Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 110 A new version of Happy Ghost

Art City, Prince Edward Road, Kowloon.

Huang Baiming received the call conveyed by Qiu Shuzhen that he could watch the Happy Ghost sample today. He immediately clapped his hands excitedly and wanted to scream a few times to vent his anger.

It was very difficult to establish the Happy Ghost project at the beginning. He, a small shareholder, pushed it through many times before it was finally established. However, the crew had very little project funds. They could not afford Hu Huizhong and Lan Jieying at first, until those groups became more and more popular. The hotter.

The popularity grew and the records began to sell well.

That's a different nature. They asked Xu Guanjie to be the best partner for their new art city Dingding work. Isn't it because they value each other's influence in the music scene?

Things that were not going well suddenly became much smoother.

The total salary of the four women is 800,000. As for the funding, Xinyi City as a whole can easily afford this money. Now that they have finally managed it, the sample film has been edited and post-processed, and the popularity of the four women has increased to a higher level. , hot and invincible.

Everyone is waiting to take a ride and pick up money.

Just when Huang Baiming was about to take the sample film to Zhao's Pictures, Lei Juekun, who was in his 50s, suddenly walked into his office accompanied by Mai Jia and Shi Tian. Huang Baiming immediately said hello, "Hello Lei Sheng, why are you here?" If you need anything, call me and I’ll go visit you.”

Lei Daheng smiled and waved his hand, "Ah Ming, I heard that you are contacting Mr. Zhao to see the samples? Is it done?"

Huang Baiming was a little confused, but nodded, "We just made an appointment, and I am preparing to take the sample film to Zhao's Pictures. However, this movie will still be released in our Golden Princess, and we are planning to report and discuss the schedule."

Lei Juekun laughed, "What else is there to discuss? Let's go, I'll go with you, and prepare another one million red envelopes to give to the four beautiful heroines, which will be considered as dividends after the box office hit."

Huang Baiming, "???!!!"

Mr. Huang's expression was a little distorted and unbelievable. Wasn't this Happy Ghost not released yet? Why do you want to give out huge red envelopes at the box office? Boy, a million at a time? How dare you give it!

If this were given, the income of those few would be more than Lin Qingxia's... No, Hu Huizhong's salary has long been exceeded. At least if a film company other than Zhao's invited Hu Huizhong to film, the salary would be much higher.

Seeing his confused look, Lei Juekun smoked a big cigar and said with a smile, "I also bought a newspaper, plus my Kowloon Bus Group... but I wanted to talk to Mr. Zhao about the business of investing and building a factory in the north. "

"One million is just asking for directions. Please buy me a cup of tea. Go ahead and don't be stupid."

Huang Baiming, "..."

With a speechless sigh, he decisively went to work with Mai Jia.

It turns out that you are planning to do something big. No wonder you gave out one million red envelopes for no reason. Good guy, does giving one million just count as tea money for a cup of tea?

The tycoon's game is really not ordinary.

On the contrary, Lei Juekun felt that his idea was very good and very good. The main industries of the Lei family were Kowloon Bus and Kowloon Construction. Originally, the buses of the Lei family were scattered all over the New Territories and Kowloon, and they were a living advertising platform every day.

Since the opening of the undersea tunnel in 1972, Kowloon buses have been able to enter the main island of Hong Kong from the bottom of the sea, gradually expanding their power.

This is a big platform that is active and flowing every day.

He also has New Art City Film Group, New Art City's weirdos and stars, and has its own theater chain.

If Zhao Donghuai used the media group and All-Stars to bring goods, he created two rivers of cash such as Strong Beer and Jianlibao, which amazed countless big businessmen.

So after being amazed and surprised, who is most qualified to imitate and copy it? At this stage, it is Lei Juekun.

His Kowloon Bus and Real Estate Group are developing steadily, but which capitalist would be dissatisfied with having too much money? Especially for large enterprises like real estate, which need cash flow to drive, the more he studied this new method of operation, the more he felt that he had a head start.

Silently bought a newspaper.

Daily report!

This is also a newspaper with a daily sales volume of more than 100,000 copies. Originally, the owner of the current newspaper will sell the daily to He Shizhu and his wife next year, and then sell it to Huang Yulang, a cartoonist in a few years. The reason for frequent changes of hands is that the current owner of the daily Liu Tian's Miaoli Group is in financial crisis.

