Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 112 The rapid pursuit is completed, and tea is coming

The new song that Zhao Donghuai plans to give to Amin is (Say You Say Me). Well, this is a song that will be original if it is not plagiarized.

Lionel is also the king of love songs in Amei's family. Zhao Donghuai also thinks that guy is very talented, so to give him face, he copied one of his masterpieces first.

This Say Say was invited by a film director to write a song. He couldn't write the song the director asked for, but he came up with this Say Say.

After releasing the single record, it directly topped the Billboard singles chart and took the top spot for four weeks. It was Lionel's fifth number one single. In another ten or twenty years, this song "Say You Say" The melody of "Me" may be sung by familiar people when they see the words.

It's already July 1984. If I don't copy it, it will be published by the original.

After Zhou Huimin sang two songs by Zhang Guorong and Hua Zi a cappella in his office, Zhao Donghuai nodded, "It's okay, you can take this one. After recording Fairy Tale and Ru Wish, this song will also be included in your official album." "

Amin took it as a treasure, hurriedly looked at the lyrics and music, and said coquettishly, "Boss, my English is actually not very good. Can I learn foreign languages ​​​​from you in the future?"

Her English skills are better than Hua Zai's, but her skills are limited.

His singing skills are much better than those of the current Hua Zai.

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "You are learning a foreign language from me..."

Well, after the popularity of People's Name, learning foreign languages ​​has taken on another meaning. Amin definitely doesn't understand the meaning of learning foreign languages.

"Okay, from now on, we can talk in English occasionally. Gong Li and Ah Hong are not good at English. You can release this song as a single first, and then release a multi-person chorus version in the official album."

His English is a master level that he learned through simulation in the simulator, and he learned it during the intermediate simulation period.

This leaves no time for Gong Li, A Hong, He Qing and others to slowly learn foreign languages. If they are like Hua Zai, who prepare for a song for several months and record a record, they may be in trouble with the original.

Lionel wrote a song for the movie Flew Up in the spring of 1985. This song not only topped the Billboard charts for several weeks, but also won the Golden Globe and Oscar for Best Original Song in 1986.

Next spring? Which day?

If there are too many people holding back, it would be impossible and we would have to let Amin take the lead.

Amin nodded again, rolled his eyes, and said with a little embarrassment, "Boss, our fairy tale has actually been recorded, but I just feel that this song... is a bit... weird?"

Of course it's strange.

It's obviously a song about a prince and a princess in a fairy tale. The three girls sing it together. The melody of the song is very good and very brainwashing, but it always feels a bit strange for the three girls to sing together.

Who is the prince and who is the princess?

Zhao Donghuai shook his head, "After recording, it will hit the charts and sell single records. Normal people will not think so much when listening to the music. Or you can go to ATV and record a live music program in which you play the piano and sing with Ah Hong and Gong Li."

"By the way, you and Ah Hong can wear wedding dresses, and let Gong Li wear a men's suit."

Amin started spitting. Your description is enough gossip.

In mid-April, Amin's courage began to sweep across Hong Kong. Courage meme was still in the pandemic. This fairy tale hit the charts and sold records in July, just to continue to boost Amin's popularity.

By the way, when Zhou Huimin and Chen Hong wore wedding dresses, played the piano and sang this fairy tale together, it was absolutely eye-catching.

The more hype the song has, the more popular it will be. Maybe the three girls of Amin can make money by selling fast-selling products based on this song.

In the past few months, Zhao Donghuai has made a profit of about 7.8 billion Hong Kong dollars in his hometown and Asia, which is a total sales volume of about 2 billion cans.

Amin has accumulated personal funds and has sold tens of millions of cans.

Her character in "The Flying Tiger" is really too good and lovable!

This fairy tale song...

If you write an English version of the original song and ask Zhou Huimin, Ah Hong, and Gong Li to release a single MV at Amei's house, and it becomes popular, then you will be adding BUFF to Amei.

As we all know, Amei’s stacked BUFF attributes are very strange.

Hey, can we find some A-Mei female singers to plan this show?

Is Gong Li promoted to the first generation of Jiji circle ahead of schedule?


Or a tenement house in Hong Kong Island.

