Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 117 Wait, don’t kill me, that’s just a bang!

No matter how noisy and chattering the moviegoers are in the theater.

The story of the fast chase continues. Hua Zai drove a classic car Mustang 429 and arrived at Kai Tak Airport with his pet dog Lucy. He made eye contact with the guard, opened the door, went in and raced on the airport runway.


He just uses various stimulations to vent his daily decadence and sadness after losing his heroine.

After the mechanical routine, night fell. Hua Zai teased Lucy for a while, took cold medicine, showed a certain fever, cough and other symptoms, and then went to bed. Lucy seemed to sense something while asleep and slipped away from the bedroom.

Following Lucy's cry, Hua Zai woke up unexpectedly and got out of bed to check the situation. As soon as he came down the spiral staircase on the second floor, he saw several hooded men standing in the dark living room.

Before he could react, he was knocked unconscious with a stick.

When Huang Guangliang pulled off his hood, revealing a head of yellow hair, he also kicked Hua Zai fiercely in the stomach. Hua Zai woke up from the pain, but before he could do anything, he was knocked unconscious by a stick from a hooded man behind him. Huhu.

I was so dizzy that I couldn't even struggle to get up. I could only watch Huang Guangliang leading his boys, smashing furniture, smashing Guan Jiahui's beautiful photo frame, looking for car keys, and grabbing Lucy and beating her to death.

Hua Zai lost consciousness with endless murderous intent and grief.

"What the hell? Why was Brother Hua beaten?"

"How is this possible? Brother Hua is so weak?"

"Fart, this isn't weakness, it's a sneak attack! These gangsters don't care about martial arts. They talk about each other. No matter how strong the master is, they are sleeping in a daze. They were sneak attacked when they were unprepared in their own homes. Their performance was not much better. go."

"It's just that I don't see Brother Hua catching a cold? He's sick, has a fever, coughs, and was attacked while half asleep! Why are you so anxious? You'll find out after reading this!"

In the original Chase, a group of furry bear gangsters hang out in this section, punching and kicking the protagonist in various ways, urging him to find the key.

Director Zhao added some seasonings to this version.

With the addition of seasonings, it is easier for the audience to understand why Brother Hua, who is so fierce and powerful in The Flying Tiger, is easily attacked here.

Amidst the discussion, the camera flashed.

At daybreak, a trail of blood stretched out in the living room, ending with Lucy's pet prop that acted as a corpse in the play, lying side by side with the unconscious Hua Zai. When Hua Zai regained consciousness, he opened his eyes and saw Lucy, and became jealous.

The camera flashed again.

Hua Zai was sitting barefoot in the living room, holding Lucy's body and caressing it. Behind him was the smashed photo frame of Kwan Jiahui, a tattered photo.

After a moment of sadness, Hua Zai pulled out his laptop from a cabinet.

With one operation, just like the laptop computers of later generations, the video was found from the hard drive, and the mouse was moved to open it, revealing a video of Guan Jiahui's beach trip.

Shot in stop-motion animation, and edited and synthesized in post-production.

The big screen was abuzz.

"Hey, what is this? TV? That's wrong!"

"Personal computer? That's not right. How can a personal computer be so small and exquisite?"

"Can anyone tell me what kind of machine this is? I've been to the video hall many times, and I've never seen such a small and exquisite machine."


While the audience was still discussing, Hua Zai entered the memory scene again while watching Kwan Ka Wai's video.

This memory was from when he was still working as a killer at the Coast Hotel Group. On a violent stormy murder night, a man entered a large villa alone. From the bodyguard group to the final target, he killed everyone like an unparalleled mower.

It has the same nature as The Lonely Agent, but the routine is more like the massacre mode of Donnie Yen in The Lonely Agent. The audience was hooked and applauded.

This is the smell, this is the feeling, so handsome and cool!

Then Hua Zai used a Coast Hotel gold coin to call a team of professional body collectors, with Zhang Xueyou and Ayou as the guest leader.

Go into the villa to collect the corpses, wash the floor, and make everything clean.

After Hua Zai changed his clothes, he went shopping. The scene appeared in the Wanjia Supermarket Building in Tsim Sha Tsui. He first took a picture of the entrance of the building.

Following, Hua Zai walked to the area on the second floor where a large number of brand-name leather shoes and sports shoe stores were located.

When the brand store of Han Tianxia was reflected in a group of big-name Omega brands, Guan Jiahui, who was wearing the uniform of a salesperson in a specialty store, also left the country. She smiled at Hua Zai at the door and greeted, "Sir, would you like to take a look at Han Tianxia Xiudi shoes? We Our legendary ancestors bless future generations to lead a more stable and lucky life path."

