Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 101 The first talented man to be swept down

The audience felt goosebumps all over their bodies. Hua Zai drove to a public phone booth in the city. He grabbed the phone and dialed the number to Wan Zong, played by Xu Jinjiang, telling him that he had arrested Wu Zhenyu and threatening him to release A Min.

Then a man rushed into Wan Zong's lair.

Here, Lao Xu is still fishing in a hall pond in a decent manner. Zhen Zaidan is standing next to him, and there are more than ten boys in suits on the left and right.

The arrogant Xu Jinjiang cursed and complained for a while, then fished out a glass bottle with a fishing rod and walked down the steps domineeringly, "Pawnbroker, where is my brother?"

"What gave you the courage to run a pawn shop and dare to challenge our brothers?"

Hua Zai looked gloomy and calm, "Where's A Min?"

Xu Jinjiang laughed and took off the glass bottle, bent down and rolled the bottle off the ground like a bowling ball, and rolled it to Hua Zai's feet, "You like her? My brother also likes her... But since you dare to provoke, then Just kill her."

"These are her eyes, aren't they beautiful?"

"What a wonderful piece of art, worth collecting!"

Under Lao Xu's arrogant and domineering performance, the camera focused on the glass bottle, and the entire theater was stunned. Then there were screams, screams and curses everywhere.

Ah Hua seemed to have been struck by lightning, his temperament was suddenly weakened, his eyes turned red, his body trembled, his hands trembled, he squatted down and grabbed the glass bottle in disbelief, forgetting about him for a moment Still in the wolf's den.

The scene flashes back to the scene of Jianlibao with fairy spirit when Amin first appeared in the opening chapter. The more beautiful the scene was at the beginning, the more exciting it is now!

Xu Jinjiang laughed and scolded, "God is a pawnshop owner, crazy guy, kill him, harvest his organs and resell them."

When he turned to leave, Ah Hua suddenly stood up, grabbed the glass bottle and said, "Jesus can't keep you today, I said so!"

Xu Jinjiang was stunned for a moment, still thinking about the meaning of this sentence. Ah Hua decisively took out his gun and shot the two younger brothers who were walking towards him.

Lao Xu didn't dare to waste time anymore and said angrily, "Kill him!"

Bang bang bang!

There are all kinds of chaos and crazy killings in the unparalleled grass-cutting scene. There are not many young people brought by Lao Xu, but there are super villains like Zhen Zidan.

When Hua Zai killed all the younger brothers and fought with A Dan, the level was already close to that of Ma Jun fighting Teacher Tony in the fuse.

It's nothing more than two uses, one is a battlefield mowing routine, and the other is an optimized and upgraded military police routine. After the two-person shootout, there will be a knife fight. You poke me, and I poke you. It's super exciting.

Not only is Yuan Heping awesome at martial arts, but when there is no creative inspiration, director Zhao and Aguang's scene is the best demonstration template.

Xu Jinjiang wasted no time in running away...

When Hua Zai was blaming Zhen Zai Dan to death, he grabbed the glass bottle and cried silently for a few times before gritting his teeth and chasing after him again.

In the underground parking lot, as soon as Xu Jinjiang started his car, Hua Zai shot out the rear lights and tires, causing Xu to drive the car directly into a pillar.

When he saw Hua Zai coming after him coldly, Old Xu became anxious and grabbed the car phone to dial, "Hey, 999? Someone is chasing me. I want to call the police. Hurry, send someone to protect me. Damn it." , killed someone..."

Before, Lao Xu was so stable, domineering and fierce.

Now being chased by Hua Zai, when he couldn't drive the car, the panic and fear he showed was so ridiculous. Hua Zai still quickly stepped forward, stepped into the front compartment and fired a shot at the glass.

The car glass was not broken.

Xu Jinjiang, who was so frightened that he almost peed his pants, was stunned for a moment, and then laughed wildly, "Push to the street, I am bulletproof glass, damn, you are dead, the police will be here soon..."

Hua Zai was stunned for a few seconds, then leaned down, aimed his gun at the previous bullet mark, and fired again. Every time he fired, Xu Jinjiang closed his eyes and locked his head in shock, until...

In the end, the bulletproof glass was shattered and he was shot in the heart.