23-year-old Li Zhi returned to Hong Kong during the summer vacation. After getting over the jet lag, he woke up in a daze and heard Jianlibao's brainwashing advertisement again.

“I won’t accept any gifts for the holidays this year. I will only accept Jianlibao as gifts.”

As the commercial played, Li Zhi scratched his hair several times, vented his anger after getting up, and then ran to wash himself.

After washing, when she arrived in the living room and looked at the TV, the advertisements were gone, but music started playing, which was the prelude to the song "Fairy Tale".

Li Zhi blinked, a little surprised.

The TV show was on the performance stage at this moment. Under the spotlight, Zhou Huimin and Chen Hong were wearing the same wedding dress and sitting side by side in front of a piano to play.

Just these two faces!

This is cheating! What’s the BUG in the card world!

Li Zhi is a woman, and she is also a good beauty. She was also shocked by Amin and Ahong.

When the song "I forgot how long it's been since I heard you again" sounded, Li Zhicai calmed down, grabbed a can of Jianlibao and took a sip, it was Amin's version.

Sit quietly in front of the TV, listen to music and enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Sing and sing.

When the lights flashed, Gong Li, wearing a men's suit and a single ponytail, appeared singing "You cried and told me that fairy tales are all lies and I can't be your prince."

Li Zhi squirted a big mouthful of Jianlibao.

The whole person is a bit messy.

The song continued amidst the chaos. The singing was indeed good and the melody was beautiful, but a strange smell lingered in my heart for a long time.

At the end of the song, Li Zhi shook his head and felt that the image of Gong Li on the stage had a different flavor. Is the first generation of Jiquan the leader? She didn't understand the concept.

But during the time A-mei was studying abroad, she also knew one thing. This was the 1980s when A-mei's lesbian or renegade organization had thousands of members.

The number exceeding a thousand refers to the number of groups, not the number of individuals.

After thinking about it, Li Zhi gradually became excited. He also regretted that he could not record the previous TV show. If he had recorded it, he would definitely have the opportunity to let Gong Li show off in a different way when he took Amei to her after school started. The field is overwhelming.

"Forget it, let's forget about that for now. We still need to look for opportunities to get autographs... Hey, for a few days after I came back last time, I didn't even get a chance to get close to Leslie, let alone meet that Mr. Zhao."

"This summer vacation, we must win it."

It's not that Li Zhi attaches great importance to the friendship between classmates at A Mei's house, but some fanatic fans tell her that if she gets Zhang Guorong's signed album or poster, she will get a bonus of 100 dollars.

If you get more of that kind of thing, you will make a fortune!

Especially for the promotion of "The Flying Tiger", Zhang Guorong held a concert, and after thousands of people sang "I Want" and "As Long As", Ah Wing's popularity in North America climbed to a higher level again.

Human beings have basically the same aesthetics. The popular Asian high-end faces created by various experts or teams at Amei all have ulterior motives.

With Zhang Guorong's good looks, he has a lot of fans like ghost girls and ghost wives, which is too childish.


at the same time.

Backstage at ATV, Zhou Huimin, Gong Li and Chen Hong, who had changed into normal attire, walked out happily. A Hong said excitedly, "Can we really drive the consumption of beer and Coke by filming a live performance like this?"

"If it's true, I don't expect to sell tens of millions of cans and earn millions of Hong Kong dollars like you, Sister Min. Even if I can sell tens of thousands of cans and earn a few thousand dollars, I'll be happy."

Gong Li is also full of expectations, "Yes, our monthly salary is very high and generous, but I am looking forward to it..."

The live version of the fairy tale song was a bit unique, but it didn't matter. Gong Li didn't take it to heart. After all, she knew that every actor had to play various roles in life.

No matter how many messy things there are, it is not as practical as making money.

Jianlibao and San Miguel have sold nearly 2 billion cans in a few months with the help of all-star lineups and the marketing of explosive movies.

The most exciting money pickers are Zhao Donghuai and the Mainland Foreign Exchange Earning Group, followed by Cheng Long, Zhang Guorong, Hua Zai and Lin Zhengying.

Even if it's only ten cents per can, Cheng Long has brought in more than 300 million cans and collected more than 30 million Hong Kong dollars. Who made him the most popular in the island country before?