Hua Zai was stunned for a moment and entered the store nonchalantly.

The camera panned.

Zhou Huimin, Qiu Shuzhen, Gong Li, and Chen Hong all wore the same uniforms and were walking or busy in the shoe store. They smiled and signaled when they saw customers.

The store manager is Zhu Lin, the king of the daughter country!

Audience members who were discussing what a laptop is.




The camera started from Guan Jiahui, and reflected all the beautiful shop assistants and managers one by one. All the sounds disappeared at once, and both men and women were staring blankly at the big screen.

Afraid of missing something.

At the end of this memory, it is explained how the male and female protagonists who were chasing after each other first met.

Hua Zai sat in the living room again and hugged Lucy's body. The scene flashed, showing Hua Zai wielding a hoe and digging a hole for Lucy in the garden.

The theater audience just exploded.

"Fuck! Fuck, what did I just see?"

"Han Tian Xia? Xiu Emperor Shoes? Phew, Kowloon Daily News Liu Xiu Legend I update every day, but..."

"Isn't this too pretty? Who were those pretty girls just now?"

"Can you pause, rewind, and let me watch it again a few times?"


Among all the exclamations and heated discussions, the picture on the big screen showed Hua Zai cleaning up the blood stains in the living room with a brush. He wiped it and suddenly raised his head, with eyes full of murderous intent and ruthlessness, which frightened him a lot. people exclaimed.

On the other side, Huang Guangliang and his younger brothers went to a large car repair shop to show off to the boss his new toy, the 1969 global limited-production Mustang 429.

The boss here is played by Ji Chunhua, and Teacher Ji plays the villain?

With a shaved head and a slim-fitting suit, he had an aura that would frighten the children just by standing there calmly.

While various subordinates and employees were working or busy, Huang Guangliang greeted Ji Chunhua, "Yamaguchi, I want a new license plate and transfer file..."

Teacher Ji on the big screen saw the license plate and model clearly, and immediately panicked. The panic and horror suddenly emerged, "Where did you get the car?"

This feeling of panic and fear made many viewers laugh.

As the story continued, Ji Chunhua panicked and cursed at Huang Guangliang with a black face, "Get out of here, take this car and get out of my territory, the further away the better!"

Huang Guangliang and others were stunned, and Teacher Ji became even more anxious, "Get out!"

When Huang Guangliang got angry, he angrily accused Teacher Ji of being just his father's younger brother. What kind of excuse could he put in front of him? Teacher Ji turned around and beat Huang Guangliang violently, "Idiot, do you know what you did?"

After driving away Huang Guangliang and his party, he sat quietly and waited.

On the other side, Hua Zai arrived at the Ji Chunhua garage to the exciting soundtrack and asked about Huang Guangliang's identity.

One of the 12 directors of the Coast Hotel High Table and the son of island director Uchiyama Koji.

Next scene.

The camera first reflected the exterior of the Regent Hotel with the signboard "Coast Hotel", and then followed He Jiaju as he appeared by the outdoor swimming pool on the rooftop balcony, looking out at the sea view. He used a mobile phone similar to a mobile phone to talk to Ji Chunhua, "I heard You said you beat my son? I want to ask why?"

In the garage, Ji Chunhua also grabbed a mobile phone and responded, "Yes, I beat Ichiro because he stole Liu Dehua's car and killed his dog."

"Is this reason enough?"

On the top floor of the dark hotel, He Jiaju, who looked like a big boss in a suit and leather tie, was immediately stunned, "Ah..."

After hanging up the phone in shock, He Jiaju's expression changed wonderfully.

He walked down the rooftop in confusion and entered a large office. Inside was a group of people in suits and ties discussing something. Guan Lijie, who was also very handsome, put one hand in his pocket and walked steadily, "Boss, they agreed to your terms." , we can earn at least 800 million from this business, congratulations!"

Guan Lijie's smile was bright and flattering.

He Jiaju stood blankly, obviously in a state of wandering mind.

Guan Lijie said in astonishment, "Boss?"

He Jiaju said with a dark face, "Have you seen my son?"

Guan Lijie, "???"

Guan Lijie just had question marks and exclamation marks written on his face. Boss, we signed a big deal and earned at least 800 million? What are you doing?

On the contrary, in the theater, the audience was so excited that they burst into applause and cheers again.

"Damn it, no wonder it's Brother Hua. Look, the boss of a big group made 800 million in one go and he can't be happy. Why?"

"Because his son stole Brother Hua's car and killed Brother Hua's dog!"

