Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 118 After Emperor Xiu planned Diao Chan women’s shoes

In the large office of Zhao Films, Monica Bellucci held Zhao Donghuai's left arm with both hands, rocked it and smiled coquettishly, "Boss, I will leave it to you from now on."

"I didn't expect that I just came to Hong Kong to chase stars with my classmates, but I actually found myself a boss. Oh my god, you have to be responsible for my future."

Shaking as he spoke.

Zhao Donghuai couldn't help but push her away, "Speak more seriously."

Don’t you know what’s going on with you? This is like hitting someone with the ball again and again while talking.

When she originally watched the first scene of John Wick at 8 a.m., Monica just wanted Director Zhao to introduce some exciting, fun, and impressive things to do in Hong Kong after the movie, so that she could be worthy of this time. Fly from Italy to Hong Kong Island for a star-chasing holiday.

Life is less confusing and boring.

But with Zhao Donghuai's current status, even if he likes her and wants to sign a contract, it would be a good idea to invite her to a movie.

After the screening, he took Monica to his office on the third floor of the theater. He took out the champagne and told Monica that he was the director of John Wick and John Wick.

She is also the owner of a film company in Hong Kong and wants to sign her.

Monica was confused and shocked at the time, and then a little excited. She didn't agree immediately and was still confused about whether it was true or not.

Zhao Donghuai continued to take her to Zhao's Pictures and called Hua Zai.

No problem!

After seeing Andy alive and the huge team of Zhao Films, Monica was really excited and a little confused. This happened so suddenly.

Her original trajectory was to dream of becoming an outstanding lawyer, and she would pay for her freshman and sophomore year to work as a model and make money. After her junior year, she dropped out of school and became a full-time model during the summer vacation.

At the same time, he became very interested in the film and television industry.

However, it was not until the late 1980s that Monica had the opportunity to switch from the modeling industry to the film industry. It is not Hollywood... film and television resources are much scarcer than Hollywood.

At this time, Zhao Donghuai proposed to sign her and make her a singer or film star, and Monica was extremely excited.

It's not impossible to take a break from school or something.

She just came to Hong Kong Island to chase stars with her classmates. She never expected that she would suddenly have the opportunity to become a star herself.

The impact was too great and my mind was too confused.

Zhao Donghuai asked his bodyguard to send her away and told her that she would just give him the answer before her holiday in Hong Kong was over, so there was no need to rush.

After dinner, Monica came to Zhao's Pictures from the hotel and expressed her willingness to sign a contract. After signing the contract, she would fly back to Italy to finish her studies and work in Hong Kong Island after a while.

Because during this day, Monica learned more and more about Zhao Donghuai. She had many newspapers, her own TV station, her own theaters and film companies that repeatedly produced high-quality blockbuster movies.

This is a man who controls the media platform!

There is also Hong Kong's most powerful comprehensive supermarket, a 24-hour convenience store, and you can also call 711.

Mr. Zhao, who is 20 years old and the same age as her, is already worth hundreds of millions of dollars. This refers to a super rich man worth more than 100 million US dollars!

His way of making stars? Cheng Long, Lin Zhengying, Liu Dehua, Zhang Guorong and other Asian celebrities have each earned millions of dollars through advertising cooperation in just a few months.

She and her classmates were able to fly to Hong Kong from Italy to chase stars, and they also witnessed that even if this place is not Hollywood, its ability to create global stars is not weak. Zhang Guorong is in the music industry, and Hua Zai is rising in the film industry. This is not false.

Monica herself is indeed considered excellent. She was admitted to a good public university in Italy, which is not as good as the University of Hong Kong or Qingbei University. It is also one of the top 300 schools in some rankings of global universities.

I am proficient in Italian, good English, and good French.

After such a person understands the general situation, he decisively comes to ask for a contract!

She didn't even bring any Hong Kong lawyers with her, so she could understand English contracts by herself. After all, she was a sophomore in the law department.

After signing the contract, it is also a five-year film, television and song contract plus priority renewal rights.

This girl's attitude is completely different from when we first met her in the morning.