That crisis started this year.

Lei Juekun wanted to copy Zhao Donghuai's homework, so he directly picked Tiantian.

"Giving 1 million is a gift. My bus group's live advertising platform can have in-depth cooperation with his ATV. The Kowloon Daily News can jointly promote public opinion with Oriental Daily News. Now Tiantian Daily can also join in."

“Cooperation is a win-win situation, and it’s very exciting!”

"As for where to sell the new business products, you can leave it to him and Huo Sheng's Wanjia Supermarket. Just pay the channel fee according to the rules. If the cash river makes less profit and gives it to the channel dealers, it is also a cash river. "

"This young man is really sharp. This way of making money is very interesting. He often sells brands of foreigners and ghosts. He is considered to be in the big camp of rising Chinese businessmen."

After thinking for a while, Lei Juekun smiled and waved, and his secretary quickly stepped forward. Lei Tycoon smiled and said, "Go and give 100,000 to the Kowloon Daily. Like Xinji Ax Jun, say it is for the author of Liu Xiu's legend." Urgent manuscript."

"Then arrange for Tiantian Daily to stir up the story and directly ask Ni Jiang to be fired from the Four Talents list. They will fully publish that he is a parallel importer and a money-swindler, and promote the author of Liu Xiu's legend as one of the new Four Talents."

The secretary was stunned, "Isn't the Legend of Liu Xiu written by a mainland author?"

Lei Juekun was speechless, "Just go if you are told, why is there so much nonsense! Use your own name to urge the update, don't mention me."

He wants to step into this field to make money. Regardless of whether mutual cooperation is a win-win situation, initial goodwill is still necessary.

He doesn't think that offering 100,000 yuan to push for updates puts him at the level of Xinji Axejun, but rather that it's ridiculous to pay 500,000 to 1,000,000 words to push for updates. The writer only signed the contract for 300 words per thousand words. …

It feels so ridiculous.

He wanted to copy his homework, and he also returned to the mainland to build a factory and start a joint venture. Of course, he had studied many things in the mainland, including knowing that the current Han Tianxia series Xiudi shoes were officially produced and stocked up.

We are just waiting for the follow-up bombardment of various advertisements to sweep into the minds of all Hong Kong citizens and even those from other places.

Knowing that, let’s look at who is promoting Liu Xiu Legend. This marketing and advertising routine is clear at a glance. You will have to copy it when you get your own products in the future!

It’s the 1980s, who doesn’t know how to copy homework?

after a while.

When the Xinyi City filmmakers headed by Lei Juekun arrived at Zhao's Pictures, Zhao Donghuai felt a little strange and came out to greet them.

When everyone met, Huang Baiming handed out red envelopes, each with a check of 250,000.

Lei Juekun also laughed, "Zhao Sheng, when I saw you, I realized that the word "young and promising" is used to describe you. I am also a reader of Liu Xiu Legend, and I just asked my secretary Xiao Wang to give away 100,000 yuan. It’s just a reminder to pay for the update.”

"Let Mr. Liu from the Mainland write more articles to satisfy our readers."

Zhao Donghuai's smile was a bit strange. When he led the crowd to the screening room, he smiled and said, "Lei Sheng, are you not a simple reader?"

Lei Juekun thought for a while, "Since Zhao Sheng likes to get straight to the point, I won't hide it..."

He opened his mouth and made his purpose clear, and also showed off his strength and talked about cooperation, "If I want to enter the industry, what kind of fast-selling products do you think is the most suitable?"

Zhao Donghuai suddenly realized, "In-depth cooperation, the bus body advertising platform is bundled with ATV, the effect will be better, why not try making roll paper? Toilet paper, tissue paper, wet wipes, makeup remover wipes, etc. can be made, petty fast-moving consumer goods every day Everyone can use it.”

"And it just so happens that I know a lot of friends from paper mills in the mainland."

Win-win cooperation.

After Lei Juekun thought about it, his eyes lit up. This is really a good business!

It looks inconspicuous, but is it really very powerful? Nowadays, most of the rolls placed in the general store are used for toilet paper or other cleaning purposes.

