Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 102 Thousands of supermarkets shock thousands of families

On the 19th, accompanied by a group of bodyguards, Zhao Donghuai arrived at a building along the street in Tsim Sha Tsui. He walked in and walked around a few times and said with a smile, "Not bad, I feel like this doesn't need any major renovations."

This is the shopping mall building that was expected to be built in the Fat East Lai model. It is a commercial building with five floors on the ground and two floors of underground parking and warehouses in Tsim Sha Tsui. Each floor is several thousand square meters. It is definitely not cheap, but it is not expensive either.

The total land and buildings are worth tens of millions, and we will need to raise funds for subsequent recruitment preparations.

Again, the 37-storey commercial building in Central's Carnegie Towers only costs RMB 1 billion. Currently, Hong Kong Island is still in a cold period for real estate, with both real estate and the stock market falling.

Zhao Donghuai, Cheng Long, Hong Yinbao, and Lin Zhengying pursued capital proportionally, but he maintained 70% of the shares. The other stars shared shares. Logically speaking, Lin Zhengying's original trajectory could not afford this...

The current stage is really different.

After embarking on the road of becoming a star with goods, Zhao Donghuai is still so generous, and it is common for Aying to earn tens of thousands, two or three hundred thousand a day.

What's even more rare is that this building was originally built according to the model of a comprehensive supermarket... The professional manager who bought the building, Lao Liu, said in a very subtle tone, "Sheng Zhao, this building was originally intended to be a large supermarket. A great store." If you want to stay true to local big brands, Li Chaoren’s Watsons and Parknshop stores are diagonally across the street more than 100 meters away..."

"Then it was finished and it stopped opening."

No more needs to be said. Regardless of Watsons or Parknshop, it is really one of the core sources of cash in the hands of Jiacheng. Jardine, which controls Wellcome, is on the same level as HSBC.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about Mr. Li. Since we got a bargain, we can save the several months of renovation period that we originally prepared."

"Just find a few construction teams and make some moves."

"Be prepared, you can advertise for workers. By the way, when promoting to the outside world, say that the bosses are Cheng Long, Hong Yinbao and Lin Zhengying, and ignore my presence."

Old Liu struggled again and nodded, "No problem, I'll recruit people to do the work."

If you want to recruit people, just recruit people. The worst case scenario is that you will fail and be beaten to death by Li. After all, he is paid to do things. In the early days, Mr. Zhao's salary was not low.

Zhao Donghuai took out a printed book and handed it over, "This is our supermarket's work style, employee rules and treatment. Take a look and understand it, and you will feel more confident."

"By the way, the supermarket is called Wanjia, and Wanjia is the name of Qianjia Wanhu."

Old Liu nodded. Seeing that the boss really asked him to see the standards of work, he immediately opened the book and started reading. After just a few minutes, Old Liu spit out the tea he had just drank.

Quickly putting down the book, tidying up his appearance, he looked at Zhao Donghuai uncertainly, "Boss?? You didn't make me wrong, did you? This thing is called Employee Code and Treatment??"

Zhao Donghuai nodded.

Old Liu looked around blankly, then picked up the printed book again and opened it from the first page. The recruitment package started with a monthly salary of 4,500. Throw it down! It’s more than twice that of PARKnSHOP!

Everyone who comes for an interview, regardless of whether they are admitted or not, will receive a gift from Wanjia Supermarket. As a supermarket owner, it is too easy to find small gifts.

Holidays are statutory holidays stipulated by Hong Kong Island. We must take holidays and provide benefits to employees. If you open a supermarket, there are many things...

This is benchmarked against the welfare of some public enterprises. This is how Fat Dong Lai actually distributes benefits, and employees often need to drive or ride a three-wheeler to receive benefits.

Grievance Award: Employees who serve some difficult customers can receive a wave of bonuses if they are wronged.

You are rewarded for being brave when it comes to justice. You are brave enough to act for justice in life. No matter what else you say, we will definitely have a reward for you.