He knows that ghost sisters and ghost wives are generally more unrestrained, and there are many fans who chase Zhang Guorong and Hua Zai, and often want to sacrifice their lives for Ah Wing or Hua Zai.

But Monica's attack on the ball was still a bit foul.

The next moment, Zhao Donghuai said, "I will take care of my studies as soon as possible, and then take time to study acting skills, systematically learn singing skills, and improve my singing skills."

"I signed you just to make a fortune together and win-win. As long as your skills can keep up, I will soon arrange for you to join the crew as a supporting role."

Monica was overjoyed, "Really?"

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "The premise is that you can keep up without getting in trouble."

It doesn't matter, as long as her acting skills can keep up, she can go to the crew of Hurricane 2 to play a small supporting role.

Kwan Ka-wai is a popular singer in Hong Kong Island in Hurricane Rescue 2. When Lam Ching-ying goes to the island country to rescue people, she will also use her connections to ask people in the entertainment industry there to help bring some things, such as guns and so on.

Then we can let Monica guest star as a European and American singer who holds a concert in the island country. Then just give her a song and she will become famous through skilled routines.

How can an ordinary singer help Ying Shuyun buy contraband in an island society with strict gun control? She is a European or North American singer. There are fans of her in the garrison at Amei’s house.

If you could get through the channel to the garrison at Amei's house... not to mention the pistol, the machine gun could be pulled out! Even if you open that channel, no matter how many bastards Uncle Ying, the male protagonist in Hurricane Rescue 2, kills in the island country.

The garrison can escort you out without fear of being caught by the police.

Those are the fathers of the island country. What happened to the few small island country guys who killed you in the movie? There is no doubt that with Monica Bellucci's looks and figure, it is not difficult to become famous in Europe and the United States as long as she has good works.

She became famous much more easily than Zhang Guorong and Andy Lau.

There is no need to say these words to Monica for the time being, but Italy rushed over excitedly after the goal, kissed Zhao Donghuai on the cheek, and then said happily, "Don't worry, boss, I will work hard to study on my own and won't waste this time." Chance!"

Zhao Donghuai waved his hand, "As long as you understand, deal with your studies as soon as possible. It's not too early now. I'll send someone to take you back to the hotel."


On August 2, when the citizens of Hong Kong ushered in a new day, various newspaper stalls on the streets and almost all newspapers were trying their best to promote a piece of news.

Ming Pao: "Shocking, Fast Chase earned 2.83 million local box office on the first day!"

Tiantian Daily: "Zhao Sheng once again achieves new glory, with 2.83 million points aiming at a new record for Asian action movies!"

Kowloon Daily, "The Hong Kong film industry is ushering in a new blowout period..."


Citizens and passers-by who passed by the newsstand began to feel dizzy when they saw this eye-catching title. Then you took one copy and I took one copy and left without leaving.

Although this is the summer season, it is one of the best seasons of the year.

But yesterday there were still many adults working part-time, including Li Ming, Zheng Yijian, Aaron Kwok and other training class students who were originally going to class.

ATV flattered Director Zhao and gave unimportant crews, programs, and even training classes a day off to support (Quick Chase).

Although many people watched John Wick in the evening after get off work, there were also many who didn't have time to watch it.

At a newsstand near Kowloon Tong, Citizen A hurriedly read the headline in black and bold celebrating the box office hit, then rubbed the back of his head and said, "Sold 2.83 million in one day? God, how much do you want to sell? ?”

After hearing this, a certain handsome boy smiled and said, "Uncle, maybe it can break 35 million. In the past, our Hong Kong Island's first record was the solitary tiger, and the local box office was more than 32 million."

"After that comes Hurricane Rescue 31 million, followed by Mr. Zombie 30.82 million!"

"But for those records, the box office on the first day is usually just over 2 million. With a massive sales of 2.83 million in one day, it is very promising to break 35 million."

Citizen A glanced at the handsome boy and cursed, "The guy named Zhao is really good at making money. I remember before the Lunar New Year holiday, the box office record was only over 23 million, right? In just one year, it hit 35 million?"

