Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 111 Airborne Superstar!

the next day.

Zhao Donghuai went out early in the morning to go to the Fast Chase crew. What he was going to shoot today was the male protagonist A Hua chasing down the other base camp of Island Council member Ho Jiaju, a church, which not only contained a large amount of wealth and money collected by the Island Council members.

What's more important is that he secretly has a large number of criminal evidence of Hong Kong celebrities. That is the handle, the evidence that can make each of Hong Kong celebrities do things for him at critical moments.

This evidence is much more important than money.

Hua Zai killed everything by himself, destroying everything and burning it all down.

They were just looking for a church to film in. Wu Baige could easily find it, and Zhao Donghuai was also very easy to find. Then while he was still in the car, he saw the announcement of Happy Ghost.

One after another, Kowloon buses swaggered through the city, announcing that the new drama of the four-girl group Kwan Jiahui, He Qing, Hu Huizhong, and Lam Jieying was about to be released, and they would see you there on July 1 as promised.

Everyday Daily is also promoting a new drama, Tycoon Lei’s new tool.

At this stage, not counting Lan Jieying, the other three girls plus Zhou Huimin are more popular singers than Mei Yanfang!

They are all beautiful girls. Once such announcements are made, they are waiting to make money.

When he arrived at the outdoor location set by the crew, Lu Yue quickly ran over and said with a smile, "Boss, there are two more photographers in Beijing who can barely use the camera. When can they come over?"

Zhao Donghuai said in surprise, "So fast? Are you familiar with it?"

Lu Yue's expression was at a loss for words, and he smiled awkwardly and said, "The two retired people learned photography from scratch when I first came into contact with Da Si..."

"The two of them were just starting out, and it was easy to carry a big snare. They could persist for half an hour, including exercise. They just didn't know photography. They started from scratch and spent 3 months cramming in their knowledge."

"That's a group of big guys coming to teach them. I think, even if they don't take the photography path, they can easily beat Guang or Ah He, one against three."

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

If you want to come up with a personal reward of 100,000 Hong Kong dollars for a finished product, Mother Yang does nothing. She just needs to convert 100,000 Hong Kong dollars into RMB and give it to the other party. This is earning foreign exchange.

Don't disturb your basics.

"One is named Zhang Feng and the other is Li Bian'an. They can't speak Cantonese. In fact, there were many people who learned photography with them at the beginning. They can easily hold a large set of handheld photography for more than half an hour. This is the progress of learning photography. The best."

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

After a few seconds, he smiled and said, "Call A-Zhen and ask her to arrange a work visa. When they come, you can communicate with them more."

There are just two more retired brothers across industries under the butterfly effect.

Lu Yue is completely opposite to those two. He has great photography skills, but his sports photography is not long-lasting. Those two...

Looking at it this way, Hurricane Rescue 2, the last time I chatted with Lin Zhengying about the magic version, I can really hand over the air.

Aying is already forming a group to fill in various details and frames, and she has also done handheld sports photography, which is so exciting.

Let’s not talk too much, let’s get to work and start the show.


At around nine o'clock in the morning, Guan Jiahui and He Qing appeared on ATV, participating in a talk show with Lan Jieying and Hu Huizhong, talking about some interesting things while filming Happy Ghost, and doing some work for Happy Ghost's promotion.

The two women were very emotional about this. After all, Tycoon Lei was so happy that they each gave out 250,000 red envelopes before the movie was released... They knew this was Tycoon Lei showing his goodwill to Zhao Donghuai, so they did this.

so what? Make a little money.

They were also super tired during this period. Guan Jiahui started to snore while sleeping recently, and He Qing was not much better.

After a simple talk show, Guan Jiahui rubbed her waist and went downstairs, pulling He Qing to go directly to the training class. He Qing looked embarrassed and confused, "Sister Jiahui, isn't it? Isn't there some tonic?"

This is Guan Jiahui trying to get her to choose new good sisters and best friends.

I heard that ATV is recruiting new people this time, and it has found a lot of good prospects.