Organize various parties, such as birthday parties, fishing competitions, ball games, etc., and of course employees can enjoy them for free. Wanjia Supermarket pays for them, and does not take up rest time. It is only done during employees' working hours.

Team building during working hours.

If there are no customers to serve during work, employees can sit around and read books or newspapers. There are free unlimited refills of tea, snacks, etc. If employees have other dreams at work, such as learning foreign languages ​​and accounting. category, the company can support you in further studies.

Even if you leave and no longer work here, I will support you in learning and improving yourself.

In the promotion system, all waiters, cleaners, etc. who start from scratch can accumulate star ratings and become supervisors, department managers, etc. There are seven days of annual leave during the Spring Festival and 30 days of paid annual leave each year.

The store is closed one day a week, a full day off, and the store is not open. In conjunction with various New Year's Day, Christmas, May Day and other holidays, there are a total of more than 100 days of vacation a year, hey! !

If one person takes more vacations, the total number of employees will also increase several times.

Another example is marriage leave, maternity leave, paternity leave, etc., which must be reasonably arranged. Supermarkets must also arrange regular home visits to understand employees' housing, marriage, health and other situations, and provide reasonable support.

The supermarket will build an employee home, library, karaoke room, masseur, bathroom, and even arrange free medical treatment by professional doctors.

All are free trials.

All kinds of things...

Lao Liu hurriedly read it once. After reading it, he couldn't understand it anymore, but he was greatly shocked!

Are you opening a supermarket and hiring salespeople, cashiers, warehouse managers, cleaners, etc.? ? Are you recruiting supermarket workers? ?

When he was shocked, Zhao Donghuai said, "This is the standard for employees. Your management must be better paid and stronger. How can Li Sheng not make hundreds of millions a year relying on Watsons and PARKnSHOP? Jardine earns not enough?"

"Aaron and I don't want these profits, which are worth hundreds of millions every year. We will give them all to your management and employees."

“We only want the channel platform of integrated supermarkets!”

"I want my strong beer, Jianlibao and more messy things, such as our partner Lixin brand clothing, to be placed in shopping malls that are higher than newsstands and sold at market prices."

Old Liu shivered again. He looked at Director Zhao at this moment. Director Zhao was like a god standing under the sun!

Are there such capitalists and bosses? This is outrageous!

But in the next moment, Lao Liu straightened his back suddenly, with a fanatical look on his face, "Don't worry, boss, as long as we can have a stable supply of goods, PARKnSHOP will kill him too!"

After being recruited, Old Liu also heard a lot about Director Zhao's various reputations and knew that he was a fierce man and a dragon crossing the river. Even so...

When he suddenly learned that he was going to enter a supermarket to compete with Mr. Li, Lao Liu still felt that it was a dead end and impossible.

After reading these messy employee rules and treatment.

How could the lower-level cleaners do this, and Director Zhao gave away all the expected profits from the supermarket to all their employees and management?

For the time being, he dared not think about how much he, a professional manager, could earn.

But he knows one thing, he only needs to post the benefits of recruiting workers, starting with a monthly salary of 4,500, seven days of Spring Festival leave, one day off per week, 30 days of paid leave a year, and a total of more than 100 days of leave a year.

Can you believe that on the second day, PARKnSHOP jumped across the street to join the company?

Even Li Chaoren can't suppress him!

When someone changes jobs and learns more about it, he will be determined to follow Wanjia to the end!

Damn it, the police and many civil servants don’t get this treatment either.

Can Jiacheng copy it? Can Jardine Wellcome do it? Yes, you can copy it as you like, as long as you have the skills, but you can't afford it... The Fat Donglai model has been sealed in Xu City and Xinxiang, what do you think? People copy homework everywhere. I really can’t afford to copy this homework.

This is not a part-time job, but a job in Wanjia Supermarket. Everyone is almost a shareholder, and the cleaners all have a management promotion channel, which is very complete.

Is the cleaner illiterate and unable to read? You can take free training classes as long as you want, as well as specialized vocational skills training.