Three hundred million cans sounds exaggerated, but on average, every island citizen has drank a total of two or three cans of strong beer and Jianlibao in the past few months.

Amin's level can only be considered the third level.

In their anticipation, Zhou Huimin smiled a little strangely, "The boss said that after we finish recording this program, ATV will broadcast it frequently and multiple times...just like that sketch about eating noodles."

"The more it is broadcast and the more people see it, the more sales it should have."

"Don't worry about it. You two need to improve your English as soon as possible. There will also be a chorus version of our song Say You Say Me. This is a major work that can enter the North American circle like Leslie!"

Upon hearing this, Gong Li and Chen Hong nodded wildly.


The 6th, which is Friday in North America, was spent with the strange debuts of Gong Li and Chen Hong. North America's "The Flying Tiger" scored more than 3.8 million U.S. dollars at the box office throughout the day.

By Saturday the 7th, it was over $4.6 million, and on Sunday the 8th, it was over $4.9 million.

In the first weekend, it accumulated 14.6 million U.S. dollars, a discount of more than 113 million Hong Kong dollars!

When the 9th came and Kowloon-based newspapers fully published the news, the whole Hong Kong was shocked, public opinion was boiling, and the topic was completely out of the circle.

Even in various fields such as real estate and finance, they all looked sideways and were extremely excited by such news.

Think about it, fan Liu is still the boss of Aimeike, but the market value of a listed company like Aimeike is about HK$5.6 billion.

I heard that the total cost of making a movie is only about 3 million, and it will be funded by advertisers as soon as it is launched, so that the cost can be repaid with a profit.

In the past, it was just a matter of selling box office in Hong Kong Island and other places. Now it has landed in North America and made more than 113 million Hong Kong dollars in box office in the first weekend? Just fuck me!

Cheung Kong's big office.

Mr. Li grabbed the newspapers and read them over and over again before he lit a cigar and complained, "The film and television industry is too profitable."

Aning, one of Li's generals, said hurriedly, "Li Sheng, that's not how the account is calculated. Amei is buying out the theatrical release rights. Regardless of the box office, the income has nothing to do with that little Zhao Sheng. His Didn't "The Flying Tiger" only sell the theatrical rights for $12 million?"

The news of selling off the theatrical release rights came as early as April when "The Flying Tiger" was still being released on Hong Kong Island.

The copywriter took another puff on his cigar, put down the cigar and wiped his glasses with a cloth, "This is a series, they are all series!"

"Use these to get a bank loan, and the loan amount you can get has increased a lot. If you look at his New World series, the income from the sequel is no worse than the first one."

"With a few action movie copyrights under his belt, he was able to get enough ammunition from the bank to grab Hong Kong Electric."

General Aning said in surprise, "Do you suspect that Hong Kong Electric's stock market is experiencing abnormal fluctuations, is he really causing trouble?"

The stock price of Hong Kong Electric has been falling, and it is inconspicuous amid the general decline in the market. Ordinary people cannot detect it, but Li Chaoren has been eyeing Hong Kong Electric for a long time.

So an anomaly was found.

Zhao Donghuai spent 5.6 billion on a secret acquisition and gained 6%. This caused Hong Kong Electric's decline to show a steady trend among all the falling markets.

It fell less than others, so someone is causing trouble?

After wiping his glasses and putting them back on, Li Chaoren said speechlessly, "The probability of it being him is about 40 to 50 percent. Hurricane Rescue and Lone Tiger, as well as his new drama, as long as the performance is the same as the first two. "

“We want to do things, and it becomes a lot more difficult.”

When Zhao Donghuai borrowed money to acquire ATV for the first time, he still suppressed the copyrights of several dramas and only brought out 200 million from selling the films.

But Amei's performance in various action scenes is getting stronger and stronger.

It is not difficult to borrow 100 or 200 million for the copyright of a drama and several sequels.

This is the one-man show that grossed HK$113 million at the box office in its first weekend!

After thinking for a few minutes, Aning tentatively said, "How about we let HSBC and Jardine Matheson talk more..."

Li Zhiren smiled bitterly, "He made Guangdong earn nearly 80 million U.S. dollars in a few months. As long as he maintains it, he may earn 200 million U.S. dollars in foreign exchange by the end of the year."