This is just like how she lured He Qing into the water, finding a new target.

Of course He Qing resisted, but she didn't want to. Speaking of which, she was a good girl who was originally very well-behaved, and she became a best friend and comrade with Sister Jiahui. She was actually a bit...

Are you looking for a new best friend now?

Guan Jiahui waved her hands grandly, "Ah Qing, you don't want to be squeezed into the cold palace by a little goblin one day. Men are super carefree. It's better to let those little goblins like A Min squeeze you to death."

"It's better to find a good sister to live with."

"Let me do the math for you. There is a saying among Hong Kong's richest people that there is basically no one who can stay together and never bother. Tycoon Huo has three wives."

"Zhao Shizeng has dated thousands of girlfriends in the past few decades. In the 1970s, the real estate tycoon in the 1970s was on the same level as Li Chaoren, Huo Daheng, Wang Dehui, and Guo Bingxiang. He stopped doing his job in order to attract girls. He was already raped by Li Chaoren and the others. My career has completely disappeared."

"The eldest prince of Lixin, Lin Jianming, also talked to hundreds of people, and they all revealed the news to the media in a showy way."

"Cheng Long got married and had children. During the period of Five Lucky Stars, he also had Sister Hong. After filming, Sister Hong was confused to find out that he was married. Then Sanmao approached her to film the second part of Lucky Stars. Hong I just refuse to do it, saying that I will never cooperate with Cheng Long again in this life, otherwise it will be Sister Hu’s turn to be the heroine.”

"The first time we met Zou Sheng and Lumao Ross, Sanmao said he was looking for the female lead in the second part of Lucky Star, so we went with Brother Huai. It was because Sister Hong insisted not to star in Lucky Star 2. .”


He Qing, "..."

I have not heard of these things for the first time, and I also know that in the Hong Kong circle, not to mention the tycoons, some handsome middle-aged uncles may have several wives in their homes.

But she was still a little embarrassed and couldn't accept it.

Guan Jiahui struck again, "Think about it. You will be snoring loudly and occasionally grinding your teeth. How annoying it is. You will also have back pain all the time. It is inconvenient. Is this appropriate?"

"You don't want Brother Huai to get tired of seeing your ugly looks, right?"

He Qing shook her head crazily, that was not possible, she really just wanted to show her beautiful side, but unfortunately it was a non-war crime, "Then what will you choose later?"

Guan Jiahui smiled and said, "Don't worry, in our capacity, we just came to see if there are any good prospects. Those newcomers will show everything they should show. Then you listen to me."

Of course, we should choose a young rookie like He Qing who is weak and honest and will not rebel against others.

Why did she do this in the first place?

When they show up at the training class, those who try their best to show off will just pass none of them.

Zhou Huimin has already joined forces with Gong Li and Chen Hong. They have a deep love for each other as sisters every day. The biggest threat to this combination is Gong Li's jumping and the looks of A Min and A Hong.

She also needs to find a good girl who is really broad-minded, an honest girl.

After being in contact with him for so long, she could see that although the little fox Qiu Shuzhen acted coquettishly and cutely all day long, she never thought about replacing anyone else's position.

On the contrary, Amin is an honest child who looks quiet and well-behaved, but has a wild heart.

That girl obviously wanted to be the head of the palace. After all, Zhao Donghuai wasn't married.

Guan Jiahui didn't expect Zhao Donghuai to marry her, after all, her foundation was too poor, but at least she had to be a big sister with several little sisters to support her.

The key is that her health is too poor. She felt the cruel reality of kidney deficiency at a young age, and she had no place to cry even if she wanted to.

She initially deceived He Qing. What she said at first was that Brother Huai was not married yet and was single, and she was a divorced second-hand commodity. The probability of marrying her was too low. She might marry you, Ah Qing, someday. You have to be bold. Actively pursue happiness...

That changed in a short time.

A little girl like Ah Qing, who is easy to brainwash and control, can be a best friend.


In a certain church, the protagonist played by Hua Zai burned all kinds of money and evidence in the church, then turned around and left coolly.

