Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 116: John Wick is released!

A new day, the 28th, at noon.

Simon Yam walked out of the set and walked to a convenience store near Clear Water Bay, where he was planning to buy cigarettes. When he arrived near Bai Jia Xing, who was competing against 711, he saw one of the Five Wireless Tigers, Miao Qiaowei, calling on passers-by on the street to visit Bai Jia Xing. .

Amiao's behavior made the 711 branch manager excited and rushed out with a broom to drive away the person.

Many actors, actresses, and extras were standing on the street laughing, but A Miao didn't take it seriously and just ran away.

When Miao Qiaowei ran to Ren Dahua, he smiled and greeted, "Brother Hua, are you shopping?"

Ren Dahua smiled and nodded, "Buy cigarettes."

Miao Qiaowei took out a pack of cigarettes from his body and said, "Now, I respect you. If something happens to me and I get bullied in the future, Brother Hua, you have to help me."

Simon Yam has filmed many TV series and movies over the years.

He has appeared in more than 20 TV series and more than a dozen movies, but how will he compare with the popular TVB Five like Miao Qiaowei? His status in the film and television industry is still not as good as that of Amiao.

However, Amiao and others were still very polite to Brother Hua and had a good relationship with him.

Brother Hua has a police circle behind him and comes from a police family.

In daily life or filming, whenever little troubles were encountered, Hua Ge helped people settle many things, such as Deng Yurong poaching Zhou Yunfa and sending A-Lian to the top management of A-Mei's casino. Da-Rong did whatever he wanted without hesitation.

That's still the popular Ah Fa.

This kind of thing will basically not happen to Ren Dahua.

Ren Dahua laughed, "You're a Miao, you want to send me away with just a pack of cigarettes? I think you ran too fast, so you don't feel comfortable without being beaten, right?"

Miao Qiaowei smiled and didn't care, and then scratched his head, "Hey, the filming in Clear Water Bay, from the supporting role to the Red Star, was completely one-sided. There is no sense of accomplishment in recruiting people for hundreds of families near my home community!"

"Zhao Sheng supports us so much. I have also appeared as a supporting role in a popular movie. I still have lines. I should put in more efforts to be loyal."

There is nothing wrong with this, there are examples from Zhou Runfa, Zhang Guorong, Lin Zhengying and others.

Regardless of TVB or ATV, it has become a daily compulsory course for practitioners to bring their own dry food to help Zhao's Baijia Surname 24-hour convenience store to promote and increase its popularity.

Ren Dahua laughed and said, "You've managed to survive. I don't know how long it will take, but it's quite exciting to do this kind of thing."

"Especially when being chased and beaten by 711 people."

He did it too.

In residential areas, streets, and even in his eldest brother's dormitory area, he often ran to cheer for hundreds of families to gain popularity.

Even if you don't dare to expect to do such a small thing, Zhao Sheng is directly interested in him and recommends him to be the supporting actor or the protagonist. If you have the opportunity to play a supporting role in Zhao Sheng's drama, it is also an opportunity and a resume.

While the two were joking, the BB camera on Miao Qiaowei rang. When he took it out and took a look, he suddenly said excitedly, "Fuck, it's Brother Hua who's detaining me. Ah, it's Brother Hua from Lonely Tiger, Brother Da Hua." Just wait for me and I'll call you back."

Looking around, Miao Qiaowei ran into the Baijia convenience store to borrow a phone.

On the streets left and right, many people heard Amiao's cry and were a little envious.

Ah Miao is already one of the Five Tigers, and has a close relationship with the most popular action star like Andy Lau.

A moment later, when Miao Qiaowei walked out of the convenience store in a daze, shaking his head, he ran to Ren Dahua excitedly, "Brother Hua, we are going to have a hurricane. Old Liu said that he wants to find me and you to rescue from the hurricane. The crew of 2 auditioned for the show.”

Ren Dahua felt as if he was struck by lightning, and everyone was stunned.

Some practitioners from various film crews nearby were also stunned by the news.

"Isn't it? Rescue 2 is about to be launched?"

