As for the so-called opportunity, Kuafu actually didn't know.

This was the only thing that Wu Wudi didn't tell him.

There have always been wandering souls between heaven and earth.

Before this, they didn't have names.

Perhaps they didn't deserve names at all, because most cultivators died and couldn't leave their souls at all.

The fighting power of Honghuang was too fierce, and everything they did was to kill the primordial spirit.

Even if they could be left behind, they were just some scattered thoughts.

These things are not good when alive, let alone after death.

Moreover, the naming of the Heavenly Dao allowed these dead souls to occupy the light of the human race.

In a short time, like bamboo shoots after rain, the strength of countless souls and consciousnesses soared into the sky.

Gradually, there was another kind of aura in all directions of heaven and earth.

Ghostly aura.

But Kuafu at this time didn't know it at all.

He looked at the resentful souls in the sky, and then looked at the human race abandoned by the saints.

"How pitiful!!"

Kuafu felt it, and the ten thousand paths of the Ten Thousands of Paths in his body started to run wildly.

At the same time, the underworld under the Nine Netherworlds was also ready to move.

"So that's how it is, my way is here!!"

Kuafu looked up and laughed.

At this time, he finally understood what Wu Wudi meant by the opportunity, and the six saints of heaven and earth also looked over.

"Become a saint, the witch clan becomes saint again?"

"Everyone, don't let him become a saint, take action!!"


Among the six saints, the reactions of the two saints from the west and Nuwa were the most intense.

On the other hand, the Great Pure Daode Tianzun was the most calm, because he was no longer in the prehistoric world.

Yuanshi and Tongtian, who had already returned to their own caves, saw that the Great Pure Laozi did not move, so they also watched without moving.

The two saints from the west exuded endless Buddha power, and the void was like thin paper. Wherever the two forces passed, all the creatures in the prehistoric world had to retreat.

On the other hand, Nuwa was the most ruthless when she took action.

The way of creation is not just creation, it can also cause a person's body to mutate.

And Nuwa wanted to destroy it directly from the inside, which directly ruined Kuafu's practice.

"Kuafu, just break through, and leave the rest to me."

But before the three saints' powers could descend, Xing Tian blasted out with one palm and took over the three saint powers.

"Xing Tian, do you dare to stop us?"

"You just broke through to the level of wizard saint, and you dare to be an enemy of the three of us."

"Amitabha, please let Xingtian die!!"

The Three Saints whispered and prepared to use their real bodies.

But at this moment, the voice of Kuafu rang out between heaven and earth.

"Ten thousand ways of the gods, ten courts of hell!!"

An endless dark ghost energy gushed out from under the nine springs. Wherever it passed, even the evil spirits of the earth could not stop it.

"How is it possible that it is the power of the Nine Netherworld?"

"Hell, Yellow Springs, the Six Paths of Reincarnation, he actually triggered this kind of power"

"Could it be that the position of the underworld will appear in his body?"

With the emergence of this power, the three saints dared not make any unusual moves.

The laws of the prehistoric world will be gradually completed.

Just like the saints, since they can become saints, they will definitely become an important member of the prehistoric world.

It is a bit similar to the various departments in a company.

When the prehistoric world was first established, there was only one major shareholder, Hongjun.

Later, six major departments were slowly formed.

However, with the passage of time, the company has developed rapidly, and the six major departments can no longer meet the existing management.

Therefore, the company must expand. This is the general trend, and no department has the power to stop it.

If you want to stop it, it will go against the development of the company.

Of course, you can't stop it, but you can use some small tricks in secret.

For example, the financial department makes false accounts, the sales department cheats on performance, and the technical department makes trouble......

The three saints looked at each other and retracted their true bodies, but their secret methods continued.

"Hum, I don't know what that means"

"My Lord, I have already figured out your little tricks."

Xing Tian sneered.

Using himself as a guide, he connected the evil spirits between heaven and earth.

"Xingtian, you are so brave"

"You dare to stir up the Western Earthly Evil Qi, do you want to destroy all living things in the world?"

The pure air of the Nine Heavens is everywhere, and the Earthly Evil Qi naturally exists everywhere. The simplest way to deal with the two Western saints is to stir up the Earthly Evil Qi suppressed under the Western Dragon Vein.

In this way, even the two Western saints will be in a mess. As for Nuwa, Xingtian is even more violent.

The Earthly Evil Qi directly turns into a big axe of the sky, and even the Nuwa Palace will be terrified with one axe.

"I am now in charge of the six reincarnations. Are you willing to enter my underworld and become the Yama Kings of the Ten Courts?!"

The six reincarnations have emerged from the Nine Netherworlds. Kuafu knew that as long as he wanted, the holy position of the Lord of Hell would be his.

However, he was a witch and was unwilling to be controlled by the way of heaven.

When the six reincarnations landed, Wu Wudi also gave him ten thousand ways to deal with it.

Ten thousand ways of heaven, ten Yama Kings.

I achieved the power of the six reincarnations, and the ten Yama Kings shared the holy position of heaven and earth.

In this way, they achieved each other.

After all, the human race is the most important part of the operation of the way of heaven, and I put them in the ten Yama Kings.

And I also use the power of the ten thousand ways of heaven to control the power of the six reincarnations.

Such a win-win plan, when Kuafu heard it, he couldn't help but slap his thigh and shouted"Awesome"’

"Is it really possible? ?"

When Qian Zu heard this, his eyes lit up.

Although the human race is now in the prehistoric world, it is like a tree without roots and water without a source.

It is precisely because of this that the result of allowing the demon race to slaughter them is caused.

If they become the Ten Kings of Hell and control the six reincarnations of hell.

Then the underworld will become their home ground and they will no longer be controlled by anyone.

Of course, this is what Ren Zu thought.

The real behind-the-scenes means is that Wu Wudi decided to use human way to control the underground way.

Then use human way and underground way to deal with heaven.

You must know that in the original work, Hou Tu evolved The underworld, in the end, only ended up with a half-saint.

Although it gave the witch clan the last pure land, it also completely clamped down on the underworld.

And humanity was even worse.

All previous emperors were directly suppressed in the Fire Cloud Cave.

Humanity seems to still exist, but it is even worse than the underworld.

After the Five Emperors, humanity was completely wiped out.

In this way, the Heavenly Dao perfectly controlled all power.

Similarly, in the prehistoric world, the three paths of heaven, earth, and man were also complete.

In this way, his entire heaven and earth system was perfected, but the Heavenly Dao was the biggest beneficiary.

"Of course you can, as long as you are willing, now you are the Ten Kings of Hell"

"The six paths of hell, the underworld, are all under your control."

Kuafu smiled slightly.

He did not expect that the opportunity he obtained from watching the Wind and Cloud Art came from here.

Of course, only he knew the twists and turns.

If he rashly took the six paths of reincarnation, he was afraid that there would be no reincarnation power except the six paths. Moreover, the way of heaven would be restricted, and he would always be a puppet of the way of heaven.

But now it is different, with the power of the way of man and the way of earth, although it is still a puppet of the way of heaven. But at least the human race has obtained a piece of pure land, and Wu Wudi has other arrangements afterwards.

The most important thing is that he has also become a saint of the six paths of reincarnation under the ten thousand ways of reincarnation.

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