Ouyang Zhenhua, the extra who plays the priest, staggered up from the pile of dead people and ran away quickly.

Zhao Donghuai grabbed the big speaker and said, "Click, it's over, get ready for the next one!"

The next scene is that Hua Zai walked to the building dozens of meters away across the street, watching the arrival of He Jiaju's island gang, outside the church door in broad daylight, and shot the actor Ouyang out of anger on the street.

Then when He Jiaju led his confidant Guan Lijie and a large group of people to escape, Hua Zai followed him and found an opportunity to grab a long gun and come out to massacre the island gang's younger members. After killing a large number of younger members, he was attacked by an elite bodyguard, Tao Dayu, from the blind spot with his car. Knocked out.

Island director Ho Ka Kui took Wah Zai away to a spacious factory. After beating Wah Zai violently to vent his anger, he wanted to kill Wah Zai, but Xing Zai used a big sniper to save him.

Just when the crew was getting up and running and setting the scene for the next scene, Chen Musheng quickly ran over and said, "Director, Miss Zhou is here to visit the crew."

Zhao Donghuai asked curiously, "Amin?"

When he turned around, he saw Zhou Huimin walking towards the set, accompanied by eight male and female bodyguards. The eight bodyguards were still handing out gifts such as fruits and snacks as they walked.

When their eyes met, Amin ran over with a smile, carrying a lunch box and said, "Boss, you are so busy all day, remember to take good care of yourself, I made soup for you."

"I also want to thank you, boss, for your great kindness to our family."

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "So kind? What kind of soup?"

Soup making is indeed popular here on Hong Kong Island, or in Eastern Guangdong. Amin said with a hint of embarrassment, "It's just a very ordinary chicken soup. Try it? If it tastes good, I'll make it next time."

Zhao Donghuai opened the lid, laughed and drank a few sips, and his expression became a little weird. This is chestnut stewed chicken soup. Isn't its main function nourishing yin and nourishing the kidneys?

What does Amin mean?

Taking another sip, Director Zhao nodded approvingly, "The soup is good. I didn't expect you to have such cooking skills."

Does anyone else in the girl group know about his relationship with Guan Jiahui and He Qing? It’s been so long, who doesn’t know who is who? After all, Jiahui and the others still often have to work with girls like Amin and Hu Hui.

Whether we are filming commercials, filming, or anything else, we are in constant contact with each other.

For example, in the morning, the four-girl group Lan Jieying and Hu Huizhong went to ATV to do a chat show together. Guan Jiahui and He Qing were late again as usual. Another example is that Guan He and the two girls basically can't live in the dormitory, but Amin is She has been living in the dormitory with Ah Hong and Gong Li.

Their dormitories are still next to each other, on the same floor.

When he first joined the group, Amin wanted to talk to Guan Jiahui every day, but he couldn't find Guan He and Guan He when he went to the dormitory.

The chestnut stewed chicken soup that Amin sent here, is this a slander?

After hearing the praise, Zhou Huimin smiled like a flower and said a few words modestly, "Boss, I heard from Uncle Ying that next time I will be the heroine of Hurricane Rescue 2? Will I replace Lan Jieying in Part 1? I will also play Gu Danfei in Hurricane Rescue Tiger linkage?”

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Yes, your literary skills are still a bit weak in this drama. You should seize the time to study hard."

Amin said hurriedly, "Then can I learn acting skills from you on a daily basis? Sister Li, Ah Hong and I are guaranteed to practice singing, but when it comes to acting, I feel that I am so stupid and always lag behind."

"Boss, you are the strongest director in Hong Kong. Only great directors know how to better improve actors' acting skills in all aspects."

"I promise to be good."

At this moment, Amin looked at Director Zhao with eyes full of admiration and admiration, and his expression was very touching.

However, Director Zhao felt that she now seemed to have real and fake emotions.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "Okay, I'll give you some advice on your acting skills when I'm free someday. Now that you're here, let's take a good look at how Hua Zai and the others act. Although A Hua's acting skills are a bit lacking, they are still much better than you at this stage. .”