The handsome boy raised his eyebrows, "That's not true. Zhao Sheng has been in the industry for one year, and he has raised the quality and performance of all Hong Kong movies to a higher level, and it is still a big level!"

Citizen A looked at the handsome boy and complained, "The guy named Zhao won't share his money with you, so why are you so excited?"

The handsome boy stretched out his middle finger and shook it hard at Citizen A. When he was confused and angry, he turned around and ran away, disappearing into the crowd for dozens of seconds before disappearing without a trace.

This handsome boy is Tao Dayu.

Tao Dayu has been playing a small role in Zhao Donghuai's first New World. He has also been playing a small role in several genre-defining handheld photography and fast-editing action scenes.

How could you not be excited and honored?

The citizens angrily jumped on the spot and cursed several times, complaining, "Hey, what a crappy action movie, it's not as good as Crazy Coke. Zhao just can't do it. What kind of action movie can you make? If you have the ability, make a few movies that are better than Crazy Coke." Coke is a better salty and wet film?"

“No action movie is as good as a salty and wet movie!!”

He was cursing.

There were originally words accompanying Tao Dayu. Among the many passers-by who were paying attention, suddenly a tall young man said with a dark face, "Salty guy, what did you say? You said Hong Kong action movies are not as good as those salty ones." piece?"

Not only was this young man angry, but more people around him also took a step forward or stared at him with dark faces.

The middle-aged man immediately lost his temper, apologized with a smile, and ran away quickly.

He likes to watch romantic movies, the bigger the better, but he also knows not to offend all action movie fans.


Hong Kong-wide, almost all places were hit at the box office on the first day, and when the excitement was a little boiling, it was in the main office of Zhao Films.

After a night of hard work.

Guan Jiahui was holding back her sleepiness and asked curiously, "Brother Huai, how much did you make from selling a pair of shoes?"

"I sold more than 2,000 pairs yesterday, which earned me more than 20,000 yuan, but most of them were sneakers and very few leather shoes."

Under this topic, He Qing's face looked excited. It seemed that she was almost sleepy, but didn't she just drink a cup of strong coffee?

Zhao Donghuai didn't mind explaining to them, "Shoes and leather shoes have different positioning from sneakers and sneakers, and the market is also different. Even leather shoes can be distinguished by cowhide, pigskin, sheepskin, artificial leather, etc."

“Different shoe styles have different prices.”

"But no matter what the retail price is, I will earn roughly 350 yuan after tax from a pair of shoes in this city."

Guan Jiahui took a long breath, "Hey, Hua Zai sold hundreds of thousands of pairs of his personal models yesterday, and he could earn more than one million, but your earnings are even more exaggerated and terrifying..."

Calculated based on a net profit of RMB 350 per pair of shoes, Hua Zai sold more than 130,000 pairs of shoes, more than 130,000 pairs of shoes to be precise. Didn’t Mr. Zhao earn nearly HKD 50 million in one day? ?

This is too outrageous!

Zhao Donghuai shook his head, "Shoes are not a fast-selling product. The quality of our shoes is trivial to wear a pair of shoes for one or two years."

“For Jianlibao and beer, I can pick up two million or four to five million a day, and I can earn this steadily every day. But for shoes, I earn 50 million a day. In the next few months, I may only earn tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands a day. "

"Now that you think about it, you think it's the same, right?"

He earned not only 50 million yuan yesterday, but A Hua alone made him nearly 50 million yuan with goods. Other celebrities such as Cheng Long, Zhang Guorong, Lin Zhengying and so on pushed him down.

He made two to three hundred million Hong Kong dollars yesterday!

But as He Qing said, impulsive consumption is the devil. How many people in future generations will want to buy their hands after passionate consumption during the holidays?

Zhao Donghuai has built Wanjia, so he must establish a formal process for returns and refunds to build a good reputation.

As long as those who make impulsive and passionate purchases don't destroy Xiudi shoes and then come back to ask for a full refund.

No matter if you return it today, a week later, or a month later, he will accept the return!

If you wear them for a month at most, jumping around and so on, if the shoes are affected, then you can get a discount and refund.

If you keep it for a month and still haven’t worn it, you’ll get a full refund.