"Do you understand what this concept is?"

1984 Stable foreign exchange earnings!

It’s still this crazy money-making model!

There will really be a powerful mysterious force protecting Zhao Donghuai's industry.

Even if Li Chao wants to do something big, he must use the enemy's weapon.

Coupled with the collapse of Watson's Top 100, the purchase of 711 has cost a lot of money. He is already considering a strategic shift. Li Zhiren has never been a crazy and aggressive type in the name of copying people.

He is a solid player.

Only when he has a complete grasp and advantage over something will he take action.

He will not touch a business that involves too many risks.


On the 9th, Zhao Donghuai didn't know that Mr. Li was thinking about him. He was in the Zhao Films Building at the moment, looking at Wu Ke from Shancheng Heavy Drink Factory with a speechless face... Of course, Wu Ke is now the head of the joint venture. Became the director of a tea factory.

Both Shancheng and Pengcheng have joint venture tea factories.

Director Wu’s intention was to produce iced black tea, green tea, and green plum green tea.

It will start in March and come out on July 9th? ?

Jianlibao was developed by researchers from several scientific research institutes in eastern Guangdong who wanted to fill the gap in domestic sports drinks and invested in Director Li of the Ai Power and Sanshui Distillery for one or two years.

Following the booming sales of San Miguel Beer and Jianlibao, Zhao plans to launch a joint venture in tea beverages... This is a nationwide effort to use large quantities of technology to support research and creation.

It’s not uncommon for big bosses from Chinese-prefixed institutions to end up in trouble. Is it difficult to get it done in three or four months?

Wu Chang saw that Director Zhao had a strange expression and was not very happy. He immediately said hurriedly, "Mr. Zhao, these three flavors are really good. Why don't you try them?"

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "You said it earlier, why didn't you say anything and give me this surprise? I believe in your ability, this should not be bad, but my new drama is about to be finished, and you suddenly said that the finished product is ready ?”

"Can we mass-produce it immediately??"

From June 15th to July 9th, the entire John Wick series is really almost finished. It will take a few more days at most.

Seeing that Director Wu was a little confused and nervous about explaining, Zhao Donghuai waved his hand, "Forget it, reshoot some scenes, it won't be a big trouble."

Just let Guan Jiahui's scene be re-filmed to show her liking to drink iced black tea, green tea and so on.

Kwan Ka-wai doesn't have many scenes to begin with, they all live in memories and video tapes in photo frames and computer D disks.

After laughing, he opened a few bottles of tea and pressed a button on his desk. Qiu Shuzhen quickly ran in, "Azhen, come and try the new product."

"When the time comes, arrange your role. When you are in the Xiu Emperor shoe store in Han Dynasty, have a few words with Jiahui. You like black tea and she likes green tea."

"It's like debating whether the tofu noodle tastes better, sweet or salty."

Qiu Shuzhen was ecstatic, "Thank you, boss."

If it weren't for Director Wu, an outsider, she would have wanted a Thai massage to thank her.

Director Wu also breathed a sigh of relief. The task on his shoulders was very heavy. After all, the sales volume of Power Beer and Jianlibao were incredible. Do you know how many people and bigwigs were following him behind the scenes?

How many people hope that Shancheng can do the miracle of making strong beer and Jianlibao by relying on iced black tea, green tea and green plum green like in eastern Guangdong? ?

After a while, when Qiu Shuzhen took a few sips of the iced tea, her eyes lit up, "I really like drinking iced black tea. Drinking this in summer, I feel more thirst-quenching than Jianlibao. It's sweet and awesome."

Zhao Donghuai also tasted it, and this one tastes better than both Master Kong and Uni-President.

There is no way, there are so many big guys with Chinese prefixes who end up doing scientific research.

In order to replicate the miracle of Jianlibao Strong Beer, Shancheng had too many big guys taking action and hired people to research the formula.

That would be even more exaggerated than having the leader of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles Writers Association stay at the author’s home to push for manuscripts. Strong beer and Jianlibao can earn more than 70 million US dollars in foreign exchange in a few months. Do you understand this concept? ?