Zhou Huimin thanked her ecstatically and stayed on the set. Although, after all, she also guest-starred in John Wick, and the female shop assistant also led the beautiful scenery of Han Dynasty.

They are also in the same group, which is not surprising.

The whole morning's filming was completed smoothly.

At noon, while the crew was handing out lunch boxes and starting to eat, Qiu Shuzhen came over in a car and said, "Boss, the first novels of Mr. Jia and Mr. Lu from the Mainland have been serialized. What next? Do you want to publish them?"

"The editorial department has read the two new books. They are all about martial arts, and the quality is several percent better than the first one."

This kind of thing can be explained clearly with a phone call. Of course Azhen came in person and continued to be cute and cute. It was just that she saw Zhou Huimin after arriving, which made Azhen a little depressed.

Zhao Donghuai said with a smile, "The serialization is over. Since the level of the second part has improved, let's give it two hundred words per thousand and let the newspaper group open a publishing house."

It has been serialized since the end of January and is now in late June. It is normal to finish a book. And with the practice of the first part and many colleagues helping them with suggestions, their level has been greatly improved, and they have adapted to the writing style of science fiction and martial arts?

Let alone ten or twenty years later, right now, no matter what martial arts drama is broadcast, the only choice is between Jin Guliang.

Open a publishing house?

I have so many high-quality writers’ collective contributions and have spread them across more than a dozen large and medium-sized newspapers. Isn’t it basic to wait for the serialization to be completed and publish a book?

As for retail, Wanjia Supermarket originally had stores selling records and books.

This type of store is still open on the first floor, not inside the supermarket, but some street-facing stores on the first floor.

Even in the 2020s, it was common for supermarkets to have various clothing stores, Dicos, Zhou Hei Ya, etc. facing the street on the first floor.

With its own comprehensive supermarket and retail terminal, convenience is not an ordinary explosion.

Wanjia's branch in Haojiang has also been opened. The building has been purchased and is being renovated. Huo Daheng promoted it, but everyone's investment ratio is still the same, with Director Zhao taking 70%.

Huo Sheng is 15%, and four stars including Cheng Long and Lin Zhengying are 15%.

Huo Sheng did this not to make money, nor to grab equity. At his status and age, what he wanted to do was different from Li Chaoren and others.

The levels are different!

"By the way, tell the newspaper office that they are launching a martial arts magazine and a science fiction magazine, which will also serialize different novels."

"The martial arts magazine is called Jianghu, and the science fiction one is called Parallel World."

At the beginning, more than 100 authors were screened, but so far, Kowloon Daily News and more than a dozen newspapers have serialized manuscripts from more than 30 writers.

The rest are still waiting in line.

There is such a thing as queuing up. Even if the first batch of serializations are completed, those authors are likely to quickly come up with the second work.

This is still about selecting the best from the best, with manuscripts of a thousand words and a hundred words being serialized in newspapers, and manuscripts with a level of less than 100 words being serialized in magazines!

Magazines can also sell ads!

Zhao Donghuai said again, "By the way, the comics industry in Hong Kong is also developing well. Taking advantage of the trend, opening a comic group, not doing original work for now, just translating comic versions of various martial arts novels, can also generate a wave of sales."

"When the development becomes stable in the future, we will recruit outstanding comic manuscripts from the mainland."

Is Wong Yuk-lang still dominant in the comics industry in Hong Kong Island? It doesn't matter, once he enters the big platform of involution, he will be involuted to death as soon as he resists. If he doesn't resist, he will be involuted to death.

Azhen took notes in a small notebook, chatted a few more words, and acted coquettishly and cutely in front of Director Zhao for a few minutes. Amin watched with a smile the whole time.

Amin sometimes envied Azhen. She envied this girl who just did what she said without caring about the beauty. She also wanted to get closer to Director Zhao like that, but she was embarrassed for the time being and lacked the courage.

Zhou Huimin can't give him such courage for the time being.


Time flows.