So how much money has been made in this wave is still fictitious and floating. It depends on the long term.

After saying that, he looked at the two women and said, "You are so sleepy and tired, so it is better not to go to the store for business and rest first."

He Qing thought for a while and said, "It's okay, I can still withstand it."

After the movie was screened, the audience who went to buy shoes after being stimulated by the shopping ads unexpectedly discovered that the group of goddess-level salespeople in John Wick were really hiding in stores as store managers?

Then he was stimulated to further consume. This idea was of course planned by Director Zhao.

In the store where Guan Jiahui is in charge, her personal models sell the best, and in the store where Zhu Lin is in charge, Zhu Lin’s models are the best. Of course, this refers to the women who appeared in the Han Tianxia store in Fast Chase.

It can make money, and it's a lot of money... He Qing didn't tell Jia Hui, but in eight stores, He Qing sold more than 5,000 pairs of He Qing's personal silhouettes and mechanized assembly line signature sneakers in one day.

That's more than 50,000 Hong Kong dollars, and the daily income is more than 50,000.

Ah Qing was the first lead singer of a girl group.

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, but Guan Jiahui rubbed his waist, "Forget it, I'll take a nap first, three hours... By the way, Brother Huai, would you like A-Zhen to give me a massage? I'm so tired."

"And when Li Zhi brings the soup and medicine, remember to ask me to get up and drink it."

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

The new video was so exciting that everyone was so excited that they didn’t go home yesterday.

Li Zhi could only cook the decoction at home and deliver it by car.

When Guan Jiahui wanted to go back to rest, Zhao Donghuai suddenly said, "By the way, let me tell you in advance to make preparations."

Director Zhao pressed another button to send a message to the outside, asking A-Zhen to come in and do some work.

When Qiu Shuzhen ran in with a notepad, he spoke, "I plan to wait until John Wick is released and launch the second Han Tianxia brand. This brand is aimed at women in Hong Kong. Women's shoes, whether they are high heels or office shoes." Ethnic flat leather shoes, sneakers, etc. are all new styles.”

"Diao Chan women's shoes!"

"At that time, I plan to plan an event for you, Amin, Ahong, Xiaoli, and Ms. Zhu from the mainland to perform your talents on ATV programs."

"There are two ways, one is to register to vote by phone, and the other is to make statistics based on the sales volume of your personal models and find out who is the best modern Diao Chan in the eyes of Hong Kong citizens."

"The winner can customize a TV series for you with Diao Chan as the protagonist. Don't think the TV series is low-grade. Once the show is done, it will be launched before launching other brands of the four ancient beauties."

"The winner is almost the temporary owner of the title of the most beautiful woman in Hong Kong!"

"This is more precious than Miss Hong Kong!"

He Qing was confused, "Ah? The most beautiful woman in Hong Kong??"

Guan Jiahui was no longer sleepy all of a sudden, her eyes were shining, "This...this...is this okay for me?"

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "Don't worry, as long as you perform well, there will be no problem. Today, major newspapers have begun to help you clear your name. Oriental Daily and Tiantian Daily will smear you together, and Kowloon Daily will help you clear your name."

"Originally when watching the movie, some viewers felt that it was a bit inappropriate for you to be the leading heroine in a blockbuster movie, but it hasn't formed a climate yet."

"We in public opinion are the first to put out our opinions, and beat them to death before they take hold!"

Sister Guan was no longer sleepy at all and rushed over to sell water.

Then another secretary, the serious ATV business secretary, called to report, and Li Zhi came.

When Li Zhi came in with two small barrels of finished Chinese decoction, He Qingcai reacted, "Wait a minute, Brother Huai, after the Liu Xiu brand, even if it sells women's shoes, isn't it the Yin Lihua style? Or Guo Shengtong?"

Zhao Donghuai smiled and shook his head, "Our general brand is Han Tianxia, ​​and we are not telling a separate story. Two of the four beauties in ancient times were radiated from the Eastern and Western Han Dynasties, one is Wang Zhaojun, the other is Diao Chan, and even the sisters Zhao Feiyan and Zhao Hede are not bad either. "

"Even Yang Yuhuan in the Tang Dynasty was still Han. There was no concept of Han in the Xishi era, but the essential nature is the same."