Even if you dream of becoming a star, we will provide you with professional guidance.

You are being deceived and bullied out there, and there are thousands of them out there!

Lao Liu is so excited now that he feels like there is something burning in his body.

It was Zhao Donghuai who calmed him down with a smile, "When recruiting people, place physical advertisements outside the store and not publish them in newspapers. That's the condition... You can't just welcome hundreds of thousands of applicants for the first time. Then There are quite a lot of gifts.”

"The momentum is a bit too loud."

Lao Liu nodded crazily.

It’s so cool to be lucky enough to have such a boss in this life. Almost all the profits of the supermarket are spent on every employee and management, and the boss does not take any commission...

This capital is a bit cool!

Then do something!

This is how we do things!


On April 20, "The Flying Tiger" continues to be a hit. With its current box office trend, it will exceed 30 million in Hong Kong Island, which is not difficult at all.

The Hong Kong film industry is very popular and has attracted a lot of capital attention from outside the entertainment industry. After all, Zhao Donghuai's two movies only sold the European and North American screening rights, and they sold a total of 20 million U.S. dollars.

How much did the two plays cost? It cost three to four million Hong Kong dollars and took two to three months.

This profit...

Nothing beats robbing a bank!

Under such circumstances, young Ah Wei grabbed a morning newspaper and walked happily to the Parknshop supermarket in Tsim Sha Tsui. It was past seven o'clock and he was almost late, but he still wanted to finish reading the latest novel before going.

At 7:50, when Ah Wei went into the supermarket to change clothes with a newspaper, a salesperson in the employee's personal area suddenly laughed and said, "Ah Wei, it seems that it is diagonally across from the building where Niu Niu, a big local brand, wanted to open a store before, but then closed it. It was bought by someone, and it is also opening a supermarket, and it seems that recruitment advertisements have been placed at the door.”

Ah Wei was stunned and laughed sarcastically, "You idiot, are you going to compete with us Li Chao Ren on Hong Kong Island? Are you tired of living? Li Chao Ren is my ultimate idol."

He casually chatted and joked with the employees. When he arrived at the sales area, he saw a manager coming and said to Ah Wei and another salesperson, "Ah Wei, Ah Bao, you two don't go to work now. Change into casual clothes and go to the store." Ask about the situation over there."

Ah Wei was delighted, "Put it on me!"

So does Abao.

After a while, the two of them arrived at the entrance of Wanjia Supermarket, which was undergoing minor renovations, and took a look at the recruitment sign standing there. "Wanjia Supermarket is now open for business. It has a Japanese fast-moving consumer goods supermarket inside. We are looking for salespersons, cashiers, cleaners, Warehouse keeper and other staff.”

"The interview was successful, and the monthly salary starts at 3,000!"

Ah Wei glanced at Ah Bao and was confused for a few seconds before he rubbed the back of his head and said, "Go and ask? Try? The salary is a bit high. It makes me want to change jobs..."

Abao couldn't help but nod, "Li Chaoren is also my idol, but I also have to live. I'm only over 2,000 years old at Baijia."

Then the two of them opened the door and walked in.


A few hours later.

At the branch of PARKnSHOP Supermarket in Tsim Sha Tsui, the supervisor of the fruit and vegetable section scratched his head as he looked at the areas without service employees. Many customers started to complain. What's going on?

Those salespeople under me? What about the cashier?

A few hours later again.

Countless Hong Kong residents, whether watching TVB or ATV, suddenly found that their TV station suddenly switched to a special news report.

The host cooperated with the reporter and was recording a video of the ParknShop supermarket in Tsim Sha Tsui. There was a thief inside... There seemed to be quite a bit of movement, and then he was discovered by the patrol police, who were doing something.

"Dear viewers, today at the Tsim Sha Tsui branch of Watsons Group's Parknshop Supermarket, every employee, including the manager, suddenly disappeared during operation... There were almost more than half of the people guarding the store. Customers can come and go freely, and they can bring a lot of goods with no one to collect the bill. run……"

"Could it be that Mr. Li is distributing welfare to us citizens today?"

