From God's point of view, this is not at all like an ordinary street with people.

Now, it's more like a slaughterhouse to hell!

No one knows what happened here, because the nearby passage was completely blocked by two vans.

Nearby civilians only know that there seems to be a fire, which has occurred here for a long time.

Screams, pain, grief, wailing, etc., all kinds of chilling sounds, are constantly emitted on this street.

But gradually, all kinds of harsh and tragic sounds gradually fell.

In an instant, there was an incomparably oppressive coldness, and a strong smell of blood...

The brute bull fiercely kicked a bloody broken arm, carrying a numb long-haired face, and came to Wei Chen's side.

Just now, the long hairy face was still struggling, but after the brute bull's fist slammed into his face...

He was honest in an instant, and changed into a look like he was being slaughtered.

It seems like a lamb who can be bullied and manipulated at any time.

Seeing this scene, Wei Chen smiled.

It is clear that this guy did not follow the rules first, and now he still has a grievance, and it is also difficult for him....

But even if the long-haired face does nothing, it is estimated that it will be difficult to escape!

Because, he himself knows that he has encountered hard stubble today.

A group of big men in suits and Tang suits, picked up machetes, and slashed at a group of running dwarf mules, leaving them no way to live.

And the dwarf mule, who can run, has also lost the most basic combat effectiveness....

Feeling out a cigarette and lighting it, Wei Chen turned to Ah Si, who had just got out of the car, and said, "Ah Si, see if your brother has any deaths and injuries, and I will cover all the expenses of death and injury." "

Although Wei Chen doesn't have money yet, he is not generally good at drawing cakes and winning people's hearts!

Ah Si looked not far away, a group of Tang costumed men who were chasing the dwarf mule chopping, walked over with a big grin, and spoke, "All of our brothers came down from the battlefield with me, these small scenes, there should be no big problem..."

"What's more, just now I drove with my subordinates to bump the dwarf mule on the opposite side."

"Attracting such a large amount of firepower, at most, it will only be injured, and death should be impossible..."

Ah Si's determination finally gave Wei Chen a reassuring pill.

He just wanted to say something, but suddenly the long-haired face broke free from the grip of the brute bull, suddenly took a few steps back, and reached behind his waist, as if he wanted to take out something...

Wei Chenxin said badly, it is estimated that this long-haired face still has a back hand, the biggest possibility, it is estimated to be a pistol!

He just wanted to throw out the Tang knife in his hand, but suddenly saw Gao Jin in a dark black suit rushing over

, only to hear a "pop", and a fruit knife instantly pierced into the right arm of the long hairy face and pulled out the weapon at the back of the waist!

The next moment, Gao Jin suddenly kicked and kicked directly on the chest of the long hairy face.


In an instant, the long fur face flew backwards like a leather ball, and several ribs were kicked off.

But at the moment of falling to the ground, he did not cover his chest, but gritted his teeth and continued to grope for something on his body with his only remaining left hand....


When Longhairy Face was pulling out his weapon, Gao Jin had already come to his left side.

He held a knife in his hand, raised and fell, and directly cut off his entire left arm in an instant!

"Ahhhhhh At this moment, the long-haired face could not bear the pain of breaking his arm, and let out an extremely tragic wail.

With a "bang", his severed arm fell to the ground, along with the pistol he had grasped in his hand.

At this moment, no one has mercy on the hairy face.

Instead, it was full of killing intent!

Spit out a cloud of mist, Wei Chen waved his hand, "Just kill him for me, what kind of moth will come out of the province." "

After all, he came out to do things for the first time, and the moment he took out his pistol with a hairy face, he also broke out in a cold sweat....

The hideous-faced brute nodded and walked quickly to the long-haired face without waiting for him to speak.


The brute had already picked up the axe and slashed three or four times on his braincase, and the paste splattered to the ground.

Every time he picked up the opening axe, he would create a breaking wind sound in midair..........

And the brute did not lie, on the street.

In front of so many people, he kept his promise....

Stand in place and wield the axe, and chopped the long hairy face into meat sauce!

The next moment, he looked up in a certain direction, and the urn shouted and roared.

"Police, come out and wash the floor!!"

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