Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 100 The Lonely Flying Tiger Released

Time passed, and on April 11, when all the post-production of Lonely Flying Tiger was completed, not to mention that he asked Zhao Qiang to lead a team to buy waste paper. It was already in progress.

Even the opening of a chain of supermarkets was being arranged. When he learned that Cheng Long had become the spokesperson, Li Guoxing also came over to reorder 30 million cans of A'Long. Director Zhao wasted money and money, totaling 75 million.

Selling a Hurricane Rescue costs less on the sell-out fee, but what about bringing the goods? With the extra money, he invested 50 million for 70% of the shares. Cheng Long, Hong Yanbao, Yuan Biao, and Lin Zhengying pooled more than 20 million and 30%, and let the professional managers buy the supermarket land and then renovate it. What.

In an era when the dozens of floors of an office building in the Carnegie Building in Central cost HK$1 billion, more than HK$70 million is needed to buy land for a comprehensive commercial complex? It's not difficult to buy an old building with three or five floors and several thousand square meters per floor. If it's not enough, just keep adding more money. Anyway, the situation is very flexible.

It will take some time for supermarket chains to open.

The box office of Hurricane Rescue has also come out in its second week, with 12.3 million U.S. dollars, which adds up to 24.47 million U.S. dollars in the first weekend. If it is released in Hong Kong Island, it will basically take more than 60% of the box office in the first ten days, and then it will drop in the next 20 days. Reflected.

In three weeks, the entire audience in Hong Kong was basically immersed in it.

But A-Mei is very flexible about how long it takes to show a movie. Horror movies are generally shorter, three or four weeks. For other genres, if there are few good movies in the same period, the duration is very flexible.

For example, Back to the Future can earn hundreds of millions at the box office. It was the box office champion for 11 consecutive weeks, and Titanic lasted longer.

Of course, for ordinary Hollywood blockbusters, the box office in the first weekend and the next week basically takes away half of the final box office data, but everyone knows that Hurricane Rescue is different. It stars an all-Chinese cast. In the early stage, it can only rely on Zhang Guorong fans and action movie fans. Watching movies.

With more than 24 million US dollars earned in two weeks, Zhang Guorong continues to promote and cooperate with Warner's other promotional offensives. It will not drop too much in the following weeks.

It's a movie starring all Asians. Countless people may not be interested in it after hearing about it, and are too lazy to watch it. They really want to eat Xuanfa.

Zhao Donghuai was sitting in the office of Zhao's Pictures, a little dumbfounded. At this time, the schedule was a little confusing?

Get a summer release? I have a lot of time for students to party during the summer vacation. Is it going to be released now? It's now being released just in time to take over the glory brought by Hurricane Rescue.

Ah Wing has been pulling in the box office during Ah Mei's various tours with her concert "I Want", which has exploded at the box office and is making money all over East and Southeast Asia. This seems to be a sign that the next Bruce Lee is about to appear.

Xuanfa focuses on a wave of Zhang Guorong's brands, which is easy to operate.

Zhao Donghuai was still thinking about it. When it was released one day, he saw Qiu Shuzhen knocking on the door and getting permission to walk in. "Boss, Lian Le Da Rong is here and said that the filming is finished."

Director Zhao, "..."

Zhennima is in hot demand, and it was Da Rong who got the first script about ten days ago and started planning to shoot a Coca-Cola commercial.

Is this cut ready?

Soon, Zhao Donghuai saw Deng Yurong holding the piece of tape, and Zeng Mewei. There was nothing wrong with him. Deng Yurong was not known as a director, so he definitely wanted to find a director. Zeng Mewei? He is one of the directors of the first Best Partner and one of the Seven Monsters of New Art City.

It's impossible for the director to use his real name for this kind of thing, and he can use his vest casually.

When he walked out, Zeng Mewwei greeted him with a silly smile like an Arhat, bowed and said hello, "Hello, Mr. Zhao. It's really an honor for me to work for Mr. Zhao."

Zhao Donghuai waved his hand, "Let's go to the screening room and look at the samples."

During the period when he was filming The Flying Tiger, this six-story building had been purchased by him, and the screening room had been renovated, where he watched all the samples of The Flying Tiger.

after a while.