“The big boss was stunned!!”


The strength of Brother Hua, who is rapidly chasing after him, has been clearly demonstrated in the previous memory scene, where he massacred the target and the bodyguard group on a rainy night.

At this moment, the camera focused on the downstairs and entrance of the Coast Hotel.

Huang Guangliang took a classic car, Mustang 429, and entered the hotel surrounded by his younger brothers.

When he arrived at a certain floor, He Jiaju had already taken Guan Lijie, fetching and pouring wine behind the counter. Seeing the yellow light passing by, Lao He smiled and said, "Are you having fun outside? My child?"

Huang Guangliang was stunned, "Not bad? Father?"

He Jiaju came over with two glasses of wine and took a step in front of Huang Guangliang. He didn't stop and continued walking. Huang Guangliang retreated...

After you took three steps forward and I took three steps back, He Jiaju grabbed the wine glass and smashed it on Huang Guangliang's head. The glass shattered and he was bleeding. He grabbed another one and was smashed to the other side.

"Not bad? Not bad?! Baga!"

After knocking Huang Guangliang down and kicking him a few more times, he began to explain what kind of person Brother Hua was, the Coast Hotel Group, and the former king of killers.

The killer group dominated by 12 of their directors is located in almost every big city in the world, and there are countless killers around the world.

We have always adhered to the rule that if you join this group, you cannot exit alive. Of course, it will not be said that on the surface. It must give the killers an illusion, so they can only exit after completing the exit task.

In fact, a lot of killers died in the past when they quit the mission, and no one survived.

Andy Lau has always been the strongest killer in Hong Kong Island, until he met love and wanted to quit, five years ago.

Five years ago, He Jiaju was not one of the 12 directors. An old director from Hong Kong, one of the 12 directors, died of illness. Countless teams, such as a certain Li family in Hong Kong, the Uchiyama family in the island country, and families such as Xingjiapo and Niu Buluo, etc. Everyone wants to compete for this director position.

Ho Ka Kui chose to support Hua Zai's withdrawal, but assigned an impossible task, a task that would kill anyone with a discerning eye.

Hua Zai is finished.

During the mission, he also hammered to death many elites from various families such as the heirs of the Li family in Hong Kong, Xing Jiapo, and Niu Buluo.

Ho Ka Kui's Uchiyama family took advantage of the situation and became one of the 12 directors.

Hua Zai also quit the Coast Hotel Killer Group and washed his hands.

After speaking, he beat Huang Jiaju again and then picked up his mobile phone to make a call.

The scene switched, and Hua Zai was wearing a vest, showing off his muscles and body, carrying a hammer and smashing the floor of the basement of the villa with one hammer.

A large box was pulled out from the cement-sealed underground compartment.

The box opened, and on one side were guns and bullets! The other side was filled with neat stacks of Killer Group Coast gold coins.

The phone rang again and again. After finishing his weapons, Andy went to pick up the phone. The camera switched to He Jiaju, "Ah Hua, I'm sorry that something happened. I'm sorry. Can we solve it in a civilized way..."

The phone hangs up.

He Jiaju cursed loudly, then restrained his anger and continued to make phone calls.

After the call was put through this time, He Jiaju said decisively, "Ah Hua, it's just a dog. I can compensate. The car is still there and there is no damage."

The call was hung up again.

He Jiaju roared at Guan Lijie angrily, "Get ready for war! Send 50 people to take turns protecting Ichiro 24 hours a day!"

"Call Xingzi and I'll pay him $5 million to kill Ah Hua!"

"Another $2 million will be given to let the killer group hunt down A Hua."

"Although he was once the king of killers, I don't believe that a pack of wolves can't kill a tiger."


On the other side, Hua Zai took out the Xiudi shoes that were mailed to him with his pet dog Lucy after the death of the heroine. The big lens completely captured him putting on the shoes, even with a somewhat ceremonial sense of putting on the shoes, as well as a The action of attaching character silhouette patches to Xiudi shoes.

The silhouette is Kwan Ka-wai.

There is only the outline of the human body, all in shadow, but this silhouette was taken from a pile of beautiful photos of Guan Jiawei, and all the viewers can see it clearly and know what it is.

Shoes are not suitable for posting complete and clear photo images of celebrities, but silhouettes are essential.

The Jordan shoes produced by Nike for Jordan are character silhouettes.

Putting on Xiudi shoes, a slim black suit and trousers, and carrying a box full of firearms, bullets and gold coins of the killer group, Hua Zai set out from the basement.

These scenes, coupled with the passionate and explosive music, are obviously literary dramas, but the large number of viewers in the theater were still a little excited to watch.