"Fuck, that's Hurricane Rescue 2. It sold for more than 30 million yen in Hong Kong, 60 million yen in North America, even the island country sold 3.2 billion yen, and that little place sold over 80 million yen."

"Hurricane 2 has started? Hiss..."

"Amiao, Brother Hua, you are about to get mad!"


When a series of exclamations sounded from the left and right, Ren Dahua suddenly woke up, and then pinched Miao Qiaowei's leg hard, causing Miao to scream in pain in the street.

Ren Dahua apologized excitedly, "Ah Miao, sorry, are you in so much pain? Is the news true?"

Miao Qiaowei was so angry that he punched Ren Dahua on the shoulder, "Fuck, you don't believe it, you're pinching yourself, why are you pinching me? You're crazy!"

The next moment he waved his hands excitedly, "Quickly go, it's important to audition!"

Ren Dahua was confused again, "It's normal for Brother Hua to call you to audition. You two are good friends, but he still called me??"

"No, wait a minute, isn't Hurricane Rescue 2 Uncle Ying's movie? Why would you let Brother Hua find someone?"

Of course Ren Dahua also knows Liu Dehua. He is Yeluqi in the 83 version of The Condor, and he married Guo Fu's Yeluqi.

Speaking of TVB's various TV series, from Qiu Guan to Sister Tsuen, from Xie Laosi, La Gu to Zhao Yazhi, Ah Fa, Wu Hu, etc., there are many collaborations with Simon Yam.

He suddenly remembered, isn't Hurricane Rescue 2 Uncle Ying's movie? He doesn’t know that Uncle Ying!

Under the words, Miao Qiaowei was still very excited, "I don't know this, but maybe we spontaneously increased the popularity of Baijia Surname Chain, and Zhao Sheng took a fancy to it?"

"Maybe Uncle Ying feels satisfied with what we are doing and gives us a chance to ask Brother Hua to help spread the word."

"The most important thing now is to hurry up and audition."

In a word, the neighborhood already recognizes the Baijia surname, and only likes to go there to buy things from the Clearwater Bay studio practitioners.

All kinds of associations, all kinds of excitement, not to mention how exciting it is.

Ren Dahua didn't bother to ask so many questions, so he borrowed a car and headed towards Kowloon Tong with Ah Miao.

The subsidiaries of Hong Qinbao, Lin Zhengying, Xu Ke and other big brother directors in the film industry are not in the Zhao Film Building, but they are all close to Zhao.


after a while.

When Simon Yam and Miao Qiaowei arrived at Lin Zhengying's Dongzheng Film Company, they saw many familiar faces when they entered.

TVB's first-tier stars include Tong Zhenye and Huang Rihua, as well as ATV's He Jiajin, Zeng Weiquan, Wu Yijiang, Yin Tianzhao, Wu Tingye and others.

The crowd was waiting in the hall with excitement and nervousness.

When Miao Qiaowei and Ren Dahua came near Tang Zhenye and Huang Rihua, they whispered, "Awei isn't here?"

Huang Rihua also explained in a low voice, "I don't know if he is still on the way or if he has not been selected. I heard that Awei has not helped Zhao Sheng promote the Hundred Family Surnames in the past few days..."

Everyone familiar with TVB knows that among the five generals, Awei has the most introverted personality.

"The candidates in this lobby are all people who have worked hard every day to promote the Baijia chain store opposite or next door to 711."

"For example, General Wu Yi works as a free employee to serve customers at a Baijia store near his home..."

Miao Qiaowei was shocked, "Fuck, so cruel?"

Huang Rihua nodded, "That Wu is relatively weak. He graduated from the ATV training class in 1982, and so far he hasn't even gotten a few supporting roles in TV series, let alone movies."

Ren Dahua was shocked, "Ah... Ah Wu must have been attracted by calling on the neighbors to go shopping, and we should be the same."

It’s hard to say how the TVB Five or someone with such seniority was chosen. He Jiajin also starred in an ATV TV series with Kwan Jiahui since his debut in 1982.