When Director Zhao sat on the seat, Qiu Shuzhen helped massage his legs, and the movie started. Yun Yun, a fish-headed man with curly yellow hair, with Huang Guangliang on the left and Lee Shau-kee on the right, wearing an ordinary jacket and jeans, stopped a pretty girl on the street.

"Beautiful girl, I'll buy you a Coke."

"Brand, Coca-Cola, everyone likes to drink it!"

Qiu Shuzhen, who was massaging and watching the big screen, was drooling... For a moment, Director Zhao was speechless.

This was his idea, but the battles created by these three actors were a bit thunderous.

Zhao Donghuai couldn't help but turn around and look behind him, "How many times has this sentence appeared?"

Zeng Mewwei said hurriedly, "Nine times, each time it was a different plot, facial expressions, and the three of them took turns speaking..."

Director Zhao nodded and continued reading.

This yet-to-be-titled film was overall pretty good, and it was a passable popcorn movie. Ah Wei still has some skills, and the trio of Yutou Yun, Huang Guangliang, and Lee Shau-kee all performed very well.

It's just that criminal groups use Coca-Cola to stun others. Men grab wallets and search for watches, etc. Women, pretty girls, that's a big deal.

When a very tall passerby girl, who was only one or two better than Qiu Shuzhen, Zhou Huimin, etc., was stunned, and when Lee Shau Kee carried her and got into the car with a smile, Zhao Donghuai asked in surprise, "Where did you invite this?"

Deng Yurong explained with a smile, "I found five beauties in total from Xinji Ax Junchang, and they are all of this level..."

Then continue.

The trio of big villains can be so crazy not only because they set up a Coke canning base in private, but also because they have a sponsor and support the black police. The black police cover them. When the black police help them solve a lot of troubles and collect money to get high, they I accidentally discovered that my wife had been knocked unconscious.

Lost 48 hours.

That was the goddess wife he kept at home and respected like a dog.

The black policeman is Zheng Zeshi.

Lao Zheng is going crazy, his acting skills are amazing, and the feeling of grievance and depression that he feels when he suspects that he has been cheated, but he dare not question his wife, is really a real performance...

Then Lao Zheng ran to kill the Yu Tou Yun trio. Yu Tou Yun died, and Huang and Li ran away. They complained to the ICAC that Lao Zheng was a gangster, and at the same time they kidnapped Zheng Zeshi's wife, and they were in the green wave.

In the end, all the villains were killed and captured.

There are a lot of Hong Kong-style jokes interspersed in the middle, and there are occasional benefits. The scale is not big. Everyone knows that the real protagonist is Coca-Cola.

When the trio filled the Coke, they also put some things in it, such as diluted urine. Judging from the quality, if the maximum score of traditional Hong Kong movies is ten, this is also a strange film that can get more than six points.

After watching Zhao Donghuai, everyone stood up and applauded, "It was well done. The title of the film is (Crazy Coke). Darong, you have a deep connection. Try to go to Golden Princess or Jiahe and see if they can screen it on a large scale. If not, let's talk about the video hall." Broadcast or broadcast by TV stations for free..."

Deng Yurong's scandal of Coca-Cola certainly has nothing to do with him, Zhao Donghuai.

In the first simulation, Zhao Donghuai announced the release of Jianlibao in March. It was not until June, two months after the big sales, that Keko realized it, and then the customs inspected the goods and caused trouble.

The situation is different now. The hurricane rescue bomb has opened up markets in many regions and countries, and they are all accumulating ammunition on a large scale.

After the film was shot, we were ready to work.

"In addition, I will give you money when you need it. You can hire as many unemployed young people as possible and deliver newspapers door to door in Hong Kong for free..."

"We must strive to send several famous scenes and color illustrated magazines to every household."

"But these will have to be launched in series after my new film is released. Don't be afraid that Keke will cause trouble for you. Then you can go to Jiuzhaigou or Guilin to hide, deep in the mountains and old forests..."

Deng Yurong's expression suddenly became extremely exciting, and Zeng Mowei was not much better.

You don’t need to hide so hard, right?


After sending off Deng Yurong and Ah Wei, Zhao Donghuai said to Qiu Shuzhen, the part-time secretary, "Pass the word, let's start the promotion of Lonely Tiger. There will be no midnight screenings. The full Zhao family will be screened at 8 a.m. on April 14th."