Generally, it costs 14 to 5 yuan per mention and contains 10 volumes.

A roll of paper is worth more than one Hong Kong dollar!

What about the cost of a roll of paper? ?

If you just take the waste paper from Zhao Donghuai's sister's house and sell it to the paper factory, you can make five times the net profit. You can know the cost of paper.

If Lei Juekun makes paper, can he use Hong Kong dollars to pick up the goods from the mainland? Of course it’s a win-win situation.

Last time Guangdong Li Factory wanted to start a business with Zhao Donghuai, wasn't it because Director Zhao was afraid that the Thousand Miles Embankment would be destroyed by ant nests, and that thousands of chain stores and supermarkets would be destroyed by ant nests, so he did it slowly and adopted a high-quality strategy? Now let's give up the profits. Lao Lei doesn't care.

While chatting and laughing, Happy Ghost 1 has started to play. It is a Huang Baiming-style comedy, but neither Zhao Donghuai nor Lei Juekun have the heart to watch it... Occasionally, they watch it in a hurry, and in private they are talking about real big business.

More importantly, Lei Juekun asked and learned from experience.

Director Zhao can't say he knows everything, but he still responds to small things easily. For example, analyzing Huang Baiming's image and being the spokesperson for toilet paper rolls is no problem. Mai Jia is similar, but Xu Guanjie and others are obviously more suitable for selling workbooks, Notebook paper, etc.

The exchange ended and the movie ended.

Boss Lei went to the office again to discuss the details of cooperation.

Huang Baiming, "..."

He walked out of the screening room stupidly, feeling that he had watched it lonely. The two tycoons obviously did not pay attention to this movie. This was his hard work!

It was Mai Jia who smiled and bumped his shoulder, "Okay, don't think about it. As long as Princess Golden is screened in full and strongly recommended, I feel that this drama will still have a head start. The four beautiful girls have no shortage of fans. Fans. "

"There are many student parties during the summer vacation..."

Huang Baiming rolled his eyes and whispered, "I feel that if the boss makes such an announcement, our future movies will have to cleverly embed experience advertising, at least at the level of (hey, your Jianlibao), moisturizing things." It’s quiet and can leave a deep impression on the public.”

Mai Jia smiled and said, "That's a good thing. I think if Lei Sheng is willing to work in retail, follow Zhao Sheng's example and give us dividends for every product he sells, and earn 10 cents each?"

"We stayed up dozens of all-nighters to finish the new movie."

Huang Baiming rubbed his face and complimented the girls politely before he got away. Of course, the ones he mainly complimented were Guan Jiahui, He Qing and Hu Huizhong. On the contrary, it was Lan Jieying, the original heroine of Happy Ghost 1, who didn't care. .

When Lei Juekun also left the Zhao family, Guan Jiahui rubbed her waist and walked into the office slowly, "Brother Huai, Lei Juekun is so generous, just give him a million red envelopes."

Zhao Donghuai asked in surprise, "What's wrong with your waist?"

Jiahui coquettishly said, "I've had back pain for a few days. It doesn't hurt all the time. It hurts for a while every now and then, especially after work. It will get better after resting. I've seen a doctor and said that I have kidney deficiency. I I’m only 22 years old, so annoying~”

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

At the age of 22, my kidneys were so weak that I had waist pain, which was really a bit weak. Who asked Director Zhao to add "Strengthening the waist and kidneys plus 3" many times before and after, which added up to 20 points.

Think about the power he gained by adding 3 in night battles? ? Is it still okay to strengthen the waist and kidneys at over 20?

Seeing He Qing also walking in, Zhao Donghuai said hurriedly, "Aqing, help Jiahui sit down, I'll find someone to try to get some tonics."

He Qing worked hurriedly and nodded repeatedly. She felt that before long, she would be like Guan Jiahui, suffering from back pain at every turn.

Of course there are other symptoms besides back pain.

After Zhao Donghuai made a few calls, he smiled and said, "Someone will help us get it done. Don't worry, there are many talents and experts in the mainland. It is not difficult to get some kidney-tonifying decoction."

"But Jiahui, you have to start paying attention to your health and nourishment."

Guan Jiahui rolled her eyes wildly, Brother Huai's unscientific fighting power...