When Hua Zai killed the big villain and was getting out of the car in a daze, Zhou Huimin suddenly got out of a van not far away and exclaimed, "Brother Hua?"

As soon as I saw Amin.

All the audiences in the theater were ecstatic, and then they yelled, laughed, and yelled.

Everyone likes happy endings. Before, you suddenly said that the heroine, who was so beautiful and pure, had her eyes gouged out and was killed. It was too exciting.

It was the fight scene with Hua Zi Wushuang mowing the grass that started very soon that made everyone hold back their complaints. Now that A Min has come out alive, the feeling of irritation and collapse accumulated before has been suppressed even more.

At the same time, the scene flashes back.

It was Wan Zong, played by Lao Xu, who ordered the doctor to remove Amin's organs and kill him. Zhen Zidan, who went to deliver the message, suddenly changed his mind and stabbed the doctor to death.

Why did Adan do that? This is foreshadowed in the movie. From the first time he went to the pawn shop to ask for a backpack and a camera, when Zhen Zidan looked at Hua Zi, he felt eager to try and cherish each other.

It's that feeling of finding an opponent, a strong enemy, and wanting to compete.

Later, the two also had a fight in a nightclub. Zhen Zaidan relied on having a gun and helpers to shoot Hua Zai and ran away...


The audience was still pleasantly surprised. It was so exciting that the police headed by Zhang Guorong arrived.

Hua Zai was arrested, but Hua Zai did not resist.

"Fuck, why do you want to arrest Brother Hua?"

"Why can't he be arrested? What's wrong with Leslie arresting the murderer? The old Feihu said before when he gave him the gun and bullets that Ahua is no longer Feihu, and he might go to jail if he goes over the line."

"If you rush into the street, do you really want to go to jail?"


The scolding started, but the scolding person did not build momentum and was suppressed by Zhang Guorong's fans. Ah Wing is really famous and has almost invincible momentum in the Hong Kong music scene.

If any other police officer had caught A Hua from Gu Guan Fei Hu, he would probably have been scolded miserably.

But it is not difficult for the character played by Zhang Guorong to do this.

The scene continues.

When the court sentenced Wa Jai ​​to five years in prison and the bailiffs took him to Stanley, Wa Jai, who was wearing prison uniform, had just appeared in the prison. A group of vicious-looking prison bosses with many younger brothers had already paid attention to him. The new handsome guy.

There were also many bosses who smiled maliciously at Hua Zi.


The theater exploded.

"No, no? How old is this? Does anyone still dare to smile like this at Brother Hua?"

"Brother Hua goes to jail, how can he still be bullied by a group of prison bullies? Do these big guys know what is coming to them?"

"Pfft~, I'm suddenly looking forward to the scene in the prison."


While the crowd was talking, the screen went black, the ending song played, and the subtitles burst.

When the lights came on in the theater, Hong Xianbao, Lin Zixiang, Xu Ke and others had put on their disguises again and followed the crowd of moviegoers out. It wasn't until they walked out of the theater and got into the car that Xu Ke said, "Sanmao, how do you feel?" "

Sanmao lit a cigarette, "The level is the same as Hurricane Rescue, maybe even more popular and popular, because Hua Zai and A Min are so handsome and beautiful. It's not that A Min is the heroine, compared to the four Zhao girls in Hurricane 1." More beautiful."

"It's her personality. She's too positive and healthy, with the sun shining upward. This personality is more likable than the four less likable or supporting girls in Hurricane."

"It will not be difficult for this drama to sell over 30 million yuan in Hong Kong Island!"

"I'm also more stressed."

This new type of action movie really puts Hong Yinbao under great pressure, but it is also a source of motivation and excitement.

Xu Ke said with a smile, "With one movie called Hurricane Rescue and one movie called Lone Tiger, Zhao Sheng can be regarded as the pioneer of new action dramas in the circle and around the world!"

"We watched the filmmakers who could guess the follow-up trend in the first few minutes of the film. The whole process was extremely sensory-stimulating, and it was extremely enjoyable, not to mention ordinary audiences."

"This is basically the best director and best film in 1984. Or is Zhao Sheng fighting against himself, Hurricane Rescue against Lonely Tiger? How funny."

It's now April 14th, and this year's Academy Awards have already been awarded. Although the two main creators asked Mr. Huang Weiming from Oriental Daily to send out invitations, Zhao Donghuai himself didn't go.