Azhen nodded hurriedly, "Good Friday? Wow, it's a four-day holiday in a row. The box office will definitely explode. Boss, Amin is going to become famous. When will it be my turn."

Azhen is now 17 years old, and Zhou Huimin is 18 years old. According to the law and morality, 16 is an adult, and those with good family backgrounds should have a great coming-of-age ceremony.

Zhao Donghuai shook his head, "It depends on your performance, go and do something."

414 is Good Friday, the day after Good Friday on the 15th, and Easter on the 17th. Generally, these four days are legal holidays in Europe and Amei. Jesus is the big one.

Zhao's current publicity includes TV stations and more than a dozen newspapers. Zhang Guorong, who is far away from Amei's house, expressed his support for the new film, and Lin Zhengying, who had just gone to Wanwan to film a movie, is making announcements.

Hua Zai and A Min were doing demonstration ads and performing their talents.

It was at Zhao Donghuai's order that starting from the afternoon of the 11th, the news that the second part of the new-style action film taking over Hurricane Rescue was to be released was directly sent to the eyes and ears of Hong Kong citizens.

There is no way, the glory of Hong Kong Island created by Bruce Lee was so strong, then along with Bruce Lee, Zhang Guorong and Lam Ching-ying of A-Mei, Europa, and now their appeal is so lawless!

This adjective may not be appropriate, but now even Cheng Long wants to avoid the limelight of those two.

Countless Hong Kong residents heard that the show would not hold midnight screenings and argued about it, but that was all. Those who wanted to see the show had already made plans to grab tickets.


On April 14, Tsui Hark and Shi Nansheng left home early in the morning, had some breakfast on the roadside, and went straight to the nearest Zhao's Theater.

When they arrived, it was only 7:30, and there was already a sea of ​​people outside the theater. There was a long queue, and almost all of them were young men and women aged 17 or 18.

It's a holiday.

Tsui Hark took a long breath of air-conditioning to make a small contribution to global warming, "What time is it? Are these students working so hard?"

Shi Nansheng smiled helplessly, "It's not like you don't know how popular Leslie and Uncle Ying are... These are people who have broken into Hollywood. Even though they can only be considered newcomers there, it's a huge thing to be able to break in." success."

Tsui Hark laughed, "The biggest behind-the-scenes person is Mr. Zhao. What do you think we should do like Sanmao and others and join the Zhao family to open a company?"

Shi Nansheng was surprised, "You're not staying in Xinyi City anymore?"

Lao Xu is one of the seven weirdos of New Art City, but at this moment Lao Xu rolled his eyes crazily, "I don't have any shares, I'm just a wage earner, and the three of them who took the shares didn't have the same intention. They messed around all day long, messing around."

Originally, Tsui Hark would set up a studio with Shi Nansheng in April this year, and the majority of the shares would be owned by New Art City.

The model is that Princess Jin is the largest, and New Art City is a subsidiary of Princess Jin. His subsidiary in the subsidiary... Although he has obtained the right to share dividends, after the first two draws, he can get very little.

Hong Qinbao and Cen Jianxun both cooperated happily with the Zhao family. I heard that Lin Zhengying's uncle Ying was also going to leave the Hong family class and start a new company. So why couldn't he, Old Xu, defect to Zhao Donghuai?

The highest-grossing film in history in 1984 was On Her Majesty's Secret Service, which earned $29 million to win the title. It was directed by Tsui Hark alone, not like The Best Partner 1, where Eric Tsang was the director, but only one of the directors.

This year, with the rise of the Zhao family, Hurricane Rescue took the top spot with more than 31 million, but Her Majesty's Secret Order still ranked second with more than 27 million.

He felt that if he left Xinyi City and went to Zhao Donghuai, he would definitely earn more. After all, Zhao Sheng's arrogance was well known to everyone. Which one of Zhang Guorong and Lin Zhengying didn't make a lot of money from advertising?

Before Zhao Donghuai, no businessman in Hong Kong had adopted this kind of profit-sharing model for celebrity endorsements. But for the profit sharing model, I heard that 30 million cans of Jackie Chan beer and Jianlibao have just been shipped from Pengcheng in the past few days. Zhao was originally going to transfer these goods to Li Guoxing, and they are still on the freighter.