When Director Zhao's crew and career expanded steadily, on July 1st, New Art City followed Director Zhao's example and stopped holding any midnight previews. At 8 o'clock in the morning on the 1st, Golden Princess Cinema had all the theaters connected. Reflect the happy ghost.

It's already July. During the summer vacation, countless student fans of Zhao's girl groups came to the theater in groups, and Happy Ghost was a hit right from the start.

In this brand new version, Zhu Xiucai is still the same Zhu Xiucai, with his silly and funny style, which can make countless movie fans laugh in the theater. Lin Xiaohua is still the pure little flower, and she has a scene where she has a boyfriend.

However, in this version, Guan Jiahui and He Qing, who play Lan Jieying's best friends, are no longer the same style as in the original work. The two girls are a beautiful school beauty duo playing music... In the play, they both sang Qianqianque Song and The scene with falling snow.

Not too little.

Even if it's a dubbed song and lip-syncing, they are also professional lip-syncing.

I have to say that after practicing pop music singing for half a year, He Qing has reached the passing level of live singing. She has been singing Kun Opera since she was a child, but she was not good at singing live during the filming of the movie Happy Ghost.

It was only in the past two months that Ah Qing's singing skills improved by leaps and bounds.

Just like the movie "Beyond" starring the band "Beyond" in the original track, there are many singing scenes in it. With Huang Baiming's current ability, the purpose of casting several female groups as the protagonists is to attract fans to the theater.

In that movie, he himself would not agree if Kwan Jiahui and He Qing were not given more singing scenes.

The funny scenes were very successful, and coupled with the singer effect, Happy Ghost hit the box office with more than 1.6 million on the first day, which also attracted the attention of many people in the film industry.

Everyone knows that even if the female group was given a salary of 800,000 yuan, the entire crew of "Happy Ghost" only spent a little over 3 million yuan. On the first day, it cost more than 1.6 million yuan?

This is about to be posted!


On July 2nd, when Zhao Donghuai arrived at the set of Fast Chase and saw Amin waiting for him with a smile, carrying another box of chicken soup, Director Zhao came over speechlessly, "Amin, the chicken soup you make is delicious. , but I can change it next time.”

Both Guan Jiahui and He Qing complained privately that A Min was deliberately murdering.

Even though this kind of chestnut stewed chicken soup is far less effective than adding 20 to strengthen the waist and kidneys by 1%, why does Guan Jiahui not know that he is wrong?

While he was talking, he still took the chicken soup and started drinking it. Next time, Amin's cooking skills would not be wasted this time.

Zhou Huimin also smiled and said, "Okay, boss, what kind of soup do you like to drink? I'll learn it again."

Zhao Donghuai shook his head. He didn't have any favorite soup, so he let Amin choose.

Then No. 3 Amin brought another bowl of yam, wolfberry and deer antler soup. So many wolfberries? He was speechless.

On the same day of the 3rd, the box office of Happy Ghost was also released on the second day, which was 1.7 million. It was only released for two days, and the box office of Happy Ghost was equal to the total cost of making the film.

Lei Juekun even called him personally, hoping that he could be invited to attend the celebration banquet held by Happy Ghost in the future. This was obviously another series about Happy Ghost making money.

Tycoon Lui made it clear that if He Qing, Kwan Ka-wai, Wu Hui-chung, and Chow Wai-man could star in the sequel, he would offer each of these women a salary of 500,000, adding up to a salary of two million? There will also be corresponding red envelopes after the box office hits.

It's not expensive. The best partner in Xinyi City's filming, Xu Guanjie, also got a salary of 2 million.

The current aura of several female singers is also very powerful.

But Tycoon Lei took the initiative to raise such a high price, and he still values ​​​​cooperating with Zhao Donghuai. They go to the mainland to build a joint venture factory together, bring goods and sell them to make money, and make money and other things. Taking the initiative to offer such a high premium is a clear show of goodwill.

At present, the Hong Kong film industry is dominated by Mr. Zombie and Golden Princess Happy Ghost on Zhao's Cinema, and Golden Harvest is almost empty.