Neither gone nor returned. The best director and best picture winners in 1983 were all New World.

Wan Ziliang won the Best Actor!

Even Liang Jiahui made a mistake, but Ah Hui, who made the mistake, was still banned. He was nominated and didn't write a letter of repentance, so of course Wanwan was going to get rid of him.

After talking and laughing for a while, they drove to Zhao's Pictures.

On the way, a beautiful song suddenly came from some video stores, "Love really requires courage to face rumors..."

Mandarin songs.

At first, they occasionally listened to the melody a few times and thought it was good. However, the car of Xu Ke and others did not stop. When they arrived at Zhao's building, they all realized that they had listened to the melody and singing of this song many times along the way. .

Entered the lobby on the first floor of Zhao's house.

Everyone saw that in the ATV program being played on a TV in the public area, Zhou Huimin was singing live. Seeing this, everyone was no longer sleepy and listened to it from the beginning. Xu Ke all praised it, "It's not bad, although it is a Mandarin song." , it is indeed a good song.”

"Zhao Sheng is sharp. Not only does he praise Leslie, who is popular in Europe and the United States, he also praises little girls..."

The song originally given to Amin, the best girl next door in Hong Kong, was what she wanted, but after practicing for so long, Amin still couldn't sing it well, so she started practicing with a song called Courage.

The song "Courage" matches the famous scene where the lone flying tiger Hua Zai is imprisoned and several big bosses smile maliciously at him, which is quite suitable for the occasion.

Most people don't understand interaction, and the concept of Zhao Donghuai's speculation is just a basic routine.

Who gave you the courage to do such a thing? Zhou Huimin?

When a meme becomes popular in advance, many citizens will understand it, but many people will not understand it. Those who don’t understand will go and check out the meme if they want to find out the reason. Not everyone will do that.

But there is still a lot that can be done in terms of publicity and distribution.

Coming April 15th.

The Flying Tiger is undoubtedly a good film that both Zhang Guorong and Lin Zhengying supported and praised. It grossed 2 million Hong Kong dollars at the box office on the first day of its screening across the board.

In a restaurant in Mong Kok, when a group of bad guys were knocked to the ground, a man in chef's clothes came out and cursed, "Push on the street, who gave you the guts and courage to come to my restaurant to cause trouble? Zhou Huimin?" "

"If you cause trouble again, I will break your legs."

The loud curses attracted some passers-by, many of whom were scratching their heads and asking questions? What is going on? Something strange seems to have happened.

While the bad guys ran away, the chef returned to the restaurant.

This scene was recorded by ATV reporters from beginning to end, and the sound was also recorded, and was posted on ATV as a city news release.

People who saw the news also felt a little strange, as if something was not quite right.

Who is Zhou Huimin? Can she give others courage and courage? ?

Along with some people's doubts, and radio and television stations taking turns to play the song "Courage", the incident entered a stable fermentation period.

On April 15th, The Flying Tiger once again grossed 2.07 million at the box office, and on the 16th, it scored 2.1 million. On April 17, the last day of the consecutive holidays, The Big Brother once again grossed 2.6 million at the box office, because the hurricane rescue was in the third week of Amei's House The box office came out, 13 million dollars.

All told, Rescue has grossed more than $37 million at the box office.

This is simply making Hong Kong people look crazy and make their vanity skyrocket. Since that drama is a big hit, I would like to take advantage of the opportunity to watch the new film that Uncle Ying fully recommends, as well as the new film starring Zhang Guorong.

Isn't that what it should be?

When the figure of Gu Guan Fei Hu taking 8.8 million box office in four days came out, the entire Hong Kong film industry was shaken! Hua Zai, one of the former TVB Five Tigers, is also very famous. Of course, he is also starting to feel weak about collecting money.

After the show started airing, the personal models of Power Beer and Jianlibao endorsed by Hua Zai and A Min respectively also started to sell out.

Hua Zai sold more than 1 million cans in four days, and Amin sold more than 800,000 cans. Not talking about remuneration, it is equivalent to Hua Zai picking up 100,000 Hong Kong dollars, and Amin picking up more than 80,000 Hong Kong dollars.

When Amin, Kwan Jiahui, He Qing, and Hu Huizhong performed on the same stage on ATV and sang songs such as Piao Xue, Qian Qian Que Song and Courage, they formed a new four-girl group.