As soon as this special news came out, not to mention ordinary citizens, even many bigwigs were surprised.

Cheung Kong Group put down the phone call. Ka-shing rubbed his face with a strange expression before grabbing the phone and calling out, "What's going on with PARKnSHOP? It's such a big Tsim Sha Tsui branch, but after it opened, most of the staff were inexplicably missing??"

"Although not all of them are lost, there are still some who are guarding the store, so what's the use?"

"What? Most of them have changed jobs? Damn, this is impossible!"

So far, Jiacheng has not heard from Zhao Donghuai that he wants to enter the general merchandise and supermarket retail industry. After all, although Parknshop and Watsons are one of his largest cash flow groups, he controls Changshi, and Changshi controls Hutchison Whampoa, Hutchison Whampoa controls Watsons, Watsons controls PARKnSHOP...

Watsons plus ParknShop is a complete comprehensive supermarket.

His industrial chain and the areas his group is involved in are too numerous and too large.

The biggest and most important action of Jiacheng at this stage is to engage in Hong Kong Electric. It arranges quietly, hoards funds, takes action slowly, and wins it in one fell swoop at the right time.

A new supermarket has opened diagonally across from Parknshop in Tsim Sha Tsui? ? This has not yet been revealed to his level.

Now I suddenly learned that most of the employees in the branch changed jobs while working. Ka Shing is such a big deal. This is unscientific. Some people have sneaked into him, such as Cheung Kong, Hutchison Whampoa and Watsons. Shouldn't he be playing stocks in the stock market?

Who would go out on the street and use the trick of poaching physical store employees to cause trouble? Your brain was caught in the door, are you stupid? They are just supermarket employees, and they can be filled just by placing an advertisement.

Isn’t it ridiculous for you to do this in a supermarket?

At this moment, the secretary knocked on the door. After he hung up the phone and called out, the secretary walked in and said quickly, "Boss, Cheng Long came forward to explain at ATV that he and several celebrities jointly opened a new millionaire. A comprehensive supermarket.”

Li Chaoren, "..."

After being confused for a while, he cursed, a street actor dared to come to the mall to challenge him? Has the other party graduated from middle school? Do you have a primary school diploma?

Extremely speechless, he also turned on the TV and saw the ATV Cantonese channel. Cheng Long was being questioned by the host and said with a smile, "I don't have much education. I was lucky enough to make a name for myself through filming and make a little money."

"I was promoted by the people of Hong Kong Island. After I had some money, I wanted to give back to the society. I opened a comprehensive supermarket with Brother Sanmao and others. We didn't ask for how much money we made. We just wanted to provide slightly higher benefits, so that employees and All classes are treated a little more.”

"Their salary is higher, and they are more motivated to serve every shopping citizen..."

"Citizens go to shopping malls and receive high-standard services, which is also beneficial to their physical and mental health."

"I don't have much education, but I also know how to dig wells when I'm in trouble. Movie fans all over Hong Kong have praised me, so I do some feedback. It's like a small charity operation that slightly raises the salary of employees. It should be right."

"I deeply apologize for the incident at the Tsim Sha Tsui branch of Parknshop Supermarket. I specially apologize to Mr. Li today and make amends. I will take full responsibility for the loss of the Tsim Sha Tsui branch today."

Cheng Longdu stood up and bowed to the camera.

Jiacheng, who originally didn't pay attention to Cheng Long at all, suddenly frowned, "Pushing, are you trying to use public opinion and public opinion to force me to do things inconveniently?"

"It's not like a primary school student can do this!"

Cheng Long became a disciple of Yu Zhanyuan at the age of seven...Does he have a serious primary school diploma?

But he knew that as soon as this news came out, Aaron's social favorability would suddenly increase a lot.

Waiting for Hong Qinbao and Lin Zhengying to leave the country, they flew back from the Wanwan crew in a hurry. They also took turns apologizing and making amends. The theme was very correct.