Forget it, this era is not very scientific. The qigong craze that swept the mainland in the 1980s and 1990s, do you know about the Feng Shui masters and masters who travel all over Hong Kong?

Her education is not high, she just graduated from middle school. We can only think that this is the result of talent and exercise. After all, Zhao Donghuai's handheld sports photography ability has shocked countless people. He also often runs long distances.

Since suffering from back pain, Guan Jiahui sometimes looks at Qiu Shuzhen, the little vixen, and feels that she is pretty and cute.

Of course, the doctor said that the most important thing is moderation. Moderation is a ghost. The feeling of turbulent waves and dilemma can make people smile even after a narrow escape.

Doesn’t moderation mean deleting the meaning and pursuit of life?

He Qingye said in embarrassment, "I found that I lost ten kilograms, and I ate too much a few times... Sister Hu kept asking me how I exercised, and how could the effect be so strong."

Zhao Donghuai waved his hand, "This is easy to say. Just say that you are not born fat. Then don't follow the example of super self-disciplined celebrities who eat small meals frequently and eat nutritious meals indiscriminately. You can taste delicious food like normal people."

If you want to maintain a good figure, of course you need to exercise more.

Thinking of this, Mr. Zhao felt a little regretful. His moral integrity was still too high. Otherwise, He Qing and Jia Hui's weight loss effect, just getting some harmless weight loss pills, and using white gloves could make a lot of money.

How big is the weight loss market? That's a super blue ocean.

There is no doubt that even in the Hong Kong entertainment industry in the mid-1980s, celebrities had a lot of knowledge about how to maintain a perfect photogenic body.

"By the way, how is Lan Jieying's mood? Do you have any feelings about the reunion this time?"

Guan Jiahui suddenly became energetic and full of energy, "You don't know, Aying is regretting it to death. If I had known that you approached her for the first time last year, you would have refused to sign a contract with Shaw Brothers..."

Lan Jieying is the main heroine in Hurricane Rescue 1, and she is also the heroine in Happy Ghost 1.

But now, she has no shortage of roles in Shaw Brothers, all of them are TV series, and the salary system is monthly. Fortunately, there were a lot of red envelopes after Hurricane Rescue 1, and the four-girl bundle marketing of Happy Ghost also made her another 450,000.

Otherwise, it would be so regretful that I could knock my head against the wall.

Zhao Donghuai laughed and said, "It's okay. When Shao Daheng ends up supporting a new generation girl group like yours, Aying will definitely be the main backbone. What she should do most during this time is to improve herself and learn more singing and dancing talents."

After chatting with the two young ladies for a while, Director Zhao left and went to the John Wick 1 crew to start filming. He had shot many night scenes of John Wick, and it was time to shoot the daytime scenes.

Jia Hui has evolved from Guan Fuqiang to Guan Xuxu. Hui Hui has pain in his back, which is not easy.

Health preservation should start from the age of 20.

Director Zhao couldn't help it. It was because the simulator often gave out a reward of strengthening the waist and kidneys by 3 from time to time, and many times compared with this, other rewards were not worth it. He couldn't waste it.

Let's watch the advanced simulation. If better rewards appear frequently in the future, he will naturally not strengthen his waist and kidneys.

Just like never catching a cold, never getting sick, etc., it is better than strengthening the waist and kidneys.

What he wants is to never catch a cold. How can something like Mei Shi or Aiyou have anything to do with a serious person like him?


a new day.

The John Wick crew finished their work and when the team members went back to rest, he himself was not in a hurry to go back to sleep. He stood on the street waiting for the bus with his two bodyguards, Guang and Hui.

We have already negotiated an in-depth cooperation with Lei Juekun. In the future, Zhao Donghuai's advertisements will be placed on bus bodies for free. Director Zhao only needs to bring his own color newspapers and promotional posters. In exchange, ATV will help Lei Juekun advertise for free.

Of course, buses are free for 12 hours of advertising, but ATV only gives 10 minutes of free time.

With such a cooperation agreement, Zhao Donghuai is now waiting for the bus to watch, experience and think about advertising.

He even thought of in-car TVs... That advertising was called "Happy". I don't know if the current technology is enough, but it may not be enough. The current TVs are still large desktop computers.