Amin's version of Jianlibao and Strong Beer suddenly reached a new level.

In the main office of Zhao Films, Li Guoxing said with a smile, "Sheng Zhao, how about I pay 30 million to buy out the distribution rights in East Asia and Southeast Asia except the mainland?"

Mr. Zhao nodded, "Okay, you are sincere this time."

Li Guoxing laughed, "You like win-win and multiple-win. In fact, I also like it. Without Zhao Sheng and your hit movies, it would be difficult for my distribution company to rise rapidly."

"By the way, I heard that Mr. Zhao, you want to open a supermarket, a large comprehensive supermarket like Watsons PARKnSHOP?"

Zhao Donghuai glanced at him in surprise, "You can catch the wind?"

Li Guoxing nodded, "The professional manager you hired bought a property near a Watsons and Parknshop in Kowloon Tong. The designer was also designed and promoted according to the supermarket model..."

As he spoke, Li Guoxing gave a thumbs up, "Are you still awesome? You dare to enter the supermarket industry? That's Li Chaoren's cash cow."

If Carrefour and the like come to Hong Kong Island, they will be driven away by Jiacheng.

Zhao Donghuai is engaged in beer and San Miguel beer, and Jianlibao is involved in the carbonated beverage market. This is to seize the basic base of Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola.

Now really, you dare to touch even Li Chaoren’s cash cow? ? That's Jiacheng wearing the same pants as HSBC! On Hong Kong Island, who dares to offend HSBC?

Zhao Donghuai shook his head and laughed, "Li Sheng has to be reasonable. He can't be in that industry and other people can't enter. In normal business wars, just go through the process."

Li Guoxing was speechless. He felt that Director Zhao's business strategy was not the ordinary ruthless and cruel approach. The beer war has continued until now, and Strong Beer has become a dark horse brand with double bonuses.

San Miguel Beer has been aggressively suppressed by Carlsberg, Budweiser, etc., and its sales have plummeted.

Nowadays, Powerful Beer, a domestic brand, dominates the rest of the pack with a group of white brands. There is no other way... How can other beers afford such an all-star lineup to carry the goods? Even if they wanted to invite him, they couldn't do it on Hong Kong Island.

Jianlibao is also gaining momentum. We haven’t yet seen the response strategies of Coke and Pepsi. However, in the market, Jianlibao sometimes really overpowers Coca-Cola and Pepsi. Who let the brainwashing advertisement of not accepting gifts during the holidays this year be too bombarding?

It’s still all-stars!

If you do this, Keke and Pepsi will also be embarrassed.

After being speechless, Li Guoxing still smiled and said, "When your supermarket is launched, be careful not to be blocked by the supplier..."

Pang Donglai was forced to death by countless friends and was split between Xu City and Xinxiang. The common methods used by major brands were to inform suppliers in various places that they could not supply goods there, and there were other tricks.

In the supermarket industry, if you have too few products and citizens don’t have much to buy when they go in, then... the impact will be quite big.

Zhao Donghuai was about to say something when he heard a knock on the door. When Qiu Shuzhen came in, he said it was Ross from Warner Bros. Director Zhao was overjoyed.

This is to give money again.

This is indeed the case. Ross came in and said hello politely before making an offer, "Zhao, we want the theatrical distribution rights of Hurricane Rescue in Europa for 3 million U.S. dollars. In addition, your new film Lonely Tiger will cost 10 million U.S. dollars everywhere."

"We are very sincere this time. If you raise the price, there won't be much room for improvement."

Zhao Donghuai thought for a while, "This price is not bad. Have you ever thought about buying out the distribution rights of the video tape?"

Ross tentatively asked, "A buyout for $5 million?"

Zhao Donghuai said, "Fifteen million knives each."

Ross took a long breath and shook his head crazily, "No way, you're crazy, you're really crazy. I know that the video market for these two genre-defining action movies will be very good, and maybe the revenue will not be higher than that of the theaters. Poor box office.”

"But how long does it take to accumulate? Five years or 10 years?"

"If we run for five or ten years, regardless of the profit sharing to distributors, the final pocket may only be 20 to 30 million U.S. dollars. So many years in advance, we will give you 15 million dollars? We only calculate the rate of currency depreciation. deficit!"