Among the trio of Zheng Yijian who was watching the movie slightly behind, Ajian couldn't help but exclaimed, "It's so exciting that I'm getting goosebumps. By the way, I often follow Liu Xiu Legend. The luck of that great emperor is indeed very strong!" "

"Can professional killers wear Xiudi shoes to protect themselves?"

Li Mingdu's eyes lit up, "This scene of putting on shoes is so cool. After watching it, I will go to Wanjia to buy some pairs of Xiudi shoes!"

Li Ming is a tall, rich and handsome man, so of course he has enough money to buy a few pairs of shoes.

At this moment, the original unknown Xiudi shoes, coupled with the excitement and story of the big camera, all of a sudden, the brand image seemed to be sublimated.

Wearing Liu Xiu shoes before doing something big can be protected by the power of invisible luck? ?

As for the legend of Liu Xiu serialized in Kowloon Daily News... Before the original Emperor Xiu made his fortune, he said, "When you are an official, you should be King Wu, and when you marry, you should be Yin Lihua." He actually married Yin Lihua, but in the later stages of his career Taking off.

He married Guo Shengtong for his own hegemony and political manipulation.

Even after the establishment of the regime, the first queen established was Guo Shengtong, and Yin Lihua was just a concubine? Does this count as Chen Shimei? A heartless man?

Will it have a negative impact on the brand?

This issue is of little significance to discuss, because what historical figures, political figures like emperors, did in the feudal era are not of the same nature and scope as love stories.

He is not the main character passed down because of a love story.

Amidst all kinds of exclamations, Hua Zai heard some strange noises as soon as he walked up from the basement to the first floor, and the war officially started!

A group of Huang Guangliang's men entered the villa again, hoping to kill Hua Zai and avoid further trouble, but A Hua easily counterattacked with his unparalleled grass-cutting shootout and action scenes.

This scene is much more exciting than the original fight scene. After all, Hua Zai no longer took cold medicine, had a fever, and was attacked while half asleep and half awake.

Already prepared for war.

Killing all the intruders without any entanglement, a phone call summoned the body collection team headed by Ayou.

The real essence of the action scene begins here, and countless audiences are excited to watch it again, with applause and applause flooding the film.


The screen flashed again, and it was already daytime.

He Jiaju and Guan Lijie appeared at Zhou Xingxing's home, talking about "You are Ah Hua's best friend. It is easiest to succeed in attacking him. Don't let me down."

Xingzi agreed quietly.

During the soundtrack, Hua Zai appeared at the Coast Hotel. When he entered the door, he saw Li Saifeng, who was wearing a tight black leather jacket and leather trousers and had long wavy hair, checking in.

There have been many beauties in this drama, and the appearance of beauties from the Han Tianxia series shocked countless audiences, and even female viewers couldn't help but feel amazed.

But Li Saifeng's tight black leather jacket and leather pants... She is obviously a sweet and youthful actress, but she suddenly appeared in a new style like a black widow, which once again shocked many people.

Hua Zai simply nodded to Ah Feng, checked in, and went to the underground nightclub to get information. The footage of the nightclub was shown scene by scene.

There were cheers and screams in the theater again.

Whether it's Hu Huizhong's bartender, Zhang Guorong's live performance of "I Want" and "As Long As", or Lin Qingxia's hot dance in a skirt with her long legs exposed...

It made movie fans scream.

Ah Rong's live performance attracted a large number of Gui Lao fans to sing together.

Hua Zai found Zeng Jiang, the manager of the Hong Kong branch of Coast Hotel who was resting in a booth at the nightclub. After a brief consultation and exchange, he drank half a cup of green plum green tea and went out to find Huang Guangliang.

Arriving at the nightclub where Huang Guangliang was having fun, starting from the first bodyguard Miao Qiaowei, he killed through the entire nightclub alone. The frightened Huang Guangliang fled in advance under the protection of Huang Rihua.

The 50-person bodyguard group his father arranged for him was simply not enough to kill or fight.

At most, Hua Zai was shot once in a chaotic and fierce battle.

The whole high-energy fighting scene was much more intense than the screams and applause caused by Zhang Guorong's previous appearance.

Kill this scene.

When Hua Zai walked out of the hotel injured, he received a call from He Jiaju, "A Hua, it's just a dog, what about it?"

"I will give you 10 million knives, can this matter end here?"

Hua Zai hung up the phone coldly.

However, some moviegoers in the theater have gradually begun to have new goals.