He took Guang, Ah Fai and others to a Kowloon bus, and two bodyguards cleared the way. He boarded the first double-decker bus with a roof on the second floor among the crowded crowd.

It's the kind of bus that chased and arrested Zhu Tao in Cheng Long Police Story 1.

Stop and go, take the bus one stop at a time, and at the end, Zhao Donghuai boarded a double-decker bus with a second deck without a roof. This is also very common in old Hong Kong movies, such as "The Madness of the Phoenix" starring Chen Baixiang and Feng Suifan. Dragon, the film opens with two people having a funny fight on such a bus.

The bus passed by Taikoo Shing in the East District of Hong Kong Island. When the bus stopped to get on and off people, Zhao Donghuai suddenly saw the Wanjia Supermarket branch under renovation, and got off the bus with great interest, "Let's go down and take a look."

Taikoo Shing is also an iconic small building complex on Hong Kong Island. In an area the size of two and a half standard football fields, more than 60 residential buildings, commercial buildings, and Taikoo Shing Center have been built, with daily residents of 40,000 to 50,000 people.

Two and a half football fields, 40,000 to 50,000 people survive.

This can be regarded as a weather vane for Hong Kong Island’s property market. An increase here indicates that the entire Hong Kong property market may begin to rise. A decrease here means that the entire Hong Kong property market may begin to fall.

The construction of Taikoo Shing has not yet been completed. It will not be completely completed until the late 1980s, but some residential buildings have already been occupied by many people.

Watsons, Parknshop, Wellcome and other large supermarket chains also have branches here.

When Mr. Zhao was walking to Wanjia with two bodyguards, he passed by a street corner and saw an island guy not far away who spoke very awkward Cantonese. He was holding a large bouquet of flowers and making a dinner date with a beautiful girl.

His Cantonese is occasionally mixed with Mandarin, and he also bows and apologizes, "Red bean paste, Simi Masai, I don't want to pester you, but I really like you so much...", this is undoubtedly the real ghost of the island country.

The pretty girl refuses, refuses hard.

The island guy who speaks awkward Cantonese kept stopping, shamelessly sending flowers and begging to have dinner and dates with him.

The pretty girl's pretty face was so angry that she was so entangled, she raised her foot and stamped on the island guy's right foot and ran away.

It's a pity that she was wearing sneakers and flat shoes, not high heels.

When she ran past Zhao Donghuai, just a few meters away, the island guy was already chasing her, "A'an..."

Zhao Donghuai got a little interested, took out a brick from A Guang's bag and chased after him. When the island guy stopped the pretty girl again, she was also very angry. When she looked around to find something to attack, Director Zhao took advantage of the situation and took advantage of the situation. The brick was handed over to the pretty girl.


The world was clean, and the beautiful girl An was stunned on the spot holding the bloody brick.

Zhao Donghuai smiled at the pretty girl, "What are you doing so stupidly? Run away."

The pretty girl suddenly jumped up, let out a scream, dropped the bricks and ran away.

Zhao Donghuai signaled A Guang to put away the tiles, and then continued to walk towards the Wanjia Supermarket which was under renovation. He recognized who it was, Bai Anni, that Hong Kong film history of the 1980s and 1990s, although she did not appear in many good films. , Bai Fumei, who is still a little stunning in an era.

Bai Anni is of mixed race, has a short shelf life, and ages quickly in her later years. But when she was at her peak, her appearance was indeed unmatched by Man Yu. Just talking about appearance alone, in Director Zhao's opinion, Bai Anni felt that she was more beautiful than Zhong Yanhong.

The Bai Ni in the curry pepper is very impressive.

It looks like there is a big revelation on one side and a small one on the other? I don’t know if it’s real or a movie gimmick.

This is just a matter of opinion. It is not a public comment or a start of war.

As for why he has bricks? Isn’t it a shame to carry a lot of messy weapons in your backpack when traveling around the world?

The three of them left quickly, walking dozens of meters and almost reaching Wanjia. Bai Anni, who had originally run in the other direction, came back and chased Director Zhao, panting.

When she arrived at a sprint speed of 100 meters, she gasped, "Hey, can we really escape like this? Then the bad guy won't call the police, right? Will he be dead?"