Li Guoxing is still on his way here.

Cheng Long's fans from an archipelago country came to divide them up.

They clamored to be like Leslie fans, inviting all Aaron fans in Hong Kong to drink beer and Jianlibao, proving that rising stars like Leslie are far from Aaron's rivals.

This is... quite surprising.

Cheng Long has a lot of stupid fans, and a lot of rich fans, otherwise there wouldn't be fans flying from an archipelago country to block the Jiahe studio every few days.

Then Cheng Longbai pocketed 3 million Hong Kong dollars and fucked him. Xu Ke never thought of this way of making money in his life.

Breathtaking, invincible!

The mainland's productivity is also at full capacity. Even Pepsi-Cola's factory in Pengcheng has begun to work hard to produce Jianlibao. Anyway, Pepsi-Cola has not opened up the situation, so it is idle if it is idle.

In 1981, Pepsi went to build a factory in the mainland. It was also a joint venture. The mainland held 51% of the shares. The major shareholder said that anyway, many production lines, including filling machines, were idle and they were helping a group of brother companies.

It wasn't until the 1990s that Coke and Pepsi joined forces to destroy a large number of cola and other soda brands such as Tianfu and Laoshan, and began to dominate the mainland market. In the early to mid-1980s, they really couldn't fight.

There are now a lot of sodas and breweries in eastern Guangdong supplying strong beer and Jianlibao. Director Zhao is picking up money and hemp, and the mainland is also making a lot of money, mainly to earn foreign exchange!

Concentrate your efforts on big things.

Earning foreign exchange now means doing big things.

The young people who are crowding outside the theater are all divided by different styles of Jianlibao and Power Beer. Jackie Chan, Zhang Guorong, and Lam Ching-ying are the most popular, and other Hong Kong stars cannot hold their heads up at all.

After Xu Ke sighed, he took Shi Nansheng and left through the back door. If he hadn't gone through the back door, he wouldn't have been able to watch the first scene. Didn't he get up so early for nothing? As for how to use the back door, is it difficult to get two tickets just by making a phone call? He is also the annual...

No, Best Partner: On Her Majesty's Secret Service is not only an annual event, it is currently the runner-up and second place box office hit in Hong Kong since the opening of Hong Kong Island!

There are many acquaintances in the film industry.

At 7:50, Xu Ke and Shi Nansheng walked into the theater and found their own comfortable viewing seats in the middle row. They were about to enjoy a wonderful blockbuster when they saw Lin Zixiang and Hong Pingbao walking over quickly. They also put on simple disguises.

Hong Qinbao smiled tremblingly, "Old Xu, I didn't expect you to call just to get movie tickets. I'm so funny."

Xu Ke didn't take it seriously and looked forward to it, "If the fighting scenes in the new movie Lone Tiger can be as good as Hurricane Rescue, then it won't be a big problem to introduce it to Hollywood. Then wouldn't it be possible for the male protagonist of the new movie, Hua Zai who plays Yang Guo, to be as good as Hurricane Rescue? Enter Hollywood like Uncle Ying?"

Hong Yinbao, who was teasing him, said, "..."

Damn, I was originally happy, but when you mentioned this, Sanmao felt a little uncomfortable.

He is envious of Ah Ying's popularity, but not jealous. If Hua Zai, who acted on TVB last year, also suddenly became famous, he would be a little frustrated.

A few minutes before the screening of "The Flying Tiger", the theater was buzzing with people, and groups belonging to different fans almost started to fight over who was more popular.

Hong Qianbao, Lin Zixiang, Xu Ke and others all wore hats and masks and chatted in low voices. It was not until the lights were turned off in the theater that they took off their protective gear and prepared to enjoy the new show.

When the big screen lit up, the title of Zhao's Pictures, the subtitles of the director, action director, etc. passed by. The screen suddenly went dark again. After a few seconds, a ray of fire flashed and the lighter was reflected. A handsome face.

Zhang Guorong lit a cigarette and turned off the cigarette in a completely dark background.

In an instant, the theater was filled with excitement. Just this face, his handsome face that has sold more than two million copies of his singles worldwide, countless Ah Wing fans stood up and shouted names like Leslie, Ah Wing brother, etc., to show their momentum. The child pressed down on Lin Zhengying and Cheng Longfen.