"Five million or slightly higher can be discussed, but 10 million is impossible!"

Zhao Donghuai also laughed, "What you said is not unreasonable, so let's not talk about the video tape for now."

Leaving aside this, let’s talk about the theatrical release of Lonely Tiger.

Three bundled together, 15 million dollars!

After the transaction was completed, Zhao Donghuai immediately asked ATV and Kowloon Daily to announce the good news. Suddenly, the whole Hong Kong was shocked! The explosive level effect cannot be blocked or suppressed.

Rich people like Li Guoxing were dumbfounded. According to the final result, Gu Fei Hu sold the distribution rights in Europe and America for 12 million knives, which is equivalent to 93.6 million Hong Kong dollars, close to 100 million!

How terrifying.

Including the rights to Hurricane Europa, the total is 15 million dollars plus the 30 million Hong Kong dollars he gave Zhao Donghuai for the East and Southeast Asia distribution rights, which is equivalent to 150 million Hong Kong dollars!

It's really like robbing banks of their profits.

Of course, this is the result of the double bonus of a popular singer and a truly genre-breaking new action movie.

Ross came to buy out the song with 5 million dollars. Not only did Zhang Guorong's single "A Mei" sell more than one million copies, but he also knew that Zhang Guorong and Andy Lau were singing a new song together, a new song of the same quality as "I Want".

Only then did he dare to initiate so many buyout attempts.

It wasn't because of the music industry. Even though he had watched "Hurricane Rescue" several times, he was deeply shocked. The first time they met, Europa plus North American theater distribution, full video rights, the first time was only 2 million US dollars.

When the offer of 4 million dollars was rejected, the Warner executive just threw up his sleeves and ran away, and even cursed Zhao Donghuai for being shameless.

The popular singers of this era have really strong box-office abilities!

It's not a bad movie, but the action movie with dimensionality reduction is really not bad. I have to thank Brother Xiao Long for cultivating a group of action movie fans in Amei and around the world.

After Cheng Long and Li Lianjie achieved a certain fame and status in Amei, Amei's action field had developed very quickly at that time, and these two were still able to stand out.

Looking at A-Mei's action scenes at this stage, it's not enough to tie them all together for a hurricane rescue, and the time difference between hanging and beating is too high.

After all the visitors were sent away in the office, Qiu Shuzhen shook Director Zhao's arm excitedly, "Boss, when will you help me put on heavy makeup on my face? It's a bit of hard work for me to massage every day."

Zhao Donghuai, "..."


Oriental Daily Building.

Ma Chengkun was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass window, smoking a big cigar, puffing away the smoke and showing no expression. The editor-in-chief who reported the sales had a bitter look on his face, "Boss, if this continues, Ni Sheng's manuscripts will..."

Oriental Daily's sales have dropped recently.

It dropped by more than 30,000 copies.

It wasn't a sharp drop in one day, but it lasted for more than half a month. It dropped steadily every day, not much, with an average drop of one or two thousand points a day, but it was indeed a steady drop.

Lao Ma ordered people to check the situation. He checked it from the newspaper man and the newspaper stand. He sent extra people to check the situation. It was clear.

Readers who used to like to buy Oriental Daily just to read novels are steadily losing!

Zhao Donghuai bought more than a dozen newspapers in one go and serialized dozens of science fiction and martial arts manuscripts selected from the mainland.

Of course it will divert readers.

When there were not many opponents, Ni Jiang serialized Wesley in Ming Pao, and the writing was very exciting and the money was good. Ma Chengkun poached him for a thousand words and five hundred. Starting from the first article Yuan Zhenxia in 1981, until now, he has been steadily cultivated Many readers.

That is, the alien mechanics are so messed up that the readers will get tired of them.

At this time, dozens of different science fiction and martial arts works appeared, all of which were above the standard, and Hong Kong readers were immediately delighted.

Earning foreign exchange... The leaders of the Writers Association of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles stayed at home to urge manuscripts, which in itself gave the authors great fame and a share of the profits.

When the Chinese people roll up from the south to the north, it will be cruel!

After dozens of articles were published in mid-March, no one has publicized or conquered the city on a large scale. Since April, Oriental Daily has also been under great pressure.