Don't forget the well-digger. Relying on the love of movie fans in Hong Kong, you have gained some fame and made some money, so you use some money to set up a supermarket, provide more benefits to employees, and give back.

After reading it, Mr. Li quickly turned off the TV and said to his secretary, "Go, get me the employee benefits of these supermarkets that have opened on the street. There are so many elderly people in the Tsim Sha Tsui branch, and we still have such a complete welfare and promotion system. , it makes no sense for many old employees to just change jobs.”

The secretary nodded decisively.

When night fell, Li Chaoren sat in the car and returned to the big villa. He looked at the welfare system for Wanjia employees that had just been established, and he sucked the Liangpi so hard that he couldn't stop taking one mouthful after another.

Gan, what kind of evildoer is making trouble?

No wonder even the department manager level of the Tsim Sha Tsui branch never comes back.

He was careless.

Someone is destroying the market, not just his own business, but the retail industry. He is not the only leading supermarket in Hong Kong Island. Another supermarket chain, Jardine's Wellcome, is also not weak.

This is also destroying the situation of all the big bosses and rich people!

No, it must be strangled to death immediately.

When he returned home with a dark face and saw the people rushing to greet them, Jiacheng didn't want to pay attention to them and was about to leave. However, he unexpectedly discovered that the TV at home was still receiving ATV channels.

Cheng Long is still out of the country, "Today, after my last apology, I received many, many phone calls. Many people were curious about whether I was stupid or crazy. How could a person without a formal elementary school diploma run into a comprehensive supermarket. "

"I once again declare to the general public that I am a Hong Kong movie fan. The citizens have made me famous and made a fortune, so I will use a little bit of my wealth to give back to the society."

"It's really a very small benefit. For example, if you successfully apply for Wanjia Supermarket employees, your monthly salary may start at 4,000. Of course, the management level will be higher. There will also be a certain degree of free medical care and serious illness subsidies. If Li Chaoren just loses a hair, it will It’s much more expensive than this small welfare payment.”

"It's really a very small benefit. It's the weight of a human hair, and it gives back to the society."

"The purpose of giving them a slightly higher treatment is to allow them to serve every shopper better and more attentively. The specific service will have to be experienced after the official opening... Or for example, someone bought something at a comprehensive supermarket. If your clothes are worn out, you can come to the supermarket to repair them for free, trade them in for new ones, and we can also follow up and negotiate with the clothing brand where you are staying."

"Another example is if you buy fake or parallel imports at the super gold jewelry counter or watch counter of a comprehensive store, we will compensate you. We also provide various subsidies for repairs and trade-in."

"Another example is that the air conditioner or TV that was over-bought by the general store is broken. Just make a call and we can have the maintenance department staff come to your home for free to repair it. All you have to do is offer a cup of tea and a cigarette to greet you."

"It's about serving the society. It's a service feedback platform for all Hong Kong citizens."

"I am a Hong Konger. I just hope that Hong Kong Island will get better and better and become more prosperous. I will use it as a charity to contribute a small amount."

Mr. Li's face is so dark!

Even if someone kidnaps his child and blackmails him for hundreds of millions, the impact of Aaron's words at this moment will not be greater!

Gan, was attacked again!

Now if Wanjia Supermarket closes before it opens... then public opinion is raging. It is difficult for him to resist, and it is difficult for Wellcome, a subsidiary of Jardine Matheson, to resist.

Jiacheng spoke directly to his eldest son Zeju, "Call Cheng Long, I want to see him! Wanjia must close its doors!"

This is definitely not something a primary school student can do!

He saw through the essence at a glance. Someone was using this retail platform to do big things.

Let Wanjia Supermarket open, and wherever it opens, all its Watsons and Parknshop stores will die, and Jardine Matheson's Wellcome will also have a hard time.


The night is dark.

When Cheng Long left Li Chaoren's villa and returned to a tenement house in Tsim Sha Tsui, he saw Hong Yanbao and Lin Zhengying looking at him impatiently as soon as he entered the door. Aaron immediately grabbed a can of strong beer and drank it wildly.