No one can hear the movie audio anymore.

Xu Ke read the subtitles speechlessly. On the screen, Ah Rong picked up a walkie-talkie and communicated briefly before reaching out and pressing the car light. The lights in the car came on, and a group of actors such as the TVB Five Tigers appeared one after another.

The opening of the movie was shown, and it turned out that a group of plainclothes policemen in suits were waiting to catch the thieves, and they took away the stolen goods as well.

Xu Ke was surprised, "Hey, it's really Arong starring this time? The police inspected it..."

The camera flashed, and it was a Mercedes-Benz parked in front of a nightclub at night. He Jiaju in a suit got out of the car, opened the back door and entered with a bag. After that, several beautiful girls were dancing in the nightclub, and the dance was very hot and moving.

The opening scene of the police arresting the thief, setting up an ambush, and then coming out to do business when the thief is trading is very complete. The action and fighting style does not have Lin Zhengying's unparalleled grass-cutting style, but Zhang Guorong dressed up on the big screen and still attracted a large number of people. The fans were delighted.

There were voices everywhere discussing how handsome and cool he was.

The only funny thing is that the sample poison traded by the drug lord was actually stolen by Mama Sang, played by Feng Baobao. First, he used an electric shock device to stun a drug lord's fan boy in the background, and then quickly escaped.

The police caught the thief but couldn't find any sample of the drug...

All kinds of ambush layouts, fights, etc. are all useless.

As soon as this scene came out, laughter and curses were everywhere in the theater. Even Xu Ke was a little speechless. He knew that this would be the clues and reasons that would trigger the rest of the story, but he never expected that any dancer would have the courage to steal it. Narco stuff.

When the play was over, the sky suddenly became bright.

Under a tenement building in Kwun Tong, Zhou Huimin, wearing a single ponytail sportswear, walked out of the 711 with a can of Jianlibao and bread. The sun was shining...

The moviegoers and fans who had been having heated discussions were all speechless all of a sudden. Almost everyone stared blankly at Amin's face, half of his face was a bit blurry in the sun, and he looked stupid. .

Pure, beautiful, beautiful...forget it, it was just a shot. Amin suddenly appeared in the camera, shot with top quality, and deliberately put in a pose. The beauty was straight to the heart.

Not to mention that countless male viewers were dumbfounded, but the women were not much better.

Some faces at the right angle and under special filters are really unreasonably beautiful and sublime, which is different from the close contact you get in reality.

Everyone was still shocked by Amin's appearance when the camera drifted to the 711 counter. He was wearing a suit and leather shoes but had long hair. Andy, who was in the shadow, grabbed a can of Kwan Jiahui's Jianlibao and said, "Hey, yours Jianlibao.”

The camera followed Andy's gaze and naturally landed on the door.

In the sunshine, Amin looked back and smiled, the kind of warm, healthy and sunny smile of the girl next door, which combined with the morning sun, really made people dizzy, "It's your Jianlibao, I gave it to you, uncle, I'm going to start work, work hard!" "

"Don't stay up all night drinking and smoking. You're almost moldy. Drink a can of Jianlibao and exercise more, lest I collect your body someday."

After speaking, Zhou Huimin turned around again and left with a positive attitude.

Hua Zai looked at Jianlibao with an expressionless face, and kept walking in poses, no matter how cool and handsome he is, he would be sloppy... But Hua Zai's appearance at his peak, combined with his gloomy and slovenly temperament, began to attract a lot of women again. The audience screamed.

The day passed by in a hurry.

When Hua Zai returned home, he saw Amin studying English under the dark light in the corridor. He still remained cool and silent the whole time. On the contrary, Amin stood up and walked over in a healthy and sunny manner, "Uncle, I forgot my keys..." "

As he spoke, he pointed to the opposite door.

Then they followed Hua Zai into his home and chatted. The audience then learned that Hua Zai had many stories, such as the knife wound on his arm, which was suspected of being a member of the community and running a pawn shop. Another example was Amin's introduction that he worked hard to make money. Help mom pay off gambling debts, loan sharks, etc.

The purpose of studying hard after working is to improve yourself and find a better job.

He originally had very good grades, but because his mother was a gambler, a fan, and borrowed money from usury, he had no money to continue studying at the University of Hong Kong. But she doesn't blame her mother, who raised her well.