Yin Tianzhao just graduated from the ATV training class and became the second male lead in a major drama.

How this group of qualified and famous people were selected by Lin Zhengying is still difficult to determine. General Wu Yi... With the appearance of General Wu Yi, do you need to ask more?

For a moment, everyone was extremely happy. When Hundreds of Surnames first landed on Hong Kong Island, they saw Zhou Xingxing and a few other film and television practitioners began to call on the neighbors to join Hundreds of Surnames, so they followed suit.

After following this trend for a few days, the result was so right! ! So true!

After a while.

There were occasional small exchanges in the hall. As Lin Zhengying walked out, it suddenly fell into silence. Everyone looked at Uncle Ying with respect, envy and yearning.

Lin Zhengying was not polite, "Everyone, I came to you just for Hurricane Rescue 2. I can honestly say that the Hurricane Rescue series will be linked with Hua Zai's Lone Tiger series."

"Hurricane 2, according to the plot in the first film, Hua Zai was imprisoned and squatted in Stanley, waiting for A Min to have an accident for the second time. It was me, the original Flying Tiger instructor, who helped Hua Zai fly to other places to rescue A Min."

"In order to pave the way for the emotional scenes and create the emotional basis for me to save people, the second part will shoot some memory clips, such as the scene where I trained Hua Zai and helped him grow up before I retired as an instructor."

"Today I choose you to play the role of a member of the Flying Tigers who was trained by me at the same time as Hua Zai."

"To put it more deeply, as long as you perform well enough, you can also become the absolute protagonist of another new series. I am the instructor, Hua Zai and you are all team members... The team member who shines will not be limited to Hua Zai. .”

"Your identities are all selected from the tens of thousands of police officers in Hong Kong, whether plainclothes or uniformed, to join the Flying Tigers for training. You can figure out your personal character, background, resume, etc. for yourself."

"If your performance is mediocre, you are just an ordinary part-timer when Hua Zai was training. If you stand out, you will reach the sky in one step."

"Start in five days!"

"After I have finished speaking, everyone can leave and go back to prepare. I will collect the notebook in five days. Those who are outstanding will receive special treatment, multiple scenes and storylines, and those who are not good will be cast as standard supporting roles."

After Uncle Ying finished speaking, the scene exploded!


Not only can they star in Taken 2, but if they act well and perform brilliantly, they may have the opportunity to start a new series with them as the protagonists from the Taken and One Man series? ?

There seems to be nothing wrong with this!

Brother Hua bombed the world with Part 1. Everyone knows that he is in jail. If something happens to Amin again after he is in jail, Lin Zhengying, a retired instructor, will help fight the second part of Hurricane. It is logical!

In the Ganges!

Since the other flying tigers who trained at the same time as Hua Zai and performed missions performed brilliantly, shouldn't it be appropriate to start another series?

Brain storm swept through everyone who came.

After Ah Miao, Huang Rihua, Tang Zhenye, and Simon Yam walked out of Dongzheng Movies in a daze, and stood on the street, Ah Miao hurriedly took out a cigarette and lit it for Simon Yam, "Brother Hua, help me, I don't know anything about the police." .”

"You are an expert, help me figure out some biographies? Character settings and backgrounds? The more exciting the better, I'll treat you to a feast."

Simon Yam pushed A Miao's face away and complained, "The Flying Tigers of Hong Kong can't fight as exaggeratedly as in the movie... That's not real at all."

Huang Rihua was happy, "Look at what you said, which movie and TV series wouldn't exaggerate the reality? But Brother Hua, let's imagine that we can become red to purple, red to black..."

"One drama has earned tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars. We really need to get together and do more research."

Andy Lau's salary is not high, but selling goods is really exciting.

Like Cheng Long, Lin Zhengying, and Zhang Guorong, he is currently a handsome guy who earns tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars with goods.

Compared with retail profits, the remuneration doesn't matter, it's a great value to pay for acting.

Ren Dahua also blushed, "What are you waiting for? Let's raise money to find screenwriter Ba Guan for help."

It's worth asking excellent screenwriters to help them save their books.