After a while, when Director Wu received instructions to produce at full capacity and stock up on goods, he left happily. Azhen hurriedly knelt down next to Director Zhao and massaged his legs, "Boss, what kind of tofu do you like to drink? Sweet or salty?" of?"

"I like sweet things."

Normally, girls her age still prefer more sour and sweet flavors.

Zhao Donghuai did not answer the question. He picked up the phone and informed Hua Zai and Jiahui that many scenes had to be reshot and more tea drinking scenes had to be implanted.

It doesn’t need to be too much. Too much can actually make the audience laugh.

Just like when Hua Zai went shopping at Wanjia Hantianxia Store for the first time and bought a pair of Xiudi shoes and left, Guan Jiahui took out a bottle of iced green plum green tea and said, "Sir, the hot summer is coming. It will be very helpful to have it in your life." "Sweet" lines will do.

The shoe seller completes a transaction and gets a bottle of iced green plum green tea for two yuan. How simple.

Before I take a few photos of Hua Zai doing something big every time, he is used to putting on his Xiudi shoes and grabbing a bottle of ice-cold green plum green.

Then in Hurricane Rescue 2, of course Zhou Huimin still brought Jianlibao.

Lin Zhengying, a retired flying tiger, can also drink iced black tea and green tea.

As for the brands of these tea drinks? It is also the Han world.

After all, in the Hong Kong novel market right now, The Legend of Liu Xiu is the most popular. After all, this is a historical romance novel that came out of the martial arts circuit.

Dynasty struggle.

This is a version that Hong Kong residents have rarely had full exposure to in the past. Even Jin Yong’s Shooting Condor, Divine Condor, and Yitian series also involved many dynastic hegemony events.

But Teacher Jin’s historical skills...

The most outstanding thing about The Legend of Liu Xiu is Liu Heping and others, who co-created and wrote the military war scenes extremely excitingly. They wrote about the high-ranking and powerful battles in the temple. His team includes screenwriters from Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Moreover, the original protagonist of the time traveler was chosen to be an ordinary citizen of Hong Kong Island in order to gain popularity. He graduated from the history department of the University of Hong Kong and was doing an ordinary writing job. After accidentally traveling through time, he hugged Liu Xiu's thigh tightly and became a drama about the founding hero of the country.

Analogous to the various counts who are still in trouble.

This sense of immersion is simply amazing.

In addition, Tsim Sha Tsui and Lei Kuk-kun each anonymously spent 100,000 Hong Kong dollars to urge the author to update, which is also the first gossip news in the literary world of Hong Kong Island.

The same Han Tianxia brand can also be put into operation slowly.

Han Tianxia, ​​this brand is more likely to give Chinese people all over the world a sense of intimacy.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door. When Zhao Donghuai shouted to come in, he realized that it was Fatty Jing who came with Zhou Runfa, Zhang Manyu and others.

Seeing Director Zhao, Fatty Jing immediately smiled and said, "Sheng Zhao, congratulations on breaking 100 million in North America on the first weekend. You are indeed the idol I have been chasing in my life."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "Stop wrangling, is this finished?"

Fatty King started saving for a new hardcover version of "Chasing Girls" on June 20, and it's already July 9. He finished filming a movie in 19 days, so there's no big problem.

Wang Jing nodded decisively.

Zhao Donghuai looked at Ah Fa, "Where's Sir Du's New World 3?"

Ah Fa said hurriedly, "We are still filming, but we found out after filming that A Yu's acting skills are still a bit weak to support the aura of a club godfather. Sir Du is mainly training A Yu."

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "That's just right. I've released a new type of drink, tea. You can bring back some samples to Ayu later so that the more outstanding characters can drink more tea."

Of course it was impossible for Wuchang to only give away three bottles once. He gave away ten boxes of each type of tea, with 12 bottles in one box.

If the price is 2 yuan, Director Zhao can make a profit chain of one Hong Kong dollar per bottle.

The official production can be mass-produced at any time. Even if he wants dozens or hundreds of boxes, it will be easy.

Zhou Runfa's eyes glowed green, "There are new drinks, great!"

Just by relying on the two parts of "New World", he has made millions in income, which is much more than making movies.