Monica, who was sitting next to Zhao Donghuai, couldn't help being stunned, and leaned into Zhao Donghuai's ear and said, "Although I don't understand, Zhao, why do I feel that what I see here is a mass murder case caused by a dog? ?”

"Did I guess wrong??"

Director Zhao laughed and said, "You guessed it right."

Quickly hunt down the alias and give me my life.

The story continued on the big screen, when Hua Zai treated the gunshot wound, went to the doctor to get a bandage for the bullet, returned to the Coast Hotel suite, and then lay down to rest.

The screen showed that on the rooftop of a tall building opposite, Zhou Xingxing was holding a sniper rifle and trying to aim at A Hua. The audience suddenly exploded with countless curses, all cursing Xing Zai.

It has been foreshadowed several times in the previous story that Xingzi is Ah Hua’s best friend.

After cursing and cursing, Li Saifeng came out. Ah Feng in the black leather jacket really made people want to get angry, even more so than the previous Tingting in a little foreign dress.

But when she made a shameless sneak attack and took advantage of Hua Zai's injury to play assassination, she showed her fighting skills and action scenes, which made the audience exclaim again and again.

Some people exclaimed wildly. They originally thought that Bawanghua was the most capable actress in Hong Kong, but Ah Feng's appearance showed that she was trying to beat up all the Bawanghuas.

Hua Zai was so unparalleled in mowing the grass before, and the image he established was so powerful, cold and cold. Now, even if he is injured, Li Saifeng can fight with him, which also highlights Ah Feng's strength.

Besides, the action scenes between the two are really beautiful!

Yiku is the kind of bare-handed and cold weapon fighting.

Until Ah Feng attacked Hua Zai multiple times with gunshot wounds, and Ah Hua couldn't bear the beating. At the moment when Ah Feng was about to make a comeback and kill Hua Zai, on the rooftop opposite, Xing Zai shot away the cold weapon in Li Saifeng's hand. saber.

Ah Feng shouted wildly, and just as she was about to escape, several more sniper attacks made her stay where she was, not daring to move.

Hua Zai stood up and looked outside. Xing Zai smiled and gave him an OK sign.

The audience who had previously scolded Xingzai in various ways, "..."

"I don't even want the five million dollar bounty. I accepted it on the surface, but in reality I was just coping. I want to help my brother?!"

"Axing is great!"


There was a lot of cheers and applause.

After Hua Zai interacted with Xing Zai, he did not kill Li Saifeng, but handed her over to a killer tenant next door, saying, "If you dare to assassinate and cause trouble in the Coast Hotel, the council will definitely deal with it."

Just left.

The opposite killer is a guest appearance by Donnie Yen... the most capable villain in The Flying Tiger.

The camera flashed and Ah Hua once again started his unrivaled journey of mowing the lawn, went to a doctor to stabilize his wounds, and found the church stronghold where the island nation's director, Ho Jia Kui, had hidden a large amount of cash and wealth, as well as various evidence of evil crimes committed by the rich and famous in the city.

Kill through and set everything on fire.

He Jiaju, along with Guan Lijie and a large group of younger brothers, arrived at the church in a convoy. In broad daylight, Pastor Ouyang Zhenhua, the only survivor, collapsed on the street.

When He Jiaju lost his temper and was furious, he drove away people in his car. He was ambushed by Hua Zai when he was halfway away.

While Wushuang was mowing the grass, he almost killed most of He Jiaju's men before being knocked unconscious by an elite bodyguard using Hua Zai's blind spot with his car.

When He Jiaju took the unconscious Hua Zai to another stronghold warehouse, he poured water on him to wake him up, vented him with all kinds of curses, beatings and vents, and then asked his men to kill him...

Xing Zai appears again, sniping several killers from a distance and saving Hua Zai.

Hua Zai rushed out again and chased him all the way until only He Jiaju and Guan Lijie were left, and then he found out the whereabouts of Huang Guangliang.

Just leave after asking, he didn't kill He Jiaju.

Throwing out a sentence again, "You violated one of the most fundamental rules of the Coast Hotel and sent people to kill people in the hotel. The board of directors will remove you from your position as director and then kill you!"


the other side.

Zhen Zaidan watched over Li Saifeng and told her that hotel staff would soon deal with her. Ah Feng quietly removed the rope that tied her up, violently covered her face with a pillow, and shot Ah Dan to death.

A large number of spectators in the theater gasped for air-conditioning.

But what made them even more speechless was that as soon as Afeng escaped from the hotel, he was shot to death by a machine gun on the street at night!

This can be regarded as a ○, no matter how powerful and cold and capable Ah Feng is, if he encounters machine gun fire while walking on the street...