I believe that the ATV boys like He Jiajing, Zeng Weiquan, and Yin Tianzhao are also like this. It doesn't matter if they are in debt and ask for help, once they become famous like Hua Zi.

I made tens of millions in just a few months!

By the way, companies other than Zhao's now want to hire Hua Zai to film movies. Hollywood companies like Warner Bros. also offer millions of dollars in salary.

Ordinary Hong Kong film companies that want to hire Andy Lau to film a film will have to pay about 2 to 3 million Hong Kong dollars for a film contract.


When the cast of Rescue 2 is recruiting new people.

Zhao Donghuai was taking Guan Jiahui to meet someone in a private room in a teahouse, Guan Shan.

Although Guan Shan was facing Zhao Sheng with a very restrained and awed posture, Zhao Donghuai still decently took out a red envelope and said, "Guan Sheng, I asked you out this time because it is related to Jiahui's career planning. She will get married in her early 20s. Divorced."

"The damage to a female star's public image is still great. Here is one hundred thousand, which is the salary I paid to invite Guan to come out and cooperate with the hype."

"In the midst of the hype, in order to cleanse Bai Jiahui, she had to work hard to fight against the negative image."

Guan Shan nodded hurriedly, "No problem, Zhao Sheng, you tell me, I will do it without any reward. You really don't need it. You are doing this to help Jiahui, how can I collect money."

"At worst, I'll run away like Lian Le Da Rong to avoid the limelight."

He already knew it. After watching the movie "Quick Chase", Li Guoxing directly ordered 25 million bottles of personal green tea endorsed by Guan Jiahui.

That’s 2.5 million Hong Kong dollars in one go. Even if the money is still slowly being withdrawn, it’s still a lot of money!

Looking at the previous examples, as long as he helps Guan Jiahui change his image, he can make money quickly enough to support their family.

If you can win in life, why not cooperate? It is said that since Guan Shan divorced his wife and found another girl to live with, his finances were also very difficult.

It was Guan Jiahui who sent him money one after another after she gradually became rich.

Sister Guan now supports her father, mistress, mother and younger brother.

At this point, Guan Shan took a sip of tea in embarrassment, "Actually, if you want to clean up Bai Jiahui, you don't have to do much, just tell me what I did."

"When she was a teenage girl, her mother and I divorced. I went to Wanwan, and her mother took her younger brother to North America... As a teenage girl, she had no friends."


"Then when I didn't feel safe, I was cheated..."

In later generations, in another ten or twenty years, all kinds of gossip and news about back pain will be everywhere, and the truth and falsehood will be very confusing.

But at this point in time when Director Zhao traveled through time.

She can only be regarded as a woman who has been abandoned many times, and it was these two abandonments that completely distorted her character.

I was abandoned by my parents once when I was a teenager, and again after I got married, and my career hit its lowest point because of my first marriage.

You must know that before she got married, she started out as a heroine in TV dramas and movies. She was famous for being a commercial endorsement and selling out her products. After she got divorced, she could only start out as a supporting role and a female villain.

Compared with Mei Yanfang and Cai Shaofen, she is definitely lucky. Compared with Lin Qingxia, Zhong Xianhong, Zhang Manyu, etc., she is undoubtedly unlucky.

Manyu's parents divorced when she was a teenager, but at least her mother has been living with her.

It’s not like Sister Guan, whose parents and brothers all left her and ran away, ignoring her.

At this time, there is no difficulty in clearing her for the new film. As long as Guan Shan is willing to cooperate and has the skills. To exaggerate the truth a little bit, ask a few celebrities to testify to this resume.

It would be immoral if anyone stares at this point and criticizes Sister Guan again.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and nodded, "Okay, let's arrange it like this. The new drama will be released on August 1st. Then we will take the initiative to raise the topic and guide public opinion to hype it up..."

"Guan Sheng, please accept the red envelope and treat it as a token of my appreciation."

after all……

Some time later, when Zhao Donghuai and Guan Jiahui left in a car, Jiahui, who was fine, suddenly cried.

