As the saying goes, first strike is strong, then suffer.

The sudden break of the long-haired face and resistance scared everyone present into a cold sweat!

After all, people's desire to survive in desperate situations is very strong.

And the few people present had already had a preconceived idea, and they didn't expect that the long-haired face actually had a back hand....

After all, his hundred and dozens of horse boys had been completely sent to Jesus by Wei Chen and others

, and they did not expect that the long-haired face would suddenly want to fight to the death, and both would lose...

But this also gave Wei Chen a wake-up call, that is, never underestimate anyone, otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable!

But fortunately, Gao Jin's reaction speed was fast enough, and he directly chopped off the long-haired hand...

Wei Chen looked at Gao Jin on the side, smiled and muttered, "It is worthy of being Gao Jin in a suit, violent and concise, and deadly moves!" "


The brute swung his axe a few more times and slashed at the long-haired face that was no longer human, only then did he breathe a sigh of relief.

In just a few tens of seconds, the long furry face of this red horned ground snake has completely turned into minced meatloaf!

Only half of the missing pieces of human flesh fell to the ground, indicating that he once existed in this world....

I also have to sigh that the world is impermanent.

The day before, the long hairy face was still playing poker with a few little wives, and this would have gone to hell....

At this time, several big men in suits and more than a dozen men in Tang costumes walked quickly covered in blood.

It seems that they have also completely solved those dwarf mules.

Wei Chen took a deep breath of smoke, "Let's go, it's time to join Brother Qiang and them." "

Wei Shao, you go first, I'll see if the van can still drive..." Ah Si scratched his head embarrassedly.

Wei Chen smiled, "What a big deal, if you don't have a car, you won't have a car, just walk back to digest the nutrients in your stomach."

Saying that, he pointed to a pile of minced meat on the ground.

Wei Chen's words also dissolved the oppressive atmosphere a lot.

Ah Si took a few people to drive, while Wei Chen took dozens of people to the direction of the street.

When leaving, he glanced in the direction of the barbarian bull's shout just now, and immediately saw an errand restaurant!

And the three-story poor hall, although the lights are bright at this time, but it is deserted, as if there is no one inside.

"It seems that the green skin in the mission hall also knows what happened..."

This is a regular occurrence on Hong Kong Island.

If it is a small number of people, Greenskin can also intervene, but like more than a hundred people....

They can't manage it, and they don't dare to manage it.

Today's Xiangjiang is still a colony, and most of the green skins are only symbolic pretenses.

Most of the dwarf mules that went to prison to eat royal rice were sent in by Greenskin as other wanted criminals.

Don't think that this kind of thing is rare, think of the dwarf mule as a wanted criminal, but in the fifties and sixties, that is

, the era when Relo was found, it was already a frequent occurrence!

Not to mention that now on this street, there are hundreds of salted fish, countless stumped limbs and broken arms, and thick bloody all around

, after all, no one knows, two gangs of fire and horses, whether there are pistols and other lethal weapons!

Therefore, even if the green skin on the mission hall sees it, he will pretend not to know....

The cigarette held by his fingers emitted wisps of mist, and Wei Chen looked at the mission hall through the white smoke, and without turning his head, he said,

"A Jin, you said that if we cut so many people, will it be the kind of person who committed the most evil crimes?"

The indifferent Gao Jin on the side did not hesitate in the slightest and replied, "No, because we are different from the dwarf mule."

"The dwarf mule is the kind of person who sins heavily, and if we get rid of them, it is to sweep away evil and save up the yin!"

Hearing this, Wei Chen laughed.

"Yes, we are doing our part to eliminate harm to the people, sweep away evil and ensure the safety of Hong Kong Island..." The

group had just walked into the street, suddenly! Seven or eight vans roared in an instant, and the target was Wei Chen and the others!

In an instant, everyone became alert.

Because the vehicle's high beams are too dazzling, it is impossible to tell whether it is friend or foe!

In an instant, Wei Chen saw that the rear door of the black van led by him was open....

And the person who came into Wei Chen's eyes in the back of the vehicle was wearing a suit with a big back with a defiant face!

In an instant, he could see who this person was.

It's Liu Huaqiang!

At this moment, Liu Huaqiang was smiling and looking directly at Wei Chen.

In this kind of scene, how weird it is, how weird it is!

Wei Chen's heart suddenly clicked, and a bad premonition suddenly poured in... Heavenly Spirit Cover!


Let's talk about the situation, the first volume is actually about the protagonist discovering the internal chaos of the Great Circle Gang, the ambition of the hall owner, and the balanced layout of the dragon head, and the protagonist does not want to mix these things and decides to set up his own portal!

And the first volume is born from the heart, the protagonist is unfamiliar with life after returning from abroad, and the sense of existence is relatively low, and I also buried a lot of foreshadowing in this volume at the beginning, so many readers will feel that the protagonist's sense of existence is low, and the second volume begins: unscrupulous means to achieve the end, ruthless.

And the definition of this book from the beginning is cool text, all the way to the end cool to the end, so there are many slots, that's for sure, readers who like this book ruthlessly kill decisively, you have to bear more ha!

Also, the author is an old fan of comics, and the combat power will definitely not collapse! It will definitely not crash! Rest assured!

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