It was the team of corpse collectors played by Zhang Xueyou who drove there, received a gold coin from the receptionist Xu Jinjiang, and swept the floor to collect the corpses.

There were police cars passing by during the process, but no one paid any attention to the crime scene.

The story continues.

Hua Zai alone raided the large warehouse base where Huang Guangliang and the bodyguards were hiding. Ah Huang was still angrily scolding the bodyguards to stop playing games and be more serious.

Wa Jai, who was carrying a sniper rifle, shot his head one by one from a distance.

Huang Guangliang fled frantically, but was caught up by Hua Zai.

"Wait, don't kill me, it's just a dog..."

Ah Hua shot Huang Guangliang to death with cold bang bang bang three times, and passed by the corpse in slow motion with an expressionless face. With the music accompaniment, countless viewers got goosebumps all over again.

This kind of unparalleled lawn-mowing action scene is one that you can never tire of watching, and countless people are fascinated by it. After all, this is not an era where action blockbusters of this type are endless and dazzling.

This is the third action movie in the world to create a new genre.

The fighting scenes are high-energy throughout and are as cool as a bunker, a feeling you can't find in other action movies!

In fact, Li Saifeng has just made her debut as an action star on the big screen, and the audience feels that she can kill several bastards in one shot. The overall effect is a combination of handheld photography and fast editing.

It's not that she can really kill the Overlord Flower in an instant, it's purely the explosive feeling created by the action routines and editing effects.


On the other side, He Jiaju took Guan Lijie and other teams to clean up his family and run away. He also knew that he had violated a very important principle of the council.

It is a serious mistake to kill people and cause trouble in a famous hotel.

There will definitely be big trouble, but at that time, it was not to protect my only son, so I had no choice.

Now he can only run back to the island country to avoid the limelight, but while running, he still rides in a motorcade and asks people to take a detour, preparing to kill Xing Zai.

A group of people ambushed Zhou Xingzi and were about to kill him when A Hua appeared. Xingzi had saved him twice before.

This time, Ah Hua suddenly appeared and once again massacred Ho Ka-Kui's team with an extremely cool and unparalleled lawn-mowing action scene.

He Jiaju no longer cared about killing Xingzi and hurried to the dock in the heavy rain again.

He didn't dare to take the plane, and he didn't have time to wait for the ticket. He just ran to find a boat to sneak back to the island country.

In the original John Wick, Director Furry Bear took his time to kill Star. This allowed John Wick, who captured the director for the first time, not to kill him but to ask him about the whereabouts of his son.

In this version of Zhao Donghuai, even for the sake of the sequel, Zhou Xingxing, an important supporting role, cannot be killed.

At the end of the story, Ah Hua was about to take Zhou Xingzi, who had been shot several times in non-vital parts and was abused, to the hospital. Xingzai grabbed his mobile phone and called the emergency call, "Go and do the work, I can do it."

Hua Zai drove on the road and gave chase again in the rainy night.

After chasing him to the pier, he first knocked over He Jiaju's vehicle with a firearm, and then fought with He Jiaju for a minute in the rain before killing the biggest villain.


When everything was over and the island nation's power in Hong Kong was uprooted, Ah Hua returned to his beachside villa, took off the last pair of Xiudi shoes that Guan Jiahui bought, put them in a shoe box, and solemnly put them back in the shoe cabinet.

Hua Zai's phone rang.

When he used the phone to connect, a Japanese voice with subtitles came from the other side, "Ahua, did you kill my eldest brother and nephew?"

"Everything about our Uchiyama family on Hong Kong Island has been ruined by you..."

Hua Zai decisively shut down his phone.

Then he took out another beautiful photo of Guan Jiahui and placed it in the newly customized photo frames sent by Xingzai.

Place them one by one according to the pattern placed at the beginning of the movie.

At the beach, Xingzai, who was bandaged in many places, looked at Ah Hua walking in the distance and smiled brightly, "Kouji Uchiyama is dead, and their directorship has also been removed."

"But Hua Ge, his younger brother Uchiyama Jiro, is the current head of the Sankai Group..."

Hua Zai smiled calmly, and the camera shifted his gaze to the vast ocean.

Even though the dubbing of the theme song has been played many times, it was only at this moment that the new song officially hit the ears of all the audience along with the theater speakers.


The subtitles scrolled out.

Li Ming, who was sitting in the back seat, was excited and excited, "Fuck, fuck, fuck, it feels so good!"

"You kill one of my dogs, and I'll kill your whole family!"

"It feels even more exciting than being alone!"