Zhao Donghuai couldn't stop crying and laughing at the same time.

When the broadcast in Kowloon Tong was over, Director Zhao put Jia Hui down in the car and went to do other things. Guan Jiahui quickly went home and called someone to ask Li Zhi to prepare the Chinese medicine.

She wants a big drink.


On August 1, 1984, the upgraded hardcover version of Chasing Girls, which had been released in Zhao's theaters for more than 20 days, has been fully released and has grossed more than 23 million at the box office.

The fully upgraded version only has a box office increase of 2 million compared to the original's more than 21 million? This is a factor that will cause movie ticket prices to rise a few years later.

In 1984, the average movie ticket price on Hong Kong Island was still 15 yuan per ticket. By the time the 1987 hardcover version of The Original Track was released, the average ticket price was almost 20 yuan.

Calculating this, you will know that it can fetch more than 23 million yuan, which is very high. In addition, it sold out for 25 million yuan in other places. This is another money-making series.

At 7 o'clock in the morning on the 1st, the cinemas have not officially opened for business yet. Countless movie fans have already spontaneously gathered in front of each Zhao's theater, impatiently waiting to watch the new movie!

Hua Zai, A Hua, the leading male protagonist in "The Flying Tiger", has a new movie released, and it is still a Zhao's movie. Because A Hua's singing and film industry has exploded together, there are many more blond and blue-eyed among the fans gathered in front of the theaters. Ghost fans.

Both men and women have that.

In front of some theaters, the number of Gui Lao fans can account for more than 30% of the total number of people!

This is the appeal that ordinary Hong Kong stars, even Cheng Long, Hong Yinbao, Xu Guanjie, Xu Guanwen and others cannot pull up!

Outside Zhao's Dragon Head Theater in Tsim Sha Tsui, as time went by, many spectators went crazy to buy tickets... This was not as exaggerated as buying tickets for Jacky Cheung's concert in Star Boy's King of Destruction.

That's really an exaggeration.

However, the enthusiastic fans and fans were still crowded inside and outside the theater, killing each other. Some people were accidentally pushed and fell down, and even stepped on by passers-by.

It was the uniformed police and Pan Asia Group's temporary workers who quickly used loudspeakers to maintain order that reduced the riot.

At the edge of the crowd, Qian Ying was accidentally pushed and struggled to avoid being stepped on several times. She threw her handbag angrily and tried to stand up, when she heard a fluent English voice coming from beside her, "Madam, do you need help?"

When Qianying looked up, she saw a handsome oriental face and a tall and burly figure. The other person stretched out his hand to indicate that he wanted to pull her. Suddenly his eyes lit up. He put his right hand on the other person's palm and stood up.

After standing up and looking at the many teams maintaining order, Qianying smiled and said, "Thank you, my name is Monica Bellucci, you can call me Monica."

Her English is a bit convoluted, with a strong Italian accent.

But I can communicate.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "You can call me Zhao, are you an Italian?"

Zhao Donghuai was on the third floor of the theater and continued to chat with Ma Chengkun about jointly promoting the movie and clearing Kwan Jiahui's resume after the release.

I unexpectedly discovered the Ocean Horse who was suspected of being an Italian flower... This was quite surprising.

Shouldn't 20-year-old Monica care about Daili studying law? It seems that she dropped out of college in her junior year to become a full-time model. Oh, she was only in her junior year after the summer vacation?

Relying on the beautiful legend of Sicily, this Italian beauty who can still maintain the splendor of the movie at the age of 36 is indeed a top student.

She worked part-time as a model to earn money for school fees. After being in the modeling industry for a long time, she also started to become interested in the film and television industry. Speaking of which, she was already 26 years old when she entered the film and television industry. It was not until she was 36 that she became famous all over the world with the beautiful legend of Sicily.

To be able to have that style at the age of 36 means that he is an Ocean horse with a relatively long shelf life.

The 20-year-old senior student in front of him is 1.73 meters tall. She is wearing a pair of sneakers. She is tall and has long legs when standing in front of Zhao Donghuai.