If it continues to fall like this for ten days and a half, is it going to fall below the daily sales level of 100,000? On the other hand, Kowloon-based newspapers, not to mention the most popular Kowloon Daily, have begun to sprint to sell 150,000 copies a day. More than a dozen junk tabloids rely on many high-quality novels.

The worst it can do now is a newspaper with a daily sales of 20,000 yuan.

This was so embarrassing that Ma Chengkun had a toothache, got angry, and had no appetite for food. "Fuck, Zhao is too yin, and he knows that I can't learn his tricks at all..."

"If you do this, you are also openly soliciting papers from all over Hong Kong and Wanwan. Bring me a large editorial team. We need new forces. Do you understand?"

The editor-in-chief nodded hurriedly. At this moment, the secretary knocked on the door and only came in to say that Ni Jiancheng had arrived.

When Ni Jiang walked in coolly and greeted Boss Ma, Ma Chengkun responded with a forced smile, waved the editor and secretary to leave, grabbed the investigation report, and compared the sales volume of today's Oriental Daily with that of a month ago.

Ni Jiang took a long breath at the sight.

A comparison of yesterday's and today's sales is inconspicuous, with a difference of one to two thousand copies, but compared to a month ago, this is a drop of more than 30,000!

"Ni Sheng, don't say that I, surnamed Ma, don't follow the rules. If you write perfunctorily like this, you won't get the price of 500 words per thousand words."

"For the time being, I will give you five hundred per thousand words for half a month. If the daily decline is still the same, then I'm sorry, let alone five hundred. Two hundred per thousand words or one hundred will need to be reviewed!"

"I'll tell you the truth. The Kowloon Daily reporter named Zhao has recruited hundreds of science fiction and martial arts writers from the mainland. I heard that his branch in Pengcheng has a truckload of submissions every day..."

"Ni Sheng, you have to work hard!"

Ni Jiang was shocked again and said in disbelief, "How about a truckload of new manuscripts in one day? More than a hundred writers are submitting manuscripts at the same time? Hiss..."

It's fake. What are you bragging about? ?

Ma Chengkun gritted his teeth, "You have to know that there are one billion people in the mainland! Even if you are one of the best writers among the five million people in Hong Kong, five million and one billion, aren't they the same magnitude? "

"It's not that I don't follow the rules, it's that the bad boy named Zhao is too cruel and cruel!"

Ni Jiang was still holding the air conditioner, "This..."

Ma Chengkun threw away a month's serial content from more than a dozen newspapers in bundles. "This is the novel manuscript formed by the Kowloon newspaper group. More than 30 novels were serialized at the same time. He still has at least hundreds of them waiting to be serialized." Just replace it with a new one."

"I heard that he mailed a lot of the most popular science fiction and martial arts samples in Hong Kong to every author who submitted a manuscript, and then the leaders of the local literary federations and writers' associations worked together to pool their ideas..."

"The income level there is based on the current collection price of 1,200 words per 1,000 words in Hong Kong. You can think about how hard those people work."

"I don't care about anything else, as long as the result is that if the manuscript you send next time, Ni Sheng, cannot pass the review, we will have to lower the price."

Ni Ji, "???!!!"

It's so messy in the wind, isn't it?

Of course he knows how poor the mainland is right now. Why would he charge one to two hundred Hong Kong dollars for a thousand words? Pengcheng will accept the article? Fuck, no matter how much he claims to be one of the four great talents, he still knows that he can't beat those team modes.

Oriental Daily has fallen into such a terrible state, but Ma Chengkun is still willing to maintain 500 words per thousand words for half a month, which is very generous.

After being confused for a while, Ni Jiang broke down and said, "This is not following the rules. Isn't he afraid of being completely banned by Wanwan??"

Ma Chengkun was unable to complain, "Blocking him is nothing. Zhao Donghuai earns an average of 2 million Hong Kong dollars a day on Strong Beer and Jianlibao in his hometown. He also has the glorious feat of entering Hollywood with an action series. Blocking him is almost like scratching an itch."

"On the contrary, the Cinema Series, Li Guoxing, and Zhushe's group of people still rely on him to eat and make money!"

"It's very difficult for the Hong Kong government to do things. It's relying on a super tree. How dare you play tricks outside the rules? If the mainland changes its water supply, Hong Kong will go from being a financial center to being filled with slums and water cities." miss a meal."

