After some research by the witch with a heart, he actually got some extremely remarkable information.

The human race, whom they had ignored before, turned out to be quite similar to them in terms of innateness.

They were also born with a Tao body, but this was the body of Pangu, the father god.

Most creatures in the entire prehistoric world have a body, such as the Three Pure Ones, who were actually transformed from the remaining thoughts of Pangu.

Such as a wisp of wind, a cloud, a flower, a tree, etc. in the prehistoric world.

From saints to ants, all have a body.

As for their witch clan and human race, they are born with an innate Tao body.

This innate Tao body is not the innate Tao body in cultivation.

It is a kind of flesh formed by all creatures in order to better cultivate the laws of heaven and earth.

Hence the name: Tao body.

In addition, now they are being slaughtered by the demon clan, and the enemy of their enemy is their friend.

Although they look down on such weak friends from the bottom of their hearts, it does not stop them from extending a helping hand.

"The saint gave up on us, but we never expected that you would be the ones to lend a helping hand in the end."

"We will never forget the kindness of helping others in times of need."

"However, we humans will strive to improve ourselves and will never hold the Wu Clan back."

Ancestor Qian spoke and directly finalized the sworn brotherhood between the two clans.

At the same time, all the ancestors nodded.

The hundreds of millions of humans did not hesitate at all.

Between life and death, someone gave you a hand and supported you unconditionally.

To be able to do this, it is not for you or anything. The human race was moved to tears.

At this time, the heaven and earth felt something.

The human race felt an inexplicable relief on their heads, and at the same time, the entire prehistoric world exploded.

"Human race, Saint Taiqing actually gave up on the human race?"

"My God, this is the foundation of his enlightenment, and he just gave up like that."

"Weird, too outrageous, after becoming a saint, can you still break the oath of heaven? ?"

The prehistoric world was shocked.

The Taiqing Saint in the Saint's Palace was emitting a more powerful light.

According to normal understanding, if you make a heavenly oath and break it, you will definitely be retaliated.

But at this time, the Taiqing Saint not only did not have a backlash, but the aura around him became even stronger.

Unfortunately, there was no one around, and they didn't know what had happened to the Taiqing Saint at this time.

Instead, Yuanshi and Tongtian wandered outside the palace, with worries on their faces not concealed at all.

""Brother, what's going on?"

Yuan Shi frowned.

"Although we support the demon race, we cannot completely abandon the human race!!"

The Three Pure Ones founded the religion. Although it seems that the Chan and Jie religions have nothing to do with the human race, they are closely related. The two saints were puzzled, but at this time, Laozi directly blocked the door with the Tai Chi diagram, so that the two saints could not enter at all.

"In that case, we are brothers."

"One family doesn't have two different opinions."

"Your current situation is very dangerous, so come back to Buzhou Mountain with me!!"

Kuafu nodded, very satisfied with Qianzu's attitude.

I didn't expect that such a great man could exist in the small human race.

"Please tell us, Kuafu, why the demons want to slaughter our human race."

This is what the nine ancestors of the human race have never been able to figure out.

Although the demons have slaughtered their human race before, this kind of large-scale slaughter is the first time.

"Actually, I am not in a position to answer this question."

"Why don't you ask the Xuandu Master?"

Kuafu shook his head and looked at the Xuandu Master.

"You can call me Xuandu!!"

Xuandu shook his head. After this incident, he seemed to have made up his mind.

"Are you sure?"

Kuafu looked at the Xuandu Grand Master in surprise.

You have to know that the title of Grand Master was given by the Taiqing Saint Laozi.

This title represents the authority of the Human Sect.

Although there are only two people in the Human Sect now, the Taiqing Saint and the Xuandu Grand Master.

But it does not mean that they have no power. The Taiqing Saint is the biggest power.

Even the Xuandu Grand Master, as long as he shows the Human Sect, there will be countless powerful people in this prehistoric world willing to come out and join him.

"I am a human first, and then a great master of Xuandu of the human religion"

"Now the human race is almost gone, what use do I have for this great magician?"

Xuan Du smiled bitterly.

He thought that by worshipping the saint as a teacher, he could protect the human race.

He did not expect that in the end, under the game of the saints, the human race was abandoned.

"Xuandu, we are very happy that you are willing to come back"

"But we humans can't just die in obscurity like this, tell me what's going on?"

Qian Zu looked at Xuan Du.

"This matter...."

Xuandu's mouth became more bitter, but facing his people, he still told them everything he knew.

"Witch-killing sword?"

"Killing 90 billion of us humans just to refine a witch-killing sword!!"

"The plan of the saints, is this to kill the witch clan, or to exterminate our human race as well!!"

The nine great ancestors were angry, and the remaining 10 billion human races were even more resentful.

The human race has only had a population of 100 billion since its inception.

In just ten years, the population has decreased by 90 billion.

Now the entire prehistoric world is filled with resentment, and the souls of our own human race are still roaring.

This hatred. Cannot be let go.

Cannot be relieved!!!

"I want revenge!"

I don't know which human shouted this.

Then the whole human race roared.

The sky and the earth changed color, and the whole sky suddenly became dark.

Countless dead souls turned into a gust of wind, and skulls and ghosts visible to the naked eye could be seen everywhere.

"I want revenge, I want revenge"

"Give me back my life, demon clan, give me back my life"

"My child is less than one year old and I have to take care of him. How can he live without me?!"


With the call of the human race, many dead souls turned into entities between heaven and earth.

At the same time, the Heavenly Dao was moved, and the dead souls transformed by the human race had a new name.

It was called:


For a while, the whole prehistoric world was in an uproar.

Because in the prehistoric world, death was the most normal thing.

But because of the human race, there was actually another race between heaven and earth.

Originally, there was nothing strange about this, but it was named by the Heavenly Dao.

This is an incredible thing.

There are many creatures in the prehistoric world. Because of the human race, it can be said that the four saints were fulfilled.

Now because of the human race, the Heavenly Dao announced that there is another race in the world.

But these two races are derived from humans.

This kind of honor is not available in the whole prehistoric world, even in ancient times, prehistoric times, and ancient times.

The dragons, phoenixes, and unicorns before the Longhan catastrophe never had this kind of treatment.

So all the prehistoric bigwigs are speculating.

But now the Heavenly Dao is not obvious, the Heavenly Mystery is disordered, and it is impossible to see the reason at all.

"Is this what adults call a 'ghost'? ?"

Kuafu looked at the resentful souls in the sky and couldn't help but admire Wu Wudi even more.

Before coming, Wu Wudi had already told him the result.

And this time, he just came here to execute it.

Moreover, Wu Wudi also said that there would be a great opportunity here.

Except for Xingtian, the remaining six innate ancestor witches were all immersed in the practice of Fengyun Jue.

Seeing that no one came, Kuafu had to come by himself.

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