Monica's skin color is not fair now, but has a wheat-colored, healthy and sporty complexion.

Monica smiled, "You heard my accent? Oh my God, I don't know why I'm here. I watched Hurricane Rescue in June, I watched Lonely Tiger in July, and I also listened to Leslie's Song."

"Some classmates from school insist on coming to Hong Kong Island to chase stars... Now those dozen guys can no longer be contacted. I heard that they are planning to chase down Andy from The Flying Tiger."

As she spoke, her smile became a little more devastated.

Andy is Hua Zai's English name. It was only after they came here that they heard "As Long As" sung by Zhang Guorong and Hua Zai. Then they only followed Zhang Guorong's fans and quickly became fans of Hua Zai.

Hua Zai was very charming when he was young. In fact, if you look at the Summer Lucky Star filmed by Original Track 1985, you will know that he was very charming when he was young.

It was an era when mobile phones were mostly not available.

Friends are running around in a big city, so it's normal for them to lose contact easily.

"I originally thought that instead of pursuing Andy himself, I would just watch his new movie, but I never thought..."

Speaking of this, Monica Bellucci pointed at the fans speechlessly.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and nodded, "I have a ticket. Can you please watch the new movie?"

He is not coveting that Monica's Baby Granary is too majestic. It is a film and television production under the Zhao family. If he wants to gain a foothold in Hollywood faster step by step, adding some Western faces to the film will be a bonus.

If the Monica in front of me is signed, she will be a sharp weapon.

20-year-old Monica's face is still a little green and pure, and she doesn't have the mature killing charm that she will have in the future.

But this is just to be developed, and her own prospects are no worse than those of generations of Hollywood actresses.

Monica's eyes lit up, "Really? That's great!"

Western hags are outgoing and unrestrained, Zhao Donghuai’s appearance and figure are all displayed here, and Monica is not so restrained.

Follow Director Zhao towards the special passage.


In front of the glass window on the third floor, Ma Chengkun was smoking a cigarette and watching Zhao Sheng pick up girls, with a look of doubt on his life. Damn it, we were talking about work well, what do you mean by leaving me behind?

what is this?

Is he, Ma Chengkun, so frustrated?

The ghost girl Dayang Ma downstairs really looks great and has an easily irritable figure.

In the beginning, it was Ma Chengkun who discovered this beautiful girl first. He pointed at Monica with a smile and said, "This Yangma is so beautiful, she is still a queen of football."

Then Zhao Donghuai looked at him for a few times, left him and walked away, and the following scene happened.


You surnamed Zhao, be careful of your kidney failure, you young man who doesn’t want a face.


As time passed, when the first scene of John Wick was about to start, Lai Ming, Aaron Kwok, and Cheng Yijian hurried into the Tsim Sha Tsui Theater, found their seats, and sat down.

Then we started chatting passionately.

"Finally caught up, not late!"

"Brother Hua's second new action drama, I'm really looking forward to it!"

"It's definitely a thrilling action movie, but I'm more curious about what kind of miracle this movie can create, and whether it can become as popular around the world as the previous two movies."


Amid the excited discussion, the three ATV training class students all looked up to Brother Hua as their idol.

At this moment, in the theater, the public's comments were like the flapping wings of a swarm of bees, making people's ears numb until the lights in the theater were turned off and the big screen lit up.

All kinds of comments quickly subsided.

Wait until the title of John Wick appears on the big screen, along with Zhao Films, director, lead actor and other simple subtitles.

The opening scene shows Hua Zai sleeping in a sea view villa on a slightly gloomy morning.

When the camera focused on the alarm clock, it was six o'clock in the morning. Hua Zai stretched out his arm to press the alarm clock before getting up with a decadent look. The big subtitle in the center of the screen read, 1992!

It doesn’t matter what the time setting is.

In the theater, as Hua Zai gets up, there are shouts from Andy or Hua Ge everywhere. Amidst the shouting, when Hua Zai walks from the bedroom to the hall, the camera flashes and various photos of Guan Jiahui appear one after another.

There are also some more discordant sounds in the theater.