Moreover, when my mother's shipmates tried to attack her, or when a nightclub owner tried to drag her into the sea, my mother would definitely stand by her side and support her.

It’s just a simple conversation between studies, and the background is clearly introduced.

A lot of people in the audience who had been impressed by A Min's beauty started yelling at each other on the spot. How could A Min, whose beauty makes people's hearts beat faster and their eyes dizzy, have that kind of mother? simply……

However, there are many people in Hong Kong who are addicted to gambling. Not to mention there are countless underground gambling establishments. Haojiang is next door. In reality, there are also many parents who love to cheat their children.

Mei Yanfang and Cai Shaofen are examples!

This kind of background implantation is too easy for the audience to accept and even empathize with.

It was under this circumstance that there was a knock on the door, and a familiar voice said, "Bad guy from the pawn shop, is Amin here for you? Open the door quickly."

Amin waved his hands hurriedly.

Hua Zai also walked over and opened a crack in the door...

Outside is Feng Baobao, who stole the drug lord's sample drug in the first fight scene.

All of a sudden, everything that should be understood was understood. For example, Xu Ke understood, "Fuck, the story line has been established. It is definitely the mother who cheated her daughter. She was killed by a drug lord and implicated Amin... and then the uncle next door violently Start killing people and destroy all powerful enemies like cutting leeks."

This is the story line of Lonely Flying Tiger.

Xu Ke is also a top director in the industry. It was easy for Xu Ke to guess this. Even Shi Nansheng, Hong Yinbao and Lin Zixiang all guessed all the follow-up at once.

Everyone is still very excited and want to watch it. Director Zhao's new action style is really sharp. Jet Li did several hurricane rescues last time. Isn't it because this style is so shocking and impactful?

Hong Qinbao and Yuan Heping rely on action to make a living, and they often replay.

Hurricane Rescue was able to earn more than 31 million at the box office, thanks to many colleagues in Hong Kong who repeated it again and again.

After watching the opening of the movie, the core of the story and drama stood firm. As long as the martial arts drama maintains the level of a hurricane, it will be another masterpiece that broke 30 million in Hong Kong. After all, the opening is a four-day holiday.

They think a lot at once, but the average viewer?

"Fuck, this bitch is looking for death herself, why would she involve A Min?"

"Gan, this dancer Mama Sang who dared to steal the drug lord's goods is too damned. Don't even think about it. Not only was Leslie leading the team to arrest people and solve the case, Amin will also be deceived by her!"

"Who will save my Amin?"


The scene in the theater was changing. Feng Baobao didn't find Zhou Huimin in the door, and ran to the pawn shop window to pawn something, a high-end camera and a backpack with a camera attached.

Before leaving, she threatened Hua Zai to not touch her daughter, otherwise she would fight him and leave. In a flash, it was the drug lord played by Ho Ka-Kui who walked out of the door of the police station, and Zhang Guorong was unable to stop him.

No one was arrested last time and there was no evidence.

When the drug lord Wu Dong, played by Qin Pei, appears, Ho Ka Kui is his subordinate, and the other wave is Wan Zong, played by Xu Jinjiang, with his bodyguard Zhen Zidan.

During the confrontation between drug lords, Wu Dong suppressed Xu Jinjiang and beat him, giving him a time limit to retrieve the drug sample. Both sides sent men to find Feng Baobao.

Feng Baobao also had a fight with her boyfriend, trying to make money by selling sample drugs to divide the spoils equally.

When her boyfriend beat Feng Baobao violently and wanted to tease Amin before leaving, Feng Cai tried his best to protect him, causing her boyfriend to run away in anger.

In the drama that follows, the slovenly Hua Zai goes to the temple to deliver flowers to his dead wife. The scene flashes back to exciting fights, all of which are Hua Zai wearing a flying tiger costume to arrest people, arresting gang bosses, and the gangster's unparalleled grass-cutting moves. play.

These action scenes are exactly the same as hurricane rescue. Even if they only flash for a minute or two, they have already made the moviegoers exclaim wildly. The action scenes of cutting grass are so cool that they really make people's adrenaline rush.

That's what it feels like!