Jiahe still misses the quick-money drama of (Crazy Coke).

Also in early July, the song "As Long As" due to Zhang Guorong and Andy Lau has been selling in Hong Kong for 4 weeks. It has sold more than 400,000 copies in Hong Kong. It has eight platinum standards. It has no follow-up and has already bought everything that should be bought.

However, it is so popular in other places that A-Mei’s family is rushing to sell 1.5 million copies. However, it has sold over 1 million copies in the island country. There is nothing wrong with it. The father country of the island country has such hot new songs and new stars.

How can it be that island countries are not selling well? Let’s talk about Zhang Guorong’s good looks, which are both Chinese and Western and can captivate countless female fans.

Zhang Guorong and Liu Dehua are both airborne superstars!

All the singers in Haowan in Hong Kong have become like younger brothers in front of the two of them. Taking a detour to Amei's house to overtake and then explode the island's singing scene seems to have become a shortcut in the minds of countless confused little transparent people.

Even if Teacher Huang Weiming from Oriental Daily criticized the two of them for not taking the right path and singing English songs in a crooked way, it would have no influence at all.

Teacher Huang was very disappointed, but he couldn't think of a name to use to gain popularity and deceive attention...

For this album, Hua Zai started focusing on his acting and singing skills in January and started practicing. The recording was only up to standard on May 20. The result of more than four months and more than 100 days of hard work is not bad. It is definitely not as good as Zhang Guorong and it is passable. .

Of course, this is just a barely passable record. If you ask him to perform live in a concert, it's still far from it.

In late May, the radio station played on-demand charts and the TV station announced it. It was not officially launched until the beginning of June. It was still done by Amei, Europa, Asia and other places. In this regard, I have to say that Zhang Xueyou joined the Zhao Group in late May and accepted the orthodoxy. Singing technique guidance.

Now we can record Sad Pacific and Lonely Warriors in early July. Director Zhao is also afraid that Lonely Warriors will be cold, so he recorded the two songs into a single record. It is called a single record, but in fact it contains There are also a lot of two or three songs.

The talented type really beats the hard-working type like Hua Zai.

And in order to cooperate with the movie promotion of "The Flying Tiger" at A Mei's house, Zhang Guorong went to A Mei again, but Hua Zai couldn't do it. He was still filming in Hong Kong Island.

Warner couldn't wait any longer and bought out the screening rights for Lonely Flying Tiger on April 15th. In order to wait for the new song to show off, it had to wait until July, which is the summer season!

With the precedent of hurricane rescue, they are still looking forward to the lone agent. Nearly 1.5 million Amei people have spent money to buy the single record. What about the free fans who have been brainwashed by the song? There will only be more.

It’s scheduled to be released on Thursday, July 5th at 6pm, and Gu Guan Fei Hu will be released in theaters on a large scale. This is standard and I want to try the first weekend effect.

After filming the scene on the 3rd, when the crew was taking a break, Hua Zai came over nervously and said, "Boss, Lonely Tiger will be released on Amei the day after tomorrow. I don't know... I don't know..."

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "Why are you nervous? It's okay. Look at his box office trends in Wanwan and Southeast Asia. They are the same as Hurricane Rescue. You were already nervous for a while before it was released in Hong Kong, and now you are still here?"

"Don't worry. Currently, there are only these two action movies in the world. Movie fans who have just come out of the hurricane are waiting to see the new movie."

I still have to thank Brother Xiao Long for creating a Chinese action brand in the world of film and cultivating a group of action movie fans. Even if there are no new stars to take over for ten years, it is only ten years...the movie fans back then are not old yet.

The new genre of action drama has taken over the big stick of action drama.

The results of the second part are really not bad. After all, the hurricane rescue bombed A Mei's house in March and April. It is currently early July, so the time difference is very short.


July 4th.

Zhao Donghuai received a new call early in the morning, from Pan Asia.

The call was to say that the stock brokers headed by Li Minghui and others, accompanied by Pan Asia Group's security and finance, had been planning to acquire Hong Kong Electric for several months and had received 6% of the shares.