After drinking a can in one breath, he exclaimed, "Fuck, I've learned so much. I didn't expect that one day, I would be taken so seriously by Mr. Li."

"Do you know what the conditions are for copying people?"

"Three hundred million!"

"He can give us 300 million to kill the business model of Wanjia Comprehensive Supermarket, but the above-ground and underground property rights of the building we bought for tens of millions are still ours, so we can run other industries. Fuck, take it. Can the protection money be collected from Li Chao? Zhao Shengbaguan is so sharp!"

"I've lived so long, what haven't I seen before? I've never seen anyone collecting protection fees like this."

Hong Qinbao and Lin Zhengying also sucked in the cold air. They had never seen this trick before.

Until now, they didn't know the operating mode of Wanjia Supermarket, so the two of them still flew back from Wanwan in a hurry.

Lao Hong has finished filming Owl and Dumbo, and is waiting to find a suitable time to film it at Zhao's Cinema.

The day before yesterday, I flew to Wanwan to meet A Ying Ju to talk about the next drama Five Lucky Stars 2.

Their serious cultural background is not very high, they all learned it in the theater troupe.

After sucking in the air-conditioning, Hong Yinbao said in confusion, "Robbing Li Zhiren like this... what kind of magical operating mode is this?"

After all, he was one of the shareholders. When Cheng Long handed over a book, which he had copied from Li, the three of them started reading it together.

Aaron Du smiled and said, "Let's not look at the management system, model, rewards, punishments, promotions, etc. First, let's look at employee benefits."

Sanmao nodded, "Yes, let's look at the benefits first."

After all, the PARKnSHOP branch in Tsim Sha Tsui was poached on the first day of recruitment, which is a bit magical.

Wait until the three of them get together and watch...

After dancing and picking it up, the three of them fell silent.

Fuck is a plant.

If there had been such a fairy supermarket in the 1970s, why would they have gone through the hardships of Dragon and Tiger Warriors and directly applied for jobs as sales assistants?

Although his diploma is not high, he has been working in the society for so many years, and it is easy to understand many things in all walks of life while filming. Hong Yinbao praised him and said, "Fuck, no wonder Zhao Sheng said that when he opened a supermarket, he didn't want to make money from the supermarket itself."

“The main purpose is to allow us to endorse brands and goods and find better and larger platforms and channels!”

They don't rely on supermarkets to make money.

Making money depends on being an expert in bringing goods. Now you can use the newspaper man system for Power Beer and Jianlibao. But in the future, if you endorse watches, clothing, TVs, etc., you can also give it to the newspaper man? It's unrealistic. If you send it to PARKnSHOP or Watsons, you will be cut with a big knife.

It’s not like there are no TV manufacturers in the Mainland!

When the Wanjia brand becomes popular, they will launch Wanjia brand mineral water and instant noodles... Damn, of course, few people have thought of this kind of operation now.

After thinking for a while, Hong Qianbao said curiously, "Zhao Sheng will definitely look down on the 100 million, but if we really continue to fight, we will definitely start an all-out war with Li Chao and Huikang from Yihe."

Lin Zhengying laughed, "Zhao Sheng is not even afraid of Coca-Cola. He hits whenever he needs to, and he comes up with strange tricks. I heard that the scenes that Da Rong and the others filmed were simply..."

"While we are still famous, we will work on the theme of giving back to the society and the theme of small charity business. Those who dare to cause trouble should also be wary."

Cheng Long nodded, "Let's wait until tomorrow. I'll report to Zhao Sheng tomorrow. It's too late now."


a new day.

As soon as the Cheng Long trio woke up, they received unexpected new news. Because of yesterday's various themes of giving back to the society, not to mention how he and Lin Zhengying's strong beer and Jianlibao were sold.

Hong Qinbao, yesterday one person sold 300,000 cans of Strong Beer, which was sold out and out of stock. Jianlibao sold 500,000 cans! Also out of stock.

Lao Hong easily picked up 80,000 yuan.