"Don't be too limited in your thinking. Think about it. There are many big-name brands in Europe and the United States, but if you wear a pair of Diao Chan women's shoes, you don't need to promote the brand concept at all. It will give people a different feeling."

"The four beauties of ancient times have long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, right? With the help of Liu Xiu Shoes, when the general brand pattern of Han Dynasty was mentioned, Diao Chan women's shoes took off smoothly."

At this point, seeing that Li Zhi was a little confused, he said, "At that time, we can also announce to all Hong Kong citizens that ordinary private families can also submit information to run for the Diao Chan beauty pageant as long as they feel it is appropriate."

"The age is set at 16 years and above."

"Azhi, you belong to the pseudo-citizen circuit. If you go up to perform your talents, even if you can't win, it's just like making your debut in a corner."

Li Zhi was stunned, "Me? Diao Chan?"

Look at Guan Jiahui, He Qing, and even Qiu Shuzhen, she is so flattered that... Boss, when did you become blind, do I dare to call Diao Chan in front of these two people?

Does being broad-minded mean you can do whatever you want?

Guan Jiahui excitedly took the nourishing decoction, opened the small wooden bucket and ignored the smell, held her nose and drank it.

He Qing also came to drink medicine.

She does not have kidney deficiency or back pain for the time being, but there are still signs of a trend.

After drinking, Guan Jiahui blinked, "I'm not afraid of anyone as far as beauty is concerned. I just don't have any talent. How about lip-syncing alone??"

Director Zhao wanted to facepalm, "That doesn't matter, anyway, our most fundamental purpose is to promote new brand shoes and sell more."

“One of the four beauties, Diao Chan’s women’s shoes, the more attention they attract, the better. It’s best if the limelight can overshadow the Miss Hong Kong beauty pageant!”

"When I finish speaking, I will inform the ATV training class that female students there can also sign up!"

The Miss Hong Kong beauty pageant is concentrated in August or September, and the finals are often in mid-September. Some years may be affected by fluctuations.

Next year, during the period when Qiu Degen was in control of ATV, ATV also began to hold the Miss Asia beauty pageant.

Director Zhao only needs to brag about ATV's selection of the best candidate for modern Diao Chan during the middle and late stages of the show, and he can grab all the candidates for this year's Miss Hong Kong!

Who is the Miss Hong Kong Champion in 1984? Forget it, not too important.

The most important thing is the Xiudi shoes worn by men. The hot sales in this city are no longer a dream. They have already exploded. The next model is the women's Diao Chan shoes from the Han Tianxia series.

The greater the momentum of this event and the more people pay attention to it, the easier it is for Diaochan shoes to sell out all over the world.

Director Zhao smiled and said to Kwan Jiahui, "The effect of running an event is no less than that of a commercial or movie. As long as it becomes a hit, you will lose to A Min or A Hong. The personal Diao Chan women's shoes that you endorse can also sell out. It’s too soft to let you draw a split.”

"When it comes to clearing your name, your experience may not be a plus."

Guan Jiahui's eyes widened, wait, in his heart, he is not as beautiful as Zhou Huimin or Chen Hong? At this moment, Sister Guan felt that it didn't seem that important how much money she sold or how much commission she took.

Well, her mistake was giving birth a few years too early.

Qiu Shuzhen laughed excitedly while recording, "Boss, I sold more than 300 pairs of my personal Xiudi shoes yesterday. It's just that I'm too transparent and I'm too lazy to wait until after get off work to leave."

For more than 300 pairs of personal models, you can get more than 3,000 Hong Kong dollars.

For Azhen, who has only played a few supporting roles and has no songs, this is a lot!

Her basic monthly salary is only 3,000 yuan.

Almost all girls of current age in Hong Kong understand what kind of big stage it is to be a Hong Kong sister. If this program where the whole people chooses the modern Diao Chan is successfully run.

This is an excellent debut program!