"Isn't it? Guan Jiahui will be the heroine?"

"Pfft, that divorced woman who made her father commit suicide and even tried to stop her from getting married?"

"Fuck, who dares to scold Jiahui?"

"She was deceived, okay?"


Even though Kwan Jiahui joined the Zhao girl group, she repeatedly won big-selling songs and accumulated a number of fans and good-looking fans.

But when she appeared on the big screen as a heroine, she still aroused a certain amount of resistance and complaints.

Fortunately, as soon as such voices started to sound, more fans of Hua Zai became angry and yelled and cursed loudly, telling those who complained to shut up and stop disturbing them from watching the movie.

At this point in time, the fans of Zhang Guorong and Andy Lau are so powerful that they can keep Cheng Long fans away from the limelight in this city.

Who made it possible for there to be so many ghosts and colonists?

The theater quickly returned to silence, and the story continued on the big screen.

It was Hua Zai who was mechanically making breakfast alone, reminiscing and flashing back. She and Guan Jiahui were playing together at the beach, in the amusement park, and shopping in the mall, until Guan Jiahui suddenly fainted at the beach.


Flashing and flashing, the lens is already a cemetery!

On a rainy day, Hua Zai, in a neat suit, watched the coffin being buried accompanied by his friends.

"Pfft, hahaha, I can't help it anymore. Is such a heroine okay?"

"It's so funny, is the heroine the fastest to get off the ground? Although Brother Hua's gloomy and decadent look is very distressing, it's a good thing that the heroine got off the ground."


Just as some fans who boycotted Kwan Ka-wai spoke out, Hua Zai's fans started to curse again.

On the big screen, Zhou Xingxing appeared in the cemetery and made Hua Zai sad and resigned. Because of the noisy discussions among fans, not many people watched it seriously.

After all the memories were over, Hua Zai was eating breakfast casually in the villa.

After eating, I have been in a daze, and the sky changes from light to dark.

The doorbell rang, and when he went to open the door, he saw He Qing wearing a courier uniform outside, "Liu Dehua?"

"Please sign here."

After the process, a dog in an iron cage and a pair of Xiudi shoes were brought over. When the camera followed He Qing, the theater once again burst into exclamations of how beautiful it is, how beautiful it is.

He Qing, who has a single ponytail, a thin face and a fair face, is really beautiful in a slim-fitting uniform. After all, she has lost more than ten kilograms compared to last year.

It wasn't until Ah Hua walked into the living room, under the warm light, and took out a letter from the pet dog and Xiu Di's shoes that Guan Jiahui's voiceover sounded, "A Hua, I'm sorry, I can't walk with you anymore. ."

"But you always have to live, you have to like some new things or life. That old car doesn't count. Start with it."

"Your previous job was so dangerous, and you brushed against death every day. Although you have stopped doing it in the past few years, I am still worried that you will be troubled. I will give you the last pair of Liu Xiu shoes, hoping to borrow the luck of this great ancestor of China. , can bless you a safe journey."

In the dubbing, Hua Zai clutched the paper with tears in his eyes and trembled.

The tragic scene was paired with the accompanying music, and Hua Zai's acting skills were pretty good. Many fans who weren't originally paying too much attention were also affected.

Next comes the literary drama, which is paving the way for the new life of Hua Zai and the dog. The dog's name is Lucy.

Hua Zai began to take care of Lucy like a family member.

The tone of the shots has changed from the gloomy atmosphere at the beginning to becoming warmer and sunnier.

The opening ten minutes or so of the movie is all about memories and showing Hua Zai's sadness, barely getting out of the sadness, and taking fragments of Lucy's life with him.

It's all a literary drama.

Until Hua Zai drove out to do things and refueled, he met a group of island guys driving Crowns. They met at the gas station. Several island guys headed by Huang Guangliang got out of the car and communicated in Japanese to rock music, "Come on."

Huang Guangliang, whose hair was dyed yellow, walked up to Hua Zai while refueling and spoke in Cantonese, "The car is good? Mustang 429? It's from 1970, right?"