“I don’t have any new works on the market, is this okay??”

Cheng Long once again received the news that he had picked up two or three hundred thousand Hong Kong dollars for free. Everyone was trembling with excitement, "Okay, this method doesn't rely on supermarkets to make money at all. It's just bringing goods..."

"We really want Wanjia to open with peace of mind. If we implement the standards set above, it will really be like the tone set by Zhao Sheng for us. We should give back to the society and never forget the people who dug the wells."


ATV building.

Zhao Donghuai arrived for a while and inspected the normal operations of the TV station. Then he received a report from Qiu Shuzhen, a part-time secretary, saying that someone from a color TV factory in the mainland had come...


When he met the visitor in the office, he found that he had a simple intention. He wanted Mr. Zhao to help sell Changhong color TVs and give him a profit of HK$500 for every unit sold.

General agent in Hong Kong, Hao, Bend, South Korea, island countries, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and other places, exclusive! Exclusive contract for five years at a time.

Mr. Zhao, "..."

Color TV can no longer be played like soda and beer, and it will not be a joint venture.

But the profit of a 500 Hong Kong dollar machine is also... Has the price butcher been released in advance? ? No, this is the price butcher transferring the profit from the retail price to Mr. Zhao.

Calculated, if there are not more than 5 million illegal workers and illegal households in Hong Kong, if there are 100 households, and all households buy a new one, it is only one million units. Buying one will last for many years.

But it is unrealistic for all families to buy one. Many families also have color TV sets from other brands. You can buy one and use it for many years.

Even if Zhao Donghuai uses his own media platform and sales platform to promote Changhong color TVs, he can sell 100,000 units for 500 Hong Kong dollars each.

Only 50 million... only picked it up once in many years.

Hey, fifty million is quite a lot.

This is still Hong Kong Island, not a foreign city. Even if Changhong compares to other brands of color TVs, it may still be technically weak and cannot stand up to Cheng Long’s many celebrity fans.

Especially those rich idiot fans in the island country who have good other color TVs at home. As long as Cheng Long promotes them too much, they may not spend money to buy them and take them home for leisure.

Once he opens thousands of chain stores in Hong Kong Island, once the whole world pays attention to it, it will be hahaha. Haojiang, Wanwan, Island Country and other places will definitely join forces to suppress him and prevent him from entering.

But at the worst possible outcome, part of the profits from the Changhong brand recommended by the All-Stars will be given to the celebrities and other distributors from other places.

He took five hundred, forget it, and gave one-tenth of the profit to the star. One unit on Hong Kong Island earned 50 Hong Kong dollars. Cheng Long sold 10,000 Changhong units, which was also 500,000 Hong Kong dollars.

“It’s a pleasure to work together, that’s it!”

After seeing off the happy and surprised Changhong visitor, Director Zhao received a new report that Director Li wanted to see him and make an appointment for dinner.

"No, let Aaron and the others follow the script."

"By the way, let Jiahui, Amin and others also come forward and do things like Aaron and the others."

The current fourth daughter of the Zhao family...well, Qiu Shuzhen often works part-time as a secretary, and is more dedicated to learning acting skills and lines.

So the girl group is still composed of four girls, with Lan Jieying replaced by Zhou Huimin.

The four of them do not have shares in Wanjia Supermarket, but those who have no influence, Cheng Long, Lin Zhengying and others, only have shares in part of the property rights of the building, and have never thought about making money from the supermarket.

It doesn't matter.

With the all-star cast, the four daughters of the Zhao family, Zhang Guorong, Hua Zai and Ah Fa can all join in this promotion of giving back to the society.

In this era, celebrities are just actors to the tycoons and cannot be on the stage. But if you can create a large number of citizens' favorability and public opinion, it is another matter.

I became famous and made a fortune by relying on the love and support of the people of Hong Kong Island. I used some money to give back to the society. What happened to the well diggers?

This tone must be established, it is certain! Everyone knows the propaganda and there is no room for noise.

The social heat has been raised.

People in Li will be timid if they want to do big things.