Aaron Kwok also applauded desperately and stood up. The big theater was filled with applause. Almost all the viewers who watched this movie, except for the early stages of literary dramas, were relatively calm while watching it.

But Huang Guangliang's men entered Hua Zai's house again and wanted to kill people. The whole process was high-energy, no peeing, and the flaming emotions couldn't be stopped at all!

When the first screening ended, the trio of Lai Ming, Aaron Kwok, and Zheng Yijian were already running to Tsim Sha Tsui Wanjia Supermarket under the leadership of Lai Ming, a rich young man and a second-generation rich man.

He quickly chased Brother Li Hua to do something big. In order to get justice for his beloved dog, he put on Xiudi shoes formally and with a sense of ritual before doing anything, and killed all the retreat villas, but still had a wonderful sense of ritual. Take off your Xiudi shoes.

That feeling is amazing.

They all finished watching it and couldn't wait to buy a few pairs. Of course, there were many shots of iced black tea, green tea and green plum green tea in the film.

For example, Hua Zai drank half a bottle of green plum green tea in one breath when he was walking in front of Huang Guangliang's nightclub bodyguards for the first time. He usually drinks iced black tea and green tea in dramas at home, but that's just drinking water casually in life. , gesture of drinking coffee.

It is completely different from the ritual feeling of Xiudi shoes.

There are also many shots of drinks and drinks in nightclub scenes, but the implants are silent and inconspicuous.

After watching the movie, they just want to buy a few pairs of Xiudi shoes to wear or stock up!

Arrived at Wanjia Supermarket, which specializes in leather shoes and sneakers of major brands around the world.

As soon as the Li Ming trio entered, they found that this store only opened at eight in the morning and there were already many customers.

Under the guidance of the service girl, they stood in front of the container and randomly selected a few pairs of shoes. Li Ming bought three pairs of sneakers that cost 500 a pair, and also bought three pairs of leather shoes.

When going to check out, Li Ming heard a sweet greeting, "Sir, thank you for spending money in our store. The weather is hot. I will give you a few bottles of iced black tea and green tea as a gift."

When he turned around, he was shocked, "Store manager??"

Isn't this the store manager of Han Tianxia? In the movie scenes, the store manager played by Zhu Lin really walked out of the movie and is still working here? ?

Not to mention Ah Ming who was shocked, Aaron Kwok and Zheng Yijian were also shocked.

Then the three boys became restrained and nervous. After paying the bill in a daze, they each left the store holding or pushing a trolley.

Standing in the public area and in the center of the shopping mall where people were coming and going, Zheng Yijiancai sighed, "It's so beautiful."

Ajian is only 17 years old, just a big boy. Although there is no shortage of beauties in the ATV training class and there are too many beauties of the same age, he suddenly meets Zhu Lin in uniform in reality.

The 32-year-old king of the country of daughters, in the season of greatest splendor, how can a little boy withstand such radiant charm? ?

Aaron Kwok suddenly slapped his forehead, "I feel that Han Tianxia may be sold like crazy today. If people who have watched the movie know that the characters in the movie really appear in the store."


It’s a feeling I can’t even imagine. John Wick is an adrenaline rush. It gets your blood pumping and makes you feel very impulsive and happy after watching it. It’s so cool that you can’t help but want to do something to vent your emotions.

Those beauties in the movie dare to actually appear in Hantianxia stores to sell goods? It’s simply not too exciting!

After sighing with emotion, Aaron Kwok suddenly said to Li Ming, "Ah Ming, who are the endorsed styles of the shoes you bought?"

In the movie, when Andy Lau was putting on shoes, he took out the silhouette of Kwan Jiahui from the photo and pasted it on himself, so everyone could see it clearly.

But the shoes sold in shoe stores all have silhouettes of people printed on them during manufacture.

It's just silhouettes of characters. How do you distinguish between Guan Jiahui, He Qing, Hu Huizhong, Qiu Shuzhen, Zhou Huimin and others, which one is which?

Li Ming scratched his head. He couldn't tell the difference just by looking at the silhouette. Fortunately, there was a signature near the silhouette. Even if it was a magical font like a celebrity's signature, Li Ming still recognized it.

"Two pairs are from Guan Jiahui, and one pair is from Qiu Shuzhen? All three pairs are from Cheng Long... Damn, I bought the wrong pair. I'll see if I can exchange them."

"I was so excited just now that I didn't even notice clearly. I want to change them all into Brother Hua models!"

Impulsive consumption kills people. How can you choose the wrong idol?

Obviously, Ah Ming has become a huge fan of Liu Dehua, who is five years older than him.