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "It's okay, the guy from the island country is not that fragile. At most he will have some concussion. Since he said he likes you so much that he can't help himself, he shouldn't sue you."

Bai Anni took a few deep breaths and looked at Zhao Donghuai again, and then she felt a little surprised. The opposite sex that suited her best was not actually handsome, but tall and burly with a stylish figure.

In this regard, Director Zhao absolutely scorns normal humans.

What about appearance? Director Zhao is also a handsome guy.

After being amazed, Bai Anni was speechless, "How can you help me like this? If you wanted to help me, why didn't you push him away or stop him just now? Give me a brick when I'm so angry. What kind of?"

Bai Anni is 21 this year. She just turned 21 and was admitted to Oxford University this year.

However, she likes skating, and she also won the Hong Kong Figure Skating Competition championship. She has a beautiful voice and a sweet voice. She has already received many invitations from film companies to cast her as the heroine in filming.

She also wanted to try the entertainment industry, but her mother thought it was too chaotic and wouldn't let her enter. Her 16th birthday gift was a sports car. Her father and half-brother were both famous doctors. This Bai Fumei I am still interested in the entertainment industry.

I'm just still talking to my family...

It's normal for such a girl to have suitors every day.

But she had never met someone like Zhao Donghuai. How could he pass a brick to her when they met him for the first time? Who is a serious person who would carry a brick with him?

She ran away for the first time before and saw Guang put the bricks back into his backpack.

Director Zhao was in a happy mood, "That's to help you get rid of the flies. You see, he hasn't gotten up yet. When traveling in the world, you should have some weapons like this."

After saying that, he took out a tactical folding knife from his pocket and said, "I'll give it to you. Next time you encounter an island guy like this, grab the knife and stab him, and the world will be clean all of a sudden."

Bai Anni was dumbfounded. She was stunned for dozens of seconds before she spoke, "By the way, my name is Bai Anni. Those who are familiar with me call me A'an. Who are you? The big brother of the club? You are so handsome and you shouldn't be as low as joining the club." Bar?"

Just as he was saying this, a few dozen meters later, where the island country guy rushed to the street, five more guys in suits suddenly ran over to treat each other urgently. Then two guys in suits were there to rescue them, and the other three ran towards Mr. Zhao and Bai. Anne's location.

Seeing this, Guang and Hui automatically blocked the road.

Zhao Donghuai said in surprise, "The island guy still has his subordinates?"

Bai Anni was speechless, "He said he seemed to be a senior executive of some multinational company group..."

In this era, many people from island countries and South Korea came to Hong Kong Island to survive and develop. Even Taikoo Shing can be regarded as the largest gathering area for people from island countries and South Korea.

It is similar to the Chinatown area where Chinese people live in Amei and Europa.

When the three men in suits came running, the leader furiously yelled out curses from the island nation. Aguang and Ahui took action directly, knocking the three of them down with three strikes, five by two, and they lay on the ground groaning miserably.

Bai An was stunned again.


after a while.

When Zhao Donghuai, Aguang, Ahui and Bai Anni walked out of Wanjia Supermarket, they found that they were surrounded. The Nabo Island country guy who was beaten for the first time gathered forty or fifty young people.

They dare not enter Wanjia to cause trouble.

That is an industry that Huo Daheng has a stake in. Who dares to challenge Huo Daheng in Hong Kong Island? Except for the British who caused trouble, no one in the Li family dared to provoke them.

As long as you can wait for someone outside the supermarket, it doesn't matter.

No one called the police. The islanders obviously wanted to choose another method to vent their anger.

The island guy who was knocked unconscious by Bai Anni for the first time was all wrapped up like rice dumplings. He yelled at Zhao Donghuai and the other three people in the crowd of guards, "Kill these three people on the street. I will be responsible for anything that happens! But don't I accidentally injured An."

He shouted in Japanese.

When a group of countrymen roared and rolled up weapons such as baseball bats, bricks, and steel bars to rush towards them, Bai Anni screamed, "Go back quickly and hide in Wanjia!"

She still doesn't know the identity of Director Zhao. As for visiting Wanjia's decoration progress? It doesn't matter. Every Wanjia supermarket under renovation has many enthusiastic citizens taking the initiative to help every day.