For example, if the stock market plummets and his net worth shrinks, he will not have so much money to buy this or that.

At this moment, Director Zhao received the report again that Shao Yifu was here, and ATV from TVB came to visit him.

Director Zhao quickly went out to greet him. The two sides met politely for a while, and exchanged some tea and water before Shao Yifu coughed twice and said, "Sheng Zhao, I am here to ask some questions on behalf of some people. What are you doing?" Will the supermarket business model enter other industries?"

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "No, I opened a comprehensive supermarket to sell Jianlibao, Strong Beer and various subsequent fast-moving products. How could I just randomly enter all walks of life? Of course, cooperative partners such as Lixin can also open one Special counter area.”

Lixin used to spend fixed advertising fees, pay out of pocket, and have a team of designers to do what they were told. Now that they have entered Wanjia, they will pay 10% more channel fees than other places. Isn’t that excessive?

This can be regarded as a small amount of extra profit for all real or spiritual shareholders.

Director Zhao plans to divide it among the four girls.

They are the strongest delivery experts of Lixin Group.

Shao Yifu let out a long sigh of relief, "It's okay if it doesn't happen. I'll wait until your store opens. I wish Zhao Sheng good luck in opening the store and everything goes well."

Boss Shao has seen many of Zhao Donghuai's various tricks, but he has never seen such a fierce way to enter the retail industry!

A supermarket that scares thousands of people.

Since the middle of the night yesterday, he has received many calls from big bosses one after another, all asking about the situation. Most of the big bosses are not involved in general supermarkets and retail.

But... the Wanjia model is too capital-intensive.

To kill a colleague is almost like cutting off the head with a knife, which is frighteningly fast.

After all, so many employees of PARKnSHOP who changed jobs yesterday all changed jobs on the spot after hearing about the various benefits and guarantees.

No idol can be as shocking as a ruthless person like Wan Jia who betrays his own class. Last time, it was Old Manager Liu who looked at Zhao Donghuai as if he saw a god standing in the sunshine.

Yesterday, there were a lot of job hopping, and the applicants looked at Lao Liu like he was a god.

There are so many people who know, and it would be ridiculous for real tycoons in various industries to know far more detailed information than ordinary citizens.

What should I do if Houlang doesn’t practice martial ethics? Let’s take a look. Anyway, there are Li Chaoren standing on the front line as a pioneer, and there is Wellcome Supermarket of Jardine Matheson.

711 convenience stores are also very powerful, but they are not in this huge battlefield of integrated stores. 711 is a small, convenient, and 24-hour type.

Shao Yifu came here just to ask questions on behalf of some other industry tycoons who were a little scared. After receiving the answer, he left quickly.

After this person left, Guan Jiahui came to kill him from other places. When he saw Director Zhao, he acted coquettishly and acted cutely, "Brother Huai, can we still do this business?"

"Isn't it amazing? I heard that Mr. Li wants to pay you 300 million in protection fees. I hope you will stop? Oh my god..."

"It's amazing. It's the first time I've seen someone dare to collect protection money from someone."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, then you really have little knowledge.

It is not unusual for someone to recharge and pay bills to HSBC.

Guan Jiahui continued to act coquettishly, "I have hand, foot and mouth disease, would you like to help me check it out? My mother taught me when I was young that I should see a doctor in time when I am sick."

Zhao Donghuai almost sneered, "What's the disease?"

Jiahui smiled and blinked, "The word "official" has two pronunciations. Now I can be regarded as a little official who pretends to be powerful."

While laughing, she extended her hand.

Everyone knows, everyone knows that if Sister Guan relies on Director Zhao's aura to gain power, even if she has no other management positions in the Zhao Group except for celebrities, she still has the ability to prove her official character.

But if some of the news hadn't been too exciting, she wouldn't have dared to come to Zhao Sheng during work, because... the wall-holding was getting worse and worse.

Zhao Donghuai wanted to get to know the young lady's Chinese teacher.

He is 20 and she is 22. Aren’t they just young ladies?

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