After getting excited, Qiu Shuzhen grimaced again, "But I have no talent, what should I do?"

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "If it doesn't work, you can just cook on the show."

Anyway, 16-year-old Azhen has no popularity, so it is impossible to choose the honorary title of Modern Diao Chan. She can just show up casually and sell a few more personal products.

Qiu Shuzhen's eyes widened with a look of disbelief on her face, "Cooking on this kind of show?"

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Isn't it incredible that Cai Lan, one of the four great talents, is not also half supported by his reputation in the food world? You can cook, right?"

Qiu Shuzhen, "..."


She is only proficient in massage, but this thing can't be performed on a TV show, and if you really perform it, you don't know what the citizens will think of you.

As we all know, massage girls here in Hong Kong often walk on the beach, constantly wandering between going ashore and going to the sea.


after a while.

Guan Jiahui went to rest and sleep, and Li Zhi also left with He Qing. Only then did Zhao Donghuai receive a call from Amei's house.

It belongs to Green Hair Ross. Since July 27th, Zhang Guorong has announced that he will be chased after the concert. After thousands of people sang in the concert, he called on fans to continue to watch Lonely Flying Tiger, while announcing that the protagonist of Flying Tiger, A Hua, his Chorus teammate Ah Hua.

The new action drama Fast Chase is scheduled to be released on August 1st.

Warner also launched normal promotions, and the result was that yesterday, August 1st, it grossed $4.03 million at the box office throughout the day.

Yesterday was Wednesday, which is also summer time!

John Wick is different from John Wick. In the early stage, Hong Kong residents did not need to rely on A Mei's box office power to stimulate the Hong Kong box office. With this news, he was not so urgent.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and wrote down, "There are no additional actions. Let's hide the box office of Amei's house first. When the local movie-watching wave becomes tired and lacks stamina, we can then hit Amei's box office bomb to stimulate the movie fans."

At this moment, Guan Jiahui, who said she was sleeping, opened the door again, walked over and collapsed, "I can't sleep."

Zhao Donghuai, "???"

Sister Guan didn't say anything and started snoring within two minutes of lying in his arms.


Hong Kong Island enters a great time on August 2nd.

In Barcelona, ​​when it was time to call it a day after filming a scene, Cheng Long quickly entered a state of relaxation, leaned close to the heroine Lola Fanna, and asked the translator to help translate.

Behind the viewfinder, Hong Qianbao looked at Aaron and then at Laura, waving to Yuan Biao with a curious look on his face. When his junior brother came over, Sanmao scratched his head and said, "Along has changed his temper? When did he rush to the street? So honest?"

"How did I discover that in the past two months, although he has been pestering Laura, it is not what we thought."

Yuan Biao also scratched his head, "Indeed, he was too honest this time..."

Among the brothers, I don’t know who is who. Aaron just feels that action scenes are too dangerous. He is afraid that one day the filming will be over, disabled or lost. He spends the money he has and has sex with women, never delaying the enjoyment of life.

Aaron is a character who almost never stops when he conquers every crew member.

After a while, Cheng Long took the translator to finish the exchange with Laura. When he came to the senior brother, he couldn't help but sigh, "Fuck, each generation is really getting more powerful than the last generation. I heard from my godfather that someone at Warner Bros. has come up with 2 million yuan." Dao, please ask A Hua from the Lonely and Rapid series to help them act."

"Two million dollars, the salary is 15.6 million Hong Kong dollars!"

"How long has it been since that guy debuted? John Wick is his eighth movie. Really, I'm envious and jealous."

Hong Qinbao smiled and said nothing, just stared at Aaron. Yuan Biao did the same. A few minutes later, Cheng Long vented a few words again before looking at the two of them unnaturally, "What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?"

Hong Qinbao shook his head, "No, you are right, I am also envious and jealous, but I am more curious, why did you lose your temper?"

They came to Spain with a large team to shoot the food truck on June 10, after Mr. Zombie was officially released in Hong Kong.

It's been almost fifty days.

The movie hasn't been finished yet, but for the past forty or fifty days, Aaron's attitude toward the heroine Laura Fangna has been a bit strange. They had not asked about it before, but Cheng Long had to deal with it.