Since the Tsim Sha Tsui store was set up as a model, everyone who has been there knows that it is really a supermarket that serves thousands of families and benefits every shopping citizen.

Under such circumstances, it is very popular for all districts in Hong Kong and even large communities such as Taikoo Shing to bring some food and water and provide a little help to the decoration team.

Just like when Pang Donglai opened a branch in Xinxiang, he killed countless friends and businessmen for some reasons, and then he wanted to withdraw from Xinxiang... and then was persuaded by countless citizens to stop him from leaving. These were all citizens' spontaneous actions. of.

With such an operation, not only a big boss like Director Zhao, but a small citizen can easily enter the supermarket building.

As she screamed, the island boys who came running like a pack of dogs, led by those who suddenly braked in a hurry, screamed in various ways, because Hiro and Fai took out guns from their bags.

If an ordinary person takes out a gun, they may be suspected of being a fake or a prop.

But the ruthlessness with which Zhao Donghuai and the trio attacked the island guys... everyone felt that this thing was probably true.

"Stop it, they have guns!"

"Baga, stop pushing!"


Amidst all kinds of screams, a car, including a car and a van, had already driven over. When the convoy stopped outside, a group of hundreds of men in suits or short-sleeved shirts had already surrounded the island guy from behind.

Two of them led one, and they escorted the island national boy No. 40 to 50 into the car, and then quickly got out of the way.

As we all know, Pan Asia Group has many temporary workers.

As for the Zhao Group's dragon and tiger martial arts action drama and drama teachers, they have always been in short supply. Hua Zai and Ah Fa took turns fishing but couldn't find a good target.

Suddenly someone from the island country caused trouble today? That was such a joy.

Guang and Hui retracted their guns and stood calmly on the left and right. Bai Anni was shocked and couldn't close her mouth. Then she looked at the empty front and said with a confused face, "So, are you really the big brother of the club? Xinji, Hutchison, or 14 piles?”

Zhao Donghuai glanced at her and asked curiously, "Aren't you afraid?"

Bai Anni trembled and pretended to be brave, "I'm not afraid, I don't believe you dare to touch me."

Most clubbers really don't dare to touch her. Her father is a famous doctor. He is white. He comes from a family of famous doctors. How many connections does the famous doctor team have?

She is not like Ah Huang, who has been pampered by her father since she was a child. After all, she was given a Porsche sports car as a gift on her 16th birthday, which shows the environment.

Director Zhao in front of him is so handsome, so he shouldn't be too bad.

The next moment she was very curious and asked, "Hey, what are you going to do with them? How does your club start filming? I've heard a lot about it, but I've never seen it."

The white, rich and beautiful little princess who has been growing up has accidentally entered the society circle? That one is like Tian Ruo Qing starring Hua Zai Yuan Ji... very exciting!

She had never experienced this kind of excitement before.

Director Zhao smiled and shook his head, "That's not what you should know. Well, see you again when we are destined."

The other party really wants to join the entertainment industry, so signing her up in the Zhao girl group is a good card. She can promote English songs and become popular like Zhang Guorong and break out of the industry.

Ah An's singing skills are still good, but he can't get many good industry resources.

Looking at her resume, most of the films she starred in were hits, and her songs and albums were just as average.

What I'm not sure about is that this girl has a willful background. If she doesn't want to play, she will just leave without stopping.

In that case, the resources given to her would be blind. That's how she played in the original trajectory. When she retired at her peak, she went to the University of Hong Kong to study, and then joined the medical circle and the business circle.

This is the reason why Zhao Donghuai directly invited her to join the circle without identifying himself.

She couldn't keep this girl if she was given a five-year contract. She had to sign a ten-year contract at least. However, Annie's fishing ability was also good. Before she joined the fisherman's circle, she could help the Zhao family raise fish. It was an island fish, so her ability was relatively good.

Seeing that Director Zhao was walking quickly and steadily, Bai Anni hurriedly chased after him, "Wait a minute, you haven't told me your name and contact information yet."

Zhao Donghuai didn't even look back, "Aren't you Bai Fumei? You have many friends. Check it out yourself. Find me after you find out and then talk about other things."

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