Senior filmmakers such as Hong Qianbao and Xu Ke were all excited to watch it, and then... a criminal who had been caught and escaped from prison, when a woman with a back figure was walking on the street at night, started the car with a sinister laugh, and directly hit the woman with a back figure. .

At this moment, in the ranking of enshrinements in the temple, there is a photo of a woman named his beloved wife, and her appearance is 80% similar to Amin.

Then Hua Zai quit his job, opened a pawn shop in a decadent and gloomy way, and lived like a walking zombie every day. There is no need for any special words to explain. When the viewer sees this, the threads are all connected.

On the other side, Amin works part-time, distributing flyers under the scorching sun, working as a salesperson in a store, studying and studying on her own, the sunshine is bright, and the story line of a teenage struggling girl trying to embrace the world is shown.

Until, Wan Zong's younger brother Wan Shi, played by Wu Zhenyu, showed up. On the balcony of a luxurious villa, a group of bodyguards stood guard with their backs to him. He was taking a bath with only one man and four women exposed to his shoulders...

Wan Zong called, and his younger brother came over with a wired phone. After talking, he found the person who stole the sample of poison. He was an old bustard who lived in Kwun Tong District and worked as a mother in Tsim Sha Tsui East.

Wu Zhenyu, "Old Madam from Kwun Tong, very good... I'll do something right away."

At this moment, Lao Wu's performance was very neurotic. His aura of a sinister boss, along with a few words and expressions, made many viewers feel a little hairy.

Next, Zhou Huimin, who had worked hard all day and worked a small class at night to make money, came home full of energy and excitement. As soon as she opened the door, she found that Feng Baobao had been tied up and his mouth was sealed with tape. Wu Zhenyu was smiling evilly. He grabbed a dagger and cut the flesh with one knife after another.

As soon as he saw Amin opening the door, Wu Zhenyu smiled at the camera. He looked so nervous!

I don’t know who this young old Wu learned from to be so expressive.

Amin was still shocked and confused, and wanted to turn around and ask the uncle next door for help. When she turned around, she saw the equally cold and gloomy Zhen Zidan, blocking her way.


After a while.

When Hua Zai came home, he opened the door and found two people standing in the room. One was Guan Lijie, a man in a jacket, with a knife in his hand, and the other was He Jiaju in a suit, staring at him gloomily.

Hua Zai looked around, then decisively took out his wallet and handed it out.

Ajie, who had dyed yellow hair, looked at his wallet and stopped smiling. He shook his head angrily, "Pushui, what the hell do you think we are? We are here to find something, not to rob!"

"If you want to rob someone, will they ask you, a pawnbroker in Kwun Tong?"

Just as he was furious, Hua Zai snatched the dagger in one swoop. Guan Lijie was so stunned that he looked blankly at his empty palm, then looked at the dagger in Hua Zai's hand opposite him, and then he looked like a fool.

He Jiaju moved and stepped forward with a gloomy expression.

Then the camera panned, and on a certain floor upstairs, the windows shook violently, as if hundreds of kilograms of objects had been smashed up.

Wu Zhenyu poked his head out of a luxury car on the street, looked at it suspiciously, and told Zhen Zidan to go up and do something.

When Zhen Zaidan went upstairs with a gun and asked for the camera stored by Feng Baobao, Hua Zai also understood that something happened to the mother and daughter across the street, so he decisively gave him the camera and the backpack containing the camera. Zhen Zaidan searched the sample poison from the mezzanine of the backpack. Before leaving with the camera, He Jiaju, who had just stood up, was shot in the head.

After the two went downstairs, Hua Zai rushed into the opposite door and found an empty house in a mess. He rushed downstairs to chase the car.

The story develops very quickly. The Wan brothers use Zhou Huimin as a hostage, coerce Hua Zai to transport powder to the big drug lord Lao Wu, call the police... let the police arrest Lao Wu, and in various thrilling actions, capture Hua Zai, and Feng Baobao's body was found.

On the other side, Wu Zhenyu wanted to use force on Amin, but was frightened by HIV. He didn't dare to act recklessly and had to control it first.

The plot has progressed to this point, and the atmosphere has become increasingly tense.

Hua Zai also exploded!

When he was taken back to the police station, he recalled seeing Feng Baobao's body with all his organs removed. He had no time to explain, so he knocked over a group of policemen and broke out of the police station. The police, led by Zhang Guorong, found out Hua Zai's identity.