Now Director Zhao is also a small shareholder of Hong Kong Electric.

Do you want to continue stably?

Zhao Donghuai smiled and said a few words before hanging up the phone, of course he had to continue.

In this era, the Stock Exchange had not yet been formally established, and the four major conferences were still independent. The management of Hong Kong stocks was far less regulated than in later generations. The exchange model in the great era of Hong Kong dramas, a group of people making noises and making phone calls, and writing chalk on a big blackboard Trade stocks.

This is the stock market model at this stage.

Mr. Li will acquire nearly 35% of the shares in January next year, which will be around 3 billion. The general scale of Hong Kong Electric will be worth 10 billion in market capitalization.

It is said that the stock collection of HK Electric started in late March, and it was only the beginning of July. Has 5.6 billion Hong Kong dollars been invested in it in more than 100 days?

This is normal. On Hong Kong Island, the average daily sales of Strong Beer and Jianlibao are more than 2 million cans. Sometimes, for example, during the peak sales period of a movie, more than 3 million cans of Jianlibao alone can be sold.

He also made more than 200 million Hong Kong dollars in profits on Hong Kong Island.

If there wasn't such a river of cash, Lei Juekun wouldn't be in a hurry to copy homework and show off all kinds of goodwill to build relationships.

Outside of Hong Kong Island, there is a wider space in other places, such as Benzhou, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, South Korea, and other island countries. The island countries are the best sellers and the most explosive.

The island country also has a population of 120 million!

With the influence of Cheng Long and Zhang Guorong there, the sales volume of these two products was not bad. Later, Zhang Guorong continued to explode, and Hua Zai chased after him. In the island country alone, Zhao Donghuai made more than 300 million Hong Kong dollars in profit.

This still refers to the premise that half of the income is cut off and he only earns 50 cents per can.

From the beginning to now, more than 100 days later, the island country has sold 7.8 billion cans of strong beer and Jianlibao.

Not much. Calculating this means that the average islander only drinks a few cans of beer and Jianlibao in three months.

He earned 50 cents per can and accumulated profits of more than 300 million.

A can of Sanmao from a mainland joint venture factory is equivalent to making more than 200 million Hong Kong dollars in the island country market, which translates into more than 30 million U.S. dollars in foreign exchange!

An island country's market has earned more than 30 million U.S. dollars in foreign exchange for the mainland in a few months.

The cumulative sales volume in places such as Stars, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, South Korea, and the Philippines is similar to that of the island country. Zhao Donghuai made more than 300 million in profits, and more than 30 million US dollars were purchased in the mainland.

Hong Kong Island's home port, the mainland earns more than 70 million Hong Kong dollars, which is a discount of 10 million US dollars.

In more than three months, the mainland earned nearly 80 million U.S. dollars in foreign exchange! As time goes by in the future, as long as Director Zhao's plate is still stable, the mainland's cash flow to generate foreign exchange will become even more powerful!

This kind of foreign exchange earning power can easily double or even more the foreign exchange available in eastern Guangdong throughout the year.

You can imagine what Zhao Donghuai is doing now. He uses simulators to deduce the future time and time again. When he encounters any difficulties, he often gets over it before he even exerts his strength...

The mysterious power is too strong!

If you go against Mr. Li, he will become Li Paopao, and your career may collapse while you are still running!

It makes his daily simulations feel a bit boring.

Having secretly acquired HK Electric for so long, has it been noticed by the market? This issue is also very subtle. In 1983 and 1984, the Hong Kong stock market experienced various fluctuations. A large number of people were eager to immigrate, and their houses were sold.

The first house he bought in his life was sold by a landlord who was eager to immigrate to Massachusetts. The newly renovated house was sold at a 20% discount on the newly renovated house that he had never lived in before.

In the stock market, investors selling stocks are everywhere, and there are also many small shareholders.

A large group like Jardine Matheson is also facing a comprehensive downturn in its career.

