Tian resonates with Fu Hongxue by reading your Swords of Legends, and obtains his martial arts secret book: The Great Compassion of Yin and Yang in the Heaven and Earth】

【Xing Tian practiced the Great Compassion Ode to the Interaction of Yin and Yang between Heaven and Earth....】


As the seven innate ancestor witches practiced, countless energies poured into Wu Wudi's body.

The peak state of the ancestor witches in the late stage was directly broken, and this power came fiercely.

At this time, countless law powers were generated in Wu Wudi's body, but these law powers were extremely mysterious and complex.

And the most important thing is that the law power in his body seems to be more powerful than the law in this prehistoric world.

For example, if the Tai Chi or the Pure Yang Law is the power of ten in the prehistoric world, then the law in his body can exert a power of twenty or even more.

"Not enough, not enough, still a little bit short"

"Breakthrough, give me all breakthroughs!!"

As Wu Wudi circulated the internal skills, his body was like a runaway train, emitting a terrifying roar.

But the magical thing was that these powers were only limited to within three feet of Wu Wudi.

If there were someone now, seeing Wu Wudi's current state, they would be shocked beyond words.

It was because at this time, within three feet of Wu Wudi's body, countless elemental powers such as wind, fire, thunder, lightning, time and space burst out. Under the stirring of these elemental powers, the void was as fragile as paper.

He was in the void, but he entered the three-foot chaos.

It turned out that it was Wu Wudi's huge physical power that directly broke the void and fell into the chaos deep in the space.

Even a saint had to be cautious when facing the power of chaos.

But at this time, Wu Wudi, who was sitting in the chaos, directly suppressed the chaos.

Countless chaotic auras, when they saw Wu Wudi, were like chickens seeing a tiger, and they were trembling with fear.

Between Wu Wudi's breaths, the chaotic auras poured into Wu Wudi's body.

""Mountain Scripture, Immortal Seal, Thousand One!!!"

When Wu Wudi's aura reached its limit, he used the three in his body to the extreme.

Under the blessing of the Mountain Scripture, the power in Wu Wudi's body turned into a violent angry dragon.

Like the roar of the abyss of hell, the whole chaos trembled.

At this critical moment, countless laws emerged in Wu Wudi's body.

The pure yang law of the nine suns, the black hole law formed by the North Sea Divine Art, the extreme sword energy of the Six Meridians Divine Sword, the extreme sword energy of the Dugu Nine Swords, the Tai Chi Yin Yang Fish, and the Nine Nether Laws formed by the Nine Yin Manual.....

Thousands of laws emerged from Wu Wudi's body, as if they were about to break free from their restraints.

But there seemed to be a terrifying power in Wu Wudi's body that prevented these laws from escaping from his body.

At this life-and-death moment, even a desperate dog will jump over the wall, let alone these laws.


Suddenly, Wu Wudi's body seemed to have become a battlefield. Thousands of laws directly fought in Wu Wudi's body.

But Wu Wudi's body was not indestructible, even though it was maintained by the power of many laws.

But as the battle became more intense, Wu Wudi's body was like broken porcelain.

One piece after another fell off.

Finally, with a loud bang, Wu Wudi's entire body shattered into pieces.

Without the traction of a physical body, all the laws were thought to dissipate in the void, or take the opportunity to become spirits.

An inexplicable black fish suddenly emerged from Wu Wudi's broken body.

"Immortal Seal, reshape the immortal body, rise!!"

Wu Wudi roared, and his body recovered.

With the law as the bones, he constructed the skeleton of the whole body.

With the law of the spirit as the flesh and blood, he constructed the blood.

Many laws performed their duties and formed the internal organs.

At this time, Wu Wudi, even a hair on his body was made of a law.


But the law is not so easy to subdue, let alone this kind of Hongmeng law.

When Wu Wudi built his body, there was a domineering rage in his body.

The law of Huangtian, the law of Tianmo, and the law of the four doors of the screen....Wait, under the guidance of these independent laws,

Wu Wudi's newly constructed body collapsed again.

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