Also chasing Hua Zai.

Relying on some previous connections, Hua Zai found out the identity of Huang Mao, played by Guan Lijie, and followed him. On the other hand, the Wan brothers sent Zhen Zaidan to kill all the bodyguards of Lao Wu who had just been released from the police station, and killed Lao Wu cleanly and cruelly. Wu.

His subordinates rebelled and rose to power.

When Hua Zai found Huang Mao Guan Lijie in a large nightclub and forced him to shake Wu Zhenyu, Xu Jinjiang, who was passing by by accident, noticed something was wrong and decisively called Wu Zhenyu.

There was a battle at the police station, a battle at night, and finally Hua Zai was shot. Once again he had to run to chase the Wan brothers in a luxury car. The pursuit failed...

All the action scenes made the audience enthusiastic and enthusiastic. In fact, there are more and more fierce fights than the original Lone Agent. Some irrelevant plots have been deleted. After all, Hong Kong Island has no shortage of dragon and tiger martial arts masters, and there is no shortage of fighting scenes. Creativity.

This is the peak period of glory for the martial artists!

Whether it's Zhen Zidan fighting Lao Wu's bodyguard group or the night fight, it's much more exciting than the original version. The two of them are mowing the grass unparalleled. Zhen Zidan is a battlefield fighter, cruel and cold-blooded, and Hua Zi's military and police routines are equally efficient.

Combined with hand-held camera tracking and quick editing, it is many times more exciting than the original version.

You can't underestimate the martial arts abilities of Yuan Heping and others!

After being shot.

When Hua Zai ran to find an old man who retired from the Flying Tigers to treat his gunshot wounds and ask for help, the old man asked curiously, "Are you sure? You are no longer a policeman."

"Once you do something that crosses the line, you will go to jail."

Hua Zai nodded silently.

Under the early morning sun, with her upper body exposed and a gunshot wound on her stomach, Ah Hua also had many scars. She pushed her hair in front of the mirror, revealing a handsome short haircut, just like the one in The Disciples, which matched Ah Hua's peak. Good looks...

This scene was silent throughout.

But he was so handsome that countless female viewers screamed.

The flashbacks are of Amin's daily shots encouraging him to stop being so gloomy and decadent, and encouraging him to start a new life. There are also Amin's fashionable makeup and a photo of his body in a temple. Even though they are two different women, That's similar too.

After making the decision, it was Hua Zai's big performance.

Still relying on previous connections, I found the drug lord's younger brother played by Wu Zhenyu, followed him, and followed him into the underground drug manufacturing factory hidden in a suburban slaughterhouse. He killed them all by himself, no matter how cool he was.

There is no drug lord group here like the original model of controlling outsiders to produce drugs. It is unnecessary. The plot of the film will be blocked by Star Wars and other places and will not be allowed to be released in theaters.

This version was filmed with Wu Zhenyu leading a group of professional poison makers, apprentice masters and bodyguards. Dozens of people were slaughtered by Hua Zai who had a gun, using hurricane-style gun battles and action scenes to mow the grass.

Matching the drum beats of [Arrest], the soundtrack of Li Zicheng’s return as the king in the new world, it’s a blast!

At this stage, this is what the audience wants to see most!

At the end of the fight, only Wu Zhenyu was left to inquire about Amin's whereabouts. When he learned that Amin had been sent to an organ trafficking group by his brother Xu Jinjiang...

Ignoring Lao Wu's various pleas for mercy and breaking down, Hua Zai shot the opponent decisively with three shots, two in the heart and one in the head.

Before leaving, he also used gas cans and the like to create a time bomb.

It wasn't until Hua Zai was riding his motorcycle in the night wind that there was a big explosion and fireworks in the slaughterhouse behind!

Real men never look back to see the explosion.

Along with the soundtrack, countless people in the theater were so excited that goosebumps appeared! Sometimes the scene alone is more shocking without the soundtrack to polish it.

(ps: Thank you to Morning Glory’s friends for the 10,000 rewards, and thank you to all the friends who gave rewards. I also want to add updates, but I can’t do it. Recently, there have been 9,000 and 10,000 words of updates. Code No more to come~just remember~)

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