Cheng Long was embarrassed and refused to explain. When Cai Lan, Wu Ma, Cen Jianxun and others gathered around to make fun of him and question him, Aaron just responded with a few words in embarrassment and ran away again.

He felt miserable.

If Zhao Sheng hadn't spoken, he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to grasp the depth of the white actress and wanted to help him check it. He, Aaron, would have been a dignified... little whirlwind on the boat! At least fifty horses!

Zhao Sheng has spoken. No matter what he thought at the time, only a few months have passed. Zhao Sheng's structure and status are completely different from when he first bought ATV in March.

What can he do? Until now, it has not been finalized to ask Laura to fly back to Hong Kong Island with their crew to develop in Hong Kong Island.

He didn't dare to talk nonsense.

When Lin Zhengying and Liu Dehua easily surpassed his status in the action field, Aaron was very tired. You know, from his debut to now, he has not been in weird movies like Cannonball Speed.

Not counting the five lucky stars of clever tricks.

The highest box office of the movie he starred in was only Plan A, which was less than 20 million in Hong Kong Island.

Lin Zhengying already has two local blockbusters worth 30 million, and Andy Lau is seeing the same, and like him, they are also popular in the island country.

In the North American and European markets, they are also more successful than Cheng Long!

How long have you been a big brother in the action field before you are suppressed? Being suppressed by A Ying and Uncle Ying was nothing, but being suppressed by Liu Dehua, a junior, made Cheng Long unconvinced and depressed.

He didn't care whether Zhao Sheng's carrot and stick stretched too far, and they all fled from Hong Kong Island to Europe.

Before the filming of "Food Truck" was completed, Laura Fonna did not agree to go to Hong Kong together, so she had no choice but to spend money... After Zhao Sheng was not satisfied, she directed a new action film with him as the protagonist.

It's okay to find a modern action drama script that suits his style.

The worst case scenario is for Zhao Sheng's company to also inject capital and take a large share. This Jiahe should not refuse.

There is no way to refuse.

Didn't you see that Wuxianhuai said at the beginning that he wanted to invest in Wanjia chain supermarkets? If he could, it would be directly screened across the board (Crazy Coke). Zhao Donghuai refused, and Jiahe was still screened across the board (Crazy Coke).

The box office split after the release was not just 50-50, it was a fair and equitable split, with no delay or pressure at all, and no box office fraud.

Today, with Zhao Donghuai’s influence in the Hong Kong film and television industry? Zou Wenhuai couldn't even think of resisting.

A few days ago, his godfather He Guanchang had discussed with him in private, do you think it would be okay if Zou Sheng could follow Lei Juekun's example and acquire a newspaper and follow Zhao Sheng to do business in the mainland.

Lei Juekun's various paper products businesses have not yet produced exciting advertising films to promote them, but he spent money to hire Guan Jiahui, He Qing, Zhou Huimin, and Hu Huizhong to shoot a series of lipstick and tissue business.

Each person is given 30,000 yuan in red envelopes to shoot advertisements. The specific endorsement fee is also how much per box sold. There are also advertisements for high-end makeup remover tissues, and the 30,000 yuan in red envelopes plus bonus... That's not even a dime.

A bag of makeup remover wipes or lipstick wipes cannot be used by a roll of toilet paper.

Women are easy to make money, selling them is more expensive than rolling paper, and their success in drawing is higher.

Then after the advertisement was released, it was put on the shelves of Wanjia Supermarket and Zhao Donghuai's Baijia chain. It is said that after a while, the best-selling Zhou Huimin model, Amin also took hundreds of thousands of dollars.

That was less than a month ago.

He Qing also received 80,000 to 90,000 Hong Kong dollars.

They made a good profit, Lei Juekun made several million in cash net profit from these two, in less than a month!

Under this situation, Cheng Long felt that as long as Zhao Donghuai was willing to write a script suitable for his acting style, invest in becoming the first brother, and Jiahe be the second child, there would be great hope.

The filming of the food truck was almost finished, and Aaron just felt that Alexander was not happy at all.

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