Hua Zai calmly replied: "69 years."

Huang Guangliang praised again, "It's so beautiful."

As he spoke, he walked to the front of the car and patted the front cover, "How much does it cost?"

Hua Zai frowned, "What do you mean?"

Huang Guangliang sneered, "How much, I bought it!"

Hua Zai gave him a cold look, "The car is not for sale."

As he talked, he got into the driver's seat, while Huang Guangliang smoked a cigarette and leaned into the passenger seat, "The dog is so beautiful."

This sentence was still in Cantonese, and the next sentence he cursed in Japanese, "Everything has a price, bitch!"

Hua Zai looked at him calmly and said in Japanese, "This car doesn't have one."

Huang Guangliang was furious, slapping the passenger window and yelling, "Gan, are you looking for death?"

In the midst of his rage, one of his younger brothers came over to persuade him to stop him from getting angry or causing trouble.

After dissuading Huang Guangliang, the younger brother lowered his head and smiled at Hua Zai, "I wish you a happy life!"

Hua Zai started the car and drove away with a calm expression.

Until then, the movie had only opened for twelve minutes, and many moviegoers in the theater were excited.

"No, is it because of a car that something big is going to happen?"

"Didn't you listen to the letter and message after the death of the heroine? You want Brother Hua to like some new things or life, but classic cars are not included. It means that Brother Hua really likes this classic Mustang!"

"Hahaha, I'm laughing so hard. That Huangmao Island countryman is not a good person at first glance. He looks so fierce and has tattoos on his hands. But such a person dares to mess with Brother Hua for a car?"

"I estimate that they will be even worse off than those bosses from Stanley Prison in Lonely Flying Tigers!"


All kinds of discussions could not be suppressed.

In "The Flying Tiger", they were so seduced by the final ending that they were a little angry. In "The Flying Tiger", Hua Zai was so murderous that he cut the grass all by himself and killed so many ruthless and vicious people in the society.

Whether it's killing people in bare-handed combat, fighting with cold weapons, or gunfights, they are all so handsome.

It's an adrenaline rush to watch.

As a result, he was imprisoned. I just saw a group of Stanley big guys and their subordinates smiling maliciously at Hua Zai. Well, there is no follow-up!

The seductive ending is so exciting.

Now, although the title of the film is Fast Chase and it is not a sequel to Flying Tiger... but when the heroine Kwan Ka-wai came off the production, she also said that Brother Hua's previous job was so dangerous, and he brushed against death every day.

This rapid chase is indeed an urban action scene!

Everyone is already ready to enjoy the extremely eye-catching action scenes.

The pace of the previous drama was slow and a bit unexciting, but after seeing Huang Guangliang's performance... Do you dare to threaten Brother Hua for a classic car, or a classic car produced in limited quantities in the world? ?

The feeling of watching the movie among many movie fans, and the feeling of wanting to catch up and watch it, has immediately aroused!

Amid all kinds of discussions, in the two best viewing seats in the middle row of the theater, Monica Bellucci said to Zhao Donghuai with a broken face, "I was wrong..."

"I was really wrong, what language is this? Why is there no English dubbing, not even subtitles??"

“There are a lot of white viewers here, why are there no English subtitles??”

The movie she watched at the Italian Cinema had Italian dubbing and English and Italian subtitles.

Hua Zai is quite handsome on the big screen, and in my memories, Kwan Ka-wai who appears in the photos is also charming enough, making her even the most careless actress feel so beautiful.

But I can’t understand or understand anything. Who is she? Where is she? what is she doing?

Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "It's okay, you can enjoy it as a silent film."

Monica rolled her eyes, looked at the fans watching the movie enthusiastically, then looked at the big screen, and then at Zhao Donghuai. She felt lonely. This holiday was terrible.

A few seconds later, Monica leaned over and said, "I feel like I came to Hong Kong Island in a daze and had a bad holiday for no reason."

"Zhao, are there any particularly exciting and fun places to visit on Hong Kong Island? It would be best to leave a deep impression. After watching the movie, can you take me to see them?"

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