"Who would do such a big thing to ensure that your royalties remain the same and not reduced?"

“That’s all I’ve said, you understand??”

After waving his hand to drive away the confused Ni Sheng, Ma Chengkun thought for a moment and called Mr. Zhao, "Sheng Zhao, you are so careless. Oriental Daily has been tricked into something like this."

"How about this? Can you recommend a few mainland writers for me? I'll issue them labor visas, apply for Hong Kong citizenship, and then provide them with articles for Oriental Daily?"

"It's easy to talk about the manuscript fee. I'll buy people. If you introduce an author, I'll give you 500,000..."

It is too difficult to expect such a transformation from Ni Ji.

He has been writing in a style that has been written for so many years, and it is almost finalized. He is still the fastest to buy people. He does not dare to recruit mainland writers openly, so the operation is not difficult to solve.

Not to mention He Qing, who has a Hong Kong Island ID card, it is not difficult to film in Wanwan. Didn't Li Zhi, Liu Jialing and the like come to Hong Kong Island from the mainland as adults, and then become successful in the entertainment industry?

What a pit!

It had only been a month since he serialized more than 30 new novels at the same time, and that was it. He didn't dare to think about what would happen in the future. Anyway, Ni Jiji, who had paid the royalties in the first month, jumped off the building and died.

If this continues, Jin Yong comes out again, and some people watch it.

While they were talking, Ma Chengkun was suddenly stunned, "Wait a minute, Zhao Sheng, what are you talking about? Hype? Damn it, can Ni Sheng be fired even if his manuscript fee is too low?"

"I just promised him not to collapse for the time being. Forget it, for the sake of sales, I have to give up. In this way, when the writer you hired comes over, we will jointly promote it and let the whole Hong Kong know...the arrival of the shark swarm."

There are more than a dozen newspapers in Zhao Donghuai's collection, which publish various science fiction and martial arts novels. They are all sold through normal channels without any publicity campaign. Some readers accidentally discovered that word of mouth spread and the word-of-mouth effect brought about a slow increase in sales.

If it continues to this day, a wave of speculation is not a bad thing.

As for giving Ma Chengkun some author information of acceptable quality, this is simple. Not to mention the more than 100 writers he has signed contracts with, and there are still many new high-quality manuscripts that have been screened out and are still waiting in line.

Grab a lot.

In 1981, Ma Chengkun's high-profile poaching of Ni Jiaqi from Ming Pao for 1,000 words and 500 yuan was a kind of hype in itself. Not only did Ni Jiji's status in the literary world skyrocket, but the outside world also turned their attention to Oriental Daily. It was a win-win situation.

The cooperation has lasted for more than three years, and the results are actually very good.

It is nothing more than a strong foreign exchange earner selected by one billion people, suddenly entering the Hong Kong society with a population of more than 5 million, fame and fortune, fame and fortune plus the big task of earning foreign exchange.

Some "big guys" who had been in their comfort zone for a long time suddenly discovered that they were not real big guys, but the kind with double quotes.

Ni Jian has been entangled like this, why should we talk about other Hong Kong writers?


On April 18th, "The Flying Tiger" once again scored more than 1.2 million box office on the first working day. Compared with yesterday's 2.6 million, it was more than halved, but it was only five days. It officially broke the box office record of 10 million Hong Kong dollars in five days of release.

A big earthquake in the Hong Kong film industry.

However, for Ni Sheng, an earthquake like this was overwhelming. He stayed up all night and read more than 30 novels. Each one was read with the latest updates from the first day of serialization.

He wanted to vomit blood.

He doesn't care about martial ethics, he was beaten by dozens of industry giants!

These big guys are new to science fiction and martial arts, and they still have a strong sense of style fragmentation and discomfort with writing routines, etc.

But that is also a constant source of inspiration. Some people write about modern people traveling to ancient times to engage in martial arts. Some people write about modern people acquiring the inheritance of martial arts, fighting various evil societies in Hong Kong society, and so on.

Science fiction is far more deceptive than martial arts, and there are endless masterpieces.

There are so many good articles!

This is not something that can be broken by undecided alien mechanics.

He also got angry. If the manuscript fee dropped back to 100 words and he still had to review the manuscript, it would definitely have a huge impact on his reputation.

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