Yes, Ah Fa is currently a big step behind Cheng Long, Lin Zhengying, and Zhang Guorong. The New World Part Two is only relatively popular in the community and military and police systems. It is still the most popular in Hong Kong Island and gradually downgrades when going outside.

In the island country of South Korea and other places, Afa could only look at the necks of Cheng Long, Zhang Guorong and others.

Even so, the cumulative income of several million is a remuneration that may not be earned even after a year of filming and various other scenes.

After being excited, Zhao Donghuai and his party moved to the screening room.

I watched the new version of "The Heroic Girl" in the screening room. Yes, it is a movie with Zhou Runfa, Lu Liangwei, Wan Ziliang, etc. as the male protagonists, and Zhang Manyu, Zhong Xiehong, Lan Jieying and other female protagonists.

A great comedy with jokes by Wang Jing, Huang Bingyao and Sunglasses Lao Wang.

Three men and three women, Ah Fa plays Man Yu, Lu Liangwei plays A Hong, and Wan Ziliang plays Lan Jieying. It is much more exciting than the original version.

If a single original version has more than six points, this is an eight-point Hong Kong-style comedy.

The leading cast is so luxurious, and the supporting cast is not weak either. Feng Suifan, Chen Baixiang, Chen You, Wang Jing, etc. guest star, Mei Yanfang, Shangshan Shina, Zeng Huaqian...

Many people may not be familiar with Shang Shan Shi Na. She is also one of the Kowloon girls, Zhang Zhilin’s cousin. She was not weak in appearance when she was young. She was the beauty who left the country at the beginning of the original hardcover version of Chasing Girls.

After watching an eight-point comedy, Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Let's release it. Mr. Zombie has just been released, and the hardcover can be the next summer masterpiece."

Mr. Zombie has been in theaters for 24 days, and the box office has barely exceeded 30 million. In fact, if Princess Kim's Happy Ghost hadn't been released on July 1st, diverting too many fans, Mr. Zombie would have been able to beat Hurricane Rescue and Lone Tiger. box office record.

A group of creatives were all ecstatic, and Wang Jing said even more excitedly, "Sheng Zhao, it is certain that the new drama will be a big hit, and the earnings will not be small, but you ask me, can I be the leading actor and play a supporting role in a comedy... I Do you think I can also bring goods?"

The great director has great power and high status in the crew.

Fatty Jing also took advantage of many beauties in this drama. Of course, he wouldn't dare touch Lan Jieying, the stunning Wutai Mountain girl, but he would be happy with a Nine Dragons girl like Shi Na.

However, the director's salary was 200,000 Hong Kong dollars, and there were dividends after the film became a box office hit. Although he made a lot of money, he was still jealous of the star and brought the goods to tears.

Think about Zhou Huimin, who just made his debut in a solo movie. He sang a few songs, sold tens of millions of cans, and earned millions.

How many movies does a director have to make to earn this?

Especially the other party's sales of Jianlibao are developing steadily and they are making money every day.

This is so exciting.

As for the earning power of Cheng Long and others, Wang Jing was so envious that he vomited blood.

Zhao Donghuai laughed and said, "You are the protagonist and the salesperson? It's not impossible, but if you want to make money, you have to work hard on the script and create a drama that is exciting enough to sell. You are a talented person from the University of Hong Kong. You can figure this out for yourself."

Wang Jing was thoughtful, then his expression was firm and eager to try.


Number 13.

In the Tsim Sha Tsui branch of Han Tianxia Xiu Di Shoes store, Zhao Donghuai shouted, "Click, it's done!"

All the staff and actors on the scene cheered.

Especially Guan Jiahui and Qiu Shuzhen, the two women were so happy.

They used to be low-level female gangsters who brought goods and sold them for money. This time, the scenes were reshot for placement of advertisements, which was all to create financial resources for them.

Jia Hui is the most enthusiastic about reshooting this kind of drama.

When the two girls came over excitedly, Guan Jiahui kissed them directly...

Director Zhao quickly reassured and said to the people around him, "Although the time is a bit late, it's past 9 o'clock, we can still have the closing banquet. At worst, it will end after the 12th."

"Everyone, please tidy up. Let's go to Yongji at 10:30."