At the same time, Guan Jiahui, Qiu Shuzhen, Chen Hong and Gong Li were already working in other Wanjia branches.

According to Zhao Donghuai, sneakers and sneakers are completely different from fast-selling products such as Strong Beer and Jianlibao, and the share is also different. For every pair of personal leather shoes and sneakers sold, they each receive a share of ten Hong Kong dollars.

Ten yuan for a pair, how much?

As a simple example, the production cost of a pair of sneakers from Amei's Nike and Adidas from Germany only accounts for more than 10% of the retail price.

A pair of shoes sells for more than 600 at the counter, and the production cost is only more than 60, or 70 or 80.

If you do this calculation, you will know that if you sell a pair of All-Star products for ten yuan, you will not get much more.

The production cost of a pair of Xiudi sneakers on the counter for HK$500 is less than HK$50, because they are produced in the Mainland! !

Labor, raw materials, etc. are much cheaper than Amei's home-made sneakers.

The retail channels are all Zhao Donghuai's own shopping mall stores, and the transportation channels have also been newly established and are his own!

When there was only one product, strong beer, Foshan was responsible for transporting it to Pengcheng, and Pengcheng handed it over to Zhongying Street. Zhao Donghuai hired a transportation company to deliver the goods.

But now, strong beer, Jianlibao, iced black tea, green tea, sneakers and leather shoes, plus Wanjia mineral water, instant noodles, etc., which have also been sent to Wanjia supermarkets and Baijia 24-hour chain stores.

There are more and more goods, so shouldn't it be appropriate to set up a transportation department, hang it up with Zhao's International Traders, and spread it all over Hong Kong?

From production to retail, Zhao Donghuai has established a one-stop industry of his own.

The cost is less than 50 Hong Kong dollars, and the retail price is 500 yuan a pair, leaving aside the 10 yuan for a pair of celebrities and tax.

Ten percent tax.

Selling a pair of sneakers for about 500 yuan and paying nearly 100 yuan in tax, Director Zhao basically pockets 350 yuan!

The huge profits from this honest and clean business were enough to make him extremely happy. For the mainland, Zhao Donghuai has always settled in Hong Kong dollars for every additional pair of shoes he sells, which is also the highlight of earning foreign exchange.

It just depends on whether there are more or less people making impulse purchases.

When Li Ming ran back to exchange for the Hua Zai model, Zheng Yijian scratched his head and said to Aaron Kwok, "Brother Cheng, who is the store manager inside? Which celebrity? Why have I never seen him before?"

"I want to buy a pair of her personal sneakers."

Aaron Kwok was stunned, staring at A Jian and smiling meaningfully.


Time flew by.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Wanjia Supermarket in Central closed. Guan Jiahui sat in the store and called once, but no one answered.

She couldn't help but hammered the counter in annoyance and dialed again. After dialing this time, Jia Hui said excitedly, "Aqing, how are the sales of your personal Xiudi shoes? My personal models are going crazy today. Sold more than two thousand pairs.”

"Ever since the news that I was working as the store manager in the Central store spread, many people have been very excited. If it weren't for the Pan-Asian bodyguards and temporary workers prepared in advance, as well as the police to control the scene, it would be really..."

"More than two thousand pairs, I'll take more than twenty thousand!"

"What kind of drama is this woman doing? I can earn hundreds of thousands a month just sitting here selling shoes?"

She originally wanted to call Brother Huai to announce the good news, but she didn't get through. She was probably busy, so she could only call He He to convey the good news.

After she vented her excitement for a while, He Qing said awkwardly, "Sister Jiahui, don't be excited. I'll tell you more exciting news. The Huazi model sold a total of hundreds of thousands pairs in eight branches in one day. .”

"A white woman who is a good girl buys 500 pairs at a time and picks up the goods from the warehouse. There are also fanatical fans from the island country..."

Guan Jiahui, "..."

Her eyes widened and she was a little shocked. Ah Hua drew more than one million a day?

He Qing said quickly, "This is related to the service of Wanjia Supermarket. If customers are not satisfied with their shopping or regret it, they can return it."

"Including our Han Tianxia brand shoes."

"Don't get too excited about how much you're going to sell today. If you wait for a while after watching Quick Chase, your impulse buying frenzy subsides, and a customer who bought too many shoes comes to return it, Wanjia will refund it."

Guan Jiahui was speechless again.

He Qingjiao smiled, "If we don't return the goods, then those who bought too many Han Tianxia Xiu Emperor shoes on impulse will not have to buy new shoes in a year or two? All other brands have been squeezed out."

Jiahui, "..."

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