At around nine o'clock in the morning, when Zhao Donghuai arrived at Zhao's Pictures, Qiu Shuzhen ran over with a smile, "Boss, Sister Amin sent a box of soup, but she didn't wait for you, and went to Uncle Ying's company to read the script. .”

This is a revamped version of Hurricane Rescue 2. I have the first version of the script, so let’s gather the main creators and give it a try. Hua Zai is also going, so we won’t be filming Fast Chase today.

Filming started on June 15th, and it’s only July 4th. I’ve already shot most of My Dog’s Life in about 20 days.

Most of the film crews in the Hong Kong film industry used to not pay much attention to scripts. Many of them only had an outline, and they would work on it slowly after the filming started, piecing together ideas... But now they are working with Director Zhao to earn a living, and they all attach great importance to scripts.

That’s why we convened the creative team to read the script before filming started.

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "What kind of soup is today? Come and share it between the two of us."

Azhen said excitedly, "Do I have a share?"

Director Zhao didn't say much.

After drinking the soup and sitting behind the desk to sort out her work schedule, A-Zhen continued to help massage her shoulders and neck. It was not until after 10 o'clock that he saw A-Zhen's sleepy face and asked her to go to sleep in the built-in resting bedroom.

Azhen has actually been working hard recently. She has really started to study seriously and want to improve her acting skills. She also has to take care of her secretary duties. It is normal to feel tired occasionally.


July 6th.

Early in the morning, as soon as Zhao Donghuai sat down in the office, he saw Hua Zai, Zhou Huimin and others running excitedly. After knocking on the door, he rushed in, "Boss, it's explosive. Yesterday, it was only released at 6pm on Thursday."

"Even so, The Flying Tiger still took home $1.1 million at the box office in Amei."

"Brother Ah Rong was there for a few days to promote the show, and the fans he brought were so crazy. I heard there was a concert where thousands of people sang I Want and As Long As!"

Zhou Huimin also nodded with a blushing face, "A-Hua and I are borrowing from Brother A-Rong. The quality of Lonely Flying Tiger can stand the test. Coupled with the linkage between Hurricane 2 and Flying Tiger, it will become more and more explosive!"

The two vented their emotions excitedly, and Amin asked curiously, "Boss, is there any hope that this will surpass the box office of Hurricane 1?"

"If it goes beyond that, wouldn't it be even more exaggerated when our Hurricane 2 links the flying tigers together??"

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "Don't worry, everything is possible, but the core of the rescue logic of Hurricane 1 must also be written into 2. You must do a good job in laying the foundation for the drama."

Hua Zai nodded hurriedly, "The script that Uncle Ying came up with is that I am his most proud disciple, and my relationship with him is also a teacher and a father. I went to jail to save Amin..."

After talking about Flying Tiger 1 and Hurricane 2 for a while, Hua Zai was excited again. His daily life is also very full, which is to improve his acting and singing skills. In terms of singing skills, he is not even as good as A Min.

It took more than four months to practice one song exclusively before he could barely reach the standard. He was also under a lot of pressure just after he passed.

However, Ah Hua's self-discipline and hard work are still worthy of praise.

Amin stayed to continue chatting with Feihu. Director Zhao also estimated the situation. If it opens at 6pm and closes at 12pm, it will make a box office of 1.1 million U.S. dollars. Such an opening weekend will definitely be higher than Hurricane Rescue 1. many.

It is estimated that Lone Flying Tiger will be among the top ten in Amei's local annual vote in 1984.

At the concert, thousands of people sang two of the Backstreet Boys’ masterpieces? Damn it, the second explosive single has exploded. Ah Wing’s popularity is different from that in March. It’s like an upgrade and optimization.

We still need to continue to promote English songs. The more popular Ah Wing and Andy are in Amei, the better their ability as singers to bring in box office will be.

Now is the time to give Zhou Huimin an English song. At least Amin's English skills are better than Hua Zai's.

Thinking of this, Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "Amin, please sing the songs I Want and As Long As acapella for me."

Amin, who was chatting happily, immediately became overjoyed and said, "Okay, I'll prepare. It'll be ready soon."

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