Yong Kee usually closes at 11 o'clock, but it's not a big deal to make a phone call to book a nightclub, just add money.

In a capital society, there are very few things that cannot be solved with more money.

after a while.

When Zhao Donghuai took the car to Yongji, Guan Jiahui said excitedly, "Brother Huai, I also have a role in Hurricane 2. I will provide money and connections to help Uncle Ying prepare various things to go to the island country to save Amin."

"For a scene like this, the character seems to be pretty good."

She is a big singer in a movie, the idol of Lin Zhengying's daughter... This kind of idol is just a little bit, has a lot of money, and has a lot of connections in the film and television industry!

It is indeed a good character to spend money and effort to mobilize connections to help A Ying go to the island country to rescue people.

In this way, when I wait for the release of The Flying Tiger 2 and Hua Zai comes out after serving prison time, I will be able to follow Kwan Ka-wai's plot and roles.

For example, Kwan Ka-wai has contributed money and effort to help with things. Could it be that in Flying Tiger 2, Kwan Ka-wai gets into trouble and encounters threats from the society? Then in order to repay the favor, Hua Zai and Lin Zhengying did things together? ?

Not to mention big stars getting into trouble in other places on Hong Kong Island, it is not uncommon for big stars to get into trouble in this city.

During the script reading, Lin Zhengying and other creative teams had already set a similar line. The script reading is not just about reading, but also includes sorting out the logic from beginning to end, as well as new creation.

They even suggested that Jia Hui could take A Min into the music scene and take care of her like a big sister, so that A Min, the girl next door from Hong Kong Island, can lead a truly wonderful life. In the play, a big singer leads a new singer. , this is reflected in reality.

This made Guan Jiahui very excited.

If you can pick up money as easily as Zhou Huimin, you won't just lie down and win.

Zhao Donghuai also received the relevant report. He learned it when he was teaching Amin to learn English. At this moment, he also smiled and said, "Then you should really improve your acting and singing skills. Lip-synching every day is not the rule."

Guan Jiahui thought for a while and said coquettishly, "I'd better work on my acting skills. I really don't have the talent for singing, and I can't do the hard work."

"By the way, Ah Qing and I have met a little sister in the past few days, and we've gotten along quite well. Can I let you meet her next time? If we fall in love with her, I'll be considered a beautiful adult."

Zhao Donghuai, "???"

Guan Jiahui continued, "Her name is Li Zhi, she is still a college student in my sister's family. I went to ATV once to see who she was waiting for... I got to know her, she is a pretty good little sister."

Zhao Donghuai, "!!!"

How did you meet Li Zhi? ? What is this God unfolding?

Ajie once almost paralyzed him in a simulator, but Zhao Donghuai has always been a friendly and good citizen who likes to win.

That's not right. Li Zhi might even take advantage of the gambling king in Haojiang. How about helping the gambling king check in advance?

Some things are a bit too deep for ordinary people to grasp.

But Director Zhao, who has strengthened his waist and kidneys by more than 20 points and has master-level handheld photography physical fitness, definitely doesn't care.

After being amazed, he couldn't help but sigh, "How did you fool Ah Qing? Is this okay?"

At first, we said that Ah Qing would be the principal palace, but that girl is so enthusiastic. How many kilometers has she gone off track?

Guan Jiahui complained helplessly, "I have taken tonic Chinese medicine, but my back still hurts."

Start health care at the age of 22? ? She had only known each other intimately for eight months with Zhao Donghuai, so she had to maintain her health? ?

Ah Qing is not far from here.

The first time she and He Qing went to the ATV training class to find someone, it wasn't that they didn't like anything. The guy named Zhang Min was good, but he was too young.

Ye Zimei has the world in mind, but her looks are inferior.

Lin Linzongzong, still investigating, unexpectedly saw a groupie Li Zhi? A quick look at her figure shows that she is not someone to be trifled with.

When the popular singer extended a hand of friendship to Li Zhi, Li Zhi was naturally flattered.

This is the general situation.

Li Zhi wants signed posters and signed records from Zhang Guorong, Lin Zhengying, Hua Zai and others? This is no big deal. It only takes one sentence, as much as it takes.

This summer vacation can be very hot.

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